The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 05, 2010, Page 4A, Image 4

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4A Friday. Novrmmr 5, aoio I Tag Rid a Buck DmM Bwwstt | Editor In Chief editong>randb.oom Canqr O’Neil | Managing Editor me@randb.oom Ceertny Holbrook | Opinion! Editor opinione@randb.oom Opinion Meter A wrap-up of the week's ups and downs Watt don’t write that down! Not cool, Rodney Bennett. The Red 6t Black —and many students who _ we've spoken with— are adamant: We dont want an administrator telling faculty to cease making or limit docu- | ments. It makes the University look sleazy, and a secretive "good ol* boy” administration negatively reflects on our diplomas. Qlonn Stegall's campaign The youth vote Is difficult to obtain. The youth volunteer Is even more difficult. But 21-year-old University student Glenn Stegall defied all ste- reotypes by Jumping into Athena poll- J tics to run for mayor. Though Stegall wasn’t one of the top two vote-obtaln ers who will duke It out In a runoff, he ran an admirable campaign. The editorial board salutes this young politician. More young people should match his spirit of public service. Election coverage The editorial board wants to thank everyone who took the time to vote k Tuesday, as well as Robbie Ottley tor his work manning the Liveblog on election night. Additional kudos are due for the many people who joined in on the political discussions. Florida football game Walt Georgia didn’t win the game why is there a thumbs up here? Last Saturday’s game in Jacksonville, despite the Gators’ narrow win, was a great night for the Bulldogs. The team played well, the tailgating was a phenomenal and there was a sense of sportsmanship among many of the fans on both sides of the stadium. It’s great to see that despite the bit ter rivalry between the Bulldogs and our jean shorts-wearing rivals to the south, the game was played out with good sportsmanship from the fans and players. Volleyball coach fired Greg McGarity is not messing around. When the athletic director fired vol leyball head coach Joel McCartney, he showed losing records are unaccept- a able at the University. The coach had an SEC record of 29-45 and needed to go who cares that it’s the middle of the season? The Red & Black applauds the direction McGarity is taking our athletic program, and hopes underperforming coaches get the message. Cold weather We’re deadlocked. Some of the Yankees on this editorial board are welcoming the cold weather so they can break out their peacoats. Some of the Southerners miss the hot sun B and the cold sweet tea. We know it’s a cop-out —but after hours of bitter debate, we can’t agree. Pacemakers The Red & Black won five Pacemaker awards the most prestigious award a college newspaper can win. We took home three awards for individual writers along with top newspaper and website awards. Not only are our crossword puzzles awesome, but apparently we have a good story every once and a while. Congrats to all the people who work hard to put out this paper every day, and thanks for read ing. Daniel Burnett, Courtney Holbrook and Carey O’Neil for the editorial board Quote of tho wook: “No written feedback or evaluative information should be kept for any candidates in any search process, including student positions.” —from the meeting minutes at the Housing Management Team departmental meeting reported in "Official advises keeping information off record," Nov. 4 onw ■iM * TANARUS %< t *< ml i*nmnT taw || MW --• tai id feta MlkM "w M 'V* iwimiw |l' ,, *P’ Wiw ww NEWS: 706-433*3002 Nmm MMr MM Mty AmOTM Nm Mtw AOTH Sum lOT* WOT 2OT MOT WOTyWOT MMm PABA BSBr kBAAi Aieiwi OWr Mtn I4wm NOTny HWTwpli C®(Wf f® *J 9®^*" MMMOTVWItowi Ortkw (toy MOTi Lmhi Cm Tailor Mm (<UhllW WWfi t ifiiij, In' Oilnn.MN<MW fiO ly^QfElOO IMkW AMMmnhJwi Oow MuftiM Mir M CMM Mir ft***" Date Omni IB iMotat |u^ WBTT ” r >W*l 3* r vOT l •* s jWT jtw nyBP W" UM> Bfrirnajl BMW A nwwni rnw w • NRHf pyw nwn ComnMgn. Mot CMon, Mi CwOT. MOTm CoWilMyCoitWDvWCurrtn.CMHßpiwO'AlMo, Jacob OwfflM. Ctata MOTH, Ml Jmti 00¥ A, Tiin |M UMiM Hwwm Mmm AwiMM ftnali ipP w* ripiw Pwi wwpPi mn laAi AfM a j|>! a WWI WPPP inW T. ftMk HHpVi wp tajp Jai Inga*. Dam Jium M*OT Kta*. HMNr nmw, Aim la#*, Oaroy lot. Wa MOTwt, Jtnta MoOorw#v DM MOTH, Omni* Opinions ********* /TteaMy encourage UQAtT^ l avoid leaving J in the Classic City Beware of the Typical Athens Guy Stressed and confused my friend showed all the usual symptoms when she called me Tuesday night. Last week he was so interested in her. This week he was MIA. She went over the short-lived romance, as we girls do, in great detail. After she regaled me with the story of the fizzled connection, she asked what she did wrong. I didn’t want to tell her. It broke my heart to break the news. What she did wrong was date the Typical Athens Guy. Not every Athens male is the Typical Athens Guy an incubus for pitiless pursuing. Some still have a conscience. The Typical Athens Guy, or TAGs, may be spotted by apparel short shorts, Bperrys afid sport ing a Bieber-bob. But trends are trends; the only real way to recognize the TAG is to date him. TAGs talk to you just enough to keep you interested however, the communication will not be genuine (i.e. texting, Facebook poking, etc). You may be suspicious he’s split ting his time with other women you are right. When he responds to your text five hours later and asks to come over at 2 a.m., it’s not because he misses you. And it’s not because he was working late (bartenders are an Bar dress codes only looking out for you I’m not really surprised some bars in down town Athens have dress codes. These are classy establishments. The last time I was in Fahrenheit (formerly known as Firehouse) I was charmed by some fine young ladies who had Just finished their shifts at the strip club Toppers. Naturally, we discussed the finer things in life while I sipped the finest champagne: world travel ing, purchasing helicop ters and my yacht. Or I drank a $1 well drink and played beer pong. The specifics are hazy. I think my favorite part of Fahrenheit’s dress code is no “plain colored T-shirts.” It’s a well known fact that miscre ants in plain colored T-shirts are notorious for stealing, causing fights and setting fire to bars. Last year, my older brother visited me for the Kentucky football game. With four of my friends, we attempted to enter Buddha Bar on Broad Street. The doorman let my friends and I in, but Our Staff favtu tag|L|. Alpif AdifH ftciO'rso* Mmm, Wwy ***, Ztt* T**, Amur Thunm, VIWWHf ¥lfnli Bel VMQU9I. msrj fv**i Bfim ISiMa gMMfaia Ulata* nwßi nmmnm bpp OHHf Wli ®*r***Wpj ftlisitaSiSiaA Isiiiei IJMmhAmim | M WalW’nypi *W. WBri WS|n •e® OaSMIL Imttu Km# ktotou fitohirria i im*m ■>•■7 nwHi npw|i iwwni* mw"i Ml M, H M JAm Upohuroh, mw Mv.DiniMn Q lowifii AnMl Jom Am tfdubaa MhUmM >— £MM ftttau hkMw WPpW PWi vwjfi WIW! UU||. M Samantha jKjSB Shelton exception, but they’re a whole other box of bones) or got wrapped up in homework genuine guys make time for the ones they truly like. While dating the TAG, you may grow wary of the late-night rendez vous or only meeting downtown, but confronting the TAG on his shady behavior is not an easy feat. His exceptional gift for twisting your words and endless, seemingly legitimate excuses leave you apolo gizing for doubting his sincerity. In a town where TAGs break their necks more from flipping their hair than checking out ladies, I say we’re not missing out on much. You might be thinking, “Well, Sam, you’ve just dated a lot of jerks.” You’re absolutely right —and the only thing they all had in com mon was red and black running through their veins. That’s the funny thing about guys with Bulldawg blood the love-leash only stretches far enough to chew the closest raw hide. There has to be a social culprit, not only for why TAGs exist, but how they get away with deception ■S Cattun 1. Wilson turned my brother away for violating the dress code. He was wearing jeans, a black and red T-shirt, tennis shoes and a Georgia baseball cap. However; my brother was turned away because of his facial piercings, even though there was no dress code posted any where in sight. In Buddha Bar’s defense, it was probably the baseball cap. It was turned around back wards. My brother is obviously Involved with some sort of football-lov ing gang. I understood though. Buddha Bar has a reputa tion to protect. Their claim to tame is resting a shot glass on chopsticks over a pint glass and encouraging patrons to pound on the bar and yell until the shot glass drops into the pint glass where you then proceed to chug. AOVKRTIIINQi 706433*3001 MomMMpr UunoJonw MBMfifi: lonh CjwHwi, Anot LoMhoi Milton UUtotof MH nM| wwWWW IhmiiMims gtoma AsAmm I itaM 5.,.u hS*y iWni niwW Ur*Vi SSiSn (towns Bma If finikin Asmlmi lima MM nyin wS'gO’' wßftoy" sA*fi *vW Hnqvi MhuTom AjjiMato' I aiga) isjugg Ififtrii Phone (708) 433-8002 | Flax (708) 433-3038 oplniona@randb.oom | 540 Baxter Street, Athena, Oa. 30805 Of course, what really got me steamed was that I couldn’t drink my Dom P6rignon out of one of those cute ceramic Buddhas. That’s OK though. We took our six-person bar tab elsewhere. I don’t blame the door men or bartenders. I’m sure someone over their heads has told them what to look for when deciding who can and cannot enter their bar. A fake ID print ed out on computer paper and slipped inside a wallet is acceptable, but sunglasses? I shudder at the thought. Boycotting Fahrenheit is cool and all, but I think they’ll survive on 18-year olds with their parents' credit cards. I encourage anyone feeling discrimi nated against by bars downtown to simply take their business elsewhere. Most of the bars with dress codes may seem discriminatory because they are trying to keep a specific clientele happy not threatened by outsid ers with scary piercings and Jean shorts. However, I’ve felt more accepted and welcomed MOTS KM MOT* Mu* own arm MM Ohm, Courtney HOTMCMy Ota* Moot* etaw. Hopon W Jm Utaw and date-juggling. We let them. The major problem —and how most of us get infected is our dating logic is a double-edged sword, sticking right out of our hopeful hearts. Think about it when you question the TAG about being sent to voice mail for the fourth time the previous night, you’re “the par anoid girl.” Yet, when you go with the casual flow and get dragged through the mud, you’re ditzy for trusting the jerk. We seriously can’t win. While the social constructs of our cozy Classic City may have us balancing over two equally negative pools paranoia versus gullibility there is a way to survive the TAG dating experience. Treat them like the dogs they are. Guard your Scooby Snacks until they roll over, sit, shake and stop sniffing other Dawgs. I’m all for a woman's right to a good tug-of-war, and if that’s all you want, TAGs are the perfect companion. However, if you’re looking for something more serious, like my friend, don’t pick a partner from the pound. Samantha Shelton is a senior from Auburn majoring in newspapers at bars that boast a large fraternity population than I ever have on the west end of downtown, which houses more “hip ster” bars with piercings and tattoos aplenty. Maybe that’s just because I don’t like the taste of Pabst Blue Ribbon, I don’t smoke cigarettes and I shower regularly. I don’t know. If bars in downtown Athens want to exclude certain people from drinking there, that’s their right as private businesses. Other bars such as the Loft are really just look ing out for you. They only want you to look your best while you grind against a total stranger. And until bars stop allowing rhinestone embellished Affliction T-shirts, legglngs-as pants with UOQ boots combos or guys that wear their sunglasses on the backs of their necks, we less sophisticated folks will have to drink else where. Caitlin Wilton it a Junior from Convert majoring In Kngllth Atotont N*Mon Mms* Jouhua Tiy Unm PwtoSWn Antons: Modi* ttto, jaw I Ctaw, ftOTOTWhy.IOTuKaOT BeSmSai Maaa Sot save n 7 MWnNo OfllO* Mmw (An iMMy AiitrtOT mot Sumir Mugm Yu CtoiWs Noth. May tow TAjlto A HOTA MAM Uortty m#i My MMI OT*< wriOTiw Mi Thurtainy mum mmum. wwff MM M Mil OTto ky TH MI SOT MOTS snaswsXSßSßß.