The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, March 25, 1895, Image 8

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¥ ROUGE ET NOIR. Broad St. Uiiina House. j. l mm $ i, PROPRIETORS .'III Kinds, Lamps, ('him nej/s. Oil Cutis, Kerosene Oil,Summer Hoods,Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps. Flower ami Fruit Hii s/ei Is. IITliiilN y CHINA IIIHSK, lll!< )A I) STICKK I'. T^e above is a picked r^rriber of the contestants in the ,» , , ,, „ rr^ost irr\portar\t events of last Field-Day. IlASELTON OsL DOZIER, AS will be seen the cut is photographed frorr\ the steps of ;he F\oore building. fcl 5 <2^1 so Fine* Samples#- Thanking the young gen tlemen of the University for piist favors, we invite them to call and see samples of something new in Fancy Hull Programs, Invitations, t ards, Etc. lliis is some thing new, and must he seen | to he appreciated. We also have an elegant line of samples of Com mencement Programs. E. I*. STONE, !•> North Jackson St. *K l I.KIl* IV pianos AND ORGANS, SHALL /HUSIC4L IS ST RUM LUTS. Cirtures and : : Pic/urn Frames II.’ HAST CLAYTON ST. that lastrnmcn's at lowest pliers J.S. BERNSTEIN, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Fine Carriages for Commencement. ■ Horse* urnl Buggies In till' City. All Honrs O.iy uni Nl^lit. I'HoMA-i STKICET. BEHOT5, )• nrc in tlie swim. Co ne to s . m. We will snv.’ you money on your THE THALIANS. The Tlmlinns are lm»y preparing an other |>lny to lie put on tlie boards at Coinmeueement. The title of the one Heleeted in tlie Private Secretary, and will he the Iliu-Ht of wlilcli there have ! Iieen. Following Ik the cast ax far ax ap pointed: Mr. .Marshland Mr. ' attermole Douglass ( atterinole II.11 v> Marshland .. ! Rev. Hold. Spalding | (iilrxuu, a Tailor ... Knox a Bailiff Eva Wehxtor .... Mix. Stead, 1 Edith .Marshland, ) ' (Mr*. Ashford.... . - — The I'halianx always Hive good per- Mr. Hawes Mr. Ia’c ...Mr. A. Morton Mr. Jaek Kldley . Mr. Parish Smith Mr. Ferrell Mrs. Sledge forinanccs and some college spirit can Is 1 appropriately exhibited by a student attending them. Their receipts are al ways poured into the Athletic Associa tion treasury. rants for Bachelor of Athletics, and Ar thur Clark of Atlanta, these places may all he filled, all of course save Xally’s centre and Price’s guard. We must have these two men back. Nally’s experience, his strength and grit make him a centre who cannot he re placed hy any known Georgian, and when We line up against Sewanec next year tlie team will, no doubt, lie Irish if Price is not there to hold up the line witli his two hundred pounds of muscle. There are half-a-dozen aspirants for quarter and about eleven for Watkins’ place. Last year s team who will return are: Stubbs, full. Fleming, r t. Price, 1 g. Nally, c. Kent, r g. Clark, I 0. Spain. F., r c. Spain, W., r. h. Tie CONCERNING THE PIG SKIN. ■ manager of the foot hall team has SAY AU REVOIR (?) The warbling hulbul and the campus mocking bird Is lost in the gnashing of the teeth of students fast. E. /. SMI Th & Co. Have the Finest Line of Tan and Tennis and Pat ent Lea th e r Shoes in Town. been fortunate enough to secure Mr. II. j S. Warner, of Cornell, to train the team The dewy grass is laden with the wisps of next year. Mr. Warner played guard on plucked out hair, the Cornell eleven for four years, the And along the dear familiar way sound last year captaining the team. , the horse-laugh of the passed; The record for head-work and general j ability made hy the Cornell team in their every game is the highest recom- . ,, „ , . . - To enfold the praises of reports of For the letter gloated over, thought to enfold a swollen check mendatiou among the many that lead us to believe we have secured a tine man in Mr. Warner. He weigh- gIpounds, and i* now practicing law at Salisbury, New York. With a man whose advice will have math and lab. Contained communication from the Rev- j ereml Chancellor, \\ hicli, sans check, sans praise, em- j bodied but abitiug, branding stab. „ , . Valedictohiaic, tW, Uo, ’!*), ’97,*V»? the greatest weight with the eleven, and | with prospects remaining as bright as; they are at present, everything (mints to COMPLIMENTARY GERMAN, the certainty of putting a better set of ! Monday night the K. A. fraternity gridiron gods on the tield next year than tendered a German complimentary to we have done in the paat. the Sewanee team. Tire rooms were The team will lose some good men, decorated with Sewanee's royal purple, hut with McCutcheou bark to till Newt and the evening passed off very pieas- Watkins place, and two Savannah aspi- antly. None hut tlie best and newest t iings handled. L MYERS & Hi) Palmar & Kinnel>r<‘\v, Special Attention Paid to PRESCRIPTION./ Pure Drugs, Prompt Delivery. 105 Clayton St. It is to Your Interest To Iniv [,nni|> Goods, Kero sene Oil, or anything else in the Housefurnishing line from J. H. HUGGINS, Jr. 33 Clayton Street, .Because his prices are lower an<l his goods I tetter than can l>e found anywhere else in Athens. If you don't lw- lieve it, give him a call. Rememlter the place, J.H. HUGGINS, Jr., 33 CLAYTON XT.