The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 20, 1900, Image 1

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i LXPJ X3/Z 2 7 THE RED t-<//t BLAOI Vol. VIII. University of Georgia, Athens, Gn. f Novombor 20, 1900. UEORQIA BADLY BEATEN. From the News and Observer. The Tarheels defeated the Crackers yesterday by a score of 65 to 0. It was a one sided game front start to finish, and never for an instant was the result in doubt. The Georgians put up a plucky tight but were out-classed. Taking into consideration that the Georgia boys had just fin ished a long and tiresome trip, and that only three of their men were on last year’s team, the score is not to be wondered at. The game began at 3 :22 and closed at 5:15. The halves were twenty-five and fifteen minutes. The first touchdown was made in two minutes after time had been called. The maximum time for making a touchdown was 5 1-4 minutes. At the end of the first half the game was 33 to 0. Out of ten chances, the Carolinians kicked five goals. All the “trys” were easy, being from squarely in front of the goal. Dorsey’s playing was the fea ture for Georgia, while the Tar heels worked together, making many excellent team plays, l>ut distinguishing no one especially. Prof. A. II. Hubbard, of the A. and M. College, was umpire and Mr. Phil Meade, of Chapel Ilill, was referee. Carolina’s 15 yard line. Graves brings the oval back 20 yards.. Then follows a series of rushes. Oldham gains 5 through j the line. Berkeley tries tackle for 8. Graves 5 through line, Oldham 5. Osborne 15 around the left end. Foust 13 around the right end. Berkeley opens in , 0 , ,i r , - ,, i J - i Oldham masses for 8 more and the line for o. Bennett behind i , J. ' V , ,. - iiii touch down. line, 5 1-4 min imi'gains i yards, then 4, then ... , , ' , 7 - , utes. Graves kicks goal. Car olina, 27; Georgia, 0, Heiqry Thornton, ATLANTA, GA. SPORTING COOPS. REGULATION OUTFITS And Colors of all Colleges kept in Stock. Wholesale and Retail. I Gordon kicks off to who advances 2 yards, is offside and Carolina 10 yards. Dorsey (Jraves, (ieorgia is given hurt on the next play and Monahan goes in as quarter back for Georgia. is 6 more. Oldham goes for I yards and a touchdown. Time, 3 3-4 minutes. Berkeley fails to kick goal. North Carolina, 10; Geor gia, 0. Here Georgia, wishing to | transfer the the kick off to Car-1 Graves kicks f ort y yardg t0 o ...a, sends the bail twice out t))e quarter back who fumbles, of bounds, making it Carolina’s The ball rolls 10 yards toward „ . , Georgia’s goal, when Bennett Graves kicks to Georgia s 6 j f ft ]|, on it . oidham and Ben- yarc line. Dorsey returns 12 neU net 7 1-2 yards. Foust yards. Gordon kicks 18 yards, | circ |,. Sf , n<i for 12 yds, and touch- wlien the ball goes out of bounds, down, Time, 5 1-4 minutes Makeley falling on it. Berkeley, Graves kicks goal. North Car on .puck opening,gains 5 yards. 0 lina, 33; Georgia 0 Graves 13 on same play. Foust The players again lino up and If X. c. roHitinn Ga. Council center Ilintrh Kankin left guard. 1 *111 Hit 111 Phifer right {tunnl \ Swanson ) Walden Fount left tin kle ) Wnkk n | Monk Oshoi ne (c.) liltlit end \Hunker i Baxter Bennett Koliei ts 1 right tackle ( Gordon Smathers left end Kidley (ililVCM | Donnelly \ 1 full back * ' 1 Lamar Shannon Oldham ■J left half j McL'uteheon 1 .Dickinson Berkeley ( in 1 right half ( Hewlatte Makely Martin j quarterback \ ..Dorsey j Monahan vanes 3 yards, llcwlette gains 4 more. Shannon, who taxes the place of Lamar, fails to gain through the line. Georgia at tempts to Kick, but Council gets through the line and blocks it. Oldham catches the ball on the bounce and makes up the field for 10 yards. Carolina won the toss and chose to defend the south goal. Georgia kicks off to Graves on Carolina s 15 yard line. Graves advances the ball 17 yards. Bennett gains 25 yards on an end play. Smathers 10 yards. Foust 20 yards. Oldham went around the end for 13 more. Here Berkely fumbles but Smathers falls on the ball for a slight gain. Bennett goes around the end for a touch down. Time, 2 minutes. Graves misses an easy goal. North Carolina, 5 ; Georgia, 0. Georgia kicks off again to s mound end, Berkeley follow- Shannon sends the ball to Car ing with 2 1-2 through the line, olina’s 15 yard line. Graves Bennett and Graves hit the left ft f ter making a strong run of 21 side of the line for 3 and 2 yards, kicks 30 more to Mona- respectively. OUlhiitn, | haii, who returns 10 yards, yards for touchdown., Unorgia, on a tackle play, ml- line, 3 minutes. Graves kicks vnnees3 yards. Hewlett.'(rains goal. North Carolina, 10 ; Georgia,0. Georgia kicks oil' again. Berkely returns the ball 20 yards in a very pretty manner. Mere Graves kicks and Dorsey makes a brilliant return, but both teams are off side and the players are called back. Graves kicks 50 yards and Dorsey fumbles. Smathers gets the ball for North Carolina, j of only 1 yard. Oldham gets (I and Berkeley 8 14 yards. Her. yards on end plays. Oldham side, but as Nortn Carolina is goes over, on quick opening, for within Georgia’s 10 yard line touch down. Time, 2 minutes. North Carolina is given only Graves missed goal. North half the distance to the goal. Carolina, 21 ; Georgia, 0. Time is called with ball on Graves catches kick off on Georgia’s 6yard line in Caro- North Carolina 10yard line and lina’s possession. North Caro- runs straight up the field for linn, 33; Georgia, 0. Time of 15 yards. Graves kicks 35 half, 25 minutes, yards to Dorsey, who is thrown skcond iiai.k. back 5 yards by Smathers. La- Kbbs takes Oldham’s place at mar gains 3 yards. Georgia half back. Swanson goes out. fails to gain. Dorsey gains one Walden goes in Swanson’s place yard and ball goes to Carolina at right guard, and Monk takes on downs. Osborne tries end Walden's position. Baxtertakes and is prettily tackled fora loss Rucker’s end. of 2 yards. Foust, however, Graves kicks off for Carolina gains 9 yards and Bennett 3 to Georgia's 10 yard line. Ilew- rnore on mass play. Oldham, lette catches and make^ 4yards, quick opening, 3 yards. Smatli- Cordon kicks out of bounds, ers 4 around the right end. lasing It yards. Georgia kicks Graves o through the line. Old- }> yards to Makeley, who ham 0 on end play. Oldham gains 20 yards before downed, gains 4 more and the ball is lierkeley makes the longest run fumbled by Makeley. Kankin <f the game, skirting left end recovers it and gains 1 yard. f»r 30 yards and a touchdown. Bennett back, gains 14 yards. Time lj minutes. Graves kicks goal. North Carlona, 30, Geor gia, 0. Graves catches the the kick off on Carolina’s 10 yard line and advances to the 35 yard line. Graves punts lOtoMonalmn.who returns 10 yds. Dickinson g< )OS in for Georgia, lie tries the line for no gain. Shannon gains H yards, Hewletto gains dis tance, but on a fumble Graves grabs the ball. Kbbs tries right end for 2 yards on this play. Monk is hurt and is laid out for 14 minutes. At this juncture the captains agreed to shorten the second half from 25 to to 15 minutes. Berkeley fails to gain through line. Bennett makes 4. Kbbs hits the tackle for 0 yards. Berkeley retires and Carr goes to half. Carr gains 8 yards. Carolina fumbles, Georgia get ting the ball. Gordon punts 35 yards to Graves, who returns 7 yards, llcwlette breaks through North Carolina’s line and got the ball on Carolina’s fumble. Gordon’s kick is blocked by Bennett, who gets the ball for Carolina. Foust gains 10 yards. Bennett goes around right end for touch down, 25 yards. Time. If minutes. Graves misses easy Carolina, 44, Foust circles end for 15 yards. Bennett attempts goal. North a fake tackle but is prettily Georgia, 0. thrown by Rucker with again Graves returns Georgia’s kick Oldham gains Georgia is off- otl 29 yards on a maguifTici nt run. Graves punts 23 yards. The ball rolls 18 yards more. < ieorgia punts 30 to Graves, who on the next play, punts 35 yds. I lie ball is touched by Georgia and Smathers falls on it. Kpps losses one foot on quick opening through the line. Roberts goes in at right tackle, Bennett re tiring. Carr makes 9 yards on mass play. Kbbs loses 1 yard. Carr on a quick opening and mass play on left tackle nets 12 yards. Graves gets through for 5 yards. Ebbs 2 and Carr 2, all on quick openings. Graves is sent through the line for 1 yard to a touchdown. Time 44 minutes. Graves kicks goal. North Carolina, 50; (ieorgia, 0. Martin goes in at quarter and Donnely at full, Makely ami Graves retiring. Martin, catch ing the kick off, makes 10 yards. Donnelly kicks 27. The ball is held there. Ridley punts 23 to Donnelly, who advances5yards. (Concluded on 3rd page.)