The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 12, 2010, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Friday, Novembsr la, aoio I The Rap a Black DmM Barnett | Editor in Chief Cany <TNaI | Managing Editor me@randb.oom Courtney Holbrook | Opinions Editor Opinion Meter A wrap-up of the week’s ups and downs Tate Plaza Abortion Display They just keep coming. On Wednesday, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, a national pro-life organiza tion, posted their pictures of genocide victims and aborted fetuses in Tate ggSk Plaza. And the editorial board is not happy. Whether you are pro-life or pro choice, this is despicable. Comparing f victims of the Holocaust to aborted fetuses is simply insulting. This poor excuse for an organization proves shock value trumps compassion. Some advice: scaring and alienating students does not further the pro-life cause. Veteran’s Day Veteran’s Day is the time for students everywhere to sit down and remem ber the sacrifices soldiers made for us. a Soldiers set aside their college years . gffci and families to serve this country in fgHHK war and peace. There aren’t many heroes in this day and age, but this day celebrates the real ones. WNEG: A bottomless pit? E. Culpepper “Cully” Clark, the dean of the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, said Thursday there is no set date or dol lar amount until the college will walk §||H| away from the WNEG “investment.” While we understand it can take years for anew acquisition to turn a profit, the students deserve to know just how much money wifi be “invested” until the college says “no more.” Nice People Some people are nice. The editorial board is happy to see students help to J make a sincere difference in Malawi. We’re excited to see a Christian stu dent group and an Atheist student group team up to make the commu nity a better place. Your efforts make this University proud. Daniel Burnett and Courtney Holbrook for the editorial board Quote of the week: “Once we got to Vietnam, [the pilot] said, ‘Look out of the window,’... All I could see were bomb craters. I knew I was in the wrong place.” —from James Home, Vietnam veteran, in “Selfless sacrifice: University veterans reflect on transition from school to military,” Nov. 11 Mailbox E-mail and letters from our readers Abortion display offensive I don’t know what these protesters were trying to achieve this week. I don’t know if they understand that no side of the debate wants abortions, but it seemed that way to me after discussing it with one of them. It boUed down to how this country needs to pre vent this from happening. While I argued for better sexual education in middle schools and high schools and better alternatives to abortion (letting gays adopt for one), the man I spoke to preached absti nence-oniy education. Clearly this is a prob lem. I know the pro-life people are trying to spread their cause, but they have to realize that things like this in Tate do nothing but cause divide. DAVID HUTTMAN Sophomore, Atlanta Business If anyone has been by Tate Plaza over the past couple of days, then you are sure to have seen it. Radical pro-life groups come to college campuses and display their graphic images fairly often, but this year it seems to be a bit different. Omm nHatM 1 SB* m M a* *a n M mmaly fan rn IW mBM PiMNng Conan* toe M npa man** SpM by pwiMai <f fa Mon NEWS: 706-433*3002 PSpw €6601* SSbil EfiWfy AnoeMn Ntat fMor HmM Burnt tpotttoar ZachOSatf VwMyEdßor JotlMSana nafo an mpun Pin omgn Mon Uuwi Botany. HSoyTmpa Copy Mon Sots Kokh. Soft Pont, Joooooo m-a OritatMor Ml Brown OnSn Copy Man: Liuon Coonon. Taylor Mon MOIM CartoenMo: JUto Moy. PNSp Henry, Sarah QUm, BB fMarde This year the argument was that abortion in America is genocide, and further according to mem bers of the group sponsor ing the event, thnt “Planned Parenthood is an attempt to eradicate black people.” This is probably the most offensive display of freedom of speech that I have observed in my life, not because of my views on abortion, but because their argument was extremely disrespectful. And my feelings were not alone, as other stu dents voiced their opposi tions to the group, point ing out that the group’s definition of genocide (which their argument relied on) was nowhere to be found in the academic or scholarly sources. Groups like this do no good for anyone; ultimate ly all they present are shocking images, lies in the form of manipulated facts and an overall lack of logic that angers and hurts many and changes few people’s minds on the sensitive issue that they approach. ANDREW KIRBY , , -* * * . IIWWUT, 3IOvKDnQg(! fllfttur 01 MnitoM USMHMWt Benh JMnOwer lerior (teporter Data Duncan Ml WMm: Sawn AI.JNonANM.Rywi Stock. MKh Stomal Radial 0 Banff, Kalny Byrt. Ann* ConwujMon. Adan Catron. Me Cerowtof. Mata* Caften. K*y Cortnt. OanM Coral, ChnNopfw D'Arteio, Jncob Dam* CM OeSw*. Sa*i Jew Dona f Tytor Bod. Moha* FtapMtt. BBono Qadanai, Sam Gtorraau, EnSy Oral. Uatona Haatto, Owe Hooke. T. Parte* Hooper, Kntoryn Inga. Jen Ingtot Shaw JenM, Mad Kkn. Hatha Kkney, Alai Uuofln. Oercy Lav. *- - .. ■ Hinfii iwn 1 Miiti hi <rl SNMmJI ' osn* ManncVß. JBfTnB U9W ("Mm. Opinions i^H|djjHK W Winter season can hurt your libido Bnr. As the frost collects on our windshields each morn ing, the freezing temperatures also reach our bedrooms. It seems ironic that our sex drives dwindle in the winter since romantic pasta dinners and fluffy quilts for cuddling come with the icy weather. Yet, these factors are the cause for our libido loss. Your metabolism slows in the winter and you generally ingest more carbohydrates, leaving you lethargic and lazy. Who wants to jog in the bitter mornings? Not me, or the other 30 percent of people who don't work out at all during the winter, accord ing to “Hot Winter Workouts” on Decreasing your workouts reduces your desire for carnal calis thenics as welL If you retain your regular rou tine, you probably move it into Ramsey, escaping the vitamin D obtained from the sun. When your sunlight exposure Freedom of speech prevails Oh boy, here we go again. Those crazy pro-life folks are out there on Tate Plaza, bothering poor, innocent students who just want to eat their Chick-fil-A in peace and not have to worry their little heads about what a group of dedicated people considers to be abomina ble genocide. For as long as I’ve attended the University, I’ve been treated to the sight of blown-up aborted fetuses and dead babies on the plaza. Infallibly, The Red & Black’s next day opinions page is ftill of impas sioned letters expressing disgust and condemna tion of the display. In fact, as I write this column, our poor opin ions editor is probably sifting through a thick e-mail folder of such let ters, trying to find the most interesting and coherent ones. I’m not envious of the task. Instead, I’m going to take the opportunity to remind everyone how great our country is. The images displayed are provocative and dis turbing. In most other countries in the world. *- ■ - -I- - r>nifc I-- -■ T 1. (wanna MRCJW* iwßpname rmoonm. WDjf rKiwtan, 1 hroroMh (ll m-i t -. . e rIRB, niWBBs. Wpßi Dee^Rl, mmw swsßOn, IWNB BBBBBv ll mltf 9Vwtt, Teytor. Antoer Thomee, Ktoto Vttontn*. PM V*rr E*e II e A m- - ii-iJ- kS .kk m.i. . tMQUva, BBy Rsißi, tlwwi RBQO. Iffßw CKif Ww BMmaNp MMimhAm' itmM ftirMi IWhoi *-•- f’.mn I mI (.riVpWFS'niw. OWUW. (Wwll ÜBiypt tBW l*\ ..- - ■ ~,1 llaaiiM W-A , fcl —A- - ...I - | ■-t - - 1/BByßn, tiisfy IvftrOl, W®Wi *Wliniß LUBK*. - - -a 1 I*l ■ I Mil nMw 1 -to I ■ n rMUma rf, AJ nßyncmn Upcnurch. jfnna Waliar, Dtnt Zolm Diiignin RkM 0 Bonm Aiwndi JonM, f*li ilwl Q-| ■ I ua /Mu --t RB WBBwB, nwDB INBjf, vlßnii Astern Wvnrt i IMUII TTyTml Mark Miller there’s no way this thing would fly. Which, really, is too bad. Abortion is a legiti mate cause for concern for a large amount of peo ple. You might not agree with them, and that’s your right. But suspend your dis belief and consider, just for a second, that they’re right. What if abortion really were today’s genocide? I hope to God they’re wrong, but in the mean time, there’s no way we’ll reach an agreement on this topic. This kind of talk might be disturbing, but we’re ter better off with it than without it. In places where free speech, however offen sive, is not protected, social progress is slow and tempers are much more likely to Dare on divisive issues like this. The organization’s extreme tactics may be questionable, but in a world where “out of sight, Our Staff JtJk Samantha Shelton drops, serotonin —a chemical In the brain that fires your sex drive also diminishes, leaving you more interested in stationary hori zontal lounging. Seasonal Affective Disorder; SAD, is depression that accompa nies seasonal changes and uses light therapy for treatment, according to the National Alliance on Mental Alness’ website. Hitting the tanning bed in healthy doses while using protec tion (lotion, not latex) once or twice a week would fulfill your vita min D deficiency during the sea sonal chill while heating up your sex drive. • “Exposure to lamps that emit UVB radiation 1s an excellent source for producing vitamin D3 in the skin,” said Michael Holick. Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Medicine, out of mind” is far too often a hindrance to progress on important issues, it’s probably one of the only effective meth ods to get people think ing about the issue. Need proof? Read the letters on the page. Clearly, the demonstra tion has gotten people thinking about the cause it champions. Even if viewers don’t agree with them, it makes our soci ety stronger if we’re con stantly talking about important problems. Yes, the display might show extreme cases, and yes, it probably won’t change many people’s minds one way or the other But we’re all better for being forced to formu-, late an opinion and be able to defend it. If a few pictures are enough to shake the way of thinking you're com fortable with, then per haps you should recon sider your mind-set. What makes this possi ble? A little thing called the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Man, I love that thing. Speaking of which, you might not have noticed while distracted by the bloody pictures, but the Maw toM nentoen toduOt DM Burn* IMM Cernee.&Mtofy Hofcraok. Cm? ONaiMegwi ADVERTISING: 706-433-3001 AliilAlLi MMt M Manger Hum Jam Territory Menegtrg Serek CUM, Amt land** fri nirUi **-- - uiLjk^ iRNvmiiMHRi nwy eto. MmMK UNMW. nymn vxvuvyn CmV, Androw Um. Soreh Onrekeet. Koßy Pleroe, Rebecce Tonn* a i,u _ 1 1— AdvorlMng MM Laural Hokend, Emly Mm OroutoHonMonogor BMMotwi CnMtwAeetotont OtvtoßoAorough Phone (706) 438-8002 | Fta (700)486-8033 | www.redandbiack.oom 540 Baxter Btreet, Athens, Oa. 30605 Physiology and Biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine on www.naturalnews. com. For students against artificial tanning or with sensitive skin, it’s still possible to gain enough sun exposure during the winter to boost vitamin D levels. “Exposing your arms and face to sunshine for about 20 minutes per day provides the enough UVB rays and vitamin D,” according to “Are tanning beds a safe source of vita min D?” on Removing your jacket during your transition between classes on a sunny day will boost your sero tonin and save you money. While biological and psychologi cal factors during the winter may decrease your drive for sexual sled ding, these upcoming months pres ent wonderful opportunities for setting the mood. It’s mind over meteorology. Samantha Shelton is a senior from Auburn majoring in newspapers in Tate Plaza display also included a “Free Speech Board” where viewers could leave their comments, praise and criticism for it. I also noted that, while the operators of the dis play undoubtedly feel passionately about their cause, their passion didn’t translate into a lot of aggression or vicious ness on their parts. This is a refreshing change from certain other Tate Plaza regulars who come with fire and brim stone in their hearts and produce little opportunity for intelligent discussion. Although I don’t nec essarily support the anti abortion agenda the orga nization supports, I really appreciate the amount of dialogue and thought provoked on both sides of the issue, despite the unsavory way they do it. Instead of being offended, use this as an opportunity to get edu cated, find what moti vates proponents of both sides of the problem and make sure you’re on the right side. Mark Miller is a senior from QriJJln majoring In publication management Production Aeototonto NtootMe CMdf. Jennl ChAi, Eton**** Ndsliii BM|it Sim (SSvd A|AMa|mai llmni -■ * - tmiy MOnWVBO OtßooMmuir EKnMMy AMtotant Oflto* ManApr MAgm Yut Ctaantng Ptroon M*y Jon* Tlm (M t MmA A putMtod Montoy trough Fitty M Ato Wing MAtodm aid Mok DuMy mow wMA. MOtpl “N■ PAM, ty Tk (M i MM Csny Ac.. A nmM mnpm mmmhi * ShM MtnUMMyAOMM SMaMnntrtUtpvyMr.