Newspaper Page Text
Georgia's 88
Southern Counties
Vol. 42, No. 19
Published By The
Catholic Laymen's
Ass'n of Georgia
10c Per Copy — $3 A Year
bishop McDonough issues report
84 Seminarians
In U. S. And Ireland
Our seminarians are located
in the following seminaries:
St. John Vianney Seminary,
St. Bernard’s, Rochester,
New York.
St. • John’s Seminary, Little
Rock, Arkansas.
The Josephinum, Worthing
ton, Ohio.
St. Charles Seminary, Ca-
tonville, Maryland.
The most critical need in the
Diocese is priests. God is bless
ing the continued prayers of
our religious and laity. More
young men are studying for
the Sacred Priesthood. The
following were ordained as
“other Christs” during 1957-
Rev. William V. Coleman,
Rev. Edward Frank, Rev.
»G£~~' yo J^mes, Rev. Joseph
Stranc, Rev. John Fallon, Rev.
Walter di Francesco, Rev. Pe
rot Fiero, Rev. Lawrence Lu-
cree, Rev. John Fitzpatrick,
Rev. John Noel O’Rourke,
Rev. Kevin Boland, Rev. Ste
phen Connolly.
lew Parishes
1. St. Joseph’s, Augusta.
2. Our Lady of the Assump
tion, Sylvania.
3. St. Christopher, Claxton.
4. Our Lady of Lourdes, Col
5. St. Joseph’s, Waycross.
6. St. Benedict’s, Columbus.
7. St. Anne’s, Columbus.
St. Mary’s Seminary, Paca
Street, Baltimore, Maryland.
St. Mary’s Seminary, Roland
Park, Baltimore, Maryland.
Sjt. Mary’s Seminary, St.
Mary, Kentucky.
Maynooth Seminary, Dublin,
All Hallows Seminary, Dub
lin, Ireland.
St. Patrick’s Seminary, Car-
low, Ireland.
Mount Melleray Seminary,
St. Peter’s Seminary, Wex
ford, Ireland.
1. Carmeliie Sisters: The
Sisters have established the
Monastery of Our Lady of
Confidence in Savannah. This
is a contemplative Order. The
Sisters are continually praying
for the spiritual advancement
of the Diocese of Savannah.
2. The Gienmary Sisters are
located iri Statesboro. Their
major work is teaching cate
chism to the children in the
counties committed to the care
of the Gienmary Fathers.
3. The Ursuline Sisters, at
Our Lady of Lourdes School
in Columbus, came to the Dio-
ces from Cork, Ireland. Their
work in Ireland is exception
ally well known. It is equally
appreciated in Columbus, Ga.
4. Franciscan Sisters of
Atonement conduct a cateche
tical school at St. Paul’s Par
ish, Douglas. These three Sis
ters instruct the chlidren and
parents in Douglas and the
surrounding missions.
On June 6, 1958, Bishop
Thomas J. McDonough cele
brated a Pontifical Low Mass
which marked the beginning
of the Carmelite Foundation in
The Savannah Carmel is
known by the name of “Our
Lady of Confidence.” The
choice of the name is a tribute
to the Most Reverend Arch
bishop Gerald P. O’Hara, who
studied at the Roman Semi
nary where the Chapel houses
the miraculous painting of Our
Lady Of Confidence.
The Convent is located on
Coffee Bluff overlooking the
river. Formerly a private resi
dence, the building has been
renovated and a chapel added
to the north side.
The Chapel is life’s center
for the Discalced Carmelite
Sisters, who pursue a clois
tered life of prayer, work and
penance. Here, in the Savan
nah Carmel, the Sisters follow
the centuries old Rule which
has given to the world such
outstanding Saints as Teresa
of Avila, John of the Cross,
Simon Stock and, within the
last seventy years. Therese of
Lisieux, familiarly known as
“The Little Flower.” ’
The Sisters of the Savannah
Carmel, as do Carmelite Sis
ters the world over, follow the
example of “The Little Flo
wer.” Their day to day lives
of Liturgical observance, pray
er, work and penance are of
fered for the spiritual welare
o the Diocese o Savannah and
for the speedy realization of
the express desire of Christ
“that they all may be one”
. . . that “there shall be but
one flock and one shepherd.”
Carmeliie Sisters, who have established Monastery near
Savannah, are shown in rare photo taken before Cloister
was "sealed"
225 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Georgia
To the Priests, Religious and Laity of the Diocese of Savannah:
Dearly Beloved in Christ:
Five years ago, through the Providence of Almighty God, I came to Savannah
with the faculties of a Residential Bishop. Two years ago, His Holiness, Popp
John XXIII, appointed me the tenth Bishop of the Diocese of Savannah. The
period of 1957-1962 was truly one of expansion for the Church in South Georgia.
Daily, I am grateful to Our Eucharistic King for being His instrument, in bringing
Him to the eighty-eight counties which comprise this jurisdiction.
So much has happened during the past five years, that I felt compelled
to relate some of them to you. The work of expansion, both spiritually and
materially, would have been greatly impeded without the prayers, the material
assistance, the cooperation and understanding of you, my cherished flock. May the
future open up new opportunities for His honor and glory.
In enumerating incidents and relating details, there is always the danger
of failing to give adequate recognition to some and perhaps over-emphasizing
the works of others. This is not at all the purpose of this report. During the
past five years* you know how genuinely I appreciated even the smallest effort,
in behalf of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy in the Diocese. This favorable
summation of the growth of the past five years would not have been possible
without the courageous dedication made by the Bishops, Priests, Religious and
Laity since the establishment of this Diocese. We of today are building upon the
heroic sacrifices of yesterday.
We beg Our Divine Savior, that the future growth of the Church will
benefit immeasurably through our prayerful and united cooperation. If we work
for God, unreservedly, the seeds of faith which we plant will yield fruit in
Expressing anew my deepest gratitude and promising you a daily remem
brance in my Mass, I am, with my paternal blessing,
Devotedly yours in Christ,
Bishop of Savannah.
Over $8,000,000 Spent
On Building, Expansion
SAVANNAH — His Excel
lency, the Most Reverend Tho
mas J. McDonough has releas
ed a report on Diocesan ex
pansion, material and spiritu
al, during the past five years.
The report reveals that up
wards of eight and one-half
million dollars have been
spent by the diocese, parishes,
and diocesan institutions on
building, expansion and major
renovation programs during a
period from February, 1957 to
February, 1962.
In addition to the large
building and expansion pro
gram, the report also deals
with increased vocations to the
priesthood, advances in Catho
lic education, growth of mis
sion areas, addition of new
parishes, entry of new com
munities of men and women
religious into the diocese, and
increased membership in Cath
olic societies and organiza
New construction in the
Diocese of Savannah includes
16 churches, nine schools, five
convents, a Monastery for the
Carmelite Sisters at Savan
nah, and a Friary for the
Franciscan priests at Ameri-
Said Bishop McDonough,
“The most important single
construction, of course, is the
new minor seminary of St.
John Vianney. It is the crown
ing achievement of our Dio
cesan building program. For,
from this Seminary, please
God, will come many priests
to serve the needs of an ever
growing Catholic population.
And, of course, without priests,
the Church simply cannot
Other buildings include the
Chancery, rectories, school au
ditoriums and cafeterias, par
ish halls, and a new gymnasi
um, now under construction
at Aquinas High School in Au
Bishop McDonough’s report
also shows that seven new
parishes have been established
since 1957 and that the num
ber of priests working in the
diocese has risen from 72 five
years ago to 82 today. Also,
in the period covered by the
report, one new Community of
priests and four new Com
munities of sisters have come
to the Savannah Diocese.
Notable growth is also in
dicated in Catholic organiza
tions, such as the Catholic
Youth Organization, the Dio
cesan Council of Catholic Wo
men, the Knights of Columbus,
and the Legion of Mary.
At least two new diocesan
organizations have been estab
lished — Saint Mary’s Home
Guild and The Serra Club.
An intensive program de
signed to promote and devel
op vocations to the diocesan
priesthood, instituted in 1959,
has brought a sharp rise in the
number of seminarians study
ing for Savannah. While there
were only 18 in 1957, there are
84 today.
Commenting on his report,
Bishop McDonough said, “The
growth which our Diocese has
experienced over the past five
years is truly amazing, but
I don’t think it is at all sur
prising. Actually, it could not
have been otherwise.
“During the past five years,
our people — clergy, religious,
and laity alike — have been
called upon often for their
generous prayers and sacrific
es. They have responded with
dedication and enthusiasm.
And God, Who will not be out
done in generosity, has given
the increase to their labors.
“I am sure that our people
will derive much satisfaction
from this report of the pro
gress of the Church in our
Diocese, which they have
made possible.
I feel certain, too, that they
will find in it, encouragement
for the work which lies ahead
—the work of continuing the
spread of the Kingdom of God
in the eighty-eight counties of
this Diocese until the desire of
Our Blessed Lord is fulfilled,
“And there shall be but one
flock and one Shepherd.”
Editors Note: Full details
of Bishop McDonough's report
will be found throughout this
edition of THE BULLETIN.
IVe regret that, due to limita
tions of space, some news items
sent to us by correspondents
cannot be published at this
IVe regret, too, that it is im
possible to publish pictures of
all building, expansion, and
renovation projects undertaken
during the past five years. We
have chosen a limited number,
which we believe typify Dio
cesan growth since 1957.
Seventy-five new projects, including new buildings
and extensive renovations,' have been completed during
the past five years. These are herewith enumerated accord
ing to the various Deaneries.
1. Renovation to the Cathedral of St. John the Bap
tist, Savannah.
2. New Minor Seminary of Saint John Vianney, Sa
3. Construction of new Chancery, Savannah.
4. Acquisition of Bishop’s home, Savannah.
5. New church St. James Parish, Savannah.
6. Extensive addition to St. James School, Savannah.
7. New Notre Dame Information Center, Savannah.
8. New Camp Villa Marie, Savannah.
9. Acquisition of new Carmelite Monastery, Savannah,
plus extensive repairs, additions and renovations.
10. New wing to Blessed Sacrament School, Savannah.
11. Construction of auditorium-gymnasium-cafeteria,
Blessed Sacrament School, Savannah.
12. Construction of new rectory Blessed Sacrament
Parish, Savannah.
13. Construction of new school St. Vincent’s Academy,
plus major improvements to existing buildings, Savannah.
14. Major improvements to Sisters’ convent, St. Vin
cent’s Academy, Savannah, highlighted by a new chapel.
15. Construction of new church St. Anthony’s Parish,
16. Complete renovation of Chapel, Little Sisters of
the Poor, Savannah; also many renovations to Home.
17. Acquisition of large tract of land by Sacred Heart
Priory, Savannah, (Benedictine Fathers). Upon this site
will be constructed the new Benedictine High School.
18. New addition to St. Pius X High School, Savannah.
19. Construction of new school Nativity Parish, Sa
vannah, (Thunderbolt).
20. Purchase of house for Youth Center, Nativity
Parish, (Thunderbolt).
21. Construction of new convent St. Michael’s Parish,
Savannah Beach.
22. Construction of Mercy by the Sea, Sisters of Mercy,
Savannah Beach.
23. Construction of new school, St. Francis Xavier
Parish, Brunswick.
24. Construction of auditorium-cafeteria, St. Francis
Xavier, Brunswick.
25. New addition to St. William’s Church, St. Simons
Island, Georgia.
26. Construction of new Church of Our Lady Star
of the Sea, St. Mary’s, Ga.
27. Purchase new convent St. Matthew’s Parish,
Statesboro. '
28. Construction of Church of Our Lady of the As
sumption, Sylvania.
29. Construction new rectory Our Lady of the Assump
tion, Sylvania.
30. Construction new parish hall Our Lady of the
Assumption, Sylvania.
31. Construction new church, St. Christopher, Claxton.
32. Construction new rectory, St. Christopher, Claxton.
33. Construction new parish hall, St. Christopher,
34. Construction new Church of St. Bernadette, Millen.
35. Construction new Church of the Sacred Heart,
36. Construction new Church of St. Joan of Arc,
37. Construction new Church of the Sacred Heart,
38. Construction new Church of St. Jude, Glennville.
39. Construction new rectory St. Joseph’s Parish,
40. Construction new hall St. Joseph’s Parish, Augusta.
41. Construction Aquinas High School, Augusta.
42. Construction new gymnasium Aquinas High
School, Augusta, (now under construction).
43. Construction residence for Brothers teaching at
Aquinas High School, Augusta.
44. Construction of new school-auditorium-cafeteria,
St. Mary’s on the Hill, Augusta.
45. Construction new rectory St. Patrick’s Parish,
46. Construction auditorium - cafeteria, Immaculate
Conception Parish, Augusta.
(Continued on Page 2)