The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, January 05, 1895, Image 4

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THE RED AND BLACK. E. W. CndRBONNIER & C2, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN rhe University of Berlin give* I Dealers In all kinds of Hard and Soft Coal. ORD1 dents their choice af 71t> courses , ,A, ‘ LY SOLICITED and carefully executed. No OFFICE, VICTORIA HOTEL CORNER. CEMENT AND LIME Sole Agents for the Favorite GLEN IMZ^EEGT GOAL. ORDERS FROM STUDENTS SPE extra charge for handling. Exchangeisms. There are 275 women in the five .Swiss Universities. 19 of them are Americans. The University of Wisconsin ha* a total registration of l,19ti. The Universitiy of Minnesota will have a crew this year for the first tint* T students of lectures. The Univerity of Idaho is open to both sexes, all colors, and all racss Barnwell county, 8. C., during the past year has sent 27 hoys to Clein- sou College and 28 convicts to the ' penitentiary. It is claimed that ajcollege grad-1 uate's chances of obtaining a fair degree of eminence are 250 to 1 as 1 compared with those who have not hothinq Hiqher than $4.75 Per Ton been to college. J J r Harvard has sent out 18,11'0 gradu j ates since it* organization; of this Studisntsg^i— When you wish printing of any kind, give E. D. Stone the work. He prints The Red and Black. -A.. COSTAL HAS THE CHEAPEST, FRESHEST an. 1 Ben Fruit in Town. | 5 CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GA. » Come ! See Us I JTUDENT5, HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Hl r W. ft. H A UDfjUP, j Jackson Street, Under Victoria Hotel, The l est Wort Lowest Prices. GOOD COAL AT $4.25 and $450 PER TON. F. B. LUCAS, - ■ number, 9,5C0 are still living. Yale's graduates number 15,350, of whom 8,70oare still living. At Dartmouth an annual prize of <60 is given to the member of the Athletic team who stands highest in hi* classes. Pigo, pigers, hug-si, larduin.— Dogo, dogere, pupsi, houndum. M. (Freshman) to L. Junior.— “Say, have they got a class in sculp ture here?" I*—“No, why?” M.—‘Oh, I just wanted to know I hear the Sophs, talking about making ‘busts' all the time.’’ Old lady in hooksore.—“Last Days of Pompeii! So he's dead, Cornells new athletio building, poor fellow; I wonder what killed . coating about $6,00, is almost cora- him?” “He died of an eruption, ( pl«to. madam,” said the grave.faoed clerk, j The mile walk has been left off the list of track events at Harvard and Yale. VANDBRP00L AND JELLIC0- Your Choice for the Price. No Charge for Delivering Up Stairs. •CAN GIVE YOU- ATHENS HOOK & * * * * STATIONERY CO. Is till- place for Students to buy their BOOKS • 122 * STATIONERY. No Extortion There. Rear Phi-Kappa Hall m " Oh, what'N ii kiss, my prntty maid. Grammatically defined ?” " It i.s a conjunction, Mir,” she said, ' And cannot b* declined.** UEOIjOGICAL. A stratum of nolid, *li|»p«ry ice: A stratum of slush Wo soft and nice ; A stratum of water; over that A stratum of man in new silk hat ; Als»ve, the sfartled air is blue. With oath on oath a stratum or two. Dr. Wm. Thos. Goggin, No. ii Thomas Street, ATHENS, GEORGIA. WILLIAMSON, ! HaSELT0N & DOZIER, LIVERY dND FEED STrtBLES. -heaum. ,n- Handsome Turn'Outs- ^ IANOS.ORgans, nv I Serial! Ausical Iristrurrierits, ON CLAYTON STREET, OPPOSITE ARTIST'S MATERIALS. Ere Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Came to college, — Joined the 'level!,— Played-out* game,— Went to heaven.— THK S.NKKZK. A pause, A smile, A scowl erstwhile A gasp, A roar, And alt is o'er, llardihus Urevkibus, I/ong study for you; Usihus ponibus, Help to get through. Shall I brain him?" cried the hazer And the victim's courags tied “Y'ou can't; it is a freshman, Just hit it on the head.'' WHO ? His w aving locks were long and brow u. And fell in draamy curls ; llis brow was deep and thoughtful- lie was '* not like other girls." " Who is he ?** said the stranger, *‘A poet in a droaui ?** * Oh, the gn at star half-hack On our peer leas football team." H**w doin Orieut FINE CANDIES FRESH SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. PalKer & Kinnebrew, Opposite Tost Of kick. McQueen & Carter, B ARBERS, Under Baldwin’s Shoe Store. All KINDS of DYEING an.l CLEANING Done at the Georgia Stets Hys Works, 22 Clayton St., next to E. I. Smith A Co. It Will F*ay You To Examine- ATHENS, OA. ATHm Tarmvark CO. — DEALERS in— Guns, Pi .jknmunitlon, Culery, Ac. AGE ELECTRIC KAZOB. 248 and 2; -oad St., Athens, Ga. , B, RAPHAEL, COLLEGE AVENUE. J.W.Blown5?Sons OnrShoes 'Foroisiiiiifs Dealers in China, Glass and Lamps, have UU *' ,UUL ' k} I U1 II10II1II0. now In .Lark a full line of j Tlle ^ , t thf) Lowett CHRISTMAS GOODS, Consisting of Fancy China, suitable for M. MYERS & GO presenter id ami young. A large I . assortment of TOY TEA SETS I ~ *°splend id*'assortmen t"of * MCDOWELL & SON, BANQUET LAMPS. —fine If you are wanting anything in this Oftllf CtlOIlHpS Fl‘11 i • line, we can suit you in prices. Be sure UI LtlUUlIt.?) fl II I l, to see our goods before you buy. AND CIGARS J. W Brows A Sox*. 227 Broad Street j COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS, G \ GO TO THE POPULAR BAPBER SHOP, N \T TO SCUDDERS. DICK HARRIS, - Proprietor. (ilLLELAND’S The Popular PlacB of ■ m Tdwtl, Opt *'ght Until 12 O'clock. 4.