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Page 0.
Fall Showing of Wingfield’s
Suits Proves Every Point
T HE Testimony of thousands of shrewd,
keen men, proves beyond n doubt, the
superiority of these clothes in style,
fit, value, and the supremacy of this store in
the service it renders. Get one of these suits
and you’ll realize why this is a different
store than others the only one of it’s kind.
Your size,your pattern un7) your style is here.
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TO TIK St'OltK; l:l TO 13.
(Coiitiniitul from 1st Page).
relieved on account of Injury. Pur-
ker tackled him very hard Just after
he received a punt, his injury, how
ever, we are glad to Bay, Is very
slight and be will be In the game
hereafter Just as If nothing had hap
Ilow tile C,111114* was Played.
Georgia kicks off to Sewanee; Par
ker returns ball 10 yards. On the
next play Sheldon falls to gain, ball
fumbled, but recovered by Tolley;
Sheldon attempts to carry ball again,
but this time he Is thrown for a loss
of 5 yards. Parker also thrown for
loss of 8 yards. Here Glllem punts
SO yards and Sancken falls on ball.
Bowden fumbles, ball recovered by
Sancken; Thompson makes 1 yard
through center; McWhorter carries
ball for 3 around left end; forward
pass from McWhorter to Parrish goes
out of bounds. Sewanee's ball. Shel
don thrown for a loss of 4 yards.
Here Georgia Is penalized 15 yards.
Parker fails to gain; Tolley makes 4
through center; Tolley loses 2; Par
ker makes 5 around right, but Is
brought back, Sewanee offside; for
ward pass Glllem to McClannahan
gains la; Sheldon makes 4 through
right guard; Tolley falls to gain;
Sheldon falls, Ilowden playing greut
game. Gillespie maki-s 24 around
left; Sheldon charges through line
for touchdown. Glllem kirks goul.
Henderson goes In for Wood. 8e
wanee kirks off to Bowden, who re
turns 15 yards. McWhorter muk4-s
25 amund left; Thompson plunges
through line for 4; McWhorter falls
to gain; Bowden tears off 10 through
line but brought back, Ga. offside.
Forward pass fails, Sewanee catch
ing ball and returning 12 yards.
Glllem fumbles and recovers ball,
12 yards loss. Gillespie makes 1
around right; forward pass falls,
McWhorter grabbing ball and run
ning 10 yards. McWhorter makc-s
5 around right; McWhorter rolls off
8 around left; McWhorter makes 3
more around right; Thompson car-
rh-s ball through center for S yards;
Sancken makes 1 through center;
Sancken charges line for 3 more;
McWhorter goes around left for 5;
Thompson makes 2 through guard;
McWhorter charges through line for
touchdown. Sancken kirks goal.
Georgia kirks off to Tolley, who
returns 10 yards; Parker falls to
gain through line; Parker makes 2
through guard; Tolley makes 1
through center. Knd of first quar-
ler. Georgia 7; Sswanee 7. Se-
wunee's ball on our 30-yard line.
Seronil IJum trr.
Parker fumbles, Covington recov
ers ball; McWhorter falls to gain;
McWhorter mukes 2 through line;
Sancken fulls uround left Forward
pass thrown out of bounds. 3c-
wanee's bull. Glllem punts 50 yurds,
Sancken fulls on bull; Ilowden fulls
to gain through line; McWhorter
falls uround left. Forwurd puss goes
out of bounds. Scwanee's bull. Par
ker fulls to gain through line; Gilles
pie ulso fulls through line Forward
puss Purker to McClannahan nets
20 yurds; Gillespie lio n carries ball
aiound left for touchdown. Tolley
fulls to kick goal.
Hewam-e kicks off to Thompson,
who brings bull back 10 yards. For
ward pass Bowden to McWhorter
falls. Forward pass McWhorter to
Parrish fulls. Forward pass Mc
Whorter to Parrish thrown out of
bounds. Sewanee's ball. Tolley
fulls to gain through center; Sheldon
makes 4 through right guard; Be-
wame penalized 5 yards, offside
Forward pass Tolley to Glllem falls
Glllem on fake punt falls to make
distance. Georgia's ball. McWhor
ter makes 5 yards around left end;
Thompson makes 5 yards split-buck
through left guard; Bowden makes
1 1 N K U S S OH N ’ S
H yards uround left end: McWhorter
curried ball 3 uround right; Thomp
son fulls to gain. Sewanee's ball.
Gillespie fulls to gain; Glllem on
fuko puss Is thrown for a loss of 6
yards by Bowden; Gillespie fulls to
gain; Glllem punts 4 0 yards. Hunt-k
en fulls on ball. Forward pass fulls,
McWhorter to Parrish, McWhorter
throws ball out of bounds on an at
tempted forward pass Sewanee's
Just here the famous Glllem at
tempts u field gctul from the 35-yurd
line but fulls Parker m&kc's 5 yards
through center; Parker makc-s 2
more through guard; Parker fumbles
and loses ball, Hunckcm recovering.
Sewanee penalized for holding.
Thompson fumbles, Tolley recover
ing ball. Tolley thrown for lf>ss of
6 yards. Forward pass falls, Tolley
to Glllem; Gillespie loses 3 yards.
Sewanee penalized for holding again
Glllem tries another drop kick, but
Thompson falls on the ball. For-
(< onttnued on Page 8.)
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