The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, October 06, 1894, Image 1

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f i Q o. r V y>\iA> THE RED AND BUCK. VOL. 2. UNIVEHS1TY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, HA.. OCTOBER 0, IMU. NO. 2. From College J*«i\s of thallriad of organiaediniq,,itie,: The O. B., The Thalians, and Zeta I Chi. It in said that this advice mis- j represented the sentiment of the As sociation, and this year the Manual The idea originated with Lamar has “it (The Thalians) comprises ON COLLEOK TOPICS The Thalians. K. K. Dougherty, it:., S. V. Brooks, W. arrangement have been made. P. K. Holan<l, 'll”, Sam Hawes, (Law) ’pi,„ , . . ' ’ ' '< llie nrst game now under consid- I’. K. Smith, ''.W, and Klton Osborne, ; '9B. Manager, Jno. W. Welch. The Thalians have determined to eration is with Augusta on tho , , , . . .... , . ,, . pay the expenses incidental to a Lyndon 93, and to him, undoubted- the best dramatic talent in the Uni- , . , , , , . ... , . ,. I,;. , , , foot-ball trainer. They usually do ly, belongs the credit of founding versuy, and has given J J twentieth. Larry Murphy, who played good hall here last year, is captain, and promises to make it “hot for iis if we come. The inan- The Thalians. Coming from Cor- cessful performances.” nell, where he had seen The Masque ! Tho government of the Club is in successful operation, he was in a delegated largely to three of its of- position to know the nature and re- fleers—the Manager, the Stage Man- quirements of such organizations, ager and Musical Director. There lie and two class-mates, Geo. Hill- is also an Executive Committee yer, Jr., and Charles B. Nisboti which is appointed and presided whom he consulted, selected the first members, viz : II. M. Dorsey, 11. A Alexander, E. W. Barnwell, Robert | ....... v • . a nvi uniiiiu • «IW I , . several sue- wh#t u , ey , ry tQ ( , 0> wi „ th; , a *' m «“ t 1 _‘*_ m « k,n * <*rrangeme„U lime, if the student body will con tinue its support; and, ns Speaker Crisp says, “Of them we have no fears. II out mint Bacon. J. Gantt and Jerry Cahauiss of ’93, George Beckett’94, Shirley Brooks, J.A. Morton and Holcombe Bacon of ’96. These were called together Jnnuiry 17th, 1893, when the origi nal three ran the meeting so suc cessfully that Mr. Lyndon was made President,Mr. Hillyer Business Man ager and Mr. Nishet Critic. The other officers W'ere H. M. Dorsey Vice President, and George Beckett Mu sical Director. Two facts are sig nificant about the beginning of this On the Gridiron. The praoticc games have been the feature on the Campus during the over by the President, and which exercises a general supervising in fluence. The programme is arranged , ' Mt we ‘‘ k ' 0,,r trai " or > Mr ’ Wi " H - by the Programme Committee. The , l0 " had thc me " » l wol k ‘wico new members are first selected by a day ' 1,88 tlu ‘ m 01,1 *" llle the Membership Committee and the l,,ori,in * at a, ' vpn ' 811,1 l,1 « afternoon names are then voted upon by the I at ,0Ur ,hirty ' •>« >»*«n getting Club. They are chosen solely for " ldendid work ° ut of lll « ,n > 8,1,1 8,1 merit—friendship and politics have no influence. While the discussion i with Auburn, Suwanoe, University of N. 0., Mercer, on the seeond of November in Macon, during the Stnte fair, and several other col leges. Nalley and Shackleford have not yet decided whether they will return to college this year. They are splendid men, and all the influence possible should ho brought to bear upon them to return. Now hoys do not let your interest lag one hit, for the time iH close up on us to meet the enemy, and if von of college politics as an institution I found 0,11 lhoy won1,1 ha »« to ‘'n is on, it may lie interesting to note, ,kcy Hay ,lley w111 Ilot l ,la y f' 1 ' in passing, that The Thalians pre- and dril1 l0 °' Now ll,i " 1H 8 club —one that college politics did not control its meetings thc other and good direction of affiirs. that a proposal to make the ballot! The Thalians are possibly the most on new members secret was voted successful College Dramatic Asso down, because “it might bring eiation in the South, all things cou- aboul corruption.” The name was sidered. The Club differs, perhaps sent an organization entirely free funDy , P ir ‘ t for lllt ' to from its influence. The result has foHl ' ‘ H a ,luw i,lca t0 advance, been prosperity, unity of effort, sup- , ‘" lt t,M ' ol, j , ‘ , ' t of ,oot 1,811 18 t«. get port from all factions, good feeling, ° Ut of dri11. have the interest of your college at prospect, were for a splendid team, heart, you do not want to see her lo day, however, when the scrubs ,b,wnc,l |, y anybody. We have lost lots of time already and have iio more to spare. This afternoon let ver y us see plenty of men out to give the team all they can do. And not only that, our trainer and caplaiu both told me there were yet six or seven Me agree fully with plaoos on the team doubtful. There those who think that the “scrubs' should he excused by the faculty in order to practice the college team, hut if the faculty has decided other wise, we think the men when they m are plenty of men who have good chances to make the team, if they will only work for them. chosen because we wished lo make wisely, from the Dramatic Clubs of can w111 ol1 * 8,1,1 llel P the tea the Club essentially a Comedy Club, thc great Northern Universities, in 811lla> y c *n. If this spirit prevails for comedy, we pre-eminently proper , „ B ge histrionics. its honorary members. Certainly " e hail Getter let Mr. Winston re NEW YORK ■inch assistance l “ r " to New York, and countermand IL considered, is the that it invites to participation in its 11 needless to say we will not be \ SPALDING A SON 1 ? per sphere of col- performances certain young ladies, *’° ll8Vt ‘ 8 team here this year. ®*1 its honorary members. Certainly Since its inception, this club has they have been of much assistance given four regular entertainments in the past. first, minstrels, specialties and a The Club's prospects now seem ink act farce ; second two one-act bright. This time last year the min- farces with specialties between ; agement was floundering, bewilder- third, minstrels, specialties and a ed, in a slough of manuscript and two act comedy; and fourth, a three plays and music, and most of our act play, Charley’s Aunt under an material was an unknown quantity, alias—steadily growing in the Now we have selected our hill, cast at 14 1,1 amount of work attempted, and im- the parts, and expect soon to he re k,,ow that EOR SALK, the order for uniforms. As our trainer aptly said, “ Where in that Southern spirit and enthusiasm Milltar J ('oat, Pant*, shako which we have heard so much about ani1 Accoutrements—all for $*,oo. for years past?” We all know Al>1 * ,lr ®. W. ItKAB, or it is hero in abundance, and * 1- GIBSON, when tne men ooine to look 1 shoo Hall, the right light, -we no man in the Uni.! •J. N. WILLIAMSON, :RT AND TEED ST/IBL Handsome Turn-Outs■ O'P, we - proving in the character of the work hearsing in dead earnest. We have vornity,* if he can, will allow LIVERY AND TEED STABLES done. Since the beginning, too, its enough old men to get along with, foot-hull to fall through. In inter I method has developed, the Business and the new ones have piored their viewing Dr. Herty, George Butler,,.. ........ Manager has become Manager and ability. and the trainer, they all agree that j y \| °v A^iTani, vr , <W,TK the Critic is now Stage Manager. The next performance will occur "hould the men not come out, we; Financially The Thalians have in about two months. The hill is would have no team. Interviewing ' done remarkably well, thanks to the Hamlet Revamped and set to mu- the trainer further as regard ability in the Business Department, sic. The east consists of: tactics, he said that it was hii the liberal patronage of our Alliens T)le oiioafe of Hamlet, King l,ial 10 i ,ut f°°t- ,,a11 on a firm foot- PER TON. friends and the hearty support of of Denmark.... E. C. Kyals, '9c. ing in the South (which has not yo|kf on/ | ril , nAA | „„ J T/\11{a* the student holy. For these latter The Ghost’s Voice Oscar Lyndon, in-. been done), we should copy as far How dear to our heart Is we have always been and are most Hamlet, a Student M. P. Hall,'an. as possible the Eastern t« ams. j < ash on subscription, grateful. Horatio,Hamlet’sChum.J.A.Morton,'96. Twenty years ago the teams of the When the generous subscriber No overt hostility baa ever been ! >, .' 1 ‘T"‘ John Ridley «. East were in the same fix as those of Presents It to view. manifested to The Thalians, if we (;i .“ ru de" Oueen of Den the ' Wh ' They had to copy. B,U the man who don't pa,- except the utterance of the Y. M. G. „ lark .... Holcomb Bacon, W1, Y * bou| d not we do It? fot | . tr| , npt Keot , e re>(ler A. Manual for’93 '94, which advised Ophelia .... E. J. Orr,'95. The men go to the training table That man might be you. the incoming Freshmen to beware Students of W ittenslmrgh University, Monday, for which all the necessary —Chatham Courier. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA I.ill RAWER MANUSCRIPT COLLECliON .fed A/joyr/i S’c' r xp b o 0!^ r