The Mystic owls. (Atlanta, Ga) 1880-????, October 20, 1880, Image 7

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L. W. SCOVILLE. R- 8. TERRY. lit '•-■4 IHMNinfl mi MKtm tyO . Wl '-_WR£ •wa\'£ m " *’ THE 0.1. KIMBALL HOUSE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SOOVIX4I4E & r se- Also, Proprietors of the “Norville” and “Arlington,’’ Lynchburg, Va. QI'ANU MEMI-l. The sun comes up and the sun goes down, And dny and night are the same as one. The year grows green and the years growl brown, And what is it all when all is done? Grains of sombre or shining sand. Gliding into ami out of the hand? The fisher drops his net in the stream, And a hundred streams are the same as one, And the maiden dreams her love-lit dream, And what is it when all is done? The net of the fisher the burden breaks, And the dreaming dreamer always Wrtkes! —Boston Advertisers The tide count s in and the tide goes out, And a hundred tides are the same as one, For who can say what I’m writing about, And is it all when all is done? But dipping my pen in the ink, and then?— O! nothing but taking it out agaiu. For people must read a great deal of rot, (And rubbisn and rot are the same as one,) They may as well read what I write, why not? But what is it all when all is done? Some lines of i y|»e, and a metre rough, And not an idea iu the whole of the stuff. —Harvard Lamvoon The Education of English Girls. English girls arc taught—or were, in my time —by a kind of system which tends to multiply “accomplishments” rather than useful knowledge. A certain routine of teaching is gone through, and you come out of the school-room with n society varnish intended to do duty until j marriage, at which period custom allows you to dispense with surface accomplish ments, and devote yourself to all the realities of life, mitigated as they are for the well-to-do. Oh the other hand, the moral atmosphere of the English home education is superior to that of American education in general. Girls are less forward and more respected; they grow into women more slowly and ripen better; they are physically stronger, and therefore have simpler tastes; and as to society, they do not know what it means before at least the age of seventeen or eighteen. American girls l.avj certain j advantages, however, wh’eh custom de nies young Englishwont • 1 f good posi tion; they are not forced by an unwritten law to go into society and piny their part in it, while the English jrirl has no choice. The “upper ten thousand’ must marry or become “blue stockings” before the world agrees to let them alone. A young married woman may, it she chooses, plead home duties as au excuse for a quiet, useful, pleasant and studious life, uninterrupted by any but the necessary “county” civilities, which are not very burdensome; but young "iris are not sup posed to have such duties. Parents, even when sick themselves, are loth to let the chances of the Lot don season pass by their daughters, and depute any safe chaperon, the neatest relation, if possible, to takp tbeballs and parties. The rudimentary education furnished to women of the higher classes has perhaps sometniug to do with the .of “fastness” among a part of them, while to others it becomes the base of a leal, later self-education, the grow il 1 of reading, observation and thought.— The Atlantic. —A St. Louis lawyer has just defined a receiv er: | “A receiver is one of the most interesting and) sublime objects which can be presented to the legal mind. He is the offspring. of insolvency and chancery. He is inseparably identified with a| fund. He* acts only by advice of counsel. He ;< subsists upon motions and interlocutory orders.! He is always petitioning the court and asking that! something or other may be granted with costs. | He is the good genius of attorneys and solicitors. 1 He moves in the atmosphere of taxable items, commissions, special proceedings and general 1 equity. He is the grandest embodiment of a legal fiction known to the august absurdities of a chan-j eery court.” —— • - He Rose to the Occasion. Nowhere excepting,in this free and beautiful country of ours could an inci dent combining the humorous and prac tical have occurred like the following: It was between Mr. Bliss, a conductor on the Chicago and Rock Island rail road, whose height is five feet, and Mr. Henry, a passenger, who stood seven feet in his stockings. Mr. Henry put his ticket in his hat band, and stood up when the brief conductor came along. Mr. Bliss could not reach the ticket, even when standing on hi» toes, and his unavailing efforts to do so | made aU the passengers “ laugh con- I eumedly.” But he rose to the occasion. ' Without changing countenance, hs brought a step-ladder, leaned it against the elongated Henry, climbed up to and picked off the ticket, and went on az. though nothing had happened. Bather good, and very American.— liar per'l Magazine. STEPHEN AND RACHAEU FromDickcnf “Hard TrmM”) BY LYDIA F. HINMAN. O hearts that live bo near, and yet So far apart That thrill In vain, And throb, and beat, and sigh, and fret With love’s delicious, hopeless pain O lips that simple words express, And yet with tenderness o’erflow That never meet In love’s caress, But, smiling, sigh that it Is so. Fond eyes thatsmark each cheek tear worn, But dare not glance where love-light hide Beyond the mask, lest each should mourn In pain the patn where duty bides; And hands that toil, and only clasp In sympathy and tenderness; Whose toil seems sweeter for the grasp Os that dear calm and silent press. O weary ones, who, ’mid life’s throngs, Must walk alone, and restless beat The lonely path, while each one longs For echoes of the other’s feet; Afar, anear, beyond regret; With hopeless, painless hearts of woe In smiles and griefring tears, and yet Content that God knows why ’tis so. Speech and Size. The Power of Speech.— A man who cannot use his eyes should use his tongue. Alan’s darkened soul can call for a light when it cannot strike a light. The spiritually blind man can utter a loud and exeeedingly-bitter cry that shall pierce heaven and enter into th ear and heart of God. Size.— Bigness is not greatness ; and yet smallness is in itself no blessing, though it may be the occasion of a man’s winning one. Happily for little men the giants have seldom any great wit. It is not pleasant to see every one about you a bigger person than yourself. Yet this is a sight many do see who are not dwarfs in stature. An almost pertect house nas Deen late ly disentombed at Pompeii. It is the best preserved of all the Roman dwell ings hitherto discovered. There are two atria and a very spacious peristyle, in the middle of which there is an orna mental fountain. There is also a com plete bath, which must assist in clearing up some of the doubtful points concern ing the arrangement of Roman baths. The paintings in the interior of the housl were executed with considerable taste, and they are in good preservation. Those on the first floor, representing for the most part marine animals, are especially interesting. The frescoes al so, which are contained in the wings oi the building, are excellent representa tions of scenes from animal life. Tub cnampion rat story of the era is told by the San Francisco Examiner. It says: “A remarkable occurrence lately took place on our northern coast. A fore-and-aft schooner, while lying in a safe harbor, as was supposed, and having no crew on board on account of the safety of the position, was board ed by rats in such numbers that they ate away all her standing rigging, in cluding head-stays, and also the jib. foresail, and mainsail. All were de stroyed beyond the possibility of re pair.” Niagara Falls and Mt. Vesuvius are now illuminated at night by electric * light A meeting of prominent citizens oi Camden, S, C., was held recently to or ganize an anti-dueling association. After several speeches had been made officers were elected, and resolutions denouncing the barbarous code, and agreeing to prosecute all persons who send, carry oi accept challenges, were adopted. The movement thus inaugurated gives evi dence of a change in public sentiment in that section which is to be commended. The Brassey family in England must, next to Mr. Vanderbilt, bo almost tire largest holders of securities, other than real estate, in the world. Their father left them over $30,000,000 in personal property, and they do not own more than $75,000 a year real estate. This looks ae though they foresaw the depreciation that is possibly impending. > “I am .in independent voter, and I can't support jon until I've seen your platform.” she said, ns he finished pro posing. A couple of hours later it dawned upon the, yotuig man’s mind tin t she wanted to know the amount of bis salary. / . ' VC tl J.P.SlfflDs&Cl. I MANUFACTURERS OF FINE WATCHES & JEWELBY > Wholesale and Retail Headquarter! for Diamonds, Solid Silver - AND— Plated Ware, Clocks, Bronzes &c., BRIDAL PRESENTS And Presentation Goods of all k inds. tat Harps Offered la Watcta. J.JP. STEVENS & CO, Factory and Salesrooms 34 Whitehall St. —TH ZB Military Jewel For the State Championsionship, made and presented by J. P. Stevens & Co., and the GATE CITI GUARDS’ JEWEL Made by the t ame House, are on exhi bition in the windows of J. P. STEVENS & CO, 34 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. THE KNIGHT’S LEAP AT ALTENAHR. “ So the foemen fired the gate, tnen of mine, And the water is spent and done ; Th. n bring ine a cup of the red Ahr-wine — 1 shall never drink but this one. “ And fetch the harness and saddle my horse, And lead him around to the door; lie must take a leap to right p.rforee As horse never took befotc. “ I have lived by the saddle for years a score, And if I must die on tree, The old saddle-tree which has borne me of yore Is the properest timl>er for me. “ I have lived my life, I have fought my fight, I have drunk my share of wine ; From Trier to Coin there was never a knight Lived a merrier life than mine. “So now to show bishop and burgher and priest How the Altenah hawk can die; If they smoke the old falcon out of his nest, He must take to his wings and fly.” He harnessed himself by the clear moonshine, And he mounted himself by the door, And he took such a pull at the red Ahr-wine As man never’took before. He spurred the old horse and he held him tight, And he leapt him out over the wall, Out over the cliff, out into the night, Three hundred feet to fall. They found him next morning alone in the glen, And never a bone in him whole; But heaven may yet have more mercy than man On such a bold rider’s soul. ,♦ w •*- JUDGING BY APPEARANCES. THE RECEPTION OF A HARVARD GRADUATE IN HOMESPUN AT THE OLD CITY TAV- ERN IN BOSTON. When Maine was a district of Massachu setts, Ezekial Whitman was chosen to repre sent the district in the Massachusetts Legisla ture. He was an eccentric man, and one of the best lawyers of his time. He owned a farm and did much work on his land, and when the time came for him to set out for Bos ton, his best suit of clothes was a suit of home spun. His wife objected to his going in that garb, but he did not care. “ I will get a nice, fashionable suit made as soon as I reach Bos ton,” he said. Reaching his destination, Whitman found rest at Doolittle’s City Tavern. Let it be un derstood that he was a graduate of Harvard, and at this tavern he was at home. As he en tered the parlor of the house, he found several ladies and gentlemen assembled, and he heard a remark from one of them, “Ah, here comes a countryman of the real homespun genus. Here’s fun.” Whitman stared at the company and then sat down. “ Say, my friend, you are from the country,” remarked one of the gentlemen. “Ya-as,” answered Ezekiel, with a lu dicrous twist of the face. The ladies tittered. “ And%hat do you think of our city ?” “It’s a pooty thick-settled place, anyhow. It’s got a sweepin’ sight of hous’n in it.” “ And a good many people, too.” “ Ya-as I should guess so.” “ Many people where you come from ?’ “ Wai, some.” “ Plenty of ladies, I suppose?” “ Ya-as, a fair sprinklin’.” “ And I don’t doubt that you are quite a I beau among them.” “Ya-as, I beaus’ ’em home —tew meetin’ and singin’ schewl.” “ Perhaps the gentleman from the country will take a glass of wine?” “Thank-ee, don’t keer if I do.” The wine was brought. “ You must drink a toast.” “ Oh, git eout! I eat toast —never heard 0’ sich a thing as drinkin’ it. But 1 kin give ye a sentiment. The ladies clapjfKl their hands; but what was their surprise when the stranger, rising, spoke calmly and clearly as follows: “Ladies and gei tiemen, permit me to wish you health and h: ppiness, with every blessing earth can afford and may you grow better and wiser with advancing years, bearing ever in mind that outward appearances are often deceitful. You mistook me, from my dress, for a country booby, while I, from the same superficial cause, thought you were ladies and gentlemen. The mistake was mutual.” He had just spoken, when Caleb Strong, the Governor of the State, entered and inquired for Mr. Whitman. “ Ah, here I ■ am, Governor. Glad to see you.” Then turning to the dumbfounded company: “ I wish you a very good evening.” j[X I’. Sun. WHAT IS A CARAT. The Scientific American explains this word thus: Tlie carat is an aginary weight, that ex presses the fineness of gold in a mass of metal; thus, an ounce of gold of twenty-two carats fine is gold of which twenty-two parts out of twenty-four are pure, the other two parts are silver, copper or other metal; the weight of foiir grains used by jewelers in weighing pre cious stones and pearls, is something called diamond weight- —the carat consisting of four nominal grains troy. The term of weighing carat derives its name from a bean, the fruit of an Abssynian tree, called Kuara. This bean, from the time of its being gathered, varies a very little in its weight, and seems to have b.ten, from a very remite pjro.l, med a a weight for gold in Africa. In India, also,s the bean is used as a weight for gems and pearls. r ’ We HEAR of a man who has made a fortune by attending to his own business' This is authentic. But then he had few competitors. THE DADE COAL COMPANY. JOSEPH E. BROWN, President. JULIUS Ta BROWN, Vico- President. B. E. WELLS, Superintendent. \VM. 11. PATTERSON, Secretary and Treasurer. The DADE COAL COMPANY is now prepared to furnish its coals in any quantities. Its CASTLE ROCK COAL Is the best grate Coal in the market Its DADE COAL Is the best manufacturers Coal in the South, and its COKE, As shown by chemical analyses by Chenault and Blair, is better than the celebrated Connellsville Coke. Toothsome, Perhaps, if Not Fattening. More barbarous or semi-civilized tribes are addicted to the custom of earth-eating, and such a habit exists in some parts of the northern island of Ja pan. The origin of this custom has been ascribed to various causes, but it seems most probable that, in the majority of cases, the habit has been formed in times of great scarcity, when the people ate the earth in order to partially dis tend the stomach and so in a measure allay the pangs of hunger, and that from this the custom became a habitual dis ease. In no case yet examined of an earth so used has any appreciable amount of real nutriment been discov ered. In Java a fat clay is used; in Lapland a similar earth containing mica made into a kind of bread; in the South of Persia a carbonate of magnesium and calcium. Some negro tribes and tribes of American Indians are also earth eaters. Mr. G. G. Love, of New York, has communicated to the Chemical News an analysis of a sample of earth obtained from a bed several feet in thickness, in a small valley at Tsi etonai, on the north coast of Yezo, and used as food (?) by the Ainos. This earth is of a light gray color and very tine in structure ; it is made into soup, with lily roots and water, by the Ainos. It is essentially a clay, similar to that used by H ? Java nese, but richer in silica; fiat, sample examined contained but a small amount of organic matter, which consisted of fragments of leaves possessing an aro matic odor and perhaps intentionally mixed with the earth on that account. It is said that in some parts of Japan a red hole is made into cakes and eaten by the women with the idea and wish of giving themselves elegant and slender forms. It is also rumored that among the opposite sex, not exclusively natives of the land, a similar diseased habit, arising from the opposite wish, to get fat, is not unknown. An accurate an alysis of this dirt has not yet been made, but its permanent nutritive properties appear to be small.— Japan Gazette. A Fashionable Woman’s Prayer. Strengthen my husband, and may his faith and his money hold out to the last. Draw the lamb’s wool of unsuspicious twilight over his eyes, that flirtation may look to him like victories, and that my bills may strengthen his pride in me. Bless, oh fortune 1 my crimps, rats and frizzles, and let thy glory shine on my paint and powder. Enable the poo» to shift for them selves, and «“.ve me from all missionary beggik™. Shed the light of thy countenance on my camel’s-hair shawl, my lavender silk, my point lace and my necklace of dia monds, and keep the moth out of my sables, I beseech thee, oh fortune I When I walk out before the gaze of vulgar men, regulate my wiggle and add new grace io gait. When I bow myself to worship, grant that I may do it with ravishing ele gance, and preserve until the last the lily white of my flesh and the taper of my fingers. Destroy mine enemies with the gall of jealousy, and eat up with the teeth of envy all those who gaze at my style. Save me from wrinkles, and foster my plumpers. Fill both my eyes, oh fortune 1 with the plaintive poison of infatuation, that I may lay out my victims—the men—-as numb as images graven. Let the lily and the rose strive to gether on my cheek, ar.d may my neck swim like a goose on the bosom of crys tal water. Enable me, oh fortune 1 to wear shoes still a little smaller, and save me from corns and bunions. Bless Fanny, my lap-dog, and rain down hail-stones of destruction op those who shall hurt a hair of Hector, my kitten. Smile, oh fortune ! most sweetly upon Dick, my canary, and watch with the fondness of a spirit over my two lily white mice with red eyes. A Mean Reb. At the second battle of Bull Run, a Michigan regiment, in making a change of position, came upon a Confederate soldier sitting astride of a Federal who was lying on his buck. Each had a firm hold of the other, and neither could break the hold. As the troops came up the reb was taken in, and as the Yank arose he was asked how ho came to be in such a fix. “ Wliy, I captured the blamed John ny,” he replied. “ Then how did he come to be on the top ? ” “That’s what makes me so infernal mad!” shouted the blue-coat. “Hi captured me the same time I did him, and then he wouldn’t toss up to see who had the bulge ! He’s no gentleman— no sir, he ain’t I ”