The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, September 29, 1894, Image 3

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THE RED AND BLACK. town dNb canrvis. Mr. Charley Nishet a graduate of ’93 is spending a while in the city. The reception tendered the stu dents by the Y. M. C. A. last Friday night was quite a neat affair and was much enjoyed by the boys. Miss Meta Steedly, of Greenville, S. C., is spending awhile in the city. Rev. K. W. Black being absent from the city last Sunday, l’rof. Wilcox conducted services at the Kpiscopal church. Mr. Henry Brown one of last year’s graduates has accepted the piece of Asssstant City Engineer here. We are certainly glad to know that Henry's genial face will again be seen in the Classic city. Mr. James Black '9-"> has gone to Washington and Lee to take a course of law this term. Mr. Eugene Murphey will enter into business with his father this fall, in Augusta. Chas. Tidwell, who is now in Atlanta, spent a few days in Athens last week. Tint Uei> and Bi.ack welcomes Profs. Patterson and Belcher, to the “U. of G.” 4 Popular Garments for Stylish Dressers. DnH orirj Dlnnl/ "T E OXrORb/* “THE QdMBRIbQE." llull (Hill DlflulV' "TIL SWELL/’ “OMR REQENT Now on Display at CHAS. MORRIS’, Recognized Headquarters for Fine Clothing, Furnishings and Hats The “Students hand book” issued Our friend, Fred Johnson, whose by the Y. M. C. A. of the University place of business is next to the is certainly an encyclopedia of col- University Bank, is acknowledged lege information in a n t shell and to be one of the best barbers in the rejects much credit on Messrs, state. Barnwell, Madden and Clark who W. B. Armstrong, '94, is studying got it up. medioine in Atlanta. Perry Hill, '97, is attending the A. & M. College at Auburn, Ala. The Augusta fool ball team went into practice a week ago “Larry” According to the new schedule, the Sophomores are studying Phys ios this year. C. 11. Holden, '96, spent a few OUK SPECIAL AtiKNT, I). W. MeGREGOft, A THE//S, GA., Is Instructed to give to Clubs our l.owest Itntes on all our goods. 1 into sprinters of the very first wa ter. Hccently several interested | spectators watched them careen around the gridiron at a rate which was positively appalling to contem plate. On last Tuesday evening, Hon. Patrick Walsh, of Augusta, U. 8. Senator from this Stale, addressed a large and enthusiastic audience at the opera house. In the course of his oration Mr. Walsh paid a glow ing tribute to the University, which Murphey an old 'Varsity hoy will days at home last week, play on it. The Sophs, are complaining be- We nre glad to see Col. Snelling ,-aiise they have to buy a 14.50 at his desk again. Physios, a $3.0' 1 History, and have Warren '93 is again with us tak to pay 5.00 for Chemical Lab. a course of Law. II. A. Alexander, '93, is studying It is rumored that Big Smith will law at the University of Virginin. again he with us. His voice it j Ho „ Hokt . Smith wU , , ddn . M the much missed in the campus. . u f Athens at the opera houic Miss Elinor Carol!, a charming | tonight. young ladv ol Augusta, who has ... , , • , „ , ... ... Eugene alurphoy, of last year s been the guest of the Misses l ari , , ... , , , , ,, , , , Junior ciass, will return after Mr. Marion Ridgley, of Augusta, ton, left last Monday for home. Christmas and i nter '90 is expected in the city this after- We are glad to see Nally '93 noon to make a short visit to Rev. again with us. Messrs. Diaper and Lyndon have R W. Black. Miss Agnes Hogan, of Carlton,' dcvelo P«‘L <•*»•">« the past few days, The members of the Chi Phi fra- Ga., is visiting Miss Lucy Bishop ternity, indulged in a tally ho ride of this city. last Monday afternoon. The '95 election last Friday was Let s‘ach and every loyal 'V/rsity quite exciting, man subscribe lo The Rkii and Bi.ack and thereby .keep up with ollege news. The Ivy uihliug is undergoing some repairs wbi h have been much needed since the snow storm last winter. Green Johnson '93 spent a few days hi re last week. Green will return to college in January and enter the Law class. Is’nt it about time the '98 men decided on a class yell and colors? We are gl til to note the prompt ness with which the boy appear on the Gridiron for practice. This means a good team for the U. of G. this season. Trainer Winston is expected this week. Dr. Herty has charge of the Senior Chemistry cl *ss now. Subscribe to The Rkd and Bi.ack, * oys and patronize those who ad vertise in our college paper. Barnum and Bailey’s circus is hilled here for October 18th. W. A. Fuller, '94, is teaching j , school in Atlanta, and will enter the Suits to Order a Specialty. Special Uuivertity Law Class after Christ- | mas. Discount to Students. i^fiEST’* ,h * 229 BROAD STREET. All orders and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic Goods of our make are referred to him. Mr. John D. Stelling’94 will soon make a visit to the city. Miss Blanche Wilson has re turned to her home in Birdstown after a visit to Mrs. Anbury Hodg son. I.ucp Cobb lias three new milli- lions to their faculty this year. Mr. C. II. Black, 9x has accepted received with great applause. the position of Athens oorrcsiion- . . ' . ... ... . , Francis Cincinnatiis Richmond, dent for the Atlanta Commercial. ! , .. ... , , , , . , 96, whose health obliged hint to Mr. Black is a writer of ability and ’ _ r , no doubt will furnish interesting leave college las year, is now North letters to uis paperduring the year. 0,1 * pleasure trip. 1). C Barrow, 3d, '94, is studying The Sophs, are most extremely bw in Savannah. happy aiuce they are able lo irni- P. L. Fleming, '94, has entered late the higher olaM men by reciting business in Atlanta. i “Charby. ’ mm c if CRN a. CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND HA TIERS, A. C. SPALDING ft SONS., NEW YORK. CLlNB & GO., Faskionable Jailors, Under Y. M. C. A. Building. Dress Suits a Specialty. IK YOU WANT THE BEST STUDY - LAMP On Earth, Comfortable ami Pleasant to the Eye, try the IMPROVED . ROYAL, With Lighting Attachment, which ena bles you to light your lamp without re moving chimney or shade. Sold hy J: W, BROWN & SONS 2X7 Broad St., Athena, lia. ATHENS HARDWARE CO. — IHULKKM IM — (•iiriH, Platola, Ammunition, Cutlery Ac. AOKNTft FOR i ''OR. 248 and /*' it M.