The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 01, 1894, Image 4

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The College Woild The Uuireniljr of Virginia has the reputation of having piled up the largest •core on the foot ball field ever made. Thin was in 1H9<', when she defeated Uandolph Macon by the score of 144 to O. Mince that time (he has continued to pile up points in her games, the next largest being 102 to 0. Cornell i» a New York Institution 10 3 out 1 >01 students register from that .State. James Mitchell who throws the Mi lb. weight 3"> feet and holds the world's record for It, has entered the University of “Peun.” " * The West Point eleven has only 30 minutes for practice each day. The net proceeds of the Princeton* l’enn. game were *10,000. Ilo fellows secured their dips at Princeton this year. There are eighteen college bred men in the U. S. Senate. The fo 1 ' named Universities publish * lv papers Cornell, mi li •* I .eland Stanford, •cetoii, and the Universities of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsyl vania. Kx. Yale foot hall enthusiasts and their girl friends wore sweaters and long hair at the Yale Harvard game. A unique sight must have been those twelve Harvard girls with crimson “pig-skins" for muffs. 1700 students wield the dumb bells every week at Yale. A very attractive foot-ball eleven might be selected from Vassal's 4tU> students. We would like to arrange a date. The Fri'ftllln:iIt sal ill the chapel dim. Stiff and erect and stilt. And faithfully sang the opening hymn, and read the Psalms with a will. And Sophomore sit witli a languid care, With his arm en the forward seat : The latest Flench novel was on his t nee, And a newspaper was at Ids feet. W ith to the front the Junior sal His seat was the middle aisle : And cautiously now he'd wave his hut As lie caught the maiden's smile. Fervently thru the < h.uicclloi spoke. With Ills eye on the Senior's chair : Hut in that aisle n$ disturbance broke. For there was no Senior there. The (ilce Club is now rehearsing steadily, under the direction of Dr. Caiuphrll. The dull this year con tains some fine voice*, and when they make their appearance, lovers of music may be assured of a treat. Kidley. f*8, is rapidly recovering from the effects of bis accident. Hi* ankle is healing steadily, and he anticipates no more trouble. “Hamlet Revamped” will be the biggest show theThaliana have ever produced. Rehearsals are going on and a royal good time is promised those w ho attend the performance. THE HKD AND BLACK, frothing Higher than $4.75 Per Ton. Y'A XI)Eft POOL AND JELLIC0- Your Choice for the Price. No Charge for Delivering Up Staiis CAN GIVE YOU GOOD COAL AT $4.25 and $4 50 PER TON. F. B. LUCAS. - - Rear Phi-Kappa Hall. Si Perkins. Next Monday night Mr. Sam J. Burton and »u excellent company of comedians and specialists will present the roaring farce comedy, “Si Perkins from Pughtown. The bright comedienne, Miss Lillie Cole man is supporting him. An aver age of one laugh a minute is prom ised those who attend. The heater has been put in order, and the house will lie comfortably warmed. lui versify Directory. Kki*oki Kitkokh, Change* a\i> New Oltoam/ationh to Itt siNt>* Manaokk. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. President W. I*. Gear raid, '*.*.”*. Treasurer .. K. K. Dougherty, ’05. Chairman Kx. Com II. ' . Stubbs, ’9U. FOOT BALL TEAM. Captain G. P. Butler. ’s»4. Manager. II. C. Moreno, *08. PAN DOB A. I. il. Butner. Ha, 2. X Editor-in-chief. J. .1 Gibson, "05. A. T. A... Bus. Manager. KDITOUS. II. ii. Steiner, ’05, 2. A. K. \\ . A. Harris, *95, X. ♦. J. W. Morton, ’05, K. A. .1. T. Dunlap. ’95. •!>. A. O. W. W . Chandler, ini, A. T. If. II V. Black. *1MI. X. *. DKMOSTHF.N I AN LITERARY SOCIETY. President C. T. Haskell. Law. Treasurer. I. W. Griffetli, ‘.HI. PIII-KAPPA LITERARY SOCIETY. President W. I*. Gearreld, ’95. Treasurer F. W. Bean. *95. 1 THE TilALIANS. President . . . E C. Kyats. Stage Manager Holcombe Bacon. *90. , Business Manager .J. W. Welch, Law. GLEE ( LCB. President Shirley Brooks, \n> musical Director.... I)r. .1. P Campbell. Business Manager F K. Boland, *97. Y EC I Meets in Latin Room, Every Frida*, at 7.45 P. M. President. .... F. J. Orr, *95. Treasurer F. K. Roland, ’07. CADET CORPS. Captain Co. A 1. T. Dunlap, ’Do. Captain Co. B \V. I*. Gearreld, *95. Adjutant.. .. O. B. Xiebet, *95. nMKXS IS84> IMP'S President. Holcombe Bacon. *90. Manager..... .... W. L. Kemp, '95. Treasurer F. K. Boland, *97. LAW CLASS. , President T. S. Hawes. SENIOR CLASS. .... E. M. Gammon. JUNIOR CLASS. Pn-iidrnt T. A. Neal. * SOPHOMORE CLASS. President.. H. C. Erwin. I FRESHMAN CLASS. President... L. Snider. Stutdsnts When you wish printing of any kind, give E. D. Stone the work. He prints The Red and Black. .A. COSTA. HAS THE CHEAPEST, FRESHEST and Be t Fruit in Town. 5 CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GA. Come ! See Uh ! JTUDENTS, HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED BY IV. p Haudeup, Jackson Street, Under Victoria Hotel. i he est Work. Lowest Prices. ATHENS BOOK cV • ■ * • STATIONERY ( 0. Is the place for Students to buy their BOOKS * *2£ - STATIONERY. No Extortion There. I X. WILLIAMSON, LIVERY dND FEED STABLES HANDSOME TURNOUTS ON CLAYTON STREET. OPPOSITE Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. McQueen & Carter, IB A. 1R, B E IR, S Cnder Bald* in's Sins St«»r* All KINDS of DYEING and ( LEANING Done at the 22 Clayton St., next to E. I. Smith A Co. It Will Pay You To Examine The Best at the Lowest Price*. M. MYERS & CO. THE BEST TOBACCO. CIGARS A.Y1) SAW HER S' S l TPPL l ES, Will be Found at A.H.O’Farrell&Co’s Psw Store. » UNDER BALDWIN'S SHOE STORE. CITY DRUG STORE R. C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR ]?resciptior|5. REST DRUGS USED. CAR EE I ELY CO.MPOI NDED Telephone 112. D'' Wm Thos. Coggin, No. ii Thomas Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Haselton & Dozier, - DEALKKS IN — PIANOS.ORGANS, Srqall /Wusical Iqstrurqeqtg, ARTIST'S MATERIALS, Etc ATHK.NR, UA. — DKAI.KR8 IX — Guns. Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery Ac AUKNTS Foil EI.ECTKIC IIA/.OH. 24X and 2oll Broad St., Athens, Ga. B. RAPHAEL, Tailor ani Haberkske, COLLEGE AVENUE. GOTO THE POPULAR BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO SI UDDER S. DICK HARRIS, - Proprietor. ThE Popular. Place of the Town. Open Every Night Until 12 O'clock. I J