The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, June 13, 1897, Image 2

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The Red and Bla I’lihlished l»y I 1m* Atlilrtir Association of tin* University of Georgia. IIaIIKV Dolili. ... KhITOH-IN-f'HIM A. .1. IlKIUK . Ill *IN»M MaNA'.KII, II. u. .. . Atiii.ktk Kimtoi:. •I. W. Siva in Local. Kihtoii. L. A. < oIIIKaN A*s* I 1(1 HINK.HH M l,*U. All hllNitlfSS Ifttfl* III II «%t b«! ;tl|llr«‘HH •*«I to till* Itiiftint H* Managei. All mattei Int« inl«*«I for publiention should Im* addressed to tin* Kill tor-In ch k*f. ATIIKNS, JUNK 12, 1897. I hero will In* no paperto-morrow, Imt I ucsday mnl Wnlni n hi\ fol lowing tin* |»;i|n-r will appear. TIIK ( I lCKin i.l M There in one feat lire of our cur riculum that hIion I<1 I »• counidcred l>y lliune who have that matter in charge. Ah hIiowii Ity the new eat alogitc, ato] thone preceding it for a nuinher of yearn, nearly all the in et heinat ien at n 111 e ■ I hy eamliilaten for the ll.iehclor ol Arln degree are, in the tir«l two yearn of the eonrne, I' lenheian, ti lionrn jier week; So|ih- ••more, I; Junior, 1; Senior, 0. Oil the other hind, ntioll nluilien an trench ami tieruian, which "honhl he begun an early .in |ionnilile, while the memory easily grasps loi nm, are mu licgnn until theJunior year. It seems to nn that the average "Indent Weill.I lie alile to derive fir more Innietit from the eourne if the memnry nludlen were pul tii*t ami the reasoning ntlldlen last. VN KM'I.ANTIUN We regret that the aceeiint of the Senior hauipiet an reported in Friday’s issue of Tin |,'kh ani> In i ik, w i« nueli a» to create an en tirely erroneous idea an to stale of the affairs. \\ e reniomhor untieing one or two expressions before the arliele went to print, that might have been of doubtful propriety if taken alone, but ill the light of the entife aeeoiliit, we thought them I" i niaaib i Tl t irtioli saya“ I'm fellows drank deep and long to Jack. I In 1 statement wan oulv an effort on the part of the reporter to produee a readable article, and we desire to nay that at that time there wan not only no wine whatever on the table, but there wan not e'en any iee water in the glasses. Again, w e regret eveeedingly that the wording of the article was not more closely observed before it went to print, and that tin. account did in any way whatever create an entirely false impression. der to create as little confusion as possilde. In this connection, we desire to urge every man in the military de. pa it me nt to he present on that day and till his place in the tanks. If it in nut a pleasant duty to make thin demount rat ton, it ought to he. We are mire there in not a student ill the l niversily who tines not feel a peon liar pride in the work that in now III process on tile campus. I p to this time we have had no opportunity of making any puldio acknowledgement of our apprecia tion of what has been done by the State. < »f all occasions the most,, appropriate this in the one. lin forego other pleasures in order to discharge this duly. This is the only occasion we have had, or per haps ,viiI have, ol expressing olir gratitude to the public for the rec ognition we have received from the Stale. I.< t every student in College lie present. It may cause you some discomfort, hut if you feel the interest in the I’lilversity that yon ought to feel, you will cornu out and march in tin- procession. PROGRAMME FOR ALUMNI DAY. TUESD\Y, JUNE 15. Meeting of Alumni Society in Library lluihling. t>:IMi i/rh.ek a. in. baying of t'ernei stone of lluihling, by III. .1. W Taylor, (.rami Master Free anil Aeeepted Masons ol lieorghl. KXKIICISKS in I II.VI’KI . Alhlress of Welcome, lion. I*. \V. Md ilrim. President Alumni Society Music Aiuuii 'si « or ration. Hon. IV. V. Atkinson, Governor of l icorgia. lion, holier! I lleruer. I’lvslilcnt of the Senate. lion. Ilmlson A .bnklni. Speaker of House of HepicH. nlatlvo. M lisle. Hon. ii. A. Stevens, 1 hail man Senate <'onintlttee on Appropriations. lion. John It Little, Chairman II HUM 1 Co ill mi tti* i> oil Finance. Il«*M. ( : eorjji* C. Thomas, ( hairman Visiting Committee of the (h tieral As sembly. Music. KKSPoXsK tiN PAIIT OK BoAKD OF Till'S- TKK*. lion. N. .1 Hammond, President, t SMBItS. J. T. Dennis, I. .!. T. Dennis. II, I*. K Johnson, W. T. Newman. Jr., .1. 11. Kill ley, T. A. \Vlilttak«*r. Column form* on long walk in follow ing order: University Cadets. Masons. Pn’iiili'nt Alumni ><n iity. t liancollor. Battalion executes column right in front of I*. K. Hall, marches to steps.nnd faces to right. Masons open ranks and mart'll in reverse order to building, fol- lowcd l»y Invited guests. Alunuii So- eifty closes up to liattalion and faces to ward building. Exerclst s at building over, column beaded by Battalion pro ceeds up Deuiostbfiiian Hall walk to (impel. HUNTER & OLIVER, (srmcssoK* to ii. s. wkst,) Make a specialty of supplying tile pub- lit* with tin* purest and freshest FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES. A Full Line Fruits and Produce TRY OUK HKINTZ PICKLES. They are dflicious. M ill please you ill Coffees a lit 1 Teas. ^|f * OnleiM taken at your home, Hoods deli ve ret I promptly. Teleoliorie 69. i.s Eiast Clayton Street. The Swellest Line <iF MEN’S Fine Shoes Iii all the latest styles anil widths from A to K, are 11* be found in the only Ex clusive Men's Shoe House in the city. N. HESS' SONS, !■> Whitehall St-., ATLAJYTA, ga. Special Prices to Students. K. II. A- W. V. DORSKV, Clothing'% Furniture. Latest Novelties in KUUNISIIINt. (iOODS. ATHENS HARDWARE CO- M SS. PISTOLS, AMMUNITION AND Ct TI.KKY. Hardware of all Kinds. BICYCLES. ItltOAH STIthET. 6 H M -V- N* -V« -X- \* \» D0T5 j >/ We want your Trade ami miiHt have it. Our terniH are GASH But we propose to nave you from 10 to Tl |H*r cent, iu price. We car ry the most complete LlflE OF SHOES In the city. Also a full line of Hats. Shirts, Furnishings. Umbrel las, Ktc , liesides com plete line of • nrpetft. Mattings,* urtains.Ktc. Respectfully, | M.Myers & Co. JtK *c k :c : w n y< n to « f u y v. V. v, n V. V. V. X « tft v. •>4 y SUITS TO ORDiiR A SPECiALTY. Perfe:t Fit Guaranteed. IIS To 121 CLAYTON ST. Hong Sing. NO. 8 J ACKSON ST. CHINESE MACHINE LAUNDRY. I - ir.-t ( lass \\ urk a S|it*oinltv. B. RAPHAEL- d.w. mcgregor. College Bookstore. ATHENS, GA. All the New Idea s in STATION E R Y. l-AYIN'i 1IIF CMKNKK slitNK e dotirv to owl I utloiitiou to the order of the parade for next Tui-n- *Uy tnortiing, pulilinhed in nnothor ■olumn. All who will t.vke |>art in thin procouion *11011111 take notice of the order of arrangement, in or- SlH-akor*. Alumni Sot’iety, in classes iu onier of seniority. March. Up main walk past chapel, circling rountl in front ofHoraitory int»» walk in float of Morris residence. THE VICTORIA ATHENS. GEORGIA. Large Sample Knomn. Hot ami t oh! Ratlin. H*. G. McKEXZIE, Prop’r. FOUNT MN PENS. •Athletic Goods of Every Description. PRICES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY.