The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 09, 1895, Image 4

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1'HE RED A X D BLACK THEVRE OFF. Tin* Vamity l«*ft yesterday afternoon for Columbus, when* they will jday tin* men from the University of Alabama t!iih afternoon. The team lisam been in haul luck till* week. Morriii, Stubbs ami Ferrell being hurt ami obliged to lay ofT moat of the time. Then Moore quit playing and since he lias do' hied to start again, he haa been too aiek to get in the game. The grippe haa atrtiek the Vie- torla and Price, Cochran and Killorin have hei-n laid up. However, they have pulled together and all thoae meiitioiied except Moore, have gone to Columhu-. resolved to do or die in the aervice of the l(ed and Black. The teams will lim* up aa follow a : Alabama. Jenkins, L. K. Dew, L. T. Boykin, L. G McKudiin. Pierce, K. G. Johnatou, L. (i. IV Uiam, R K Powers, L. II. Teague, K. II Burr. Bankhead. Ferrell, Walden, Georgia. Killorin B. K Kent, It. T. Middlehrooka, R. G. Cochran, C. Connally, h. G. Price, L. T. Clarke, L. K. Pomeroy, It. II. Nalley, L. II. Barrow, Q B. Stubbs, (Captain.) Georgia Substitutes, Morria. A menaage received by telephone from Colunihua tliia morning atateathat it ia a fair day. Tliia ia a good aign, aa it aeetna to indicate that at laat the ill luck that haa followed ua haa changed. The operator aaya that there ia much ciitlm- slaam in Colitmhua and that alie ia bet ting on Georgia. We heartily wish that ahe may win. Mr. J W. Spain haa made arrange menta to have a full account of the game acnt him aa soon aa it ia over, and anx ions “rootei V may have the auapenae relieved by being at Blumentlml’s at (1:80. There will he only one meaaage, which will give a detailed description of the game THE GREATEST YET. I.AWYKIta VS. .11 Mona. This afternoon there will boom* of tin* moat exciting contests ever played on the Campua The mighty team from the Law Chian will meet the giilllta of *1*7 on the gridiron ami the struggle will he to the death. There ia conaidcrahtc had feeling be tween the elaaaea oil account of the fact that the Lawyers are continually hoaat- iug of their mental superiority while the Junior* persistently refuse to give the diaeiplea of Blaekatoiie their legal title ot Colonel. Tin* only way to settle the differences was by mortal combat, and the lasue of tliia afternoon's battle will decide tha points at variance. The Lawyer* are somewhat more heady in their play and have hcttci team-work, hut the Juniors are more experienced, as sev eral of their players have pruetieed with the “scrubs.” The t« .tins will he: Junior*. Lawyers. tween Auburn and Vanderbilt. They meet in Nashville tliia afternoon We note that Hildebrand played right gu ir 1 and Malone quarter in the game lietwcen Centre College last Saturday. and did excellent work; the character izing Malone’s playing as phenomenal. Neither Centre ii a Vanderbilt scored. RIMES CF THE TIMES. When the w (tin r’s very ha- lit, I glide about in my little yacht ; But when the -•1*011 waxeth rule. I greet my friends around the vide. When the leave* show signs of Fawl. Out of hock comes coat and si awl ; But when comes Spring with pleasant halm. Then I rawhide to my falm. Tm. ( III Ml*. New Opera House Which Wiu You Hue? H. J. ROWE A CO., Maxackiiv GRANDEST EVENT IN YEARS ! Monday, Nov. n, Jule Gran's Opera Co., 5O--People--50 Presenting the Greatest Opera Success on Record ! Grand Duchess. 250 Nights at Abbey’s Theatre,New Voi k LARGE CHORUS OF PRKTTY GIRLS. WatKon, c. Sclmun. MosU'llt‘1, ( 1‘rioe. t Guards. S Stevens, j Stovall. Mailtlox, J Urttilwcli, ' Tackles. i Jones, i Harris. Spain, t Cothran. \ Ilalfs. ♦ Smith. i .’an de V Uaim.r. Quarter. Kemp. ltavti, Full. Porter. Pfndrr, ( KUiyil. t Ends. j Battle. IBoyd. AUBURN PLAYS VANDERBiLT TO-OAY. \ Wo will Inure an opportunity to learn something of the relative strength of two of our most formidable adversaries • torn the result of the game to-day he- Mrs. SylvanuH Morris entertained the Ladies Morning NYliist Club on last Tuesday. A. 1.. Tidwell, ’’.'7. left yesterday for Atlanta, w here he will remain for a few days. (•rent foot-hall game this afternoon Invitations to the Chancellor’s recep tion will tfoon he issued. It promises to he a grand atTair, and those w ho are in vited may consider themselves fortu nate. The Literary Club of the young ladh s was delightfully entertained last Tues day by Mi*s May Hull. II W. Calhoun of Arlington, has «ti tered the Law class. Frank Mitchell left yesterday for At lanta, to visit tin* home-folk* and “oth ers.” The Lawyers will stand an examina tion on the second book of Bhiekstone, ! on Thursday. Homer lilaek has recently invented a ; unique head-gear by which the part ill the hair is well kept, and which also keeps the hair out of one’s eyes when j playing tennis. It is a great invention, and we congratulate Mr Black on Ids | originality, and suggest that the Ath letic Association t ike means to prevent the infringement of his patent. W e announce, with much regret, the death of Mr. Kd Cohen, ’Nil, a rising young attorney of ' aeon. His death w as caused by sin overdose of laudanum. We regret to announce that Tom Bond, while acting on the liorri- xontal bar at the Gymnasium yesterday, had the misfortune to fall and break his arm. We wish him a speedy recovery of same. In the east of “A Breezy Time.” w hich w ill appear at the Opera House Nov. Ia. there are five comedians and four come diennes. The principals are K. B. Fit/, and Kathryn Webster. A great ileal of original and tuneful mush* has been composed specially for the production. “A Breezy Time” is a veritable mint of mirth, and Fit/, and Webster have added many new and original features this season worthy of note. Handsome Sophy Hansel! has again entered college He w alked all the way from Madison, and we learn that lu* is applying for membership to the Tha- lians on account of bis great pedestrian “ feat.” MICHAEL BROS., rp-to-datr Furnishing for Fraternity Rooms. Ktf>- bons for Hadp s. Special rates to the I’niversitv Our own Orchestra! Prices 25c., 50c.. 75c. and $1.00. & Ordinary Straight Draft Corn Maker. •BlR^afYeKARD B. J^PWEL. SOLD ONLY t’.Y M. MYERS & CO. W ill save you money on them as well as all kinds of furnishings. 11 COLLEGE AVE. FOR FIRST-CLASS COAL At reasonable prices, call on ATHENS NEW COAL CO., In roar of Phi-Kappa Hall. TRADE OF STUDENTS ros|R-ctfully solicitod. Va v .Manager. (JO TO GEO. II. WILLIAMSON, CLASS ’80, For Fine Confectioneries, Fine ( igars. Tobacco, Fancy Groceries. Fine Fruit a specialty. p. WEIL, Firs t- C/as s S/io- mnk r All work promptly done and warranted. 16 Clayton St. y// / c 4 // tin Ih.*ys THE Varsity Tailors Mas it Splendid Stock of Imported and Domestic Goods. Him a Call. tcllcqc PATRONIZE HIM! Opposite Cmrnpii 9 To the Students- We kindly ask your inspection of our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods and Hats. Each department comprises all of the latest novel ties carefully selected with prices consistent with the character of goods. Suits made to order our specialty. Fit guaranteed. Spec ial discount to students. Very lespectfully, Give MK HAKI. KUOS CHAS STERN i Co. GO TO Davison & Lowe’s New Dry Goods Store for Up-to-Date Novelties. Special Line Ribbons, Hosiery. Underwear. Handker chiefs and Umbrellas. Cor. Clapton Jackson Sts.