The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, January 12, 1895, Image 3

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town dNb tanrus The speeches for AnniverHarian's place in the Deraosthenian society will he delivered on ths 2lith of January; for the Phi Kappa anm- versarian the same ilate. This is the highest oratorical honor to be won in the University. While enjoying Christmas day in a very noisy, noisy manner, Mr. I Henry Porter, of the Senior class, received a painful accident from the explosion of a small cannon, which would have cost him the loss of an eye, had it not bean for the speedy attention of his doctors. lie is expected to return to college inn few days. Mr. John Cohen, the tobacco j man, seems to have fared badly from his share of the college trade, j Mr. Einstein is uow running the store. The Sophomore latin class was entertained by a lecture from Prof. Hooper recently, on the subject of “Tricks,” in which the Prof, de nounced them in very strong terms, and desired it understood that ev- j erythinghe said, likewise applied to the men who used them. Miss Marion Whitehead, of An | gusts, is the guest of Miss Alice Williams of this city. College men report Charity Hall a complete success. Carson says Yahoo ought to be renovated, lie icporls that the rats ate up a pair of his shoes a few nights ago. Mr. E. M. Gammon has returned from the Christmas vauation. Mr. 1L A. Kidley, ’95, was taken sick with fever on his return home at Christmas and is not yet wholly recovered. Hurt Davis has again returned to college. He says, you can’t down a working man on account of a baseball finger, and wants it under stood that he will be in the game as usual. Haskell insists that the ladies ought to wear bloomers. Joe Brown Connallv is detained at the bed side of his father, who has been dangerously ill. Lanier’97 will not return to col lege this year. The lord high executioner, the great bum-bum magistrate of this utopian village of Athens, hath de creed that any students found con gregated in person upon the street corners, after the night hath set in, shall be summarily arrested for rio tous conduct. He ye men and staud such dishonors! I*t us call down the anathema of the gods upon this large, fat officer, until he shall re pent of his ugly deeds and do by us justly. John Pittman, ’96, has been on the sick list this week. THE RED AND BLACK. 4 Popular Garments for Stylish Dressers. "THE OXrORb.” "THE CdMBRIBtiC.” “THE SWELL.’’ “OMR RESENT.” Now on Display at OIia,s. - IVIorris\ KKCOGN1ZKD HEADQUARTERS ——roR Fine Clothing, Furnishings and Hats. riTSPEClAL DISCOUNT TO STt’DKNTS. The Sophomore French class re cently became anxious at the un natural delay of the usual daily joke, when finally as every one was failing in his recitation the Profess or said, “you call a failure here, a ‘bust,’ but the fellows at Yale say a moderate recitation is a lizzie anil a complete failure is a flunk, coining from lazo-laaere - fi/.ille - tliinktum. The vociferous noise indicated that this was accepted as the joke ex pected, and the recitation continued as usual. Prof. White was absent from the city on Wednesday last. Snider says, “spare the rod and spoil the room-male.” Westbrook says, “I don’t think.” Siy not that all innocence and love have left the earth. There are six new Freshman, just think! Every one is reading Trilby now and all agree that George Du- Maurier is a great artist. Walter Cothran, *97, lias returned from bis home at Rome, Ga., where his sister died, while he was there for the holidays, lie has received the sympathy of all his friends. Mr. T. S. Hawes, president of the Law class has returned to college. l)r. K. Franklin Riley was unable to attend his recitations, the first of this week, on account of a severe cold. His absence was a source of regret to all his classes. Mr. G. Thompson Haskell has been elected Treasurer of the Law class, Mr. Perryman Dubose having left college. Mr. Robert E. Lee, of the Law class, represented Georgia Heta chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, at their annual conclave during the holidays, which tuel in Washington, D. C. Mr. Howell Simmons, a reeog. nixed social leader of Awericus, has entered the Law class. Mrs. Annie Averette, who rail a boarding house here for some few years, has moved to Auburn for the same purpose. Mrs. Averette was always a good friend to the ’Varsi iy boys. Our best wishes go with her. Hurrah for Casey! Professor to Freshmen:—Name six animals in Frigid Zone. Freshman :—Throe polar hears and three seals. “College Topics,” of the Universi ty of Virginia gives an account of a very swell reception given in Charlottesville, Va., at which Miss Morris, of Athens, Ga., was the re cipient of many honors. Mr. S. P. Olive, originally of the class of 95 is taking law at Mercer University. The contest for the medal offered by the Hon. Clyde Shropshire comes off on Saturday 19th iust. The sub ject chosen must lie about the South or Southern men, and the speeches are all purged of sectional bitter ness by Prof. Riley. The following men have banded in speeches: Clif ford Walker 97, Wat Harris '95, Fred Morris ’1X1, Shelby Myrick ’1X1, Pliny Hall 1X1, |). T. Clark ’9(1, C. Weddinglon ’98, Jos. Hoyd ’9(1, II Floyd '97, K. I). Sanders '98, Geo- Jackson ’97 and —. Hendricks '97. lion. 8. 1). Brad well and Mr. T. W. Reed arc two of the judges selected. At the Phi Kappa Society, last Saturday Mr. 11. II. K/./.ard was elected President for the ensuing term. At a certain boarding house in the city a boycott has been declared on “bash,” “blessing” and “excuse me.” Prof. Campbell has been sick for the past few days, and Dr. Moore has been in charge at the biologi oal “lab.” Herbert Holland, originally of the Class ’95, was married last Wsdnesday in Columbus to Miss Myrtie Barker. Yeetcrday the Soph French class had a secret song and dance service. Konl gave Prof. Wilcox a compli mentary ticket. McDANNELL, THE NEW PHOTOGRAPHER and ENGRAVER. Makss Photographs. 11 00 per down and upwards and guarantees sail •(action (MYKICKD OLD OALLKRY.) George Muse C tot King Go. LEADING CL0TMIER5, HATTERS —AND— FURNISHERS. 38 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, - - On. 3# ’ Wo have the Goods that will At and please you, and wo solicit your trade. Red and Black. OUR SPECIAL AGENT, I). W. McGRBQOR, ATHENS. GA., Is iustrurted to give to Clubs our Lowest Rates on all our goods. All orders and en<|iiiriua (or Athens and distriet for .Sporting anil Athletic Goods of our make are referred to him. A. G. SPALDING & SONS., NEW YORK. Michael Bros. UK PETS, CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, Foe Club Rooms ano Socicty Halls Finest Line of Neckwear and Shoes in the City. E Co»B Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON STMKBT.