The Mystic owls. (Atlanta, Ga) 1880-????, October 20, 1880, Image 3

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JACK & CO., 43 Peachtree Street, CONFECTIONERS rt BAKERS Always the, Freshest and Best Bread, Cakes of all varieties, Candies, Wats, Baisins, Jellies, Canned Goods of all hinds. Toys, Willowware, etc. REMEMBER, _—at JACK’S, 4:3 PEACHTREE STREET. SKETCHING, DBAWINC c" DESIGNING!, ' Street, Atlanta, G-eerg-la. Drawing for Wood. Engravings and General Designing. “Were not summer’s di dilation left A liquid prisoner, pent in walls of glass, Beauty’s-effect of beauty were bereft, . Nor it, nor no remembrance what J t was ; But flowers distilled, though with winter meet, Lease but their show, their substance still lives sweet.” OF" The Atlanta Constitution, speaking of the Mystic Owl’s display, adds: THE PERFUMED BALL ROOM was one of the novel and grateful features of the great, event. As the guests entered the Opera House they were greeted with the most delicious odors, as from a freshly blooming bed of a thou sand flowers. The air was laden with the soft, sweet perfume that seemed to be the very breath of the god less of pleasure and a wooing to the gaieties of the occasion. A fountain neatly placed was playing all the evening the cologne which gave forth this perfume, and the practiced senses o' the ladies at once detected what it was. We need hardly say that the fountain and the two atomizers ; were dispensing to the atmosphere the odor of i TAYLOR’S PREMIUM COLOGNE, an article of home manufacture that his promptly won its way into wide-spread popularity as prefer able to most of the doctored “extracts” of the day. This cologne is made by Mr. Walter A. Taylor, of Taylor’s drug store. This cologne is of the finest quality, lasting and delicious, and an esteemed ai tide upon the toilet table of every lady in the southeast. The demand for it is great, and it needs only to be tried to be approved. The quick and delicate senses of the Mystic Owls at once discovered its merits, and they had no hap pier conceit to offer their guests than these fountain jets of delightful perfume. The fair dancers who found it so grateful a refresher last evening will not forget it, but will please themselves and honor their entertainers by keeping up the sensation throughout the twelvemonth by means of this same delightful agent. Ask your Druggists or Fancy Goods Dealers for it. Sold in 25c, 50c and SI.OO sizes. MANUFACTURED BY Walter S. ATLANTA. GA. EISEMAN BROS: 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., MtaTfc, DEALERS IN HEN’S FURNISHING GOODS AT THE LOWEST CASH FIGURES. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE * > Peerless & Lovely I SURE, SAFE & SPEEDY! Close connections, comfortable Coaches, cheap Carriage—with no superior, and without a rival for the grandeur of the scenery along its line —a climate unsurpassed on the globe for its invigorating, life-giving and life-sup porting effects on humanity; the extent and variety of its productionsand resources; the favorite haunt of those seeking Health or Pleasure; a sanitarium for the one and a para dise for the other. The Piedmont Air-Line being the shortest route between the South and Southwest and the North and the East, with its rapid and safe transit in superb Coaches over a smooth track, is not only the best, but the cheapest route between the sections. Time is money, and the saving in time as the assurance of no delay, renders it the favo rite route for all business men. It is emphatically the “ People’s Route.” All classes go by this line. Civilians and soldiers, merchants and me chanics, professionel men, and the sons of toil, as well as the men of wealth, find it the line best adapted to transport them. It has been the leader in all movements tend ing to give the people cheap and safe transit, in devolping the era of good feeling between every section of our common country, in build ing up the waste places and developing the re sources of the section traversed by it. To the emigrant it offers for sale 300,000 acres of fine land on easy terms, and extends to each and all a hearty welcome to come and settle along its line, and grow up with a country that savans and scientists prophesy is destined to be the most populous and prosperous in the Union. W. J. HOUSTON, G. P. & F. A., Atlanta, Georgia. A. POPE, G. P. A F. A., Richmond, Va, “JULIUS ujrownT Attorney | Counselor at Law, ATLANTA, GA. Master in Chancery United States Circuit Court Northern District of Georgia ; attorney for the Western & Atlantic Railroad Company, and the Citizens Bank of Georgia. iiimiiiniiii ROUTE IS THE DIRECT LINE EROM ATLANTA And all other points in the South and South- east to ST. LOUIS And the East, West and North. THE POPULAR LINE TO TEXAS Is via Columbus, Ky., and the GREAT IIIIWIMB ROUTE. • PALACE SLEEPING CARS, FAST EXPRESS TRAINS, AND SURE CONNECTIONS Can always be relied upon if your tickets read OVER THE IMOlffl ROUTE. For further information call upon any Ticket Agent in the country, or address 0. W. RUGGLES, Gen’l. Pass. & Ticket Agt., St. Louis, Mo. E. F. SISSON, Southeastern Pass. Agt., Chattanooga, Tenn. IMPORTANT TO EMIGRANTSI ‘HOMES IN TEXAS,’ Is the title of an Illustrated Pamphlet, descrip tive of the country along the line of the INTERNATIONAL -A. IST ZD GLNrMI And contains the names and address of Farmersand Planters in Texas who have Farms for sale and rent, and the names of those who will require farm hands next year. It also contains a correct Map of the State, and of the United States, show ing the International -A-ISTZD Great Northern R, R. AND CONNECTIONS To be the Most Direct aoi Best Boole TO TEXAS. ' ♦♦♦ A copy of this Book will bo sent free to any one desiring correct infor mation relating to Texas, upon appli cation by letter or postal card to ALLEN McCOY, Gen’l. Freight & Pass. Agent, PALESTINE, TEXAS. GREAT Midland Route. Shortest and Quickest Route FROM ATLANTA TO New York. SEE SCHEDULE BELOW: U ci 6 6 & £ <u 3 3 -o 'XJ •5 « Lv. Atlanta, Ga., via Air-Line 3:30 p.m. 4:30 a.m “ Gainesville “ “ 5:55 “ 6:52 “ “ Athens, “ N. E R. R., 4:05 •* “ Seneca, “ Air-Line 9:02 “ 9:50 “ “ Greenville, S.C. “ 10:45 “ 11:25 “ “ Spartanburg, “ “ 12:01 a.m12:42 pm “ Charlotte,N.C .R.&D.R.R 4:15“ 4=22“ “ Greensboro “ “ { “ t . 7:56 “ “ Danville, Vj.,Va. MidRR 10:451. m 10.35 “ * r ui « 11 « f 1:25 p.m i:oi Ar. Lynchburg- “{ Dinner. Lv.Atl inla.Gj.,viaW.&A R.R 2:50 pm “ Ddton,Ga.,E T.V.&G RR 7:20 “ “ Cleveland, Tenn. “ B:s9am Supper “ Knoxville, “ “ 12:01 Night. “ BristoLTen ,A.M.&O.R.R 5:38 am “ Wytheville, Va., “ 8:31 “ Breakfast Ar. Lynchburg, Va., “ 1:30 pm Dinner Lv. Lynchburg, Va.,V.M.R.R I:sopm I:o6am Ar. Charlottesville, “ “ 4:20 “ 3:20 “ Manassas, “ “ f 7:46 •< 6:22 “ I Supper. Alexandria, “ “ 8:50 “ 7:20 Washington, D. C , “ 9:15 “ 7:50 “ Baltimore, Md ,8.&0.R.R,i0:35 “ >0:05 “ “ “ B.&P R.R, 11:05“ 9:35“ Philadelphia,Pa.P.Wß RR. 3:201m I:2spm New York, P. R.R .... 6:45 “ 3:45 “ Schedule No. i has Pullman Sleep ing Car Atlanta to Washington with out change, and Schedule No. 2 has Pullman Sleeping Car Charlotte to Washington without change. HU SUUGHTSB., General Ticket Agent.