The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, January 26, 1895, Image 1

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1 T A y 1 / ^ W ^ j' • v.-* M •AC A f vN^jr 1 jJ? S' L ,'" 'V# V MMI^ -f Uk 2 i k- f\ -y~- <* V - Iff * t *0r ME RED AND BLACK. VOL 2. UNIVERSITY OF liEOIKilA. ATHENS. (IA., JANUARY 26, IM*5. NO. 16 Lee's Birthday. • South’* great generals, and paid* that Mr. C. A. Weddington, the IahI ir»1 >nt«■ especially to General I.oe. speaker on the program, ahoultl he The oratorical contest on last Mr. (’. II. It. Floyd spoke of the the medalist. Saturday at the University of Geor- South during the war, atel the hap*, gia marks the tiist celebration of pi,mss that reigned among the \ . the birth of the South s greatest slaves of that day, compared to th A Sweep cavalier. \\ hile \ irgitiia societies discontent of the negro race at all over our land were c. mntemo- present time. Ho caught lh« al- ratingthe life and deeds of him tention of the audience at once by whom Virginia is proud to call her his strong voice, and was frelpientlv own; the youth of Georgia, anima- greeted with applause throughout the speech. Mr. M. 1*. Hall followed Mr. Floyd with the same subject. “The South," in which he spoke of South ern arms and Southern principles. Ilis oration was elovuenl and llior- Tfic Charity Ball. On her lips a bright smile hovered, From her eye* emus a soft light, She's the fairest of the beauties, I fathered ^Hjie jlaiwe to. night. From her li 11H a soft curl straying, Falls on shoulder* soft mid white. Thorn are no others that approach them. Gathered at the dance to-night. There is n game which in its da g< r, its tv ibl pleasure, surpasses the gridiron struggles. A coward can not play football, but bravery is no To niy i|uestlous and my talking, advantage in this game. - S ’ H ' returns such answers bright , , , That I think her far the greatest Iheinan who can wriggle best ... , , 'oil at Denprrc Hall to night. ted by the same lofty feeling of ad miration, paid a lilting tribute to Ins name, and characterized in glowing terms his genius as the leader of Southern arms. It is sel dom mail dies and leaves behind him a name which in after years onglily appreciated by the audience, out for No. 1 and bruise other par- evokes such admirttion and respect The next speaker was Mr. W. A. l ' rHi as that of General Lee. Every Harris. Ills subject was -‘The where we turn, in whatever section South Since the War." He showed into a keyhole or cork the with Ins I HI pound* is player. The object of the game himiicv the lo st A 11,1 I whisper Miss Ihingaitell." My dear Itachncl" tliatia --'pet,” Won't you have a coc*-colaf" * And she says alretty yet." — Isaac . is to loot of our country we go, where the true spirit of bis life and character is known, nothing but love and n sped can inspire the feelings to ward him, and witli especial gruti- a clear understanding of the subject and made one of the best speeches of liiv occasion; dwelling upon the The game 1 was in was e.tiled.nt II p. in. A Itig man with long locks while ligling a Duke over tin lamp, gently blew down the chim ney and the curtain rolled up. An Madrigal. effects of the war on tae South and I 11 ''' 1 '" 'bib speeds across the room j the wonderful rehabilitation of Hide we learn that the originator of Southern industries in the last thir tin* idea of tills contest though a native Georgian, lias resided in France for a number of year* and though separated from his native country by the barrier of dist ty years. Mr. ( »<•<>. T. sJacItNon f Mr. !I arris, ami gained tion of Ins listeners, by poke after tin- atlcm an earnest luce delivery and easy manner on th and alieuled by the use of a foicign platform, to which lie was evidently HllUl'U Ilf till! Ill Its COllC'lll- toiitfttc still recalls the SoiillilimJ «»f his birth, and at the memory of “home sweet home” seek* t<» |»cr|»et- uate in the heart of young Georgia, the love of section ami principle* ami HiiggoaLu the hirtli of Iau, the South’s great chieftan ami princely gentleman, as a tilting Jay for that 0 f i| u . ati<Ihy Ins effort, occasion. “ The South ami the Fulun Luo stranger. A full ^ applause* greeteJ him sion. Mr. I’reJ Morris prove.1 an orator in the spJtmJiJ ami Io.lge* in the plaster. Duiulel hells, shoes, hooks, ray.or*, blocks of! anthracite, photographs, soap Jisli- es, ptiki •is, tongs, paper weights, all tin •se followed by lunttfoi groans, OtMithilie In curdle my veins Idimd, us I diHtppcar pirtly behind the coal si utile. A freshman of long standing pitches a box of l|H pi*toj cartridges: i into the grate. While fifty bullets himself «rc meandering about the alums- trihule phere seeking whom liny may rules of paid to the late Senator Joseph K pierce, not knowing tin Drown, and gained the admiration the g.inic, I strike a nriloli. The flickering ligiit, besides on was. myself, throws its rays on a framed Two much cannot tie speeches of last Saturday, and it is tfio general opinion of all who heard them that the standard of or atory in tin- college lias been raised perceptibly, and brighter prospeels may be entertained, therefore, for the literary societies from now on. Mr. .1 J. Bennet was the first on the program. Ilis speech was a splendid argument, sustaining the South in accession and declaring that no stigma could rest upon her fair name by withdrawing from the Union. He kept the eyes of Ins au dience always upon himself and at the peroration received the applause of every listener in the house. I s'ole a kiss from Currie, While standing on tin- stair, Mm looked so very templing, .she seemed so very fair, 1 stole a kiss from c.irrie, I mullin't resist, I swear. Her fare grew red with anger, I ler eyes were lilled w ith p dll, And with a soli sin- murmured. I dare you fry again. she looked so vny tempting, she seemed so very fair, Ih r head fell on my shoulder And I promptly look the duiV. — It. University Court. What has liei-oine of I he Univer sity urt? Hi* it been organized, and if not, why not 5* The Faculty has seen til to entrust the students with tie- trial of all cases of cheat in ; on examination, and we have not made any arrangement* to try such cases. The students are not carrying out llu-ir contract with the Faculty. Tiik Ki-.n am, Black does not mean to say that such a course is at all necessary, hut it is hill justice to (lie Faculty that the court lie organized. laT every Class 1‘resideul appoint the repre sentatives for his class at once. The best part of the performance said of the Hie subject of Mr. Shelby My rick's diploma hearing the strange device, speech, lie spoke of the heroism “ Einnrio Collcgio," A worthy of the Southern women during the knight lunp* for the dip and galli- wai, ami characterized their noble | ers it out of harm's way ; hut iln-re efforts in sustaining the Nmlliern is no gentleness in the blow of a soldiers through the four years ol nose guard beating Sweet Mario up civil strife. „li my skull. Spurred to do soiliu- Mr. K. I). Sanders devoted Ins thing when I lind an empty bottle speech to the differences between j °f XXXX try ing to force its way the races during the war and after, between my teeth, I gracefully dive Mr. Sanders proved himself ipiite an ""di r a sofa. A eike of “Pear's orator and received numerous con- scented” conjures up a vision of a gralulations upon his speech. galaxy of pjanets ami certainly Mr. C. M. Walker’s speech w*. a ll,# " ol "‘ n,ilk >' w,, y- beautiful tribute to “Lee, tin- Model Then a very painful silence of 0,1 Thursday night was the adinira- Cavalier.” lie dwelt upon the char- 'wo hours and the sweep is over. 1 <,<, 'X KI ' displayed hy Miss acUr and achievement* of the great H was a clean sweep devoid of slug- " ' ,,ni * "f motives '■('''«• A lamp imported from an h,!r somersault brought her inept the other room shows some disorder. wilhi " n " im,h ,,f t, "‘ fo,,lli & l ' u ' Mr. J. D. Boyd, Jr., selected as a leadership of the Confederate arms. The floor is three inches deep in Her gauze dress, when she ceased subject, “The South's Greatest He Mr C \ tVeddwgton selected water, Pond’s Extract, Kcr ibe turn, fell directly over a gas jet. ro,” and treated it in a splendid ..o eorg j B - hi , BU ,,j e( . t> all ,j lre#t . Mustang liniment, ink and Tillman Shu °* l,nl y drew manner. Ilis figure* were good, jt i(l . „ |oil lllaHl( . rly manner, tincture. P<"«d on the edge of the line and all admired the ease with Though .omewhat short, his oration I got out of drill for a month on **" ,, * hta ’ U " ) »»*l* ,au ’* e uf w hich his speech was delivered. waa loudly applauded, showing the the sundry wounds of that sweep, Mr. D. T. Clarke spoke on “Our appreciation of his audience. and the limp that I wear had its Southern Heroes," He recalled in After one day of unnecessary de- humble origin in the aforemention graceful language the lives of the | lay, the announcement was made ed scene. O. N. E. 8wkit. General and the unselfish which prompted him to the whole theatre. Fred Morru CcnL^t>oOK. y A \rrvJUr- “ JLxj{Lh "tt (JL yvirv* Patronize those who advertise in the Kki> asd Bla< k.