Newspaper Page Text
Math, Ga., Fob. 22, 1895.
Elder Lee Hanks, Valdosta, Ga.
Much Esteemed Friend. Your
highly prized missives have boon
received and, to say that they were
enjoyed by me, but mildly ex
presses it. Your words of comfort
have been a source of sweetest con
solation to me in my darkest hours.
I have turned to the comforting
words that you have written to me
and read them o’er and o’er again.
It is then that I am made to ex
claim •- Oh to be worthy of such
sweet comforting messages I
My consent to your request that
you be allowed to publish my letter
in the Banner is freely given if
you think that it will be a help to
alleviate the suffering of others,
and think it worthy the space in
your valuable publication.! only re
gret that I did not say more in
praise of the most wonderful of
all inventions, Oxydonor. Would
It is just three weeks ago to-day
since I first applied the Oxydonor,
and the improvement I have made
in that length of time is a wonder
to the medical world. I have not
taken a dose of medicine since the
night you spent with us, and I had
not missed a day from physic since
the first Saturday in last August.
Just think of it. Except from
weakness, I feel better than I have
in that length of time. My suffer
ings would have indeed been great
by now, had not God in his tender
mercies sent you to us. Oh I Mr.
Hanks how can 1 ever cease prais
ing His holy name. Oh to be wor
thy of such tender mercies.
grace, is the earnest
Your Unworthy Friend
Fannie E. Durden.
Butler, Ga., Feb. 25,1895.
Dear Elder Hanks:—l have
thought ever since Christmas that
I would subscribe for the Banner
but have neglected it until now.
So please find enclosed one dollar.
I have read several copies of the
Banner and like it very much. I
have often thought of you and your
good preaching at the Association
last year. We are indeed a little
flock at Butler without a shep
How we do miss dear Elder
It seems almost more than we
can bear to think we will never
hear his dear voice again declar
ing the gospel in its purity to our
little church at Butler. But
while it is so hard for us to bow
in humble submission to this sad
bereavement, yet we know the
Lord does “all things well” though
it is sometimes so contrary to our
My dear sister Ruth joined the
church the week after you saw* her
and I had a conversation with her
on the cars.
She often speaks of you.
If you dont come to see us before
September, you must be sure to
come to our Association. We will
expect you then and, want you to
make our home your “stopping
Pray foi me, a poor sinner.
With best wishes. Your Un
worthy Sister.
Eve Jones.
I sympathize greatly with your
church in the loss of dear Elder
Respess. A dear man of God is fall
en to rest sweetly in the arms of
Jesus forever.
If the Lord wills I shall visit
your church in the near future.
Eld. A. V.Simms Dear Brother;
I left home on Friday before the
second Sunday in February to visit
the churches of the Lower Canoo
chee Association. The weather has
been so cold that I have failed to
meet all my appointments: but I
have been made tofeol that the Lord
was in the matter, I shall not give
all the names of the dear brethren
and sisters with whom I mot but
wish to say that their kindness to
mo will never ba forgottten. I met
Elders Cribbs and Jones whn I
found to be precious brethren in
the ministry, earnestly contending
for the faith once delivered to the
saints.l also met Elder A.R.Strick
land whom I esteem as a father in
Israel. I was with him three days
at Bay Branch Church . It was at
this place that 1 felt to have the
presence of the Lord with us. Four
were added to the Church at this
meeting by experience and bap
tism . One of these was a brother
Hall who it seemed tried to have
his own way. On the day of our
meeting he went off to his work as
usual, but soon came back and
went to meeting and joined the
church, and thus the word of the
Lord was fulfilled“ Thy people shall
be willing in the day of thy power.”
The Lord’s work goes on unseen by
the world. The church is yet
alive J. J. Byrd.
Wade, Ga Mar, sth 1895.
Eld. Lee Hanks.
Dear Brother in the Lord: (If
one so unworthy as I can thus ad
dress you). I will make the at
tempt to comply with your wish by
trying in a weak and feeble way
to tell you what I hope to have been
the dealings of the Lord with
About four years ago I was made
to see myself a wretched and vile (
i«iy health was very bad at that
time and I thought that my time
of departure from earth was close
at hand, and I knew to die in that
condition meant everlasting pun
ishment to me. Many bitter and
scalding have been the tears that
I shed, for I thought surely the
Lord had forsaken me. I had a
dream that somewhat consoled me
I dreamed that the world came to
an end and the first came from the
north-east and south-west and met
at Antioch church and there
went down into a very dark pit. It
seemed th at I was on the very brink
and very near to falling into the
pit, but by some means escaped.
In a few days after I had this
dream, I received a letter from Eld.
Barwick (I then was living in
Houston County and he in Eman
uel) telling me that he had a dream
of me the night before, dreamed
that I had dreamed the above dream
and was very much troubled on the
account of it that he went to see
me, but could not because I was
low down in a dark dungeon and
that my groans were pitiful to hear,
but finally he was permited to see
me and referred me to certain
portions of the scriptures and that
I became better reconciled.
Not long after this I came home
and went on a visit to Eld. Bar
wick’s house and he tried to talk to
me but my heart was too full to
talk for I was fearful that my trou
bles were not of the Lord.
Oh I the troubles that I saw for
about two weeks after you made
your first visit to this country. It
seems that you all were so badly
deceived in me and something
would constantly bo reminding me
that I might deceive meif,but there
was One that wasn’t deceived. I
would try to read the Bible but it
all seemed to condemn me and I
could only say Lord have mercy
on me a sinner but bless the Lord
those troubles quietly passed off
and I could sing t praisos to God
and bless His Holy Name.
I then wanted to live with the
dear people of the Loid,but felt too
unworthy, and had been for
your sweet words of encouragement
I would have been still wanting,
hut fearing to go.
I thought after I joined the church
and .was baptized that my troubles
would cease, but ere many days
passed I was almost doubting that
I even had a hope, and thus it is
one day low down, and doubting,
and again feeling that my hope
though a’ mere mite is suffi
Now dear brother remember me
at the throne of grace, and pray
for me that I may walk in that
straight and narrow w&y that leads
to realms of eternal bliss. Long may
you live to proclaim the mercies
of the Lord.
Your unworthy sister
Lliltan Gray.
Barwick. Ga., Feb. 28 1995.
Dear Bro. Hanks:
Your welcome letter to hand, and
as I read it I did deeply sympa
thize with you, for I think I know'
the road you were travling.
I have just made a little trip
in the Union Association and
it was so cold and so few
out until I am confident even yet
that the Lord did not send me on
that trip. It was all of the flesh
and all that I reaped from it was
corruption. Brother Hanks, I often
wonder if God’s true ministers who
are alive and dutiful ever make
as many mistakes as I do,and while
1 1 am far from rejoicing at your
darkness, yet then is renewed and
revived,and strengfheud that tie of
fellowship and tender-doling for
you since God in his mercy is lead
ing you by the same rough way that
you know not,as I hopejho has me.
But who knows some
wise some p& of your
it bqnseen to
’’sow thy sej in the
We had a joyful | meeting at
Harmony, no one joined, but I had
extra liberty on seemed
to enjoy it.
Sister Kenton came yesterday on
the train and will go with us to
Bethel. We are hoping-for a good
time. Bro. Hanks I am glad you
have a mind to be at Harmony and
I hope the Lord will enable you to
come. Sometimes I get so low
down and far away in my feelings
that I cannot believe that I ever
will see the light again nor can I
ever preach any more like I have
in the past and I begin to wonder
what have I done or what have I
carelessly unconsciously drifted
into that has removed my mantle
from me, and I wonder what will
be the end of this mystical incom
prehensible journey.
Again I get to the place that I
feel like going on. I will go and
pn ach all the time nothing can
hinder me but I am determined to
spend the remainder of my life in
God’s service; but nowl am wav
ing, and tottering, and halting and
ready to mutter and murmer and
complain because I had to walk
by faith and not by sTght. May
the blessed Lord keep you and
freshen your pathway with new and
rich mercies, and to name be
all the praise.
Yours in bonds.
R. H. Barwick
Louvale, Ga., Feb., 25,1895.
Dear Brother Hanks:
It is with a sad heart that I
write you to-night. But I have
been in so much trouble I feel like
I would like to talk to you.
On the 17th inst, my dear
daughter Annie, aged twenty
years, died leaving two small
children; one little girl about eight
teen months old, and a little boy
about an hour old.
She w s not a member of the
church, but she was as stiong a
believer in the Primitive Baptiste
as you ever saw. She talked to
me the last time she was at my
house, and I was fully satisfied
that she had a hope. I was satis
tied before that time, but was more
fully satisfied at that time, and
when death came she then said
that she was ready and willing to
die. I have no doubt of her being
at rest.
She was with me the first time I
ever met you, at the Association
near Dawson, and when you
preached at brother Yorks the
night after the Association. She
had great confidence in you and
often spoke of you. When they
saw that she was sinking they
called two doctors, but she died
before they got there. I try to
console myself when I think that
her life was in the hands of the
Lord, and that she could not die
unless it ws the Lord’s will. I
have thought that I did believe
this to be true, but it seems like
it tries my faith. It is hard for me
to be reconciled to it. Brother
Hanks, I want you to pray for us
that we may be reconciled to her
death and that we may all be
prepared to meet her in Heaven.
We want you to visit us. The
people generally want you to
come to Antioch, if it is the Lord’s
will, this year: Brother Garrett
was at our last meeting. I am
yours unworthily,
M. D. Tatum.
Remarks:—This precious family
has my deepest sympathies in
their sore trials. May the Lord
resign them to his will. “The Lord
giveth, and the Lord hath taken
away; blessed be his Holy name.”
He has only taken his own from
the trials of this sinful world. If
. •' -w -w ■■ <«« « - -■ - -~imiWtfrtnM til
church the 4th Sunday and Satur
day before in April.—H.
Elder J. H. Purefoy’s appointmants
for April 1895.
New Hope, Fla., Tuesday the 2nd
Little Springs, ls Wednesday 3rd
Mt. Zion, “ Thursday, 4th
San Pedro Associotion from the sth to
the 12th, as Elder J. E. Blanton will
Sittle Flock, Fla., Sat.and Sun. 13 &14
Antioch, Ga., Monday 15
Boston, “ Tues, and Wed. 16 & 17
Cairo, “ Thursday night, 14
Poplar Springs, Friday, IS
Tired Creek, “ Sat. and Sun. 20 &2P
Brundrige, Ala, Tuesday 23
Ramah, “ Wednesday 24'
Mt. Zion, “ Thursday 25'
Paran, * “ Friday 26
Beulah, Troy, '• SAf. and Sun. 27 &28
Elder A. V. Simms will preach (D.V)
as follows:
Mars Hill, Calhoun Co. Mar. 29.30 & 31,
Hephsiber, Randolph, Co. April 1,
Beulah, Terrell, “ “ 2,
Harmony, Richland, “ “ 3,
Antioh, Louvale, “ “ 4,
Slaughter Creek, “ “ 5,
Chickasawhatchee, “ “ 6& 7,
Macedonia, “ “ 8,
Liberty, “ “ 9,
Brethren will please circulate the
appointments well.
R H. Jennings.
Elder L. H. Stuckey of Alabama will
preach as follows:
Pisgah, Tuesday, April Ist.
Fainsville, Wednesday
and Thursday “ 2nd & 3rd
Piedmont, Sat and Sun. “ sth “ 6th
Tried Creek, Monday, “ 7 “
Popular Springs, Tues “ 8“
New Hope, Wed. “ 9 “
Mizpah, Thursday, “ 10 *'
Hopewell, Friday, “ 11 “
Providence. Sat.andSun. “ 12 “ “ 13th
Bethsaida, Tuesday, “ 15 ‘‘
Elder Tucker will arrange for him
from there to Ty Ty. Can arrange at
School houses if desire. Brethren
will circulate these appointments as
extensively as they can.—H.
Josie Ala.,, March 14,1895.
Elder Simms, Dear Brother:
I inclose you the appointments for
Eider Z. T. jtfarsh, of Dale county. He
will preach in the bounds of the Con
nechuch Assocition as follows:
Baptist Rest, Pike Co., Ala.. April 25
Mt. Zion, “ “ “ ' “ 26
Ramah, “ “ “ “ 27 & 28
Canaan, “ u “ 29
Pleasant Hill, “ - “ A, 30
Troy, “ “ “ May 1
Hopewell, “ “ 2
Antioch, Coffee ‘‘ " i “ 3
P. S.—Elder Marsh will be depen
dant for conveyance. He is a ’good,
humble brother and is worthy of the
care of his brethren. I hope the
brethren will meet him and care for
him, which is nothing but a high
privilege God has given us to richly
enjoy. Your Unworthy Brother,
W. A. Gbeen.
I * 8
| J —: of all kinds : »
| Designed ps JOHN B. CHAMBERS, o 8
S o In the Highest Style of the Art. §
$ Send us Your Orders. Estimates Given on g
8 8 t
| VALDOSTA, GA. ''jS |
I TW.T ’ nri TTT-^r— — r riiu ffW W-i ri wmgMMMaww —I Bill I fl— hi I J
l ime Table No 11
. ■ ■
Train Train Train
No. 3. No. 5, No. 1. Miles. STATIONS. O|
Log&frt. Passngr. Log&frt. ■-A-WS
12 00 pm 230 pm 500 am 0 - Leave Pidcock,
12 10 p m 235 pin 510 a m 2 1-2 “ Lake Station, x
12 25 pm 245 pm 525 am 4 “
12 35 d m 300 p m 535 a m 7 2-3 “ Phobe,
12 45 pm 3 10pm 545 am 91-3 “ ~...Barwick,
12 52 pm 3 15pm 550a ml 2 2-3 “ JHollis,
325 pm Arrive? '• i
100pm3 40 p m 600a ml 4 1-2 Leave j : r . McDonald,
108 p m 347 p m 610 a ml 6 “ i-Rosier, B
1 15 p in 355 pm 615a.m18 “ Alderman’s Junction, .
4 05 pm 21 “ Crosby,
425 pm 22 2-3 “ Autreyville,
4 35 p m 25 “ Martins, g
450 p m 26 2-3 l ' Cooper,
510 p m 31 w Moultrie. |
“ Spanglei
“ Phoebi
“ Holli
Leave )
Arrive > . .McDonald
“ J.oslei
“ Alderman’s Judctior
“ Crosby
“ Martins
“ Coopei
“ Moultrie
Elder D. B. Sheffield will preach
in the bounds of the Flint River
Asssociation (D. V.) as follows:
Mispah Church, April 6, and 7
Hopewell “ “ 8
Providence “ “ 9
New Hope “ “ 10
.Popular Springs “ “ 11
Rest “ “ 12
Tired Creek “ “ 13 and 14
Piedmont “ “ 15
Fainsville “ “ 16
Pisgah w w 17
Prosperity w M 18
Union « . « 19
Trinity w “ 20 and 21
Travel “ . “ 22
Pilgrim’s Rest “ 23
Olive Grove “ “ 24
Bethel “ “ 25
Union Church, Miller Co. “ 27 and 28
He will need conveyance,
William Hollingsworth.
If the Lord wills, I have agreed to
fill the following appointments, ar
ranged by the brethren at Butler :
Butler, Ga., Wednesday, April 17,
Bethel, Thursday, “ 18,
Shiloh, Friday, “ 19,
Butler, Sat. and Sun. “ 20 and 21,
Bethehem, Monday, “ 22,
Mt. Zion, Tuesday, 23,
Andersonville,’Wed. M 24,
Antioch (Louvale) Satur-
day and Sunday, “ 37 anOB,
This wonderful little instrument
cured me of pneumonia, partial para
lysis in my legs for ten years, dyspep
sia, heart and kidney troubles are al
most cured so I can eat anything I
want. My little niece was cured of
muscular rheumatism in two days, my
inother-in-law was cured of a sprained
ankle in one night, my children was
cured of La Grippe, and 1 learn that it
is doing great good in curing the
afflicted in different portions of the
United States. I had no confidence in
it at first, but I would not be without
it for a great deal of money. It will
do for your entire family, and heals
without a doctor or medicine. Dr.
Sanche guarantees that it will cure all
curable diseases such as headache,
colds, chills fever,, Bright’s disease,
cancer, rheumatism, infiamation of the
bladder, lungs, etc., cramp. La Grippe,
heart disease, dyspepsia, general de
bility etc. Price $25.00. Dealers
For information write,
Lee Hanks, Boston, Ga.
or A. V. Simms, Valdosta, Ga.
Dealers for Southeast Ala. i
Train Train Train
Fare. No. 2. No. 6. No. 4.
Log & frt. Passngr. Log & frt-
k, 0 1115oi m IQIO am 6 00pm
e, 32 10 50 am 942 am 5 35pm
k, 38 10 40 a m 930 a m 520 p m
ie 53 10 30 a m 923 a m 510 p m
d, 60 10 15 a m 915 a m 500 p m
r, 64 10 07 a m 907 a m 452 p m
n, 70 10 00am 9 00am 4 45pm
y, 84 848 a m
e, 90 840 a m
s, 1 00 8 25 a m
r,l 05 815 a m
e, 1 24 8 00 a m
—Discover of the Laws of—
Physiological Combustion,
Upon Which Organic Health and Vigor
Depend, and Inventor of
Simple, Safe and Successful Instru
ments, Which Bring These Laws
into active play upon the liv
ing organism for the Spon
taneous Prevention and
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This new ScienOf,
Alone deals directly
with the Principle of Life; alone holds
out infallibly in practice by affording
mastery of disease.
This Diaductive Methbd, curing by
increase of VITAL FORCE, therefore,
it is the only remedy. When made
adequate, it moves any function,
throws off any disease, and it causes
the physiological process of Life to
prevail and to replace the chemical
process of Death. Its protection is
indispensable to every one’s well-be
ing. For Vital facts sqnd stamp. Ad
dress Dr. H. SANCHE, 261 Ffth
Avenue New York, or
DR. D. BARTLEY, General Dealer,
Drawer J., Crawfordsville, Ind.
Competent dealers solicited.
Lee Hanks, Boston Ga., is dealer in
Southeast Alabama, and will fill or
ders promptly or give any informa
tion wanted.
W'e will receive orders for Goble’s
Hymn Books, and furnish them to our
brethren at publisher’s prices. Ths
book contains a choice selection of old
hymns in common use among the
Baptists of the South with some new
ones added.
Terms: 25 cents for a single copy
or $2.50 per dozen. Leather bound 4C
cents, par copy or $3.75 per dozen
Sena orders to A. V. Simms. Valdosta
Ga., or Lee Hanks, Bofton,Ga.
We are prepared to print Assooeia
tional Minutes neatly and cheaply.
The Clerks of different associations
will please forward manuscript to us
and we will guarantee satisfaction.
Give us a trial. Address