The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, March 25, 1895, Image 3

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t T > { ! W 4/^4 ROUGE ET NOIR. SHYHOUSEj ACT 1. Scone, I. Student* room: Dumb l»ell», Indian club*, bats, racket*, Min, *cntti-rcd around on the bureau and bed; picture* of gunbrettc* robed in imiles; foot ball*. flags, poker band* tacked on tbc wall*; an unused Physics, balf-liid- den under a ebao* of empty cologne bottle*. Spain: ‘Say, the (esthetic beautlc* of Hancock Avenue, once tbc abode of Southern aristocracy, but now tbc place where Niggers, .lews and Student* make night and day hideous with their pres ence, ha* at last been shocked beyond pa'ience by a sign whole bold and strange device glares at passer* by, like Freshmen atare at maids of I.ucy Cobb.” 1’jK. “Then let us snatch it from it* resting place, Imp around upon the cam pus, and while I gorge old Andrews with coca cola, you can shove it up a tree. Come, II., Ict’it off.” II, “'Veil, I guess 1 won't. Haven't Kke and Hail and Ac from Florida, been rolled by Yancey for amounts that would put mo in thehandsof a receiver, when I already owe three bundled bones here? And then 'twould lie just my luck to have 'Some low-lived villinn sneak in ami smash this guitar, orrawhidu witli it upon the Pacific slope or some more foreign port." Hug* his griHar while-exit all but H. Scene, II. Tableau. Gridiron, arc lights. Smith ami Spain discovered Inn tree wi'li the sign, ('apt. Andrew* applaud ing: Ac hidden in the shadow of the eleetri light, while from the distanre come beating the pitter patter of Oscar's sole*, and the applause of. E/.elle, who not found, 1* delivering a horse laugh. < urtnin descends, while a voice calls "Oscar, Oscar." Scene, III. Time, H p. in. < liancellor's office. Enter Smith. Spain, Oscar anil Ac. I)r. discovered setting reading an ac count of tlie theft of the sign in the Paris Figaro. Dr. "Be seated, youg gentlemen, ttr. Lyndon will you look for Mr. Fleming.” Exit Oscar. Dr reads to himself. Suiitft and Spain pick up an ante de- liivliin constitution, and laugh and laugh. Ac makes lit* expression inno cent, and when Smith gives a horse . laugh behind the paper, Ac opens his face ami chokes w ith laughter out of the Svjndow. Silence. Silence. Dr. takes off his glasses, draws a haukerclyef from out bis pocket, wipe* the glasses, replaces tbc handkerchief, folds his bands ami says: — Dr. “Now, young gentlemen,"— Eke and Oscar,-Eke with a Enter rush. Dr. Eke. Now, young gentlemen,”— “Yes, Dr., be stood upon the nill, an<l showed us bow- to put it up, and said that we"—. Dr. “That will do, Mr. Fleming.” In . talks for a while and is interrupted by Mr. Tullius Cicero, who backs through the door as though punned by reptiles. lie di*|>erses at the wnvo of Dr.'s hand Exit. Curtain. A<T It. Scene I. Morton's Insurance office. Indian tile procession of Col. Yancey and tire culprits to the stove in the hack of the room. All plead guilty of swiping a sign. Col. Yancey. 1 Young gentlemen: — Though according to the letter of the law, tlds is a very serious offence, yet, having been a student, I look upon It us a light offense and though 1 will release you this time, you will not receive the clemency of tlm.^iw on any repeated sim ilar occasion.” “I hope you will use yourgood (smiles) I influence to prevent such nets in the I future." Tlie Col. is overwhelmed with invita tions to imbibe everything from Ameri can to French coca cola, and lie finally accepts a cigar, concerning which lie remarks, "that it was a good tiling for tlie culprits the cigar had not been smoked before trial.” Sung and dance by Mr. Lyndon, lied lights and curtain. " LOVE FINOS A WAY " Tlie air With fragrance rare is laden, Earth and sky seem full of joy, Hi a nook with ivy shaded Sit a youth and maiden coy. Still lie lacks tlie strength to tell her All his heart would madly say, Hut the Fates have smiled upon him, As of yore, “Love finds a way.” \ For tlie maiden drops a flower, And their hand* upon it meet, And the touch gives him tlie courage i To tell her the story sweet. * 1 And she listens, blushing softly At ills words with passion swayed. ! Then site breathes tlie whispered an swer That a happy man lias made. So from the doubts and disappoint ments, Changing darkest night to day, Springs tlie reign of joy and gladness, Love again, lias found a way. Tiik Maniac. A CHEMICAL TRAGEDY in Two Ael*. BY TIIK MOI.BCVW. ACT 1—MTCNC I. He fooled with a chemical mixture Prepared by a green Sophomore. He thought lie was drinking If)0, But 'twa* Ifj S <» 4 . ACT II AND I.AST. He searched all tlie Chemical Lab. For something to case his brain— Discovered a bottle of H N O,, And will never feel any more pain. TIIK KNI>. Tlie Deinostbenian Society revived the time-honored custom of Spring Delates not long since by a very creditable de late in tlie dispel, Tbe subject was, lb-solved, That L’nited State* Senators should lie elected by popular vote. -B. RAPHAEL,; Tailor and Haberdasher, 11 COLLEGE AVE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FURNITURE, DON’T FAIL TO CALL ON Mendel Morris & Co., 206-208 BROAD ST. -h.a§, $tera& £o„ POPULAR PRICE lilLIJLANH’S PLACE Afas Hardware Co„ I*KA f.KIltt IN -IS- THE PLACE OF THE TOWN Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Cutlery, Etc. AOEWT* VOH Electric Razors. To get Good Tilings to Drink in Abun dance*. Also Ires. Tlie very best ma terial always used. Yon will fin,I a nice line of KEY WEST CIGARS here. courteous attention wi in*,'you..* ,D ' 1 248 and 250 Broad Street, 105 Broad Street. Athens, Ga.