The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 01, 1894, Image 3

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THE RED AND BLACK. Death of Ex-Governor Brown. It is our e:ul duly to day to an- vioutioc the death of one who has proven to he one of the greatest benefactors of our loved University. In the eity of Atlanta, yesterday, all that was immortal of that gifted and noble man, ex-Governor Joseph E. Brown, took its flight to a world beyond. One and all will read with regret the announcement of this sad fact, and one more noble Georgian has left ns. Through the noble geneiosity <>f this distinguish ed man many a youth has been able to obtain a college education at our University, and his name will never die in the hearts of the people of our great stile. A collection is be ing made to-day among the students for the purpose of sending a Moral offering to the bereaved family. to aim 4'ib caruus Mr. Louis Unwell, our soliciting agent has been called home by the j sickness of his brother. John Dorsey is in Gainesville. llenry l’orler is in Atlanta. Prof, and Mrs.0. M.Strahan have returned from their bridal lour. Ed. Dougherty is spending the week in Atlanta. The University Court must lie re vived. Perry Hill, ex'97, was in town Sunday. The Glee Club won’t give an en tertainmcnl until after Christmas. Wc were glad to see “Jug”Mo- Culehcii over on a visit this week. Dr. Boggs was absent, from the city during the greater part of the week. The football team had its picture taken last Monday afternoon. Trainer Winston left for New | York last Tuesday, where he expects to meet the football experts of the . jiintry, and secure a position for t the real of the year. lie has brought our team up to a high state of efficiency, and the best wishes of every man in college go with him. The team broke training in Sa varnish Thursday night. On account of ill health, Moss (Law) has been forced to leave col lege. His many friends trust that lie will soou be entirely well. “ What’s the matter with our line?” “ Ft's all right." \ The many friends of Mr. T. F. Smith, ea-TKi, have been delighted to see him on the campus this week. He will return to college after Christmas and take Dtw. -‘Oli. vou're full of tarka and mud, A la ham!’’ 4 Popular Garments for Stylish Dressers. “THE OXTORB." “THE CdMBRIbQE.” “THl SWELL.” "OUR REUENT.” Now on Display at ('has. - Morris’, —-—RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTEBS FOH »r~si‘K( i vi. him m \ i to s 11 hi:m > Are we to have class foot-hall games this year? If so, when? The football team left Savannah on the Central train at 8.30, and reached Athens yesterday at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. A large iiuiiihrr of the fellows stayed over in Atlanta until Sunday afternoon. They enlivened the jour ney hack to Athens with yells and songs. At the Opera House. During the past week Miss liar- j rictlc Weems, supported by John Dotu), has presented a repertoire of] standard dramas, including Othello, j The Lady of Lyons, and The Tam- ; iug of the Shrew. Miss Weems is an actress of ex ceptional merit, and Mr. Doud gives her excellent support. Mr. Parker is also quite a clever actor. The company is seen to the best advan tage ill Othello, where both Miss Weems and Mr. Doud have purls which they are well-fitted to por tray. The company deserved and should have received much belter au diences than they did. Society People. Our dislike to it, if impressed, would help do away with the great deeeitfiilness which is carried to ex cess among our prominent society people -yes, society people, the class that ignores the unpretending and humble people. The art of liv ing easily in regard to money and keep out of de t, is to pitch your scales of living at least one degree below your means, and buy your Christmas presents from Skiff, the jeweler. •J.W. Brown &• Sons Dealers in China, Clans ami Lamp*. have now in Mtouk a full line of Christmas coons, Consisting of Fancy China, suitable for presents for old amt young. A largo assortment of TOY TKA SKTS for the children. Also, a splendid assortment of HA XO r E T L A m ns. If you an* wanting anything in this line, w«> can suit you in prices, lie sure to see our goods before you Imy. .1. W. ItliOWN »V Sons, ‘2J7 llroad Struct* Me D< IWKI.I. vK- S< >N, PINK (’onfcutionerios, Fruits AND CIGARS. • Of.LKGK AVENUE. ATHENS, liA. A .[ MI KICK Wll.l. UAKK Cabinet Photocraphs For the Students at $2.00 PER DOZ-ffilST. JOHN T JACKSON, UMI I5RCHANT Tailor. Carries a full line of samples. suits made to order. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. All work guaranteed. F/NECAND/ES FRESH SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND Palmer & Kinnebrew, i n-i-i,hi i k l’i>» i Ort ii i Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatter. Saits to Order a Specialty. « Special Discount to Students. 229 ZBEvLO-A-XD STREET. George Muse GlotkirxgGo. LEADING CLOTHIERS, MATTERS —A Nl»— FURNISHERS. ■tS II hi/<• hotl Street, Atlanta, - - On. 7ft ’ We have the t»oods that will tit and please you, and we solieit your trade. Red and Black. out SPECIAL AGENT, I). W. Mi llliEGOR, ATHENS. GA„ Is instructed to givy to t ’IIIha our Lowest Hates on all our goods. All orders and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic (foods of our maku are referred to him. A. G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. Michael Bros. CARPETS, CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, Fos Club Rooms ano Sociity hall* Finest Lint- of Neckwear ami Shoe* in the City. II. Cobb Davis. JACKSON HTRKKT