Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 8—The Southern Cross, December 12, 1963
Birth Control —
(Continued From Page 7)
ing machine sales of contracep
tives. Laws for this pur
pose have recently been upheld
by courts in New Jersey and
Some of the recent propos
als in this field have had a de
cidedly bizarre ring. In North
Carolina, bills have been in
troduced (and defeated) in the
last two sessions of the legis
lature providing for steriliza
tion of unwed mothers. A bill
to make birth of children out
of wedlock a criminal offense
was introduced and defeated in
the 1963 legislature.
Even the briefest survey
spotlights the fact that the ques
tion of birth control and public
policy involves not just one but
two basic issues. The first is
whether the public authority
should prohibit or regulate con
traception. The second is whe
ther the state should positively
promote birth control through
tax-paid programs.
On the first point there exists
a significant difference of opin
ion among Catholics. All would
agree that some legal regula
tion in this area is desirable,
and in this they would probably
be joined by non-Catholics. A
case in point are laws which
bar vending machine sales of
contractptives or require birth
control information to be cor
rect and non-injurious to health.
The difference of opinion en
ters, however, when it becomes
a question of banning the sale of
contraceptives or (as is the case
in Connecticut) the practice of
artificial birth control.
Many Catholic thinkers have
argued against such laws. Their
arguments have a twofold
thrust: frst, that such statutes
bring the state into an area of
human life where it has no com
petence or right to intervene;
second, that because such laws
are widely disregarded even
where they exist ("flagrantly
viloated" was the way an offi
cial Minnesota report put it
shortly before that state’s re
strictive laws passed out of
existence last spring in a re
vision of the criminal code)
New K Of C
Council Formed
In Augusta
AUGUSTA—A new Knights of
Columbus Council has been
formed in Augusta, it was an
nounced by Bernard S. Dunstan,
State Deputy of the Georgia
State Council.
The new Council named in
memory of our late President
Kennedy will be known as the
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Coun
cil #5484 said Dunstan.
Institution ceremonies were
held on Sunday, December 8, at
Aquinas High School. On this
occasion the First, Second and
Third Degrees of the Order
were exemplified for new
Knights of Columbus members.
Membership of the new coul-
cil currently is 66 Catholic
men, said Dunstan. K of C offi
cials from Atlanta, Savannah
and Greenville, S. C. were on
hand for the Institution Cere
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Council will serve St. Joseph’s
Parish of Augusta, and the Ca
tholic personnel of Fort Gor
don, and is the fourteenth coun
cil in the State of Georgia.
they contribute to an atmos
phere of disrespect for all law.
But on the second point—pos
itive state action to promote
tax-paid birth control—there is
general Catholic agreement that
such programs should be op
posed. Father Richard J. Re
gan, S. J., summed it up this
way in his recent book ' 'Amer
ican Pluralism and the Catho
lic Conscience”:
' 'Catholics cannot endorse
public (financial) support of a
practice which they regard as
immoral ... In a pluralistic
society public funds should not
be employed to sponsor or sup
port programs which are mor
ally unacceptable to one relig
ious group if this is at all
compatible with the goals of
organized society.”
Father Regan also said:
* 'Catholics may wonder at
the logic by which non-Catholics
object to the prohibition of con
traception by the public author
ity on the grounds of religious
pluralism but demand the pre
scription and supply of contra
ceptives by public institutions
without regard for the moral
susceptibilities of Catholics.”
Gov. Richard Hughes of New
Jersey presented the argument
congently last May when, in re
ply to a minister acting as
spokesman for a county Planned
Parenthood group, he com
"In the area of public pol
icy, the requirements of civ
ic harmony would suggest an ac
commodation which protects ...
the conscience of its citizens
of different convictions.”
Advent In
thew’ s Parish, is preparing for
Christ’s Coming through a spe
cial Advent Wreath Celebration.
The Advent Wreath is a symbol
of the glory and victory of Je
sus. Each week another candle
is lit until the circle of four
lighted candles shows that
Christ’s Birth is almost here.
Brother Alfred and somepar-
ishoners made an outdoor Ad
vent Wreath, ten feet in dia
meter. The children present a
Biblical Scene each week show
ing the progress of God’s Plan of
Salvation in the Old Testament.
The first play showed the lone
light of the Promise given to
Adam and Eve. In the second
play the light grows stronger
through the call of Abraham;
still brighter in the third scene
presenting the People of God
formed in the Convent; and the
final ceremony will prepare the
New Popele of God for the
Coming of Christ in the Christ
mas Mass.
The Biblical Scene and light
ing of the candle takes place
each Sunday evening. After the
ceremony the children are
invited to the Sisters’ house for
refreshments and Carol prac
tice while the Parents attend
Bible Study. The Word of God
is preparing the Parish for HIS
Memorial Service
December 22nd
interfaith service in memory of
the late President Kennedy will
be held Dec. 22 at the Lin
coln Memorial in Washington,
May this holiday be filled with
happiness, peace and goodwill.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Xjoutli Si
(By Rev. Herbert T. Wellmei
(By Rev._Herbert J. Wellmeier,)
eier) . /!
Plans for the annual Diocesan
CYO Convention have been com
pleted and here are the long
awaited details you have been
asking for. Under the Patron
age of the Most Reverend Thom
as J. McDonough, Bishop of Sa
vannah, the convention will meet
in Albany, Georgia, the first
weekend in February. The sch
edule is outlined.
Saturday, February 1st:
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.—Registra
tion of all youth, St. Theresa
School, Albany. Convention fee
1:30 — Benediction and wel
come by Bishop McDonough.
2:00—Plenary Session, Pa
geant. Parade of Nations, St.
Theresa Auditorium, (details
4 p.m.—Election of Dioces
an officers.
8-11 p.m. — Dance at St.
Theresa School, at St. Clare.
Sunday February 2nd:
8:30—Pontifical Low Mass,
Bishop McDonough, at St. Ther
esa Church. Sermon by Father
Marvin LeFrois, Pastor. CYO
Moderator of Columbus Dean
10 a.m.—Communion Break
fast, St. Theresa Cafeteria.
Main Speaker—Bishop McDon
ough. Presentation of awards
and medals. Adjournment of
Project Details
The pageant for Saturday af
ternoon is the project for this
year’s convention. In some past
years we have had talent shows
or oratory and poster contests.
This year we would like each
parish to present an entry in this
pageant. The parish CYO unit
should choose a nation whose
cultural heritage the members
would like to present, a coun
try’s costumes, customs, folk
dance, food samples and the
like. You may want a member to
be announcer and interpreter.
Before you begin work on this,
be sure to mail to this office and
await approval the name of
your chosen country. This is to
avoid duplication of one na
tion by many parishes. You will
please write me on this matter
by Dec. 22nd. This pageant or
parade of nations will be en
titled "around the world in 80
minutes (or so).” Anymorede-
tails needed? Write Box 27,
Savannah Beach.
To ensure yourself a guest
home for Saturday night lodging
if you are a non-resident of Al
bany, submit your name to your
parish moderator who in turn
will forward his completed list
to Father LeFrois, Box 1158,
Albany, Georgia. The absolute
deadline for this pre-regisra-
tion for hospitality is January
25th. Anyone not complying with
this must find his own lodgings.
Chartered Bus transportatin
from bigger cities can be ar
ranged through joint action of
parish moderators.
For Awards
Parish moderators will sub
mit nominations of meritorious
youth and adult advisors to
the deanery moderators by
January 6th. The Eagle of the
Cross and Pro Deo et Juven-
tute medal winners will be se
lected by them on the basis of
written citations accompanying
nominations. These will be for
warded to the Diocesan Direc-”
tor by January 25th.
We hope all necessary de
tails have been explained here.
For any further questions, don’t
hesitate to write this Youth Of
Remember, especially to
submit your choice of nation
for the pageant promptly, so
that we can return approval
quickly, to allow maximum time
for preparation. Each parish is
allowed two official delegates to
represent your CYO unit at
Changes In Britain
LONDON (NC)—The liturgy
changes promulgated at the
Vatican council "very likely”
will be put into effect in Eng-
lant and Wales by next May,
it is reported here.
In an interview in Rome with
the Universe, London Catholic
weekly, Archbishop Francis J.
grimshaw of Birmingham pre
dicted that the changes would be
made by next Pentecost Sunday,
May 17. He called attention to
the nature of the revisions, say
ing that they applied not only to
the use of the English language
but also made textual changes in
the missal, breviary and rit
At Valdosta Meeting
Columbus Deanery
CYO Names Officers
VALDOSTA—The Columbus
Deanery C.Y.O . meeting was
held at St. John the Evangelist
School Auditorium, on Sunday,
Nov. 17. More than 200 mem
bers, representing 15 parishes
attended the meeting.
The Rev. Thomas Payne,
pastor of St. John’s, opened the
meeting with a prayer. The
Vice - President, Richard Ni-
jem, Valdosta, presiding, in
troduced the Rev. Father Mar
vin LeFrois, pastor of Saint
Theresa’s Parish, Albany, and
Spiritual Advisor for the Co
lumbus Deanery C.Y.O.
Father LeFrois conducted
the business meeting and called
on each parish delegate for
their yearly reports.
The following parishes gave
Albany—St. Clare’s and St.
Theresa’s; Americus — St.
Martin de Porre’s; Cordele —
St. Theresa’s; Columbus—St.
Benedict’s; Douglas — St.
Paul’s; Macon — St. Joseph’s;
Thomasville — St. Augustine's;
Moultrie—Immaculate Concep
tion; Tifton — Divine Saviour;
Camilla — St. John Vianney;
Bainbridge —St. Joseph’s; Val
dosta — St. John’s; Warner
Robins — Sacred Heart.
Officers for 1963-64 were
selected as follows:
President—Pat Keenan of St.
Theresa’s, Albany; Vice - Pre
sident — Patty Buritt of Sa-'
cred Heart Parish, Warner
Robins; Secretary — Susan
Stark, St. John's, Valdosta;
Treasurer — Marueen Murphy,
Immaculate Conception, Moul
trie; Spiritual Chairman—Min
nie Joe Davis, St. Martin De
Porres, Americus; Cultural
Chairman, Don Bryan, St. Jo
seph’s, Bainbridge; Physical
Chairman—Michele Rowell, St.
Theresa’s, Cordele; and So
cial Chairman — Pat Mick-
ler, St. John Vianney, Camilla.
Following the business meet
ing, entertainment was pro
vided by 10 parishes. St. John’s
C.Y.O., hosts of the meeting,
presented impersonations of
‘Peter, Paul and Mary’, well-
known recording stars; and an
act entitled “You Can’t Get a
Man With a Gun,” performed
and choreographed by Susan
Stark, Anita Stark, Linda Mey
ers and Laura Resch.
Parents and friends of St.
John’s C.Y.O. prepared and
served a dinner consisting of
barbecued chicken, sweet pota
to souffle, cole slaw, rolls,
cupcakes, coffee and milk.
Pat Murphy was chariman of the
food committee.
Priests attending were: Fa
ther Lyman, Fr. O’Brien, and
Fr. Lucian, all of Thomasville;
Father LeFrois, Fr. Krygier,
and Fr. Marky of Albany; Fa
ther Payne and Father Reiter
of Valdosta; Father Daly from
Douglas; Father Riley, Warner
Robins; Father Austin, Colum
bus; and Father John Fitzpa
trick, Macon.
THE REV. ELADIO PASCUAL, newly arrived priest in the Diocese and Bishop Tho
mas J. McDonough study map of Diocese of Savannah.
Misadventures of Merlin Jones
Who’s Minding the Store?
Raiders, The (Brittish) (Univ.-
The 3 Stooges Go Around the
World in a Daze (Columbia)
Man From Galveston, The
Captain Newman, M.D.
Seven Days in May (Paramount)
Victors, The
Love With The Proper Stranger
Man’s Favorite Sport
Class A. Section 4
The Young and the Willing (Bri
tish) (Univ.-Intl.)
Class B.
He Rides Tall (Univ.-Intl.)
Tiara Tahiti
Knife In The Water
of substantial changes effected
in the treatment, this film, for
merly classified "C” (Condem
ned), is now re-classified “B”
(Morally Objectionable in Part
for All). Suggestiveness in cos
tuming and low moral tone are
the bases for the objectio.
NOTE: This classification is
applicable only to prints
shown in the U.S.A.
(Continued From Page 1)
and prepared talks on the con
fessional, the vestments, the
missal and other items which
would come to view in a cath
olic church.
There was a discussion of
how contributions were obtained
and the time for conducting the
drive of the Bishop’s Confra
ternity of the Laity.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Deimel com
mended the men present for
coming the long distances to
attend the meeting and thank
ed everyone in the name of
the Bishop.
A buffet lunch was served
by Mr. Tom Carcelli and Mr.
Leo Palardy of St. Teresa’s,
Albany, Ga.
Visit Focuses Attention—
(Continued From Page 1)
refuge in Lebanon, Syria, and
the Gaza Strip—reproached the
conscience of the world. Most
of these refugees had left Pa
lestine on short notice, leav
ing everything behind. Reduced
to beggary in countries for
eign to them, they were in des
perate need of food, clothing,
housing, and the other nec
essities of life
At the request of the Vatican,
an American priest, Msgr. Tho
mas McMahon, of New York,
went to the Middle East in 1948
to assess the needs of the re
fugees. Early in 1949, through
the instrumentality of Msgr.
Giovanni B. Montini, now Pope
Paul VI, the Holy Father es
tablished the Pontifical Mission
for Palestine.
Msgr. Joseph T. Ryan, who
became President of the Ponti
fical Mission three years ago,
reports that U. S. Catholics
have provided the Palestine re
fugees ' with “up to $20-mil-
lion” in money, goods and ser
vices since 1948. The money—
collected in a once-a-year ap
peal—pays for clinics and hos
pital care, clothing and food
distributions, school, care for
the aged, and even chapels and
More recently, the Pontifical
Mission has opened a small
library in the old city of Je
rusalem, the only Catholic pub
lic library in all Jordan.
Msgr. Ryan also is the
national secretary of the Ca
tholic Near East Welfare Asso
ciation which, under the presi
dency of Francis Cardinal
Spellman of New York, helps to
fincance the training of priests
and Sisters, and support mis
sionary activity in 18 countries,
some of which are in the Holy
Catholics in the Near East
countries are, in large num
bers, members of the Eastern
Rites with their liturgy and
rites, laws and customs, dif
ferent from Roman Rite Catho
lics in the West.
Christians in these coun
tries, with the exception of
Lebanon, which is 51% Chris
tian, constitute a small mi
nority of the total population.
The majority of people in the
Near East generally (Israel
excepted) are Moslems. Catho
lics in Jordan make up only 2.7%
of the total population; in Tur
key, .07%, in Egypt, 1.2%.
U. S. Catholic Welfare agen
cies operate in these countries
serving the poor “on the basis
of need, not creed.” Catholic
Relief Services - National
Catholic Welfare Conference,
for instance, provides food,'
clothing, and medicines in Tur
key, food and vocational-train-
ins scholarships in Jordan.
Last year alone, close to one
million Egyptians in medical in
stitutions received, thanks to
CRS-NCWC, dietary supple
ments of flour, corn meal, pow
dered milk, vegetable oils and
beans donated from U. S. sur
plus food stocks.
Martyrs To Be Canonized
ROME (NC) — The way is
now clear for the canoniza
tion of the Church’s first Af
rican saints from south of the
Sahara, it was announced here
by headquarters of the White
Fathers of Africa.
The announcement followed a
declaration by the medical com
mission of the Sacred Congre
gation of Rites that two cures
Lay Teachers 32%
ers in U. S. Catholic grade
schools now make up 32% of the
teaching staff, a new study has
disclosed. This Compares with
9% ten years ago.
obtained through intercession of
the 22 Blessed Martyrs of
Uganda cannot be explained by
Natural causes.
The White Fathers said the
martyrs' canonization is expec
ted to take place during the
third session of the ecumeni
cal council, scheduled for Sept.
14 to Nov. 20, 1964.
The cures accepted by the
congregation as miraculous
concern two White Sisters
—Mother Aloyse of Switzerland
and Sister Richildis of Ger
many—who recovered from the
usually fatal pneumonic plague
during a 1941 epidemic in U-
Cites Major Factors
In Ecumenism
CHICAGO (NC)—A leading
Protestant scholar told an audi
ence at a Catholic university
here that three factors are o1
major importance in the growth
of the ecumenical movement.
Dr. Franklin H. Littell,
speaking at Loyola University
(Dec. 4), listed these as:
—The absence of coercion in
religious matters.
—An increase in missionary
activity which has made both
Catholics and Protestants mord
aware of the universality of
—A shift in initiative ir
Christianity away from western
Europe to the younger branches
of Christianity in such places
as North America.
Dr. Littell, a Methodist whc
is professor of church history
at the University of Chicago,
said that today * ‘there is a
realization of the value of reli
gious liberty and voluntary re
ligious membership.”
Notre Dame
Christmas Party
December 15
The Notre Dame Book Shop
Association will honor its vol
unteer workers at a Christmas
party on Sunday, December 15th
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Bool
In the receiving line will be
the officers of the Association,
Mrs. W. H. MacKrell, Presi
dent; Mr. Julian C. Halligan,
Vice-President; Miss Moira
Fogarty, Secretary and Mrs,
Elizabeth Winders, Treasurer,
A group of students from St,
Vincent’s Academy Girls’Choir
will present a program ol
Christmas music.
■ Section I — Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage
Alakaxam, The Great—Am. Inti.
Angel in a Taxi—Magna Films
Assignment Outer Space—Am. Inti,
hear, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Black Gold—War.
Boy Who Caught a Crook (Was: Boy Who
Found $100,000)— UA
Captain Sindbad—MGM
Capture That Capsule—UA
Cattle King—MGM
Crimson Blade (Br.)—Col.
Dentist in the Chair, A (Br.)—Ajay Film Co.
Drums of Africa—MGM
55 Days at Peking—AA
First Spaceship to Venus—Pan-World Films
Flight That Disappeared—UA
Francis of Assisi—Fox
Gathering of Eagles—U-Iyu—
Gidget Goes to Rome—Col.
Great Escape—UA
Hercules and the Captive Women (It&l.) —
Honeymoon Machine—MGM
tHow The West Was Won—MGM
Brass Bottle—U-I
Incredible Mr. Limpet, The—War.
Invasion Quartet—MGM
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World—UA
Jason and the Argonauts—Col.
King Kong vs. Godzilla—U-I
Lafayette—Maco Films
Lassie's Great Adventure—Fox
Lilies of the Field—UA
List of Adrian Messenger—U-I
Man From the Diner’s Club—Col.
t Miracle of the White Stallions—Buena Vista
Mouse on the Moon—UA
Murder at the Gallop (Br.)—MGM
My Son, the Hero—UA
Mysterious Island—Col.
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North—Buena Vista
Nutty Professor, The—Para.
Pied Piper of Haraelin—Prod. Unlimited
Pirates of Tortuga—Fox
PT 109—War.
Purple Hills—Fox
Queen of the Pirates—Col.
Raiders of Leyte Gulf—Hemisphere Pictures
Savage Sam—Buena Vista
Sergeant Was a Lady—U-I
Siege of the Saxons (Br.)—Col.
Snake Woman—UA
Son of Flubber—Buena Vista
Summer Magic—Buena Vista
tSword in the Stone—BV
Tammy and the Doctor—U-I
Tarzan’s Three Challenges—MGM
Teenage Millionaire—UA
Thief of Baghdad—MGM
13 Frightened Girls—Col.
30 Years of Fun—Fox
Ticklish Affair, A—MGM
Two Daughters (Indian)—Janus
Ugly American—U-I
Valley of the Dragons—Col.
Varan—The Unbelievable—Pan-World Films
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea—Fox
When the Clock Strikes—UA
You Have to Run Fast—UA
Young and the Brave, The—MGM
Young Swingers, The—Fox
CLASS A —Section II — Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents
Chushingura (Jap.)—Toho Inti. Nightmare—U-I
Sound of Trumpets (Ital.)—Janus
Family Diary (Ital.)—MGM
All the Way Home—Para.
Amasons of Rome (was: Virgins of Rome)
(Ital.)—U A
Any Number Can Win (Fr.)—MGM
Atlantis, the Lost Continent—MGM
Billy Budd—AA
Birds, The—U-I
Black Fox—Capri Films
Black Zoo—AA
Bridge to the Sun—MGM
Burning Court, The (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Call Me Bwana—UA
♦Castilian, The—War.
Cat Burglar—UA
Centurion (Ital.)—Altura Films
Come Fly With Me—MGM
Convicts 4 (was Reprieve)—AA
Courtship of Eddie’s Father—MGM
Cow and I, The (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Day and the Hour, The—MGM
Day of the Triffids—AA
Devil at 4 O’clock—Col. (Ind.)
Donovan’s Reef—Para.
Dr. Blood’s Coffin—UA
Duel of the Titans—Para.
♦Erik, The Conqueror—Am. Inti.
Four Days of Naples (Ital.)—MGM
CLASS A — Sectlw
Frantic (Fr.)—Times Film Corp.
Fury of the Pagans—Col.
Fury of Smuggler’s Bay (Br.)—Embassy
Gone Are the Days—Hammer Bros.
Good Soldier, Schweik (Ger.)—Lionex
Guns of Darkness—War.
Harbor Lights—Fox
Haunted Palace, The—Am. Inti.
Haunting, The (Br.)—MGM
Hide and Seek (Br.)—TJ-I
Hootenanny Hoot—MGM
House of the Damned—Fox
Householder, The—Col.
Huns, The (Ital.)—Altura Films
It Happened at the World’s Fair—MGM
Just For Fun—Col.
Kiss of the Vampire—U-I
♦Lancelot and Guinevere—U-I
Lawrence of Arabia—Col.
Lazarillo (Spanish)—Union Films
Life in Danger—AA
Lord of the Flies—Walter Reade-Sterling
Mary, Mary—War.
Miracle Worker—UA
Mutiny On the Bounty—MGM
My Name Is Ivan (Russian)—Sig Shore
Naked Edge—UA
Old Dark House, The—Col.
Play It Cool—AA
Pit and the Pendulum—Am. Inti.
Sanjuro (Jap.)—Toho Inti.
Scream of Fear—Col.
Secret of Deep Harbor—UA
Slave, The—MGM
Square of Violence—MGM
Stolen Hours—UA
Suitor, The (Fr.)—Atlantic
Terror, The—Am. Inti.
Thrill of It All—U-I
Thunder Island—Fox
Trunk, The—Col.
Twenty Plus Two—A A
Twice Told Tales—UA
Two Nights With Cleopatra—Ultra Films
War is Hell—AA
Weekend With Lulu—Col.
Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory—MGM
Wheeler Dealers—MGM
X—The Man With the X-Ray Eyes—Am. Inti.
Yellow Canary—Fox
Young Doctors—UA
Young Racers, The—Am. Inti.
Cardinal, The—Col.
Muriel (Fr.)—UA
III — M#r»Uy Unobjectionable for Atilti
♦Ceremony, The—UA
Heaven* Above (Br.)—Janus
Helifire Club—Embassy
Hustler, The—Fox
I Could Go On Singing—UA
In the French Style—Col.
Leopard, The—Fox
Love and Larceny (Ital.)—Major Films
Love at Twenty (Fr.)—Embassy
Love Is a Ball—UA
Magnificent Sinner—Film-Mart, Inc.
Marriage of Figaro (Fr.)—Union Filins
Mind Benders, The—Am. Inti.
Money, Money, Money (Fr.)—Times
Monkey in the Winter (Fr.)—MGM
Nine Hours to Rama—Fox
One Plus One—Selected Pics.
Panic in Your Zero—Am. Inti.
Passionate Thief (Ital.)—Embassy
Pink Panther—UA
Police Nurse—Fox
Prize, The—MGM
Morally Unobjectionable for Adnlto, with Reservation*
(An A-IV Classification is given to certain films which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation
as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.)
Angels of Darkness—Thalia Films
Armored Command—AA
Beach Party—Am. Inti.
Big Risk, The (Fr.)—UA
Breakfast At Tiffany’s—Para.
Bye, Bye, Birdie—Col.
California—Am. Inti.
Claudelle Inglish—War.
Come Blow Your Horn—Para.
Come September—U-I
Condemned of Altona—Fox
Corridors of Blood—MGM
Couch, The—War.
Crooks Anonymous (Br.)—Janus
Day in Court, A (Ital.)—Ultra Films
Din* With A Halo—MGM
Dr. Crippen (Br.)—War.
Fatal Desire—Ultra Films
Fun in Acapulco—Para.
Great War, The—Lopert
Gunfight at Comanche Creek—AA
CLASS A—Section IV-
Pyro—Am. Inti.
Quare Fellow (Irish)—Astor
Rififi in Tokyo—MGM
Rocco and His Brothers (Ital.)—Astor
Running Man, The—Col.
Season of Passion—UA
Sparrows Can’t Sing (Br.)—Janus
Spencer’s Mountain—War.
Summer and Smoke—Para.
Susan Slade—War.
Take Her, She’s Mine—Fox
Three On a Spree—UA
Thunder of Drums—MGM
Town Without Pity—UA
Toys in the Attic—UA
Trial, The—Astor
Twilight of Honor—MGM
Two Are Guilty—MGM
Two Women (Ital.)—Embassy
V.I.P.’s, The—MGM
West Side Story—UA
Winter Light (Swed.)—Janus
Wrong Arm of the Law (Br.)—Continental
Adam and Eve (Mex.)—Wm, Horne
Advise and Consent—Col.
Anatomy of a Murder—Col.
Case of Dr. Laurent (Fr.)—Trans-Lux
Circle of Deception—Fox
Cleo from 5 to 7 (Fr.)—Zenith
Crowning Experience—MRA
Devil’s Wanton (Swed.)—Embassy
•Divorce, Italian Style (Ital.)—Embassy
Eclipse (Ital.)—Times Films
8yi (Ital.)—Embassy
Dementia 13—Am. Inti.
Arturo's Island—(Ital.)—MGM
Back Street—U-I
Candlde—(Fr.)—Union Films
♦Conjugal Bed, The (Ital.)—Embassy
Cry of Battle—AA
♦Diamond Head—Col.
Explosive Generation—UA
Follow the Boys—MGM
For Love or Money—U.I.
Free, White and 21—Am. Inti.
Girl Hunters, The—Colorama Features
Goodbye Again—UA
Gun Hawk, The—AA
Head, The—Trans-Lux
House of Fright (was: Two Faces of Dr.
Jekyll)—Amer. Inti.
In the Cool of the Day—MGM
Irma La Douce—UA
Island of Love—War.
Johnny Cool—UA
Joker, The (Fr.)—Lopert
Kind of Loving, A (Br.)—Governor
Lady in the Cage—Para.
Girl of the Night—War.
Important Man (Mexican)—Lopert
King of Kings—MGM
L-Shaped Room, The Columbia—Davis-Royal
La Dolce Vita (Ital.)—Astor Pictures, Inc.
Lolita—Seven Arts
Long Day’s Journey Into Night—Embassy
Martin Luther—de Rochemont
Mondo Cane—Times Films
Never Take Candy From a Stranger—Omar
— Morally Objectionable in Part for All
♦Devil and The Ten Commandments—Union
Landru (Fr.)—Embassy
La Viaccia (Ital.)—Embassy
Leda (Fr.)—Times
Light Fantastic—Embassy
Love on the Riviera—Ultra Films
Main Attraction—MGM
Man Trap—Para.
Marines Let’s Go—Fox
Mary Had a Little (Br.)—Lopert
New Kind of Love, A—Para.
Night Is My Future (Swed.)—Embassy
No Exit—(Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Of Love and Desire—Fox
Operation Bikini—Am. Inti.
Palm Springs Weekend—War.
Paris Blues—UA
Peeping Tom—Astor
Private Lives of Adam and Eve—U-I
Purple Noon (Fr.)—Times
Pressure Point—UA
Sky Above and the Mud Below, The (Fr.) —
Storm Center—Col.
Strangers in the City—Embassy
Suddenly, Last Summer—Col.
This Sporting Life (Br.)—Continental
Tom Jones (Br.)—UA
Too Young to Love—Arthur-Go Picture*, Inc.
Under the Yum Yum Tree—Col.
Victim (Br.)—Pathe-America
Walk On the WUd Side—Col.
♦Shock Corridor—AA
Small World of Sammy Lee, The (Br.)—7 Arts
Sodom and Gomorrah—Fox
Splendor in the Grass—War.
Stripper, The—Fox
That Touch of Mink—U-I
Three Fables of Love (Fr.)—Janus
Temptress and the Monk (Jap.)—Hakim Pro
Time Out For Love (Fr.)—Zenith
Tomorrow Is My Turn (Fr.)—Showcorp.
Two Weeks in Another Town—MGM
Vampire and the Ballerina—UA
Very Private Affair—MGM
Wall of Noise—War.
Waltz of the Toreador* (Br.)—Continental
War Lover, The—Col.
White Slave Ship—Am. Inti.
Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed—Para.
Wild Harvest—Pathe-Am.
Wives And Lovers—Paramount
World by Night—War.
CLAgg C — Condemned
And God Created Woman (Fr.)—Kingsley
Baby Doll—War.
Balcony, The—Continental
Bed of Grass (Greek)—Trans-Lux
Bell'Antonio (Ital.)—Embassy Films
Boccaccio 70 (Ital.)—Embassy
Breathless (Fr.)—Films Around World
Cold Wind In August—Aidart
Come Dance With Me (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
During One Night (Br.)—Astor
Espresso Bongo (Br.)—Continental
Five Day Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley- Inti.
Girl With the Golden Eyes (Fr.)—Union Films
Green Carnation (was: Trials of Oscar Wilde)
(Br.)—Warwick Films
Green Mare (Fr.)—Zenith
Heroes and Sinners (Fr.)—Janus
I Am a Camera—DCA
I Love, You Love (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Joan of the Angels?—Polish-Telepix
Jules and Jim (Fr.)—Janus
L'Awentura (Ital.)—Janus
La Notte (Night) (Ital.)—Lopert
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Fr.)—Kingsley
Law, The (Fr.)—Embassy
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Fr.)—Astor Pic
tures, Inc.
Liane, Jungle Goddess—DCA
Love Game (Fr.)—Films Around World
Love Is My Profession (Fr.)—Kingsley-Intl.
Lovers, The (Fr.)—Zenith
Mademoiselle Striptease (Fr.)—DCA
Magdalena (Ger.)—Buhawk
Maid in Paris (Fr.)—Bellon-Foulke
Mating Urge—Citation
Miller’s Beautiful Wife (Ital.)—DCA
Mitsou (Fr.)—Zenith Inti.
Mom and Dad (Sideroad)—Hallmark Prod.
Moon Is Blue, The—UA
My Life to Live (Fr.)—Union
Never On Sunday (Greek)—Lopert
Nude Odyssey, The (Ital.)—Davis-Royal
Odd Obsession (Jap.)—Harrison
Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Four City Enterprises
Passionate Summer (Fr.-Ital.)—Kingsley
Phaedra (Gk.)—Lopert
Playgirl After Dark (Br.)—Topaz Films
Please, Not Now I (Fr.)—Fox
Port of Desire—Union
Pot Bouille (Lovers of Paris) (Fr.)—
Prime Time—Essanjay Films, Inc.
Private Property—Citation
Question of Adultery—NTA
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Br.)—
Savage Eye—Trans-Lux-Kingaley Inti.
Seven Capital Sins (Fr.)—Embassy
Sins of Mona Kent—Astor
Smiles of a Summer Night (Swedish)—Bank
Tales of Paris (Fr.)—Times Films
Temptation (Fr.-Ital.)—Shelton
Third Sex (Ger.)— D. k F. Dlst.
Too Young, Too Immoral—Rialto Inti.
Trials of Oscar Wilde (Br.)—Warwick Film*
Truth, The (La Verite) (Fr.)—Kingaley Inti.
Viridiana (Sp.)—Kingsley Inti.
Wasted Lives and The Birth of Twin*—
K. Gordon Murray Production
Women of the World (Ital.)—Embassy