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About Southern cross. (Savannah, Ga.) 1963-2021 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1963)
\ 1 PAGE 2—The Southern Cross, October 24, 1963 Council Votes On Liturgy (By Msgr. James I. Tucek) VATICAN CITY (NC)— Re form of the breviary entered its final phase in the council as the Fathers voted and passed the first 2 of 13 amendments to the fourth chapter of the litur gical schema. Discussion on the council floor, however, continued on another matter—the third chap ter of the schema on the na ture of the Church, which deals with the laity. In the discussion part of the council’s twofold activity—that is, of voting on one schema and debating another—a new ele ment was raised. Both inside and outside the council there was growing insistence upon insertin g (or as some said, "replacing”) a consideration of relations between Church and State. At the same time—now out side the council hall but seem ingly ready to be introduced also into the council debates— a proposal was in preparation to include a statement on the right of the human person to the free exercise of religion ac cording to the dictates of his personal conscience. As one bishop stated the case: "It would be a cause of wonder- Obituaries John J. Burns SAVANNAH—Funeral serv ices for Mr. John Joseph Burns were held October 19th from Blessed Sacrament Church with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. McDonald officiating. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Gilchrist Burns; a son, William Burns; a sister, Miss Anne. Burns of Des Moines, Iowa, and two grandchildren. Mrs. Susan Wortham SAVANNAH—Funeral serv ices for Mrs. Susan C. Wortham were held at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist October 21st, Father Leonard O’Brien officiating. Surviving are a son, Victor H. Wortham of Cocoa Beach, Fla.; three daughters, Mrs. Charles B. May and Mrs. Kathleen E. Snider, both of Jacksonville, and Mrs. HelenS. Lloyd of Arlington, Va.; 10 grandchildren; 31 great-grand children; and five great-great grandchildren. IN AUGUSTA (> \V MEMORIALS S.R. KELLY & SON, INC. PA 2-6972 Irvine Henderson ?>/ ior Funeral Home PH. AD. 2-7181 Irvine C. Henderson Irvine C. Henderson, Jr. James E. Henderson, III 121 W. Hall St. SAVANNAH ment, not to say scandal, if the council were to fail to speak of the question or to speak of it in obscure and ambiguous terms.” The vote in the council was on these two amendments to Chap ter IV of the schema on liturgy: 1. An emphasis on the fact that Christ continues His priestly activities through the Church, not only in the Eucha ristic Sacrifice, but also in other ways, especially in the Divine Office, which is both praise of the Father and prayer for divine help for the salvation of the world. 2. An addition to the text of an exhortation to all who recite the Divine Office to fulfill this duty with great fervor and devo tion, whether this recitation be by clerics, Religious, or lay people saying the Office with them. Both amendments passed al most unanimously. A lesser unanimity of vote was anticipat ed on the amendments which were immediately to follow with their proposal for radical change in the breviary. The 52nd general congrega tion (Oct. 21) opened as the council does daily, with cele bration of the Mass. This day’s Eucharist was offered in the Byzantine - Rumanian Rite by Bishop Vasile Cristea, Aposto lic Visitor for Rumanians abroad and marked the 265th anniversary of the reunion of Rumanian Christians with the Holy See as well as the 15th anniversary of the destruction of the Catholic Rumanian Rite by civil authorities of commun ist Rumania. Dial 9 For Vatican 11 (By Father Placid Jordan, O.S.B.) VATICAN CITY (NC)—Doyou want to call someone at the ecumenical council? Just call the Vatican and ask for exten sion 9. Extension 9 connects with a special council switchboard which has 49 extensions. Archbishop Pericle Felici, the council’s secretary gen eral, is on extension 21. Whe ther or not Pope Paul VI has a special line of his own from the switchboard is a tightly-guard ed council secret. If you want to give a ring to your own bishop, just ask for him and he will come to one of 24 booths available. Extension 22 is of special in terest: it connects with the elec tronic center where the cards are processed to count how many council Fathers are pre sent and to tally ballots cast in council meetings. Then there is extension 20 for the engineer in charge of the loudspeakers strategically installed throughout the huge naves of St. Peter’s, and ex tension 24 for the men who han dle the tape recorders, pre serving every word spoken in the meetings for posterity. There are, of course, first- aid stations, too-three of them for the whole basilica—on ex tensions 45, 46, and 47. Medics are on call in the council hall itself. But don’t dial the wrong num ber; you would get the surprise of your life if a mild and plea sant voice were to answer: * ‘This is Pope Paul speak ing. . .” Image Of Church As Monolith Finished ST. MARYS, Kan. (NC)—The Second Vatican Council has des troyed the Protestant image of the Church as a "Vatican-con- trolled monolith,” the acting president of Union Theological Seminary, New York City, said here. Dr. John C. Bennett, speak ing at St. Mary’s College, a Jesuit seminary, said Protes tants are aware now that "the spirit which they believed to characterize the Catholic Church as a whole is the spirit only of a minority.” He delivered the eighth annual Cardinal Bellarmine Lecture sponsored by Theology Digest. He is the first Protestant to deliver the lecture. "The Protestant position that the Roman Catholic Church is by definition ‘irreformable’ has been demolished by the use which Popes John and Paul * in Savannah OGLETHORPE MARBLE & GRANITE CO. MILTON J. LITTLE EAST BROAD at WALDBURG ST. MACON 3 * / / CASSIDY’S GARAGE Convenient Down Town Parking 423 MULBERRY ST. MACON, GEORGIA \ C'J Bibb Distributing Company 1645 Seventh St. Macon, Ga. SH. 6-8164 have made by their authority," said Dr. Bennett. "I am grateful to God that the Holy Spirit has chosen to use the papacy as He has these days,” he said. K. OF C. LEADERS MEET—Luke E. Hart of St. Louis was unanimously reelected Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus at the quarterly meeting of its national board of directors, held in New York. Bishop Charles P. Greco of Alexandria, La., was reelected Supreme Chaplain. Pictured at the board meeting on October 19, are: (from the left, seated) Supreme Physician Dr. Gerald M. Lunz, Hamilton, Ont.; Supreme Treasurer Francis J. Heazel, Asheville, N. C.; Supreme Secretary Joseph F. Lamb, New York; Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart, St. Louis; Deputy Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt, Boston, and Supreme Advocate Harold J. Lamboley, Monroe, Wise. (Standing, from the left): Supreme Directors Leo Soenen, St. Boniface, Manitoba; Virgil De chant, La Crosse, Kan. (elected at the convention last Au gust); Harry C. Pierotti, Memphis; Henry J. Kondrat, Cleveland; N. A. Quintanilla, San Antonio; George M. Turner, Walsenburg, Colo.; Assistant Supreme Secretary D. Frank Sullivan, North Haven, Conn.; and Supreme Direc tors John H. Griffin, M. D., Hughesville, Md.; Francis Fauteux, Montreal; Charles J. Morgan, Chicago; Wilfred T. Connelly, Detroit; Gerald C. Riley, Los Angeles; F. J. Connolly, Shakopee, Minn.; Lawrence D. Hurley, Des Moines, and Emmett Burke, Yonkers, N. Y.—(NC Photos) Blessed Sacrament Home-School SAVANNAH—Blessed Sac rament Home and School Asso ciation held its first night meet ing of the season Wednesday evening, October 16th. A capa city group of mothers and fa thers filled the auditorium and listened to a talk given by the Temporary Administrator of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Monsignor Andrew McDonald. Monsignor McDonald praised the ground work that had been laid by Monsignor Thomas A. Brennan, Pastor, who is ill, and said how, with the plant and facilities that now form the par ish, the harvest time is at hand for a fuller usefulness of this plant. Monsignor introduced Rev. Cornelius Keane, a newly assigned assistant, who is on a two year loan to the Blessed Sacrament Parish from Ireland. Father Keane acts also as a Religious Teacher in the school. Plans were formulated for a Halloween Party under the chairmanship of Mrs. Thomas Jackson to be held Tuesday, October 29th from 2;00 until 4:00 o’clock. The Seventh Grade Parents are continuing to turn out in full force for the children of Sister Mary Gilbert's class, having won the Attendance Prize for the second time in succes sion. News From Pacelli High By Peggy Harris COLUMBUS — PHS students noticed something new last week when they bought their copies of the first issue of the 1963— 64 school paper. In large black letters were the words “Pacelli Vues”, the new name of the student publication, known in previous years as the “Pa- cellian.” In addition to the staff mem bers with one or more years of newspaper experience, Sister M. Leonard, faculty adviser, will be supervising the work of several new reporters. These journalists are direc tly responsible to an experien ced editing staff of three sen iors and a junior. Carol Zeranski, chief editor, also edits page one; Donna Ev- ersman, assistant editor, edits page three; Ann Federal is the editor of page two, and Mike F ederal is editor of page four. Susan Henderson, an artis tically inclined freshman, and Kathy Sweeney, another artist, have undertaken positions, as staff cartoonists, while junior Jim Bleming will take care of any desired photography. WELL STAFFED Besides these students, the "Pacelli Vues” is well staffed with news and feature report ers representing each of the school’s four grades. Because the Home Coming Game with West Point (Oct. 26) r Pacellians recently began to prepare for the elec tion of the homecoming queen and her court. Last year, Queen Sharan Thompson had only two attendants; however, the situa tion will differ somewhat this year. The queen’s court will con sist of five attendants: Two seniors, in addition to the queen herself, and three underclass men, one representing each grade. On Wednesday, Oct. 9, each class nominated candidates for the court. From the seniors (Barbara Bruni, Neville Brick- house, and Sandy Tillman) one girl, whose name will not be announced until the night of the game will be queen; the other two girls will be atten dants. One representative will be chosen from the candidates of each of the other three class es: Juniors Kathy Turner, Toni Thompson, and Peggy Harris; sophomores Barbara Kemp, Johnette Brickhouse and Katie Hennessey, and freshmen De borah Thompson, Janet Weisen- feld, and Margaret Laughlin. GUESTS OF THEATRE Pacelli seniors and juniors were invited to be the guests of the Little Theatre at Fort Ben- ning recently for the presenta tion of "The Lark”. A modem drama arrangement based on the life of Joan of Arc, this pa- ticular play is said to differ greatly from the movie. Thi year Pacelli has among its teachers one who is espec ially interested in the stage. Father Austin Martin, S.D.S., who is working toward his mas ters degree in speech and dra ma at the Catholic University in Washington, D. C., gave as sistance in the production of “The Lark”. PCCW Supports Bond Issue DUBLIN—The Dublin Par ish Council of Catholic Women held its first monthly meeting of the new year. President Geva Alexander, presided. Guests present were Mrs. Alice Culebula, Mrs. Ma rion Snyder and Mrs. Mary For- sett. Mrs. Bush Perry spoke on behalf of the forthcoming bond issue for a new library building. The Dublin Parish Council of Catholic Women voted unani mously to publicly support the library bond issue. Father Raphael Toner, pastor and Father Myron Bateman, assistant pastor and spiritual moderators spoke briefly on the progress of the parish hall and also endorsed the library bond issue. A deligutful social hour fol lowed. Hostesses were Mrs. Geva Alexander, Miss Grace Farley and Mrs. Gnes Mortin- ger. Stevenson Says U.N. Role Does Not Include Birth Control Aids NEW YORK (NC)—Adlai E. Stevenson said here that the United Nations stands ready to give technical aid to na tions with overpopulation prob lems, but there is no reason for it to supply specific birth control devices. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN told a dinner meeting (Oct. 15) of the Planned Parenthood- World Population organization That with respect to population there are "several vital tasks which the UN should be equip ped to perform in its technical assistance programs and relat ed activities.” He said the common element in these activities would be the dissemination of knowledge, and the UN would not engage in pro paganda to influence the poli cies of member nations. With regard to the role of the U.S. government in this area, Stevenson said: "We ourselves will help other countries, upon request, to find sources of in formation and assistance in dealing with problems of popu lation growth.” He said "the National Insti tutes of Health have committed more than $3.4 million a year to reproductive studies," and this figure "is destined to growth." As the new Institute of Child Health and Human Development (within the Institutes of Health) "becomes more firmly estab lished," Stevenson stated, "ex pansion of Federally-supported research in this field may be expected—assuming that scien tific institutions are ready and able to merit Federal support.” Early in his speech Steven son said that "mankind’s runa way growth in the 20th century must concern every nation." "And within the family of na tions we must do our utmost to help each other understand and deal with it," he continued. "As Professor George Zeegers, the eminent Catholic sociologist of Geneva, said recently, 'The ex pected growth of world popula tion . . . puts before humanity great problems, the like of which it has never known be fore.’ ” (Zeegers founded the Interna tional Catholic Institute of So- cio - Ecclesiastical Research and served as its director until 1958. The organization is now known as the International Fed- eration of Catholic Institutes of Socio-Religious Research.) "We know, only too well, that there is no one group or anoth er.” He said "the true obstacle is the long neglect of population problems, only now beginning to be remedied by scientists, by theologians, by administra tors, by social scientists and by statesmen.” "The greatest contribution which the United Nations can make,” Stevenson said, "is the encouragement of attention, of sound knowledge, and of care ful analysis of problems deep ly involving the most basic hu man values. "The United Nations already possesses authority to lend technical assistance in all as pects of population problems,” he continued. "Quite apart from legal authority, however, there is no reason for the United Na tions to supply particular birth control devices which are re pugnant to many of its mem - bers. The limited resources of the United Nations are insuf ficient for this purpose. "What is more important, such materials are already available from certain govern ments and through private chan nels. The less developed coun tries are perfectly capable of securing these materials with out special provision for tech nical assistance or external financing.” Stevenson said the UN should be equipped to do the following: —"Help member countries to learn more about their own population trends, particularly in relation to the implications for economic and social devel opment.” —“Be prepared to extend technical assistance to member countries which desire to undertake surveys of the atti tudes of their people toward (Continued on Page 6) U. S. Food Fjjr Mexico NEW YORK (NC)—The bi shops,, priests and people of Mexicd have expressed thanks to the American people for sending vast amounts of food to thousands of undernourished people in Mexico. '-''Their gratitude was ex pressed in a letter recieved here by Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York, from Jose Cardinal Garibi y Rivera of Guadalajara. Cardinal Garibi y Rivera lauded "the good will and char ity of the American people . . . in donating so much food and for the poor and undernourish ed people of Mexico." LATEST LEGION LISTINGS CLASS A SECTION I Crimson Blade Incredible Mr. Limpet, CLASS A SECTION II Any Number Can Win Fury of Smuggler’s Bay Mary, Mary Thunder Island CLASS A SECTION III Pink Panther Twilight of Honor CLASS A SECTION 4 Tom Jones CLASS B Gun Hawk Lady in the Cage Three Fables of Love Conjugal Bed CLASS C My Life To Live The LEGION OF DECENCY CLASS A — Section I — Morally Unobjectionable for REVIEWED THIS ISSUE General Patronage tSword in the Stone—BV Young Swingers, The—Fox PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED Alakazam, The Great—Am. Inti. King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I ReptQicus—Am. Inti. Assignment Outer Space—Am. Inti. Lafayette—Maco Films Savage Sam—Buena Vista Bear, The (Fr.)—Embassy Lassie’s Great Adventure—Fox Sergeant Was a Lady—U-I Black Gold—War. Legend of Lobo—Buena Vista Seven Seas to Calais—MGM Boy Who Caught a Crook (Was: Boy Who Found $100,000)—UA Lilies of the Field—UA Siege of the Saxons (Br.)—Col. List of Adrian Messenger—U-I Snake Woman—UA Captain Sindbad—MGM Man From the Diner’s Club—Col. Son of Flubber—Buena Vista Capture That Capsule—UA McLintock—UA Summer Magic—Buena Vista Cattle King—MGM t Miracle of the White Stallions—Buena Vista Swordsman of Siena—MGM Dentist in the Chair, A (Br.)—Ajay Film Co. Mouse on the Moon—UA Tammy and the Doctor—U-I Drums of Africa—MGM Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM SS Days at Peking—AA My Six Loves—Para. Teenage Millionaire—UA First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films Mysterious Island—Col. Thief of Baghdad—MGM Flight That Disappeared—UA Mystery Submarine—U-I 13 Frightened Girls—Col. Flipper—MGM Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena Vista 30 Years of Fun—Fox Francis of Assisi—Fox No Place Like Homicide (Br.)—Embassy Ticklish Affair, A—MGM Gathering of Eagles—U-I Nutty Professor, The—Para. ' Titans, The—UA Gidget Goes to Rome—Col. Papa’s Delicate Condition—Para. Traitors—U-I Great Escape—UA Password Is Courage—MGM Two Daughters (Indian)—Janus Hercules and the Captive Women (Ital.)— Pied Piper of Hamelin—Prod. Unlimited Ugly American—U-I Valley of the Dragons—Col. Varan—The Unbelievable—Pan-World Films Pan-World Pirates of Tortuga—Fox Honeymoon Machine—MGM PT 109—War. tHow The West Was Won—MGM Purple Hills—Fox Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea—Fox In Search of the Castaways—Buena Vista Queen of the Pirates—Col. When the Clock Strikes—UA Invasion Quartet—MGM Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures You Have to Run Fast—UA Jason and the Argonauts—Col. Joseph and His Brethern—(Ital.)—Colorama Raven, The—Am. Inti. Young and the Brave, The—MGM CLASS A — Section II- — MoraUy Unobjectionable for Adults and Adoleaeenta REVIEWED THIS ISSUE Haunted Palace, The—Am. Inti. Lord of the Flies—Walter Reade-Sterling PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED Two Nights With Cleopatra—Ultra Films All the Way Home—Para. Duel of the Titans—Para. Paranoiac—U-I Amazons of Rome (was; Virgins of Rome) •Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti. Play It Cool—AA (Ital.)—U A Four Days of Naples (Ital.)—MGM Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti. Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM 40 Pounds of Trouble—U-I Playboy of the Western World—(Br.)—Janus Billy Budd—AA Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp. Samson and the Seven Miracles of the World Birds, The—U-I Fury of the Pagans—Col. Am. Inti. Black Fox—Capri Films Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti. Black Zoo—AA Guns of Darkness—War. Sardonicus—Col. Bridge to the Sun—MGM Harbor Lights—Fox Scream of Fear—Col. Burning Court, The (Fr.)—Trans-Lux Haunting, The (Br.)—MGM Secret of Deep Harbor—UA Call Me Bwana—UA Hook, The—MGM Showdown—U-I •Castilian, The—War. Hootenanny Hoot—MGM Slave, The—MGM Square of Violence—MGM Cat Burglar—UA House of the Damned—Fox Centurion (Ital.)—Altura Films Huns, The (Ital.)—Altura Films Taras Bulba—UA Charade—U-I It Happened at the World's Fair—MGM Terror, The—Am. Inti. Child Is Waiting, A—UA Just For Fun—Col. Thrill of It All—U-I Come Fly With Me—MGM Kiss of the Vampire—U-I •Lancelot and Guinevere—U-I tTo Kill a Mockingbird—U-I Convicts 4 (was Reprieve)—AA Trunk, The—Col. Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM Lawrence of Arabia—Col. Twenty Plus Two—AA Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti. Lazarillo (Spanish)—Union Films Twice Told Tales—UA David and Lisa—Continental Life in Danger—AA Weekend With Lulu—Col. Day and the Hour, The—MGM Day of the Triffidi—AA Miracle Worker—UA Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MGM Murder on the Campus (Br.)—Colorama Wheeler Dealers—MGM Devil at 4 O’clock—Col. (Ind.) Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM X—The Man With the X-Ray Eyes—Am. Inti. Diary of a Madman—UA My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore Yellow Canary—Fox Donovan’s Reef—Para. Naked Edge—UA Young Doctors—UA Dr. Blood’s Coffin—UA Old Dark House, The—Col. Young Racers, The—Am. Inti. CLASS A — Seellea III —Morally Umofcjeetloaable lor Alalia REVIEWED THIS ISSUE Angels of Darkness—Thalia Films PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED Pyro—Am. Inti. Ada—MOM Heavens Above (Br.)—Janus Rice Girls (Ital.)—Ultra Films Armored Command—AA Hud—Para. Rififi in Tokyo—MGM Beach Party—Am. Inti. Hustler, The—Fox Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)—Astor Big Risk, the (Fr.)—UA I Could Go On Singing—UA Running Man, The—Col. Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para. In the French Style—Col. Season of Passion—UA Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col. Leopard, The—Fox Sparrows Can’t Sing (Br.)—Janus Caretakers—UA Love and Larceny (Ital.)—Major Films Spencer’s Mountain—War. Cairo—MGM Love at Twenty (Fr.)—Embassy Summer and Smoke—Para. California—Am. Inti. Love Is a Ball—UA Sundays and Cybele (Fr.)—Davis-Royal Claudelle Inglish—War. Lovers of Teruel—(Fr.)—Continental Susan Slade—War. Come Blow Your Horn—Para. Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc. Term of Trial—War. Come September—U-I Maniac—Col. Three On a Spree—UA Condemned of Altona>—Fox Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)—Union Films Thunder of Drums—MGM Corridors of Blood—MGM Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti. Town Without Pity—UA Couch, The—War. Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times Film Toys in the Attic—UA Critic’s Choice—War. Corp. Trial, The—Astor Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus Monkey in the Winter (Fr.)—MGM Trial and Error—MGM Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films Nine Hours to Rama—Fox Two Are Guilty—MGM Dime With A Halo—MGM One Plus One—Selected Pics. Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy Dr. Crippen (Br.)—War. Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti. V.I.P.’s, The—MGM Fatal Desire—Ultra Films Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy West Side Story—UA Five Miles to Midnight—UA Police Nurse—Fox Winter Light (Swed.)—Janus Fun in Acapulco—Para. Great War, The—Lopert Quare Fellow (Irish)—Astos Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.)—Continental CLASS A—Section IV—Morally Unobjectionable for Adnlts, with Reservation* (An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) REVIEWED THIS ISSUE Under the Yum Yum Tree—Col. PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm. Horne Freud—U-I Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Omar Advise and Consent—Col. Girl of the Night—War. Pressure Point—UA Anatomy of a Murder—Col. Important Man (Mexican).—Lopert Sky Above and the Mud Below, The (Fr.)— Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux Intruder—Pathe-Am. Embassy Circle of Deception—Fox King of Kings—MGM Storm Center—Col. CUo from 5 to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith L-Shaped Room, The Columbia—Davis-Royal La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc. Strangers in the City—Embassy Crowning Experience—MRA Suddenly, Last Summer—CoL Devil’s Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy Lolita—Seven Arts This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental •Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy Long D«y s Journey Into Night—Embassy Too Young to Love—Arthur Go Pictures, Inc. Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Film. Martin Luther—de Rochemont Victim (Br.)—Pathe-America 8Vi (Ital.)—Embassy Mondo Cane—Times Films Walk On the Wild Side—Col. CLASS B —Merally Objectionable la Part for All REVIEWED THIS ISSUE Love on the Riviera—Ultra Films Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed—Para. PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED Arturo's Island—(Ital.)—MGM Landru (Fr.)—Embassy •Shock Corridor—AA Back Street—U-I La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox Candide—(Fr.)—Union Films Leda (Fr.)—Times Splendor in the Grass—War. Cleopatra—Fox Light Fantastic—Embassy Stripper, The—Fox Cry of Battle—AA Madame—(Ital.)—Embassy Tartars—MGM •Diamond Head—Col. Main Attraction—MGM That Touch of Mink—U-I Explosive Generation—UA Follow the Boys—MGM Man Trap—Para. Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro- Marilyn—Fox ductions For Love or Money—U.I. Marines Let’s Go—Fox Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith Free, White and 21—Am. Inti. Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Show corp Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features Mongols—Colorama Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM Goodbye Again—UA New Kind of Love, A—Para. Vampire and the Ballerina—UA Head, The—Trans-Lux Night Is My Future (Swed.)—Embassy Very Private Affair—MGM House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti. Wall of Noise—War. Jekyll)—Amer. Inti. Of Love and Desire—Fox Waltz of the Toreadors (Br.)—Continental In the Cool of the Day—MGM Operation Bikini—Am. Inti. War Lover, The—Col. Irma La Douce—UA Paris Blues—UA White Slave Ship—Am. Inti. Wild Harvest—rathe-Am. Island of Love—War. Peeping Tom—Astor Johnny Cool—UA Private Lives of Adam and Eve—U-I Wives And Lovers—Paramount Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor Purple Noon (Fr.)—Times Rampage—War. CLASS C—CMMkmaMl PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED World by Night—War. And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley Lady Chatterley's Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley Please, Not Now! (Fr.)—Fox Baby Doll—War. Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy Port of Desire—Union Balcony, The—Continental Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic- Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.)— Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux tures, Inc. Continental Bell’Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA Prime Time—Essanjay Films, Inc. Boccaccio 70 (Ital.)—Embassy Love Game (Fr.)—Films Around World Private Property—Citation Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl Question of Adultery—NTA Cold Wind In August—Aidart Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.)— Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl. Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA Continental During One Night (Br.)—Astor Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk Savage Eye—Trans-Lux-Kingsley Inti. Espresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke Seven Capital Sins (Er.)—Embassy Plve Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti. Mating Urge—Citation Sins of Mona Kent—Astor Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films Miller's Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA Small World of Sammy Lee, The (Br.)—7 Arts Green Carnation (seas: Trials of Oscar Wilde) Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti. Smiles of a Summer Night (Swedish)—Rank (Br.)—Warwick FUms Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod. Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Films Green Mare (Fr.)—Zenith Moon Is Blue, The—UA Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert Third Sex (Ger.)—D. k F. Dist. I Am a Camera—DCA Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Inti. I Love, You Love (Ital.)—Davis-Royal Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick FH«w Joan of the Angels?—Polish-Telepix Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises Truth, The (La Veriti) (Fr.)—Kingsley Inti. Jules and Jim (Fr.)—Janus L’Awentura (Ital.)—Janus Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley Viridiana (Sp.)— Kingsley Inti. Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert Watted Lives and The Birth of Twins— La Notte (Night) (Ital.)—Lopert Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topaz Films K. Gordon Murray Production Women of the World (Ital.)—Embassy BmIs of Ratings—1936-1959, $5.00 Films Reviewed—October—1959-1960—1960-1961—1961-1963—15c Baals Bi-Weekly List—United States and Possessions—Air Mail, $6.00. First Class Mail, $5.00. • This classification is applicable only to prints shown in the U. S. A. t Recommended.