The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, October 19, 1895, Image 1

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£ - f THE RED AN f> BLACK. Vor.. III. University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.. October 19, 1895. x. THE FIRST Of THE SEASON Georgia will line up againat Carolina this afternoon. The hoys from the Palmetto State arrived hist night on the Northeast* vn and are a very heavy and formidable looking set of players. They will give us a hard tussle on the gridiron hut we are pinning our faith to Georgia giit and expect to see our team w in. The game will he ealled prinnytly at •J:JU this afternoon in wider to enable the Wofford men to eateh their train to night. An admission fee of .‘>0 rents will In* elk rged at the gate. Let every one come out; it will he an exciting game and our men will need tlflj en couragement of a good crowd. 4 SONG. liKDK'ATKIi TO |» IIAM.. my father died GEORGIA S FO )T-HAI.L TEAM. ATHLETICS. The surprise of the season came Krl- can go through our own lino as he did day week when t onally played stieli p then, there Is no necessity to sigh for remarkable game at t ickle. Although lie K tines We know that lie is good for a was against so good and great a man a* again nearly every time lie takes the Kent, lie was deeidedly in the games, hall. As tlie ’Varsity did not take the hall, hc 4 Sniders appearance on the Held again 1 ditl not have an opportunity to show if encouraging, lie is a splendid man what lie could do as an offensive tackle; for any position, an I it is to he hoped hut Ids defensive game was a decided that lie will not get hurt again, success, lie kept Rent out of most of __ (Jot hr.m hut quit |,laying foot-hall I tUo Pl«J» »"«« »■«• »»»K K»«"l "*• ... nm.-i, Tlila 1. a grra blow to foot-ball 1,1 - | •**» «« were the atu.l.u.t •iwUkm gia, for he was the most ‘promising new on the side 1 .ics. If lie would hut. tackle lower, Ills success would In* assured. hack that has appeared on the field this year. Notwitlkstnu ling that lie had never worn an uniform before the laMci part of September, by his hard placing, his niturd pluck, his ability as a sprin ter, and the almost incredible quiekness wifli which he haiRdd the game, his place on tin* team was .issuin' Jr# • • - y *V»v Stubbs w:v* Ifl'^^l. .. > Soki • of the 1^* AhiWtlon was something of adlsip The matter of off-side playing is fast Incoming a serious matter with our men. Tile referee could hardly keep the men on side Saturday; and if they uiovii . anxious in a practice game, what will The game Saturday between the ’ Var- they do when they go against some col- sity and a picked second eleven, resulted in a score of eight to nothing in favor of the former. Little offensive work was attempted by ’Varsity, Imt they showed that they could advance the hall when 7*4sr: You know how late I. You know how late old \VAtford died it looked just like a suicide; Aid eic old Wofford's tears are dried, V. C. will In* right at her side. •) Ft 1 Stiildis will I u k rigid through then line When Nitlly makes that hole so tine: When Morris leaves their ends behind I hat team will for a sprinter pine. :l. NN lien I'rice and Kent down in thoir tracks The very fleetest of their hacks; Their Mocking broke with awful whacks The team will all go home in hacks. I. A id when the game is o’er and won. When Chapel Hill is all undone, They then will know' its not such fun To try our team to over-run. TERRY ROTTER. on tl»j* Mam anw^iei ably. inns he has uiad^Bme |*a<Ui< c* h im been wonderful, an I the way ho^ept his feet and followed his interfered) pre saged for him a great carfcr on-tlic grid iron. Most important of all, li«r w as a mM wlios * piiticipation in ihe gann calculated to break down petty pie judtee against it, for he would 11 vei have taken ai> unfair udvatitige of ,m opponent. , It is to he Imped that lie w ill yet be aide to play. f point .mm good, bill laudable and before the * Varsity * L£o seemed to have tiegun to play, he rSff giin**d about twenty vards. T«llffil> V* after the game beg in, however. jpi gain* could In* tnide through them. Seveial things happened that tended to Sin K Tlinr. lay week Hit- 'Vn rally hint ,n *•“' ,,n « K mlnUcmit. Win n Niillev Hhown great Improvement. Their .It- broke tbroii^li bovejoj'. fenatve «anie hint hnproveil won l.-i fully. WUi “'i' 1 UMlheil fifteen yard* with the ait-l tha men Mein at butt to bstve beuim a ll. one wrm reininle.l of a «iniit»r ex- to realize that they 111 net liegin to |.lay. b,bilion by him hint year in otirSawaiif. |t le Imt one week before we meet North «*me; a ml when I.ovejoy wan fupe.l OiiroHoii, an.l if anythin.' i« 10 be .lone | '>v«r hi* own tc»al line and a safety maiN: tiien the men nimtt get ilown ...on to fl * »“» ntlurai, an.l |.h-iut tut. to • GEORGIA, RAH' " Sung to “Dixie.” Oh. 11*" ball’s with Georgia — Speeds gains she's making; The foe in rattled—It* line is breaking! C. nt gin It ih! Georgia, Itili! C oigia. Kill! Georgia, Hash! There's a tuiieh-dowu, Georgia. lege? Ihe men must remember that the penalty for tiff-able playing I* very' ' " “'V'" " U '... never.', an I that It i. mneb better to let ,,ur a man gain ona yard lit it lie lias to M«lit " haul for. than to t b, ten without I , * ****}??"**' -•tHn'iae^e I* *1! r' ’•HfwV tribal pln'y. In tl.ii la»t , Vhtni!**ti \IT14 *11111. h* , t'lloili'a.pjk 1%. Inch HttluRWlsi* t!my .lio.iltl have Itwen > 1 < ieoiv.ia. now ami ever Goorulatvoirftl lutvu Ita.l another touch tieorpla, Halt! CieorgtH, Itili! tlown. I'bty . lean loot-bullIt’z the j. .It, Ib-ort'la. now nml ever — lttlrent way to vleUtry. 1 1 et*. former an.l forever! —.— (teortls, H11I1! t.eorglR, It tit! Th#j,a »«ainstW..ffor.l may not b. 1 «nd»! R»b! Knit! Itili! for Oeortda! lit. Moat of flln plinta were but we expect noniethln? pbenom- nal of him. We do not doubt Mint be will be nil 1 lnht when the time eofnra 1 K lotitteat kick waa he 1 till fully return- e.l by I..itejoy. I.ovejoy'a htteklnil v u t luj afi Tp that miiio of the boya'lldnk K. K. It. will lie l,nut vutii' when they Innl It. ... » •• m trainKr, they held mir »tr»n« eleven down Air; .. hJ) ,„ walk , of N ,. w v „rk." *" M " r »' *•“ to mttlilntt : and Nl)rt|| Klll|| ^^1, K<ll |, | t almply eitt. na twire t!iey eame Very near aeorlnjf. Till* j yea, they have a trainer from Princeton, W( , ,.„ B w , M . r „ W1 . phtJ wltll Na ||y. mill if they have 11a U'oml material 11* K ,. |t p r |,, e they hail la.t year, no doul.t they will „„ toKetlmr. malt the bnll rl«ht make It very iiitere*tln)( for our team. ^ tliroutth The date of the Hewanee tfiune b‘*f\vo will .how the.. Tarlleel boya (.eeii i lumyed and will Ih, played In At- v „ jlnp|f t , ||nJI „ r two , l inta or» the eluhteenll, of November- vWrth K o*l, South K-nT I’.in-llwlfenie day On that day AtlanU . p ,, (lW|1 will l#r filled with College men, all whom will go t » the game, at it will hi* toigla men tire burking It will* kl *’* v '* r X ,lri * • Sdf tlieiu tik<* tli«‘ pigskin through 1 v orth L’lrolln »’* line. r w __ ^ rv --* — e l 'b| ||| | || hard work. .Vnrnini; praeticea, wlileb 1 Ink of Iret Tbankatrlvln« Day when iff 1 a part of the program of the day. The •• atomtyi. . ... * , a , ,, . 1 w uhim and Moon* together, were Ircgun this week, will have a file* '• »nl.t •*<«»»« superiority over Auhuro 1 management is to he highly commended , _ effect; and the enmmuoieation of Cupt. swept away by seven of our men for security t’d* date - no doubt HtUblm in last week’s Kki» axi» k ‘W'hU through and dowming nn Aw v fill our depleted treasury. shows what he intends to do from now ! .•*»»* ‘* n ‘l liehlnd the line. ^ «»n. He realizes that making a national -UMsey played a gwwl game an I his foot-hall reputation for Georgia will In* Li# kle .»f li.iriow when the latter started accomplished only by the hardest kind rut» with tin* hall caught away b;wk, of work: and he knows that there is as splendid. (Jouglierty tackled well an i once down- MkCotln «n several yards lN*hind the Hue. good material here as tfier • is at any of | the Southern colleges, and that, w ith the co-operAtioa of tin* team, a very honor able battle can In* given to No»th Caro lina and, perhaps a defeat administered to them. 11) his great work last year and his wonderful fdaylng up to this time, he has won the confidence of the entire col lege and the utmost respect of the teem. Let the men give him the support lie de in ji» training as then- is In college and serres, and if we do not have a success-J no Inin has worked harder than he for till season, we shall all know that wel his place. have gone again*! teams that have out MuMm' bucking on Monday was mag- classed us. niriceiit. When we have a full-back that We must give Woffnrd a hearty re-j — eeption. The Imv* up there are all' Mr: Ch»rH* ;f Only On* clever people and last year we were t llllr |,. H m |n th« world fnt n»c treated very well l»y them. To In- beaten^ (^.jy oih> team, dear old I*, of G. by them would Ih* a disgrace that even time could not efface. \illoi in’s improvement »t end lia»*( NOTI ii^' ii very marked ; lie gets down morel The following men wdll pleas** lie in «|U • kly on kicks and his tackling is veryll unlfoini Saturday at 2 p. rn. and all will site. With his weight an i activity lliera4 ^aemlde at training «|i»srters before go- ia no reumn w hy should not hold his log on the field: ow t| with any of the men he will go ag iinst He is as conscientious a man bsy're not so very heavy, I ut all are corkers, nd there's only one team gin-st to vie tory. N»ll}, Commlljf. It-brook. M.Hirv, Terrell, C'lH’bntn, Kept. Mtiiler. H.trrow, Silo*. Punterojr, Morrl., mtoriii, f'larke. ilalwy. VTablao, ;8l^n^4,) l^tvejtijr, II. W. Stubha, C»pt. fot-hraii is playing gotnl hall, he is strong and very active, lie has Nalloy's h i# trait «#f lieitig where the ball is. •liege Ihiys can get lainips, (‘him nsrt Wicks, Oil f 'aus, KathTubs. Sauce h ns. for hi Tting water or anything else n** del for their r<»om», on liroT«l St. at If {gin* Chinn House. VNIVLc