The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 01, 1894, Image 6

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THE HKD AND BLACK. TOWN AND QdnrVJS. Mr. K. C. Rvals, local editor of Thk Kid ani> Bi.ack, lias been in disposed for the past few days. The Sophs stood their first final in Algebra last Thuroday. I’rof. and Mrs. if. C. White are in New York. Mr. A. L. Tidwell spent a few days in Atlanta this week. Orange and Blue vs. Red ami Black today. I)r. Boggs delivered Ins annual address before the Legislature last night. The Krrsliman prouilljr walks the street With not a single care. Ilis cup of happiness is full— The uniforms aie here! Squad drill is now in full blast. What has become of the Indian’s remains]’ We stale on good authority that the regulur monthly reception of the Chancellor, to be held next week, will be a grand affair, le t all who receive invitations be sure to attend. Wlial about the Red and Black ladies of the Athenian city? arris and Bicou for tackles! ell. 4 Popular Garments for Stylish Dressers. "THE OXrORD." "THE CdMBRIbQE. - ’ "TH SWELL.” ' OMR REMENT.” Vow on Display at OI ims. - \ I orris’, RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS for Fine Clothing, Furnishings and Hats. t P ‘ SPECIAL DISCOUNT Til HTl’UENTS. grounds, our board for two days and all other expenses of the game. In Spartanburg the gate was near ly ♦ lia • 00. Of this our expenses were 10. r ) 25. Of their share they paid our hoard, rent of grounds, ex penses of umpire ami linesman, and all other expenses of game. Do these facts prove that the writer, who declined to sign his article, knew milch of the situation II. C. Moiueno, Manager Foot Ball Team. IK YOU WANT THE IIKST STUDY - LAMP On Earth, Comfortable ami Pleasant to the Eye. trv the IMPROVED . ROYAL, With Lighting Attachment, which ena bles you to light your lamp without re moving chimney or shade. Sold by J. W. BROWN & SONS 227 llroa.l St., Athens, Ga. lamia Warren, Law ’91, who was in the eity yesterday, went down to August i.with the team. The loot ball learn left yesterday afternoon at I :. r »l) for Augusta. Ignorance or Muli.e. In reply to an article in last . week's Rrn ami Black, I have the following facts to quote: i The criticism in regard to keep ing the pig beaded spectators off the field is just. But in regard to > the financial question, the author ..of the article shows either the giossesl ignorance or the basest . malice. . .Laying aside the fact that no team . expects to make money on its minor games, 1 will quote his exact words: ■ “IL-rx: it i* we have played ill lee gamea and are in debt. Every oth er team we have played has made money. They always receive guar anteed expenses, ami half the gate' receipts over. We get expenses guaranteed and nothing mere.” The truth is, no team we play this season has received a guaran tee of expense. In hut one game j this season do we receive expenses, and nothing more the game in Bpartanhurg. No team we have plated lias cleared expenses. So- wnnee's expenses to atop over in Athene, besides their Asheville ex petiscs, were: Railroad tickets ex-' tra, $96.00; hoard, »]M.00, besides incidental expenses. Their share of the gate was 1118.90. They lost 1200.00 on their Eastern trip. In Columbia the gate yielded ♦ 106 SO, We received ♦100 00—of their aharv they paid rent of At the Lucy Cobb. In >>ur games oil the campus and entertainments at the theatre, the young ladies of the Lucy Cobb In stitute have always patronised us | liberally, and we are now called on to assist them in a concert they give next Thursday night, for the benefit of their Library and Music Studio. The New York Celebrities, a com pany of great musicians, appear that night at the Lucy Cobb chapel, and every student in the Univcraity should be present. The admission is 7f> cents ; tickets, of which only a limited nil tuber have been printed, will lie found at llasellou it Do zier’s Music Store, next the post of fice. Positively no tickets sold at the chapel. — —^e « Difficult Task. Tne principle of honest and square dealing should be the foundation . stone upon which every business man should build, as Skiff the jew eler has done. The young man who boasted that lie could marry any girl lie pleased, found he couldn't please any. Skiff tlis jeweler pleases all his customers in the jewelry line. As to marrying that is a different thing altogether. To please after marriage, is ths most difficult task. MC D<) WELL iSc S< >N, KIN'E Confectioneries, Fruits AND CIGARS. < OLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, DA. A J. MI HICK WILL MAKE Cab INET PHOTOCRAPHS For the Students at $2.00 PER X30ZE2ST JOHN T JACKSON, Merchant Tailor. Carries a full line of samples. Suits made to order. Cleaning and repairing neatly done. All work guaranteed. FINE CANDIES FRESH SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND Palmer & Kinnebrew, Opposite Post Office. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatter. Suits to Order a Specialty. * Special Discount to Students. 229 BROAD STREET. George Muse GlothirxgGo. LEAD! NO CLOTHIERS, HATTERS —ANI>— FURNISHERS. ■>8 II hitehall Street, Atlanta, - - Oa. Iff We have the (rootIk that will fit ami pleaKc you, ami we solicit your trade. • Red and Slack. OUR SPECIAL '.CENT. I). W. McGftBGOfi, ATHEf/S, GA.. U instructed t<» give to (')ubR our Lowest Kate* on all our tfond*. All order* and enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic (woods of our males are referred to him. A. G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. Michael Bros. CARPETS, CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, Fon Club Rooms *«io Socirrv halls Finest Line of Neckwear and Shoes in the City. II. (.088 Davis, JACKSON 8TRKKT.