The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 01, 1894, Image 5

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THE RED AND BLACK. Another College Man Heard From. In several issues of Tiik Kki> am> Bi.ack there have appeared artioles directed chiefly to the city authori ties, in regard to our right of giv ing the college yell on the streets. These gentlemen, clothed in their high official authority, either did uot wish to condescend to discuss such a trivial matter, or were pos sessed of the infinitely mean quality of narrow mindedness. More likely it was the latter, for all of their ac tions towards us have been charac terized by this detestable quality. What harm can there be, when we hear the news of a great victory, Nothing Higher than $4.75 Per Ton. the VANDEllPOOL AM) JEIXIOO- BEST Your Choice for the Price. No Charge for Delivering Up Stairs. ■( AN <»|\ E you GOOD COAL AT $4.25 and $4 50 PER TON. F. B. LUCAS, - - Rear Phi-Kappa Hall. root of the evil is the '• citation. So long as this I day recitations. During the week StUtdantSL I one scarcely has time to read up on I the subject to be debated, and when Friday night eoiues, the time tlmt he would like to devote to such to 5ve our soui inspiring yell V Are reading, ha- to be expended in the tho delicate feel it, gs of the Alll0 . l>r*T«rat.o., of the morrows recta- Ilians injured, or are they shocked ! Yea, the beyond recovery when we give the Saturday r* yell? Certainly this salubrious j root shall continue to bo nourished, clime must have a peculiar effect on ^ long shall the decay in the lit ,. erary society be extant. When this t en nerves. root shall have been destroyed, then It seems to ns that the authorities ,he SocielUs will bud afresh, and ought U^jcognize the fact that this J once more will there be active in is a co^Bp,town, and let us enjoy terest manifested, the prflu- that all other colleges ... ... have 1/ l Diversity Directory. The niWcliants of the (.'lassie City do the greater part of their busi ness with the college boys. In fact without the college, Athens would be as lonely and dull as a desert | town of Arabia. lit com Kiikoiih, Ciianoka anii Nkw OllOANIZATIOXS To ItUSINKHH Manaorb. When you wish printing of any kind, (five E. D. Stone the work. He print: The Red and Buck. COSTA HAS THE CHEAPEST, FIIKSIIKST and Be t Fruit In To«d. .*> CLAYTON STREET. ATHENS, HA ('01111* ! 8e*e Us ! ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. President . I*. Gejurald, Now it is hoped that the officials Treasurer. ... K. K. Dougherty,'93. of the City, possessed with their ex- < »'»>•••' ««> E*. Com II. . Stubbs, 'VI. , • ' . FOOT-BALL TEAM, tremely high prerogatives, as they o. I*. Butler, »J. are, will east a condescending glauee Manager. II. C. Moreno, ’tl3. upon this article and profit thereby. I’ANDOItA. la-t them strive to work in unison - 1 hutuer. US, - N Editor-In < liief. J. .1 Gibson. 'aS. A. T. A.. Ibis Manager. with the college boys, rather than work in direct opposition to them ; but by all means let us enjoy the liberty of giving the college yell on the streets, when we have attained a great victory. KOITO IIS. II. II. Steiner, 'an, Z. A. K. W. A. Harris, 'IIS, X. A. ■I. W. Morton, 'US, K. A. J. T. Dunlap, 'MS. •t>. A. B. W. \V. (.'handler, 'is!, A. T. It. II V. Black, 'IW, X. +. ItK MOSTIIKNIAN LITKR AKY SOCIETY. President C. T. Haskell. Law. Treasurer I. tv. Griffeth, Id. Plll-KAPPA LITEHARY SOCIETY. President tv. P. Gearreld, ‘.13. Treasurer F. W. Itean, ’US. THE THAI.IANS. President ....K C. Rynls, 'ML Stage Manager lloleuinhe liaeon, 'VI. , Business Manager .J. tv. tVelcti, Law. OI.KK CLUB. President ... .Shirley Brooks,'MU nsii-al Hirer tor Ur. J. P Campbell. Business Manager.. F. K. Boland, 'B7. Y. M. C. A. Meets in Latin Room, Every Friday, at 7.IS P. M President. .... F. .1. Orr, 'US Treasurer F. K. Roland, 'W7. CADET CORPS. Captain I o. A .1. T. Uunlap. 'US. Captain Co. B W. P. Gearreld, U5. Adjutant.. .. O. It. Nisbet, 'US. TENNIS ASSO' lATlOJf. President. Holcombe Bacon, ’Is). Manager W. L. Kemp, ’US. Treasurer F. K. Boland, ’97. LAW CLASS. President T. S. Hawes. j SENIOR CLASS. President E. M. Gammon. JUNIOR CLASS. President T. A. Neal. The Literary Society. It is an undesirable fact that the Literary Society in the University of Georgia is practically becoming a dead issue. Can it lie said that the usefulness of the literary society lias passed away ? No, the power of oratory and impromptu speech will always be a most important factor in the transaction of all business, whether it be executive, judicial or legisla tive. Something must be done to restore the interest which was for merly manifested. The question now presents itself: “What shall be done ?” The Trustees of the University recognize the good to be derived by constant attention to the Societies, and have striven to inculcate inter est by various methods. Bui the present condition of the Societies will bear us out in the statement that they have totally failed in their noble purpos?. JTUDENT5, HAVE VOUR SHOES REPAIRED IIY IV. ft HAUDfjUP. Jackson SI let* 1. Under Vlutoiin Hotel. "i he est Wort. Lowest Prices. ATHENS BOOK A • « * t STATIONKIIY (’(). Ih the placet for Student* to Iniy their BOOKS • *2S • STdTIONEKT. No Extortion There. J. N. WILLIAMSON, LIVERY Atib rEEL STtfBLE5 Handsome Tuhn Outs ON CLAYTON STREET. OPPOSITE CKiA US AND SMOKERS’ SUm 1KS, Will he Fninnl at A.H.O’Farrkll&Co’s F?«w Stora UNDER BALDWIN'S SHOE STORK. CITY DRUG STORE;, R. C. ORR & CO. WE WANT YOUR {Presciptiorjs. REST DRUGS USED. CAKKITLI.V (OMI’OUNDKI) Telephone ll'J. Dr. Wm Thos. Coggin, No. it Thomas Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA V. M O. A BUILDING. McQueen & Carter, BARBERS, Haselton & Dozier, IIKAI.rRR IN — I’lANOS ( )WOANS, Srqall AMisical Ir\strurr\»qt3, A It T I S T' S MATERIALS, K r c ATHENS, OA. ATHENS IIA III) WALK CO. -lirAliRKM IN — (tiiiw, I’istoU, Ammunition, Cutlery Ac, A OK. NT* Foil KI.K<Tltl< llA/OH. 24* and 250 Broad St., Athena, (#14 (Jnd«r Baldwin 'a Him* Htore All KINDS of DYKING and CLEANING Dorn nt the B. RAPHAEL, Tailor aid flakMr, COLLEGE AVENUE. GOTO THE POPULAR Qoorgia Sleaoa 2ye Works, It Clayton St., next to K. I. Smith A It Will 1 ’ay You f’ -To Examine n BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO SC UDDER'S. DICK HARRIS, - Proprietor. CAFE, ’Ci , • ■ .1 . a SOPHOMORE CLASS. In our opinion the greatest good i ,. ri . ii( | ent H. C. that might l*e done for the Societies Would be the abolishment of Salur- President FKESIIMAN CLASS. L. Snider. OurSiioes Tile Best at the Lowest Prices. M. MYERS & CO. The Papular Placa af tha Tuwn Open Every Night Until 12 O'clock.