The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, May 11, 1894, Image 4

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THE WED AND BLACK. RKMOHTJIF.NIAS MX JKTY. TIIK NORMAL SCHOOL. Ah staled in last issue, Saturday was devoted entirely to the Fresh-1 norn „| ic hool will man medal contest. The content, according to trustee* requirements, wan |>artii foiled in hy eight speakers. These were Messrs. son, Hendricks, If. K. White, De- f-oacli, Floyd, Neialer, Mice and Borne. They all acquitted them- The meinhcrsof the Imalcluh are the most enthusiastic sportsmen in This year's session of the State college. HOW THE WATCH ST0PPL1). selves honorably, hut Mr. Floyd successful one. he^in at Hock college on the 17th of July, and will continue for four weeks. Tui tion in free and liuard at <3.00 per i week. The faculty is made up of the very heat teachers of the State, and the I seas ion promises to he a line and won the medal. The climate, water and uliiios- I lie awarding committee, Messrs, phere of this region make it a de- I. S. Mell, (foodloe Vancey and I • : lightful place to spend the sum men \\. Heed said the speeches would besides the advantages to he derived have done credit to the Senior class, i f rom nn attendance on one of the and aaid that it was almost a tie he ft — — » “ * ^ P =. f =’ g. = Z. » I |'= = ini * s- * — «U 2 — 1C * v< w'l «l X » * 8 a ri w'l x - - x - x ■n r r ^ r n K * The diltidcnl young man had wanted to propose to the girl, hut for the life of him lie did not know how to get about it. lie read hooks oil the subject and sought informa tion from ini'll who had experience, and while the theories were admira ble in every instance, he found that the practice thereof was a dilTereut tiling. How is walking with her one evening, thinking over these things, when her shoe became un tied. She stuck out her pretty little boot with a Hiuflc, looked down at it, and he fell on Ins knees and tied tho luce. Then he walked on with her, and the shoe became untied again. Shoes do that with great persistency, it seems, especially these summer shoes. The third lime it happened he ready, as before. ' "See if you can’t tie a knot that j will stick,” she said, as lie worked , away at it. He looked up at her tenderly. “If I can’t, I know a man who I call," lie s.Tld. • “l>o you waul him to tie it?" she asked coquetlislily. es," lie replied. Shi' jerked her foot away. He smiled to himself. ‘‘It’s the parson," lie said, and he rose to his feet and finished thu , while |>r»otietn K for Field Day. work Detroit Free IVew. . i; lw -• if* * T . » r r '• « ft = “ “a* 5 ® * — _ as i * 2 » 2 i : i : Commence men t this season prom ises to be some what gay, though we have heard of nothing as to entertainments. There has been a considerable amount of sickness among thu stu dents recently. C'oi.i-K<iK Pink. sold most all his second order of the new college pins and will keep them in stock hereafter. on one best Normal schools in this part of tween three of the speakers. These Oic country, are believed to have been Larson, — - —- Floyd and Harm-, while many spoke COMPARATIVE COLLEGE RECORDS, very highly of Mr. Noisier. Thu committee will please accept our sincerest thanks for their ser vices, and be assured that the so ciety appreciates them in the high est degree. Mr. Bacon, of I’lii Kappa society, presided over the debate in his usual lazy and pleasant hearing. IIK GOT THERE. The following list of the best Knglish tnd American college ath letic records has recently been com piled : ’£ £ If Z z” s' *£ ^ !T ~ _ -■ It ~p r £ i; 2.1 ^ ~ ^ x* r Wliep you want your oM shoes ininle new with white Moles anil in visible patches, Mend them to I. T. Derricolte, next door to Johnson dye house, No. 8 Clayton St., Athens, (in. Kvery job guaranteed. A lady about to boil an ej;n for her hiiKhand*H breakfast, asked the loan of his watch to time the boiling. “Your wat di lias stopped/’ sbe cried; letinite vet the ,H *>n, and I can t tell bow long it ought to remain in the kettle.” The husband hastened to the stove and was horror-struck to find that the good woman hud dropped bis tdegnnt gold watch into the kettle, bolding the egg to hei ear. Of course the watch had to he put into the jewelers hands to have the water taken out and he put in order. J. 1*. C. A. Sctidder has Stevens dr Hro., 47 Whitehall St., Atlan ta. (■ *., wi re fully equal to thu emer gency and the watch made as good as new. By the way, this firm employs only skilled workmen, and your watch will always he safe in their hands. They pay express charges on work sent them tor examination. nruors OK A l[(! It. VI'-A, FINE TAILORING The largest Stork of Men’s Furnish ings in the State. ATIIKXS IIAKDWAKK C0‘. — DKAl.KlIS IN — t»uiis. Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery &c AOKXTS FOB Kt.KCTIlIC It A/.OK. J. W. BROWN 8c SONS # Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TIN WAKE, S I.VEK PLATED WAKE, STOVES, (.KATES, Woml aiul Willmv Ware, and Houscfiir- I nishing (moils Generally. 7 ItKOAI) ST., ATHENS. GA N. REPAIRS WA'ITllKS AM) -IKWKl.ltV OF ALL I)KSrilll*TlOXs. A ITI.I. LINK OF (il.ASS.: . <’la)ton St. opposite post-otlice. DUINK DKI.ICIOUS *J4> and -j:»o Broad St. Athens, (tu Cures He idache end Exhaustion 44 dTLflfTM : SPcCidL.' NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HIDING ON THE “ATLANTA SPECIAL.’ /Ska aoa rn Ai a-Li xk.<««- NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH. shout Link hktwkkx Atukns, Oa., Attn Atlanta, Ga., and ai.i. Wkstkiin a»i> Soi tiihin Points. VIA ATLANTA. Mr. Mize has about recovered from a severe knee sprain, received It affords us much pleasure to The dormitory hoys have bought leatu llinl Mi. IV J. ShcaroUHo has two beautiful water tanka and now won a Junior speaker* place upon have ice-water to drink nearly all class stand. This is an honor that the time. Except when some self anyone may well feel proud of; and i~h, thoughtless, ill-mannered and though we were not surprised for ungentlemanly dead heat steals the he is leading his eouisc—yet Ins ice out of the eisteru. well-known honest studious amH -»•* — persevering habits make it Some of the hoys are already stu- larly pleasing. dying tiuils. Miort line to New Orleans and Texas. Arkansas and Louisiana, Through Pullman ItulTet Sleepers between Athens, Ga., and Portsmouth, Va., offeriug a variety of routes by rail and water or all rail to llalti- more, Philadelphia. New York, Iloston, Providence ami the East. SHORT LINE TO Charlotte. V ('.. Wilmington. \ C.. Raleigh N. C., Norfolk. Ports mouth, Petersburg and Old Point Comfort, Va. THROUGH ( Alt LINE TO CHARLESTON, S. C. Making the entire run in daylight, a great comfort to ladies. No transfer, affording unbroken travel by short line to Columbia, S. (’., Sumter, S. C., and Eastern South Carolina. QUICKEST AND REST FREIGHT ROUTE Between Athens. Ga., and the North and East. Shortest and quick est freight route between Athens. Ga., and the West and Southwest. Call on all agents of the Seaboard Air-Line for rates, schedules and other information. H. W. 15. GLOVER, O. V. SMITH,, Traf. Mgr. Div. Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga T. J. ANDERSON. Pass. Agt.. Norfolk, Va.