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-!!>yspepsJL WL ®ERUHA POR Jill
yp*M RRHOfS T.M^‘..
ASTHMA Instant relief and pos¬
itive cure. Trisl (regiment
mailed free. Hr. Kinsman
Hour G29, Augusta. Me.
If vrith afflicted' weak Thompson’s Eye Wafer
•?e«, use
Well to Remember That She Is Ever
a Model of Behavior to the
It is hard for a young mother, who
has not yet overcome the wayward
tendencies oi her own youthful nature,
to realize the influence she exerts
over her little one. She is constantly
surrounded by critical imitators who
copy her morals and manners.
As the mother is, so are her sons
and daughters. If a family of children
are blessed with an intelligent moth¬
er, who is dainty and refined in her
manner, and does not consider it nec¬
essary to be one woman in the draw¬
ing room and an entirely different per¬
son in her everyday life, but who is a
true mother and always a tender,
charming woman, she will invariably
see her habits of speech and perfect
tnanners repeated in her children.
Great, rough men and noisy, busy
boys will always tone down their
Voices and step quietly and try to be
more mannerly when she stops to
give them a kind word and a pleasant
Smile. For a true woman will never
fail to say and do all the kind, pleas¬
ant things she can that will in any
way help to lift up and cheer those
whose lives are shaded with care and
toil. The mother of today rules the
world of tomorrow.
Large Breed of Chickens, Such as
Brahmins and Cochins, Fully
Grown, Make Fine Eating.
The larger breeds of fawls, such
as the Brahmas or Cochins, make very
fine eating when nearly full grown If
they have been fed properly. If half
grown, Immature birds are desired for
the table, then those breeds' above
named will not furnish them nearly
as well as will such breeds as Leg
Buff Cochin.
horns, Games and others of a like
kind. The reason for this is that the
Brahmas are much longer maturing,
while the Game and all the small or
medium-sized breeds are sooner de¬
veloped. They feather up quickly and
acquire the much desired plumpness
sooner and more easily than do any
of the larger breeds. This Is espe¬
cially so with the pullets, though the
same rule applies with cockerels,
which latter require maturity (not
necesarily age) to make them really
fine eating.
Proper Feeding Is the Great Secret—
Half Dozen Methods, Any One
of Which Is Good.
Do not allow anyone to convince
you that there Is only one way to rear
little chicks successfully. Some meth¬
ods may be better than others but the
fact is that there are half a dozen
methods, any one of which Is as good
as many of the others.
I was called upon to decide which
of two flocks of chicks were the best,
after one of them had been brought
up on moistened exclusively, feed and the other
on dry feed and I fouml
It impossible to detect any difference
worth mentioning. In point of econo¬
my there does not seem to be any
The result in my case has been that
I feed dry feed all the time because
it Is easiest to do so. When chicks
are fed dry feed there is no mussy
work of mixing mashes nor is there
any fermented feed left over.
The whole secret of rearing chicks
successfully, as far as feeding is con¬
cerned, seems to be to see that they
Taking Lydia E.Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Sabattus, Maine.—“You told me to
take Lydia L. l'inkham’s Vegetable
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23:3? 5‘" 23’ "3‘
zizéa In ‘7 555
sgssSsisisfsisl. 1"” 1' 5555355
r 2 '. 9;} x 9;: ’
,1. - . , "‘. 2'.
1,2 ‘. -,
my name in your testimonials.”—Mrs.
H. W. Mitchell, Box 3, Sabattus, Me.
Another Woman Helped.
through Graniteville, Vt. — “I was passing
the Change of Life andsuffered
from nervousness and other annoying
symptoms. table Compound Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
strength, and proved restoredmy mountains health and
of gold to me. For the sake of other
suffering should women I am willing you
CnARLEs publish Barclay, my letter.” — Mrs.
ville, Vt. E.F.D., Granite¬
Women who are passing through
this ing from critical period those or who distressing are suffer¬ ills
any of
peculiar to their sex should not lose
sight of the fact that Vegetable for thirty years Com¬
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
pound, which is made from roots and
herbs, has been the standard remedy
for female ills. In almost every com¬
munity you will find women who
have b( en restored to health Compound. by Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Hopeless Condition of One Oklaho¬
ma Lady, Who Tells How
Cardui Brought Back
Her Health and
Chandler, Okla.—"I hardly know,”
writes Mrs. Ella Flowers, of this place,
‘‘how to thank you for the good that
Cardui has done me. When I first
wrote, I thought I was past help, but
Cardui relieved me at once. I gained
at least 10 pounds, and everybody
says I look so much better. I am still
improving greatly. I owe you sin¬
cere thanks for your Cardui.”
There are many women, completely
worn-out and discouraged, on account
of some form of womanly illness. Are
you? Have you tried Cardui? Ifnot,
Thousands have written to tell of
the wonderful benefit Cardui has been
to them. Cardui has a record of over
half a century, as a successful remedy
for women. During this time, over a
million women have found relief in
Cardui. Why not you?
As a general female tonic, to build
up your strength, and bring back rosy
checks, nothing you can find, will
do so much for you, as Cardui, the
woman’s tonic.
A trial will convince you that Car¬
dui is just what you need.
For sale by all druggists.
N. B.— Write to: Ladies’ Advisory Dept.,
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga,
Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64
page book. “Home Treatment for Wom¬
en,” sent in plain wrapper on request.
Mickey—Say, four eyes, if youse
lon’t quite braggin’ around dat youse
knows me I’ll break every pane of
glass in yer face! See?
Liver Compound Pills before and
child-birth, and we
are all surprised to
see how much good
it did. My physi¬
cian said ‘ Without
doubt it was the
Compound helped you.’ that I
thank you for your
kindness in advising
me and give you full
permission to use
Some Bright Remarks Worth Pre¬
serving, That Have Fallen From
Childish Lips.
A little girl, after listening to the
hymn, "In heaven there stands an
ever open door,” remarked that there
must be two heavens, “ ’cause grand
ma'd never had any open door where
she is." And a dear little country
laddie, visiting a city Sunday school
and hearing about the "many man¬
sions” of the better land, later ex¬
plained that they had been “studying
all about ’Paradise Flats.’ ”
Ecclesiastical modes and matters
frequently are puzzling to the little
ones. A small Chicago citizen was ta¬
ken to a fine church, where the music,
windows, furnishings, and all acces¬
sories were as impressive as the build¬
ing. The minister, living up to his
enviable reputation as an orator, in¬
dulged in a brilliant rhetorical flight.
"I know,” he declared, “who gilds
the sun and silvers the stars and
paints the flowers and tints the sky
and lends to the rivers their beauty,
to the ocean its glory, to the skies
their perfect light,” and so on through
long and effective periods. Finally
came the interrogatory climax: “Who
is it, my friends, who performs all
these wonders? Who is it? Who?”
From the front pew where the baby
listener had been all eager attention
came a shrill, disappointed pipe:
“You said you knew!”
A Good Job.
Jacob H. Schiff, at a dinner on the
yacht Ramona, condemned a concern
that had gone up.
"Straight business methods are the
only ones,” he said. “There is a moral
in the receiver story.
“A man, you know, said one day to
a little boy:
“ ‘Well, Tommy, what are you go¬
ing to he when you grow up?’
“ ‘A receiver, sir,’ Tommy answered
promptly. ‘Ever since pa's been a re¬
ceiver we’ve had champagne for din
ner and two automobiles.’ ”
Experience Teaches.
“Sure, and Oi t’ink it pays to be
honest, afther all,” said Pat. “Oi
troied thot phoney-weight business in
my grocery sthore lasht year, and Oi
losht money by ut.”
“How so? Did you get found out?”
asked his friend.
"No, sorr,” returned Pat. “Oi made
the mistake of fillin’ me weights whi¬
les d, so thot ivery mon thot come to
me for wan pound of sugar got twinty
three ounces to the pound.”—Harper’s
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. . Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes. 2oc, $1.00. £Jye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Telephonic Reply.
The elderly stranger, by invitation
of the superintendent, was addressing
u-— Smi dayj^Jjj]_
.h masked
If the mosquito were as big as it is bad, it would darken
the air like a gigantic death-breatbing dragon. Each sting
of a mosquito sows the germs of malaria. These germs
multiply with wonderful rapidity. Then come chills and
fever with other forms of malaria that undermine the health
and sap the strength.
—a bottle proves.
It is the modern malaria medicine and the one sure
antidote for malaria poisoning. It kills the chills. It
quenches the fever fires. It stamps out the cause and
consequences of the disease. That’s only the beginning of
helpful healing work of OXIDINE. It builds up the body,
revitalizes the system, enriches the blood, tones up the
stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys. OXIDINE puts the
body on a fighting footing of superb health.
The tonic qualities of OXIDINE make it the bes'
medicine for all weak, run down, thin, pale persons. It is
the best body-building tonic money can buy.
50c at Your Dealer’s
PATTON-WORSHAM DRUG CO.. Mfrs., Dallas, Texas.
Temporary Heat Quickly
Did you ever stop to think of the many ways in which a
perfect oil heater is of value? If sufficient you want to sleep with your oil heater win¬
dow open in winter, you can get heat from an
while undress at and then turn it off. Apply a match
^-rrr---:-s--- —
: T-afcA
is invaluable in its capacitv of quickly giving heat. Apply a match and it is im¬
mediately at work. It will burn for nine hours without refilling. It is safe,
smokeless and odorless. It has a damper top and a cool handle. An indicator
in the morning, when you get out of
bed,and you have heat while you dress.
Those who have to eat an early
breakfast before the stove is radiating
heat can get immediate warmth from
an oil heater, and then turn it off.
The girl who practices on the piano
in a cold room in the morning can
have warmth from an oil heater while
she plays, and then turn it off.
The member of the family who
has to walk the floor on a cold win¬
ter’s night with a restless baby can get
temporary heat with an oil heater, and
then turn it off. The
Absolutely i