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Thursday, February 25, 2021
Faith Alive
Southern Cross, Page 11
Growing our hearts this Lent
By Lindsey Weishar (CNS)
I don’t know about you, but
I often mentally brace myself
for Lent. The season feels so
long, so winter-ridden, and in
this time of lingering pandemic,
especially isolating. Yet, the
Online Etymology Dictionary
reminds me that Lent comes
from an Old English word
meaning “lengthening of the
day,” “spring.”
Perhaps we’re called to
approach Lent not as a marathon
of tasks meant to break our will
but as a blossoming born of
accompanying Christ through
the desert, an opportunity to
grow in our relationship with
him along the way.
As we begin Lent, it may
be useful to make a spiritual
“game plan,” for cultivating this
relationship. It’s important
to remember that though we
take on Lenten practices, the
practices are primarily meant
to orient us toward relationship
with Christ and others. In the
process, we grow our hearts.
If you’re looking to
meaningfully deepen your
relationship with Christ, below
are a few ways to nourish you
on what may feel like a long
road to Easter. As the reality
of COVID-19 has continued to
make some traditional forms
of gathering difficult this year,
these ideas may be incorporated
into family and individual life
at home.
t Prayer: Listen to sacred
music. If you enjoy praying
with music, be sure to check
out the work of Harpa Dei,
a choir whose mission is
evangelization. The four
siblings who make up Harpa
Dei sing from a variety of
Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish
traditions and in multiple
Listening to their music is
a peaceful experience that
connects listeners to a rich
treasury of music from around
the world. You can find
Harpa Dei on YouTube, and
their music is a wonderful
accompaniment to personal or
family prayer time.
t Honor St. Joseph. Pope
Francis has declared this
year the Year of St. Joseph
and shared a beautiful
apostolic letter titled “Patris
Corde.” Consider reading
“Patris Corde” with family or
friends and reflecting on the
fatherhood of St. Joseph. One
of the letter’s themes that
has personally inspired me is,
“Tenderness is the best way to
touch the frailty within us.”
You might especially honor
this tender father in March
and on Wednesdays (both
are dedicated to St. Joseph)
by praying the Litany of St.
Joseph, reading about him
in Scripture or engaging in
the many prayers or spiritual
works that will allow you to
receive a plenary indulgence
this year (see yearofstjoseph.
org). Also consider celebrating
It's important to
remember that
though we take on
Lenten practices,
the practices
are primarily
meant to orient
us toward
relationship with
Christ and others.
In the process, we
grow our hearts.
the solemnity of St. Joseph on
March 19th, for which there
are many traditions.
+ Fasting: Fast from negativity.
One Lent during my college
years, my Newman Center
challenged students to fast
from negativity, giving us a
small practice to do each day,
like sitting next to someone
we didn’t know during a meal
or staying off social media for
a day. With family or friends,
consider creating your own
personalized fast with small,
doable, daily practices.
t Fast from self. Add extra
beauty to your Holy Week by
engaging in traditional
practices that promote
emptying of self. Tenebrae
services might not be
happening in your parish or
diocese this year, but it’s
possible to find the readings
and psalms for this beautiful
service online and to read
them with family or friends.
On Good Friday, consider
making hot cross buns, the
traditional food eaten on this
day to remember Jesus’ death
and provide needed
Another way to fast from
self is to engage in prayerful
reflection on the experiences
of biblical figures (like Mary
Magdalene, Simon of Cyrene
and Mary, the mother of
Jesus) during the passion and
death of Christ by reading
Scripture or praying through
the Stations of the Cross. If
stations are not offered inside
your church this year, pray
the stations as you walk
through your neighborhood
or near your church. Some
churches may have outdoor
+ Alms giving: Give materially.
With family or friends,
consider choosing an
organization, community
service or religious group to
financially support this Lent.
Though many organizations
are not open to volunteers at
this time, financial help
allows them to continue
serving others.
You might decide to collect
not only spare change but
more information about
the organization’s mission,
charism and goals. How might
you or your family creatively
live out the spirit of this
organization or community in
your own fives? Don’t forget
to pray for this organization;
send a card or spiritual
bouquet with your financial
gift to give your offering a
personal touch.
+ Give time or talent. Though
many of our usual ministries
may not be fully up and
running, you can still make
your time and gifts available
to others this Lent. This might
be in the form of tutoring a
student via video call, virtually
gathering friends for a Bible
study (check out Father Mike
Schmitz’s Bible in a Year
study) or calling homebound
parishioners to check on their
If you stumble along the way
this Lent, remember that our
Lord delights in our offerings
that like the widow’s coins may
be small. We don’t walk the road
alone; he is traveling beside us
and is a gracious companion.
May our spiritual practices lead
us to better knowing him.
Lindsey Weishar is a poet and freelance