The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 10, 1894, Image 4

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THE HKD AND BLACK. About the Football Team. The team play* Wofford at Spar tanburg thiaafternoon,anil although they outweigh u* about twenty Poverty." pounds to the man, our boy» have student* \ A New Song. The following la to be sung to that fa- A Rambling Itaki- of We would suggest that if the miliar tune : With “Cow" and Kent and six-two Price A thousand yards we ll make. While Spain and Shack, and Herbert Stubba Around the ends will fly riah to sing this song, they Until the ball lias been touched down- no f«ar» of being beaten. The game lhou |,| pr e, e rve this copy of the paper to T1,en WolTord > wil >die last Saturday with Columbia must : learn the words have een very poor,from the score, ami as Governor Tillman and his I wife saw it, we have no doubt that English, Irish, Volapuk, And l.atin. German. Greek We are the jolly Georgia boys And many tongues we speak football made a very bad impres sion on the Czar, and he will no | doubt haVe .» law passed in the next We astonish our professors With the learning we possess ; , * ... We never answer unprepared General Assembly forbidding any . . , 11 u , ,, ' And never have to guess, noiltli l arolimaii ever again to plat , .. „ 'J CHORUS. football. We think our team has improved j very much since their game with Sewance, but believe them is still ; great room for improvement. The | interference continues to be very poor and the scrubs seem to have little trouble in breaking it up. Tin men have got to work hard if they expeel to do anything with Auburn on the twenty-fourth. To one who is not on the itinide, mid of course does not know the We never, never, never, never, never have to guer * ; We never, never, never, never, never have to guess ; We astonish our professors NN itli the learning we possess ; We never answer unprepared And never have to guess. An«l at the game of foot-ball Our knowledge is complete ; Around the ends we send our hacks For they have .wing ed feet. They circle the end ho swiftly The foe is in distress ; And never have to guess. ciloBls. We never, never, never, never, nevi have to guess ; We never, never, never, never, nov have to gueMM ; They circle the end ho swiftly The foe is in distress ; For they are the fearless Georgia hoys A«»d never have to guess. reasons the management may have, Kor the . T are tlle fearless Georgia boys it use ins that they could have done better from a financial standpoint than they have. Here -t is we have played three games and a*e in debt. Kvery other team wc have played baa made money. They always re. oeive guaranteed expenses and ball ths gale receipts over. We gel ex penses guaranteed and nothing more. If they do not pull up in the games to come they will be consid erably in debt. It seems that the management w ill never learn that ilj is their duty to keep the men off the field while a practice game is going on. Here one day last week L>.\ llerly came lery near getting into trouble with some of the men, be cause he asked them to stand back behind the lines. The Harvard Quartette. These noted singers made a de cided hit at the Y. SI. C. A. last night. Every selection, both class, ic and comic, was encored by the enthusiastic audience. Mr. |loy«| nas the moat wonderful tenor voice over heard in Athens, while Mr. Thomas has one of the strongest and dee|te*t bass voices. Miss Gleason rendered her humorous and drainat ic recitations excellently. Ami when the opponents* ends are strong Light through the lino they break ; Wc depend upon our centre men A great hig hole to make. They'll never disappoint us. Our enemies will confess ; For they are the fearless Georgia boys Who make their rivals guess. < Holll'H. Who make, who mate, who make, who make, who make their rivals guess; Who make, who make, who make, who make, who make their tivals guess; They'll never disappoint iih. Our enemien will confeBs; For they are the fearless Georgia hoys Who make their rivals guess. The last two verses were written for the Wofford game. We arc waiting to receive any number of good songs for the Auburn game. Everybody try to write. cnoaus: ( Then Wofford, Wofford, Wofford, Wof ford, Wofford you will die; Then Wofford, Wofford, Wofford, Wof- j ford, you will die; i While Spain and Shack and Herbert Stubbs Around the ends will fly, I'ntil the boll has been touched down— Then Wofford you will die. The College World. The University of Pennsylvania has representatives from seventy-eight for eign countries, amt every State and Ter ritory in the Union except three.—Ex. In Germany a University for women will soon be established. This will he the first step that country will have ta ken in this direction—Ex. The Junior wrote home to his father : ‘‘Dear Dad : It takes a good deal to live here. Please send me some money.” He soon got a check—a check on his college career.—Yale Record. GEOLOGICAL. A stratum of solid, slippery ice : A stratum of sIiihIi s soft and nice : A stratum of water ; over that A stratum of man in new silk hat; Above, the startled air is blue, With oath on oath a stratum or two. —Ex. Stu<isntsg~>— When you wish printing of any kind, give E. D. Stone the work. He prints The Red and Buck. CITY DRUG STOKE, R. C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR {Prescriptions. REST DRUGS USED. CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Telephone 112. Dr. Wm. Thos. Coggin, No. n Thomas Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. We are the jolly Georgia boys; Our foes we never spare. Just see to-day how low we lay This one with shaggy hair. “Hoo! Rah! Rah! for Georgia!* Our cry will ever In*; Twenty-two Yale graduates coach foot ball teams this year. Prof. Turner, of Edinburgh, receives $20,000 salary, which is the Largest re muneration of any college professor in the world. Professor : ” Have you read * Love's Labor Lost ?’ ” Freshman : “ No* sir. I have read several of Mr. Love’s works, but never his ‘Labor Lost’.” Yale Professors do something besides teaching, as it is announced that within the last six months eight books have been produced by their pens and six otlf era are in press. Haselton & Dozier, — DEALERS IN — PI A NOS. ORGANS, Srrjall Ausical lqstrurr\er\ts, ARTIST’S MATERIALS, Etc ATICKNB. OA. ATHENS IIA HD WAKE CO. — DKAI.KKS IN — “ I simply note on Horace !” Cried the Ronton maid, “Don't you ?” ; And the maiden from Chicago, Wondering, queried, “Horace who ?“ Begin at the Bottom It ‘Idea boy* ami girl* no good to When »e are done this fninoua fun *|>end upon them large *om* of mo Old Georgia yet you’ll see. ney. Those that get ahead the beat chorus- in the world are those who bei/in at mi,, , . the bottom and work way up ° W <*“>'*»• to fame .and usefulness through their own exertion, a* Nkiff, the jeweler, baa done. Watches and Jewelry of every grade and descrip tion. W atehes and Jewelry re paired in the best manner. Also, the best Spectacle* perfect! y fitted to the eve by Dr. Lidatone, at Skiff’s, We are the jolly Georgia boys * * J*we er. And WolTord's scalp we’ll take; Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery Jc AO K NTS roll KI.KCTRIC IIA/.oil. 24S and 2.VI Rroad St., Athens, Ga. B, RAPHAEL, Tailor aoi Hakiasr, COLLEGE AVENUE. GO TO THE POPULAR BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO SOUDDER’8. DICK HARRIS, • Proprietor. All KINDS of DYEING and CLEANING Done »t the yet you Old Georgia, Geoigia, Georgia, Geoigia yet you'll see; “Hoo! Rah! Rail! for Georgia!” Our cry will e»er be; " hen we are done this famous fun, Old Georgia yet you’ll see. Georgia Sisaa 2ye Works, 22 Clayton St., next to E. I. Smith A Co. TIHIIE BEST TOBACCO, CIGARS s.mokehs 's,-pplins. GILLELAND’S CAPE, V\ ill be Eouml-at A.H.O’FARRELL&Co’S ThE Papular PlacB of I?sw Store the Town, under Baldwins shoe store. Open Every Night Unfit 12 O’clock.