The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 05, 2010, Page 5A, Image 5

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EPIC: Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ incorporated into show ► From Pago 1A "This doesn’t have a serious bone at all,” Roberts said. “It’s really hilari ous." Additionally, the music that links each dance is more than just back ground noise. It’s been designed in specific ways to interest and hook the audience. Thus, it won’t just be Freddie Mercury’s voice floating out over the speakers on “Bohemian Rhapsody,” but rather a whole group of his band’s music, nearly 15 songs, played in a playful mash-up. And Pink Floyd won’t just riff from the comers of the stage. Rather, the studio's advanced chil dren’s class is doing a piece inspired by “The Wall.” Equally important is another pop icon of the '7os and '80s: Michael Jackson, whose “Thriller” is the rea son for the zombie-infested pre-pro duction. Annette Byrd, a silks instructor with the studio and performer in the company, first came up with the idea of doing a take on the song’s classic video after realizing its resonance ZOMBIE: Bloodbath starts Monday ► From Page 1A engineering rntyor from Athens, said not to under estimate Coffee. “This guy is quieter than a stealth bomber,” he said. Co-president Adrienne Schwartzman, a sopho more forestry major from Suwanee, said she hopes to see as many as 1,500 students running and gun ning their way across cam pus with sock balls and the foam blasters that University Police Chief Jimmy Williamson recent ly permitted. However, she was quick to point out that the game really depends on player participation. “It’s not about how many people register,” she said. “It’s about how many .play and play actively.” Last semester’s game saw more than 1,000 peo ple register, but Schwartzman estimated the active participants at around 700, which was enough to leave numerous students with memories fond enough that they jumped at the chance to help the HvZ effort this semester. Schwartzman, who became a go-to person for HvZ at the University after starting the HvZ at UGA Facebook group, said she is proud of the team, which has gone the extra mile to make next week’s game an HvZ game like no other. She said this year’s jjjjjh “ANELLEOFASHOW!" JiSiSßa November 11,2010 iwMnjsjHi at 7:30 p.m. I 11 Call, click or atop by tho Box Office |W/1 VI 706.387.4444 • www.ClasaicContor.coai I I 300 N * •*’ • Downtown Athons rrgßnrttnwa B thr Broada y RaWrtel—int Marian are nak pmiftk By ear gin naan (fa | | M A Regions M ftwmipmCMiWfst b, Jlr W H. Har, Pir W) Until (Iwfowt M*Qritta<l-:30 MWnhHOOOH FvtHHpWN'rf: /96-W-%U-,H<w.ob IW|i Oh Mm (M • 800 Wfi) lir Dim [ . feMWllOOa HaMfflpPmlyftMOifr OMphnkwiafaillttiacl) irntyariNtata • JOWIoW To advertise your worship services, call: 706-433-3011 with people. “I was trying to think of something large, that everyone would recognize.” Primarily, it was the spectacle of “Thriller” was appealing. Its iconic status was also important. ‘T’ve found that ‘Thriller’ is a dance that everybody knows and everybody loves,” Byrd said. Involving up to 15 dancers at once, Byrd’s take on Jackson's routine Included more than just company performers something mirrored in the larger production, which had more than 20 volunteers among the 45-man cast and crew. In fact, broader community sup port has consistently played a part in Canopy’s role in Athens, Roberts said. “It’s not every small town that has a trapeze studio,” she said. That uniqueness is a key selling point, as is the inherent complex aeri al showcase beneath the gimmickry. “The overarching message is one of fun and one of play," Roberts said, “and just the level of performance and the difficulty of the pieces and just the level of energy in the show should get people through the door.” . . “I® ■ m ' ii & '' HP m*r' u JK HHHt Mr CotnrtMT Hi'maks n Zommks ▲ Last semester, more than 1,000 students registered to play. This year, the group is expecting more than 1,500 to actively play. game has also been great ly improved by HvZ being officially recognized as a University-affiliated club. “Being a registered organization has been a huge help,” she said, pointing out how much easier it is to spread the word with something as simple as permission to post flyers and use University space. “Our main concern this semes ter has been advertising” Alongside co-president Tyler Gagat, Schwartzman broke up her officers into the mis sion and advertising com mittees, with small denominations in each, to ensure a productive divi sion of labor. MstUkfMHlHtnn Wiprtol*tosiiBp pMftliiMylMip* UpMfWtoqfrwt M qtatw fii m ak ! fbmtos frtor lutim* Chwch and Sorim (ntrr I MffWoniif I0:50ui 'mill Sdwoi/Biblf Sntdy Mm. 1010 totklaMta Stmt I M-W)l I HUMANS vs. ZOMBIES Where: Register at When: By Monday at 6 a m. With this division of labor, the group has been even more productive, enough that Schwartzman hopes to expand the group’s visibility next semester. They hope to be able to offer a table at next years activities fair with T-shirt sales and zombie movie screenings to get people amped up for the big week. Let the bloodbath begin. fintPinkytman (Mufidns i (MricMMui wwwjjmttomxm 185 L toned torn* I mum 1 VARIETY AHHL 40' . . JEMMA WALKER 1 T* Ran a Riat ▲ Songs by the likes of Pink Floyd, Queen, Led Zeppelin and David Bowie are featured in the ‘EPIC’ show, which shows trained artists doing amazing stunts. Rjurth&Rirever The only prediction that actually matters. i Williams Variety Editor’s Take CtoaciA Celebrating this victory is sort of like patting your self on the back for beat ing up a child. It was liter ally impossible to lose. Now don’t get me wrong —as much as I eiyoy rub bing a defeat in Dillard's face, the guy deserves some props for battling with such a horrid team. Seriously, he scored more than 40 points with Idaho State. Dear Dillard deserves some sort of shiny gold medal... or maybe just anew Sharpie. The one he uses to out line his abs post-workout is starting to run out of ink. But at the end of the day, it isn’t my place to stroke his ego; a loss is a loss, and he should pout in defeat. I expect nothing more, and nothing less. For my closing remarks. I dedicate this win to Conrad Fink may he grade my second term paper with mercy. 9V • I 7 I 9 * "'*' J *^~-*aw ||| I * *V I 1 The Red a Black | Friday, November 5, 9010 Kind of. NCM Football 11 Georgia 94, Idaho State 42 STATS University of Georgia Passing Yards-TD: 343-3 Rushing Yards-TO: 513-10 Total Offense: 856 Turnovers: 0 Idaho State Passing Yards-TD: 567-5 Rushing Yards-TD: 203-1 Total Offense: 770 Turnovers: 3 Editor’s note: It is war between sports and vari ety. The rules are simple: each week we will flip a coin to designate who will represent our beautiful University in NCAA 2011. Seven-minute quarters and updated roster chang es will set the table for our epic full-season battle. Though it may seem the two editors are dtsguising their friendship with a false bravado of hatred they are not. It is all true. Stay tuned each Friday for the latest installment of the virtual bloodbath between the hedges. Zach Sports Editor’s Take Idaho State I don’t even like pota toes. As I’m sure Joe has pointed out in his column, there was literally zero chance of winning entering this week’s matchup, so it is hard to be bitter. After all, my team did not even exist in the game. While it says Idaho State under my name up there, my team’s actual name was FCS-West. For the record, that is not a real team. I could have been playing with a high school team for all we know how can I be mad about that? The only factor to be ticked off about here is the simple fact that I had to play with the inferior team ... again. Not Joe’s fault there, unless we have been flipping a two-sided coin this entire time. Which I would not put past him. Do not let that stupid smile fool you he is cun ning. 5A