The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, February 16, 1895, Image 3

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wwmtit.L 1 IU.1 THE RED AX 1) BLACK. TOWN AND tdnPVJS Mi«« Carrie Johnson, of Atlanta, who lias been visiting Miss Du Hose, of this eity, will return toiler home to-day. The many friends of Miss Johnson will be sorry to hear of her departure. Mr. Frank Boland, the genial manager of the Varsity base-ball team, has gone to Atlanta, to have his eyes treated. He will probably return to Athens next Monday. The Pandora editors arc doing some ! good work on the annual. They will increase the size of the book a good j deal, and use a better quality of paper i than heretofore. The Ladies Whist Club of Athens was entertained yesterday by Mrs. Me(>ownn and Mrs. L. W. Charbonnicr. There will he hut one more entertainment before the Lenten season begins. Mrs. (’. 1*. Willcox left on Wednesday for Montgomery, Ala. She goes to visit her children, fora few week*. Mr. Frank Keen has returned to col lege. The grocers are said to have regretted that Uncle Tom's Cabin didn’t show up, much more titan the Vntmgcr of t ie Opera House. Mr. It. K. White has returned ftom Ids home, where lie was called by the sick ness of Ids mother. His ft i<-nds are glad to hear of the Improved condition of his mother, and hope that site w ill soon re cover entirely. Miss Aline Walker, of ' ontoe, fJa., is the guest of Miss May ilodgsou, of this city. it is pretty wcTl settled that some young maid of Athens had a < thinct sized photograph taken recently in the ‘ altogether” condition. A certain dis reputable sheet from Atlanta reported this suspicion; hut information from a more reliable sour, c lias come to the Hkd ami Hi..\< k. Miss Maria Hodgson gave a luncheon on Monday of this week, to tin* Rev. J. t\ Davis, former rector of Emmanuel church. On Saturday evening last Mrs. A. K. ( rawford gave a Napoleon lea," in honor of the three brides of the wiutcr— Mrs. C. M. Strahau. Mrs. W. D. Hooper and Mix. K. W. I harbonnier. Other | guests were present and report an even ing of rare enjoyment. Delicious re fresliments were most daintily served. Mr. (Jrecne Johnson, of the Law ( lass lias been sick for the past few days with a severe cold. Tlie Freshmen had an examination in firay's Elegy on Thursday. Skating lias b**en a very popular sport during the past week with all the col iege men. The water works pond lias been frozen tight since last Thursday and all who can skate have had a good time on the ice. Mr. V.. II. Jones, one of the Editors of the Red ami Hi.a< k was coufined to Ids room tlie first part of the week with a severe abscess on one of his teeth. John Dorsey received a letter lately of twenty page thickness, and sent one in return, so his friends say, that required two large envelopes and consisted of nearly sixty pages. 4 Popular Garments for Stylish Dressers. "THE OXFORD.” “THE CdMBRlDQE” “THE -SWELL.” “OVIR RESENT.” Sow mi Dluplay ;it ('lms. - \lorris’, KKCOHMZEl) HEADQUARTERS FOR — if SI'KUAI. IHSCUIN I l i > s ITHKM'S. Mr. J. II. Illingworth, the popular manager of the ( inudc ally iiig trip to Atlanta on W i llnenlay. I’rof. i harhonuiei was to coin*' out tlir Mis.t of tin* w f cck on account of MlcknCI". It is very seldom that tin* thermomc- t. r at Athens goes down to that point wlii'iv tin* Oconee Iroo/.os over and a coating of loo thick onou|(li to skato up on oovors the liver. I.ast week the stream froze for the tlrst tilin' since 1KSG anil in koiiii' place* on the liver, the ska- lint; was splendid. The reception given Mile Itlivsi night l.efore last was rather void and smoky despite the appreciative applause of Imr audience. Tile (add on tile Htnge was so (treat that few'costumes were changed, • iml tlie He.iois had to about, ap ( .a- !■ ally more than usual, riihhinit tlielr hands, in order to keep warm. Mr. C. !i. II. Floyd, llusiuess Man >«er of tlie ItKIi A Nil Itl.AlK lias Imm'Ii do- i lined in ids room for tlie last two days with a severe cold. ltemenihor tliat \l. (J Field and hi* j fine troupe of Minstrel men are here to- Uigllt. I’rof. Willeox lias almiit persn.ided Kent to (five the public in book form a series of Ioiiege ipicstlous, to he entitle.) ‘ I'niipie (Questions.” The work will he recommended to all Freshmen who propose to develop an enquiring nature. If you haven't paid your subscription to lira. am. III.A. K, do so at once. The following is what tlie itristol, Teiin., Courier has to say of tlie Al fi. Field Minstrels and Spectacular Pantomine of Aladdin Co., wbieli will give on.t perfor inanee at Opera House this city on bat unlay evening, Feb. Kith: The theatrical season in Itristol was opened l ist nittht by Al fi. Field’s big minstrel company. A better show could not have been selected to open the house, and the audience was delighted with the program offered them. The comedians are Al O Field, Tommy Donelly, llarry Shunk and K. M. Ilall, and all of them are stars. Al Field is probably the bent minstrel exponent of the genuine .South ern “ nigger” on the stage. Every act and every word of Ids is so true to life that it is extremely comical. That fat, lazy drawling way of Al’s would make a sick man laugh. K. M Hall, l.anjolst. Kent the audience wild with delight. Nothing like hU playing h:m ever been heard here, lie In a negro coined inn of the find rank, and Ik full of an indexcri* ide drollery that i« an unique as it U ir 1 rcHUtlhlr. The Martinetti llruthcr* did 1 a Mplendid tumbling art ; tlie Alvarez Family did a novel and charming mmd- eal act; Arthur Yule, triple-voiced vo- ealiht and inimie,deliglited the audience The voealiNlK of tlie allow are many, and all of them aix good. Tlie hIiow laat night Htreiigt belied* the popular verdict: “The heat minHtrel allow ou the road.” McQUiEN & Carter, B A. EBE IR,S, Under Italdw Iii'm Shoe Store. The Pnpular Place of the Town. Often Every Night Until 12 0 dock. GOTO THE POPULAR BARBER SHOP, NEXT TO 8< EHIJEK'N. DICK HARRIS. - PropriPtor. FINECANDIES FRESH SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND Palmer &Kinnebrew, Opposite f*oa r Offh k. •I. N. WILLIAMSON, LIVERY AND FEED STABLES HANDSOME TURNOUTS ON ( LAYTON STREET, OPPOSITE Y. M. ('. A. Bl.'ILDINO. WHEN YOU WANT Lamp ('liimni'vs, Wicks, Shades, Burners,om I,amp complete, you should hoar in mind t lmt you can always tind it at James II. MnioiNs, Ju., Sir lay toil street. Koi m* Oil of the iH’st kind at lnw<*t price*. CITY m;l G STORE, R.C.ORR&CO. WF. WANT YOUR Prescriptions. IlKST DKIdrt USEII. U A UK FI U.V COMPOI NDKD I KI.F.I’IIIINE Hi. Red and Black. Ol'lt SPECIAL AH ENT, I). W. Mi G It EGOR, ATHE/iS. Gl . Ik iuatni ted to give *o ('liibnoili Lowcut Katen on all our good*. All orders and enqu|rien for Atlienn and dlxtrict for Sporting and Athletic of our make are referred to liim. A. G. SPALDING k SONS., NEW YORK. Michael Bros. CARPETS, CURTAiRS and DRAPERIES, Fon Clcb Rooms xno Socibty hauls Fluent Lint* of Neckwear ami Shoe* in the (,'tty. II Coab Davis, Restaurant, JACKSON STKKKT.