The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, February 02, 1895, Image 3

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THK KKl) AN!) BLACK, TOWN idNb QflMPMS , Prof. Uh&rbonnier wai detained at his home two days of the past week, being too unwell to eome out. On Thursday Mrs. (\ P. Willoox gave an elegant luneheon, complimentary to Mrs. Ferdinand Pliini/y and Mrs. James! Barrett, of Augusta. The novel ideas of the North and West are getting a hold on the Noiith. Fifteen years ago the proposition to hold a “ Wo man Suffrage Convention” in Atlanta would not have been entertained. it Inis l»een reported lately that Mr. C. Thompson Haskell will go to Atlanta soon to talk over the situation with tin; ladies of the Convention, and eome haek prepared to start a branch organization at the University. Stubbs lost two suits of clothes this ! week. Mr. Stubbs' predicament is coin dent with that of Li Hung Chang. Hon. Clark Howell, of Atlanta, will be in Athens to-day for a short time. Miss (trace Met IHIaml lias engaged Deupree hall again for the spring months and will teach “ye awkward Freshmen” how to waltz. Miss May Hull, after an extended visit to Washington City, wiil visit Miss Maud Meniman, of Ualeigh, N. . iss Hull will remain in Italeigli probably two weeks and after that time her many friends will gladly welcome her home. Good things are happening every day. Kent and Froggy Cook have shaved. (Jet Prof. Charbonuier to explain to you why he always passes on the south east side of the big black towel in the street. The Young People's German Club ol Athens met last night at Dr. Brumby's. The evening was spent in a most enjoya ble manner. Miss Clyde Lyndon has returned from ! Wesleyan College. Mr. Abe Kiostein, who h is been deal ing out cigars and tobacco at Cohen's old stand, has gone to Boston. Mr. Kfnstein was recently attacked by a form of in sanity produced by the excessive use of strong coffee, hulls now on the toad to recovery, and is expected to return home in a few days. On last Wednesday Mrs. M. A. Lips eoinb was elected President of Lucy Cobb Institute, to succeed Miss Millie Rutherford who sent in her resignation some time ago. .Several papers have created the false impression that the students of the University are responsi ble for this step Liken by the late Prin cipal of the L. C. 1. Sophomore: Professor, which do you consider the best section of this class ? Prof, of Soph. Math.: Kxciihu me, sir, hut don't you mean which is the least worse. The contest for Anulvemarian of De- moslheniau Society will be held this morning in the hall of the Society at eleven o'clock. The announced speak ers are Messrs. Bennett, Kyals, White, (Law.) Ihitner and Haskell. The exer cises will l>e very entertaining and the small building will doubtless he tilled with the friends and admirer* of the contestants. It is very probable that the following prominent gentlemen will se lect the Anniversarian : Judge A. S. Kr- win, Sir. James Barrett au<l Col. J. J. Strickland. 4 Popular Garmerts for Stylish Dressers. w, ikn y<>l want Lamp ('hiimiuys, Wicks, "THE OXFORD." “THE QdnBRIbQE." Shades. Burners,ora Lamp “TH . 5WELL."’ “OUR REQENT.” complete, you should hear i in mind that you can always Now on Display at ! find it at \ i • * Jam km II. llrootNM, Jit. I < >rris ( ' 1 IMS. S3 Clayton Street. Uxo Ker««icim ihi of the u it kind at lowest I prices. -KKCOGNIZKI) HEAEQUARTERS roil CITY mini STORK, R.C.ORR &C0. Pine Clothing, Furnishings and Hats. rir\spK( i \l di u’ouN r to sitbfn i s. We regret we have not space for a report of the Annlveiaarlnn content, which wan held last Saturday at Phi Kappa hall when Mr. G. F. Johnson was selected an anniversarian. Mi. Skiffs Talk. | The darkest hour in the history of any young man is when he si’s dow u to study | how lie can gd money without working j for it. lie had better get up and stal l a peanut stand on the corner of some street or learn the Jeweler's trade, lie honest and keepout of debt. It is not what a young man does once a year, hut what lit does evt ry day that reveals his real character. Watch your every day life with an eagle's eye. The heat place to have your watch and jew elry repaired is at ?>kiff, the jewelers. WK \\ \ NT YORK Frank Boland, the genial manager of the “’Varsity” base Icdl team, has been quite si« k for the past week. Me has about recovered now, ami is as busy as ever with Ilia work as manager. I)r, lliley says lie picked up an over- coat sometime ago in Ids class-room, ami desires it announced that the owner can get the coat by calling at his house buck of the Yahoo. It will l»e a mistake to leave out the class games this season for this series of baseball games is one of great interest to the students, ami also one of the most entciLiining features of athletics at the University to the public generally. Tin- games could l>e played earlier in the spring than is usual and so get the * 'Varsity” in good trim for the regular practice that would follow. i .... , , . . ... 1 Li . Lidstoiic will repair your eye-sight **r. J«w Killorlu, of Savannah, has at Hklff, tlia Jewulera. received a great many visitors recently, Prescriptions. bust minis uski). CARKITI.I.Y (’OMPOIMIKII TKI.KPHONK Iff Red and Black. UG TO THE POPULAR BARBER SHOP, NKXT TO S UDDKU’8. DXK HAriKB, - Pioprktor. who came to partake of a Imrrol of oya torn m ill him from Ins home. To ease the min.l of any reader who may la, af fected hy the statement, it U heat to atatc Ihiit thoy are all none now. Mi. Ueorge llrll roomily of lit*. Junior claa* left hut week with the Baldwin Itogere Comedy Co. Mr. Hell haa had ill Hood deal of experieneo on the it Lane and , „ , , II ' All KINDS of DYKING and < f.KANING w.m not buncoed hy the inauatteraaaome Heem to think. It was reported at the I Done nt the time the company waa here that Mr. Hell wax in love with one of the aiateka, hut that gentleman denied this alatoment Indore he left. Mr. Ilell waa a Junior ami not a law student, aa waa reported ^Clayton St., next to K. I. Smith A Co. in the Athena (burner. Ku ry laiy present at the entertainment ou laat Tueaday aeema to have fallen in j I love wllli little Miaa Meaara. Burner and Mize, of the elaaa ! of '1)7, have withdrawn from collegaj I We are Kind to aee Joe Akerman with ! ua once more, ami appreciate Ida pres- enee here aa the aileeeaaor of Mr. Heleh- i er. Mr. Akerman haa been engaged I lately in the phoaphate huaineaa of Florida. OUR NI'KCIAL AGKNT, I). W. MtUrtRGOfl, ATHENS. BA, Is instnictcd to give to ('Iuh* our Lowest Rates o)i all our goods. faorgialitsaiiifly} Works, Allorderaand enquiries for Athens and district for Sporting and Athletic Gouda of our make are referred to him. The ruleu of the library are auch that you cannot amoke in the hall, laugh, talk, aludy leaaona anditia made known to you finally that you have no real right to ait there and liaten to the stillness around you and are allowed to do it for 1 the present only Itecauae there la no other place for you to go. The many triends of Mr. Breach, ’!)7, will lie sorry to bear of Ids departure from college, lie ia now at the Belle vue High School in Bedford county, Va' MODEL CIGAR STORE. Fir^e Cigars, Tobacco ar\d Srr\okir\g Supplies. (COIIKN OI.D HTANDJ (or. Full ego A vo. and Broad St., under ( ommcrclal Hotel. J. .V WILLIAMSON, LIVERY AND TEED STdBLES. HANDSOME TURN OUTS- ON CLAYTON 8TKKKT, OITOSITK Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. McQueen & Carter, 23 .(A 2r& 23 2U R S. 4 Under BaMwhi'a Shoe Store. A. G. SPALDING & S NEW YORK. Michael Bros. CARPETS, CURTAINS and DRAPERIES, For Club Rooms »no Socictv Hsu* Pineal Line of Neckwear ami Shoes in the City. 11. Coftii Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON STHKK IV