The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, January 04, 1963, Image 2

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I’ACL 10 G COR CIA BULLETIN, JANUARY 4, 1963 FOR CUBANS Sergeant Throws Orphans Party MIAMI (NC) A sergeant of 16 years o' service with the L. S. Army was ho^t to some 1,000 children of Cuban refugees at Miami Bishop Coleman F. Car- roll’s annual Christmas party. MORALES has been doing this since 1951 when he was in Korea and saw children dying in their flight from the Reds in the North. In 1957, he volunteered for more duty in Korea and orga nized a program among Ameri can soldiers to support the Sun Ac- Orphanage near Inchon City. His group repaired living quar ters, playgrounds and roads to the orphanage. They also ar ranged parties and picnics. orphan children had to travel a long distance to attend church, Morales, a Puerto Rican, de cided to build a chapel. He and other Gl's in the 37th En gineering Detachment con structed it. MORALES, who has two sons and a daughter of his own, gets the cooperation of several toy manufacturers In sending Christmas gifts to Korea each year. This was the first year that he did not travel, at his own ex pense, to distribute the toys in Korea personally A heart ail ment has made it necessary for him to curtail strenous physi cal activities. STOPPING off in Formosa during his annual Christmas visit to the U. S. Armed Forces, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York was decorated with the Order of Brilliant Star With Grand President Chlang Kai-shek. Madame Chiang (left) watches as a Chinese Nationalist general makes the necessary adjustments. When he found out that the Alterations Tuxedos Rented "Clothes Tailored For You” •Say s TAILORS - CLEANERS Men's Wear 106 V>. Court Sq. DR 3—2366 Decatur, Ga. Morales said right after the party here that the campaign for next year’s toys begins right away. The Army has provided him space to store them at Fort Dix. "We hope next year to have a Christmas party in Havana," he said. NEW STATISTICS U. S. Church Membership Shows First Decrease HOOVER SAYS FBI More Than Paying Its Way WASHINGTON (NC) The Federal Bureau of Investigation more than pays its way. This is revealed by statis tics contained in the annual re port of the bureau’s director, J. Edgar Hoover. IN 1962, "fines, savings and recoveries’’ resulting from work done by the FBI amounted to "well over $200 million" compared with $148,421,690for the year 1961. This figure "far exceeds the amount of funds spent to operate the FBI dur ing 1962", Hoover told Att. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. The year 1962 saw more than 12,700 convictions in FBI cases, the apprehension of 11, 400 FBI fugitives, and the lo cation of more than 19,000 sto len automobiles. A "sharp increase" (appro ximately 25 per cent) was not ed in robberies, burglaries and larcenies of banks and other financial institutions. They averaged 100 such offenses a month. Expressing appreciating for assistance the FBI receives from other law enforcement agencies, Hoover said 1962 saw a further strengthening of the bonds of mutual cooperation throughout the entire law en forcement profession. He said 165 men attended two sessions of the FBI National Academy. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE Oakwood Mary & Johnny Metcalf DR 8-4421 Dalton, ga. McCoy’s Furniture & Appliance A FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER Buford Highway Chamblee GL 7-4326 BEST WISHES FLOOR PRODUCTS C0RP. 3224 PEACHTREE RD. NE ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA 237-5546 ROBERT C. HACKMAN JR. Curtis Bryant Insurance Agency 404 Mark (Connally) Building 98 Alabama St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Ga. Phone jAckson 3-1511 Complete Coverate for All Personal, Industrial and Commercial Risks Serve . . . While Being Served You b«n«fit Our Lady of lha Holy Ghost Monastery in Conyara, Georgia, •▼try tima you uaa dailyfraah PE* DAIRY FOODS. PET DAIRY in Atlanta buys tha aniira production of fraah milk produead by tha purabrad Jaraay hard on tha Dairy Farm of Our Lady of tha Holy Ghost Monaafsry. 'YOU CAN'T BUY A FRESHER. FINER. BETTER-TASTING MILK THAN PET HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN *D" MILK.' For Convenient Home Delivery in Atlanta PLEASE CALL 636-8677 Eritrea: A Church of Earth Collapses WHEN MOSES STRETCHED HIS HAND over the RED SEA. a “strong and burning wind, blowing ill the night, took it away: and turned it into dry ground; and the water waa divided.” Thus the Israelites crossed safely . . . But In modern times, this Biblical body of water has not been so kind to those living alonr its banka. The people of Eritrea, bordering the RED SEA. struggle hard for a living in this bar> ren land of eraggy mountains and parched plains . . . The Catholics of AUHNE, an Eritrean village, built t church of earth but the winds tad seasonal rains came to destroy It. To build a firmer structure, they have nothing toMfftr but their labor . . . $2,000 is needed for the church itself and another $2,000 will provide • place for the priest te Hve. A small group of Catholics in a vast set of Moslems, the people of AUHNE fear their children will drift away from the faith unless they ha?e a church and Sunday Mass. . . . W1U you help them7 Any amount will be appre ciated. HELPING THE HOLY FATHER Our Association is the financial arm of Pope John XXIII In assisting the missionaires of the Near East. You can strengthen that arm mightily by giving us a STRINGLESS GIFT. Then wc shall be able to help him where the need is greatest. CELEBRATING LITTLE CHRISTMAS IN ITALY, child ren have their stockings stuffed and receive their rifts at Epiphany. The evening before they listen for the hoofbeats of the Magi ... IN SOUTH AMERICA, shoes are left on windowsills and letters are written to the King* ... IN GERMANY, the children dress like them . . . You can bring the spirit of kingly giving to the PALESTINE REFUGEES. They remind us of the Holy Family unable to find a place In the inn. $18 will purchase a food package enough to help them for a month. If you wish, we’ll send you a Rosary of Olive Beads from the Holy Land as a token of ihan%f_ FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY January 10 is the Feastday. Why not have a Mass said for your family by one of our missionaries? ... Or you can enroll them in our society and they will participate in the graces of the Holy Father's Mass and 15,000 other Masses each year. In dividual membership *1 a year; Perpetual membership: $20. Family membership: $5 a year; Perpetual: $100. SPONSORING NOVICES AND SEMINARIANS S3 a week, or $150 a year covers the two year training of a sister-to-be, $2 a week or $100 a year for six yeara pays the way for a seminarian. We have many names of these waiting to be helped . . . Would you like to sponsor one? Or, if you wish, Join our MARY’S BANK or CHRYSOSTOM CLUB and send just a dollar-a-month. Dear Monsignor: Enclosed find for Name Street Tie Holy Father’i Mission Aid for the Orient*! Chimb City Zone ....State Jk n Sst Olissions r£i MANOIS CARDINAL SPILLMAN, President Hapr. Jesep* T. lyse, Met‘1 See*y Seed eft nsHeselssHm >•: CATHOLIC NIAR IAJT WILPARI ASSOCIATION 400 Uxlngfon Ave. of 44th St. New Yevfc 17, N. Y. NEW YORK (NC) For the first time in a hundred years, the percentage of church members in the nation’s population has reg istered a decrease, according to an annual compilation of official church statistics. The decrease—two-tenths of one per cent — is "significant in that it may indicate a halt in the steady rise throughout the history of the United States — of the proportion of church members in the total popula tion," a news release issued by the National Council of Chur ches said. THE STATISTICS are contain ed in the 1963 issue of the Year book of American Churches, pre pared by the NCC. The Year book lists membership in Ameri ca's churches and synagogues in 1961 as 116,109,929 for all faiths. This represents 63.4 per cent of the population, as against 63,6 per cent a year earlier. Records of church member ship since 1850 show that a de crease was registered only once before, In 1870, when church membership percentages were recorded as 18 per cent or five per cent less than the high of 23 per cent 10 years earlier, the NCC said. UNGANDA COMPILERS of the Yearbook in the NCC’s Bureau of Research and Survey noted that church sta tistics have to be examined with the realization that not all chur ches reporting employ the same recording stystem. Som include infants and all family members while others record only those received into membership by baptism. The 1963 Yearbook carries statistics furnished by 258 religious bodies of all faiths, one less than reported in 1960 and three more than in 1959. For the first time since World War II, church membership per centage gains fell below the esti mated population Increase. Church membership gains were 1.4 per cent in 1961, against an estimated rise of 1.6 per cent in the nation’s population. The ratio had been 1.9 per cent against 1.8 per cent a year earlier. For the second year in succession, this may indicate that membership potential has leveled off at least temporarily. THE TOTAL number of pas tors having charges is given as 247,009, while the number of ordained persons is 381,252, ac cording to a tabulation of infor mation from 236 of the 258 re ligious bodies reporting. Anthem Amended rp T li/ni lo Include God KAMPALA, Uganda, (NC) This young country’s national anthem has been changed to in clude the name of God. Minister of Information and Broadcasting A. A. Nekyon an- 2,150 Baptized In Hong Kong HONG KONG (NC) Highlight of Christmas ceremonies here was the baptism of 2,150 con verts t o bring Hong Kong’s Catholic population up to 200, 000, an increase of about 9,000 since June. Gratitude for the steady growth in conversions was ex pressed by Bishop Lawrence Bianchi, P.I.M.E., of Hong Kong, who returned here after the first session of the ecu menical council. "At such probably time as the vernacular will be the lan guage of the Mass, we may ex pect even more abundant fruit produced through the tremen dous work being done through out the colony by priests, Re ligious, and members of the Di ocesan Council for the Lay Apostolate," the Bishop said. Anglicans Pray CANTERBURY, England (NC) Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, Primate of the An glican Church, asked for pray ers for the health of His Holi ness Pope John XXIII in his Christmas sermon in Canter bury cathedral. He also noted that during the past year great prograss has been made to ward Christian unity. nounced the change (Dec. 11) in the National Assembly here. The first line of the anthem was changed to: "O Uganda, may God uphold thee". It re places the oroginal words: "O Uganda thy people praise thee". Uganda, which had been a British protectorate since 1894, became independent October 9. Catholics number 1.9 million, about 30 per cent of the total population of 6.5 million. Pro testants make up 25 per cent of the total and Moslems 5 percent. The rest of the people are pagan. Protests came from all over the country, especially from the Christian press, when the name of God was left out of the original version of the anthem. Chaplains Meet PORTLAND, Ore. (NC) The American Catholic Correction al Chaplains Association will hold its national convention here August 26 to 30, Father George McCabe, the association’s president, announced. Father McCabe, chaplain at Washington State Penitentiary, Walla Walla, said about 75 Ca tholic chaplains attend the meeting, which will be held in connection with meetings of the American Correctional Con gress and the American Cor rectional Chaplains Associa tion. Ordain Koreans SEOUL, Korea (NC) Twenty- nine ordinations to the priest hood throughout Korea during the Christmas and New Year season are raising the total number of Korean priests to 323. Protestants and Roman Ca tholics each registered a 0.2 per cent decline within the total population. A table shows that Protestants were 27 per cent of the total population of the U.S. in 1926; 33.8 per cent in 1950; 35.4 per cent in 1960; and 35.2 per cent Ip 1961. The Roman Catholic population increased from 16 per cent in 1926 to 23.6 per cent in 1960 and de clined slightly to 23.4 in 1961. Citing reports by the U. S. Department of Commerce, the Yearbook recorded a $32 mil lion reduction in the value of new church or religious building con struction, from $1,916,000,000 in 1960 to $984,000,000 in 1961. Of all 258 bodies reporting memberships, 228 were Pro testant with 64,434,966 mem bers, compared to 227 reporting 63,668,685 members a year ago. This represents a gain of 766, 131 members or 1.2 percent. The bulk of Protestants are In 23 Protestant denomination al groupings or "families", accounting for an estimated 90 per cent of protestant church members. THE ROMAN Catholic mem bership figure is 42,876,665 this year, a gain of 1.9 per cent over last year’s total. The Roman Catholic percentage gain of 1.9 per cent represents a decline in comparison with the 1960 gain of 3.2 per cent. Figures for other major faiths reporting to the Year book include: 5,365,000 per sons In Jewish congregations; 2,800,401 members of Eastern churches: 572,897 members of the Old Catholic Church, Po lish National Catholic Church, and the Armenian Church, Dio cese of North America. The Buddhists, who had reported 20,000 adherents last year, give a membership of 60,000 in the new Yearbook. The NCC at tributed this to a change in the reporting system of Buddhist officials during the year. SOME 228 religious bodies reported 286,661 Sunday or Sab bath schools in 1961, with 3, 715,221 teachers and officers and a total enrollment of 44, 434,291. The Protestant churches re ported a loss of 3.1 per cent of the total Sunday school enroll ment. They now account for 90 per cent of the total, or 40, 239,020. A comparison of membership reports of all faiths in the last 10 years shows 92,277,129 in 1952 and 116,109,929 in 1961. In the same 10-year period the Pro testant figure increased from 54,229,963 to 64,434,966. THE 31 member communions of the National Council of Chur ches reported 40,318,430 per sons. The figure in the pre vious issue of the Yearbook was 40,185,813. Motherhouse BELMONT, N.C. (NC) Bis hop Vincent S. Waters of Ra leigh, N. C., dedicated a new $2 million motherhouse here for the Sisters of Mercy on New Year’s Eve. The structure, located on the campus of Sacred Heart Junior College for girls, is a combina tion convent and administration building. i nc. rm seizea uucu arugs worth more than $20 million; made 236,000 scientific exami nations of evidence at the re quest of authorities in all 50 states; received 23,000 finger print cards for processing every working day, bringing its file up to nearly 165,611,000 sets of fingerprints represent ing an estimated 77 million persons. The FBI chief emphasized In his report to the Attorney General the continuing threat posed by subversive organi zations within the US. Leroy's Auto Service Tune Up - Front End Alignment Automatic Transmission 4011 P’tree Rd. CE. 7-1288 by Edwin 3996 Peachtree Rd., N.E. Brookhaven CE. 3-5537 Peachtree Road Pharmarmacy Pick Up and Delivery Service CE 7-6466 4062 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta Fin9 Arts, Paintings and Antiques antique art Sallcrg, 3nc. In the he»rt of Brookhivcn 3988 Peachtree Road, N. E. Atlanta 19, Georgia THE KIRBY S CE. 7-9716 East Point Ford Co. ford bajjb trucks FALCONS THUNDERBIRDS SALES SERVICE PARTS 2-139 Main St. PL 3-2121 East Point, Ga. Zillah’s Flower Shop FLOWERS FOR ALL OC CASIONS. FAST, FRIEND LY SERVICE ALWAYS JA 4-5154 284-6952 night number LITTLE FIVE POINTS 421 MORELAND AVE., N.E. ATLANTA, GA. OLD SARGE SURPLUS ARMY AND CIVILIAN SURPLUS Hunting, Fishing, Camping Equipment (Buy, Trade, Sell Most Anything) Hwy. 23 - Next door to Pine Tree Plaza Doraville, Ga. 451-3377 HACKNEY SHOE SHOP 116 King St. HACKNEY'S HEEL BAR Bryman’s Plaza LEE MUSIC CO. BAND INSTRUMENTS AMPLIFIERS MUSIC & ACCESSORIES PRIVATE INSTRUCTION OFFERED FQR ALL BAND INSTRUMENTS & GUITAR CHAMBLEE PLAZA 454-6654 RESIDENCE GL 7-6600 OWEN PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 130 W. King St. Dalton, Georgia BR 8-1730 PENNINGTON INSURANCE AGENCY DALTON, GA. CHAT ’N CHEW Across From City Hall CHARBROILED STEAKS. SEA FOODS OUR SPECIALTY BR 8-2298 Dalton, Ga. John Marshall Bninersitg LAW SCHOOL JUNIOR COLLEGE 105 Forrest Ave., N. E. Atlanta, Georgia "Around the Corner from Sacred Heart Church" Dav and Evening Classes Thousandaire Headquarters WEST END OORDON AT ASHBY TENTH STREET 1124 PEACHTREE BUCKHEAD PEACHTREE AT PIEDMONT LAKEWOOD LAKEWOOD AT STEWART COLLEGE PARK 3881 MAIN STREET BROOKHAVEN 4006 PEACHTREE MAIN OFFICE MARIETTA AT BROAD Atlanta Federal Savings ANI> IU AN A Ulll I A I ION Georgia's Leading Block Company Georgia's Largest Black Plant Georgia's Only All Autoclaved Plant Quality of Product Unsurpassed Bailey Autoclaved Lightweight Block - Holiday Hill Stone CONCRETE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Jackson 1-0077 747 Forrest Road, N.E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Suiter & McLellan 1023 MORTGAGE GUARANTEE BUILDING JAckson 5-2086 ATLANTA, GEORGIA Where Insursnc* Is A Profession . . . Not A Sideline