The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, February 14, 1963, Image 8

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PAGE 8 GEORGIA BULLETIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1963 GALLUP POLL SHOWS Private Schools Aid Gets Greater Support PRINCETON, N.J., (NC) — A majority of persons expressing an opinion in a nationwide poll said they are infavor of Federal aid to parochial and other pri vate schools. Results of the poll indicated a sharp change in public opin ion on the question as compar ed to two years ago. GALLUP Poll reporters ask ed a representative sampling of the nation's adults the follow- cation, should the money go only ing question: If the Federal to public schools, or should the government in Washington de- money go to help Catholic and cides to give money to aid edu- other private schools as well? Forty-nine per cent said such aid should go to Catholic and other private schools; 44 per cent favored aid to public schools only; and seven per cent expressed no opinion. School Auxiliary Hears Scout Talk C&S REALTY COMPANY "Specialists in Commercial and Industrial Real Estate” Suita 200 Henry Grady Bldg. Atlanta 3, Ga. Warehouses, Stores, Mfg. Plants, Acreage, Shopping Center Dev., Industrial Dev., Subdivision Dev., Insurance 524-2052 MIKE Ic STEVE SEHTICH NOTICE MARIST A Military Day School for Boys Fully Accredited Operated By Marist Fathers Announces Entrance Examinations February 16 and 23 Timei 8:45 A.M. Openings In Grades 8, 9, 10 and 11 For Further Information Call The Principal 457*7201 ROME— The St. Mary’s School Auxiliary met at the school Wednesday evening at 8:00 o’clock. Mrs. Richard Hackett, president, opened the meeting with a prayer and pledge to the flag. Father Richard Morrow, Pastor of St. Bernadette Ch urch, Cedertown, was guest speaker. Introduced by Father John McDonough, Pastor of St. Mary’s, Father Morrow spoke to the members on scouting and the influence that being a scout can have on boys and girls. He outlined the awards that can be acquired by scouts. Talent Night The Knights of Columbus Council 4358 will hold a talent night In preparation for their first annual variety show to benefit Council Home Building Fund, on Thursday, February 21, at 8:00 p.m. at The Graces, 2147 North Decatur Road, De catur, Georgia. Any Time — Anywhere Call a TAXI RADIO CABS DECATUR CO-OP CABS 910 Howard Ave. 24-Hour Service Passengers Insured Trins Anywhere DR. 7*3891 — DR. 7-1701 DECATUR, GA. MARIETTA DAILY JOURNAL •dxxft4t SixcultUia* Ox CALL: 428-1545 TO SUBSCRIBE PAUSE FOR COKE •omto «mii .utmohit, or rm coe* coi* company «r MaRUTTa COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. SUBSCRIBE TO THE GEORGIA BULLETIN *5.00 PER YEAR Mail to: P. O. Box H667 Northside Station Atlanta 5, Georgia Name Address City State- WHEN the identical question was asked two years ago by Gallup Poll reporters, 57 per cent of Americans polled felt that Federal aid should go only to public schools; 36 per cent favored such aid for Catholic and other private schools; and 7 per cent expressed no opinion. The American Institute of Public Opinion, which conducts the Gallup Poll, said the present survey findings indicate that the change in sentiment on the Federal aid issue has come largely from Protestants. The institute published the following table showing the Pro testant opinion today on Fede ral aid to schools in compari son to the sentiment in March, 1961; Feb. 1963, Public schools only. . .50%, March, 1961, 63%. Feb. 1963, Catholic, private schools as well. . .42%, March, 1961, 29%. Feb. 1963, No opinion. . .8%, March, 1961, 8%. The institute said the change among Catholics on the Fede ral aid issue is less marked than among Protestant voters. It published the following table on the sentiment expressed by Catholics; Feb. 1963, Public schools only, . .23%, March, 1961, 28%. Feb, 1963, Catholic, private schools as well. . .71%, March, 1961, 66%. Feb. 1963, No opinion. . .6%, March, 1961, 6%. Non-Catholics At Recollection Eve Athens, Ga.- Together with ten ladies of Sacred Heart Par ish ten non-catholic friends att ended the February evening of recollection preached by Father Eusebius Beltran. The confer ences centered on the basic topic: The Purpose of Life. The evening program con sisted of two conferences, a half hour of private prayer or spiritual reading, Compline, and concluded with a question and answer period over coffee, at which Father Beltran and Father Freeman, the pastor, discussed a number of questions the recollectionists proposed. OtiaittoiL HOTEL. • rnea parkin a • TV A AIM CONDITIONING • FAMOUS MIAMI aUPPMT • IC* A BIVMAII STATIONS • OOPS** MAKSN. *AOH MOOBS LUCKIL A I CONI 5T, A Go oil Adihcin AT VATICAN WASHINGTON — President Kennedy's major health propo sals would involve both public and private, nonprofit groups in an effort to increase med ical facilities and manpower. In a special message, "On Improving American Health," the President made a variety CHARITY TOSSERS of requests, most of them sim- illar to earlier proposals he sent Congress and some asking expansion of present programs. He did not discuss Social Secur ity health insurance for the older people. THE CHIEF Executive asked for a five-year expansion of Golden Lions Rule Over Chamblee Five BY JAMES DARDEN St. Plus’ Golden Lions ran to a 47 to 43 victory over Cham blee Saturday night. Cham blee jumped off to an early lead at 11 to 4. After calling a time out the Lions battled back to trail by one, 12 to 13, at the end of the first quarter. The Lions staged a second quarter rally to own a 27 to 23 half time lead. Gel HNS Pins During the recent breakfast meeting of the Holy Name Soci ety at the Shrine of the Immacu late Conception. Twenty one new members received their Holy Name pins from Father Marion, OFM. RHODE ISLAND During the second half the game remained close. The Lions held between a three and six point lead the entire second half. Actually the difference in the game came on the foul shots. Chamblee only managed to hit eleven of 28 charity tossers while the Lions connected on 19 of 29. Balanced scoring also helped the Lions cause. Jimmy Dar den, Denny Wigbles, and Bill Means scored 12, 11, and 10 points respectively to lead the Lions. Leading the entire game the Lady Lions romped past the Chamblee girls 57 to 42. Kitty Hynes and Mary Kane led the girls to victory. Baptists Launch Anti- School Aid Drive PROVIDENCE, R.I. (NC)— The Rhode Island Baptist State Convention has launched a cam paign to defeat legislation which would provide state aid for stu dents in Catholic and other private schools in the state. The Baptist group sent a let- TheMevY PRESENTATION! MOST EXCITING AND — COLORFUL OF THEM ALU , . .. ,•# LOUIS DE ROCHEMONT’S^ *t IN GLORIOUS EASTMAN COLOR EVENINGS m 1:00 P M.i Sun thru hitr /ffaWfa HRI uiMAunmuitii Ml All AMI* ■ 04 OIAI *M *401 CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS ANY SEAT $1.25 ANY TIME ter to ministers of its 98mem ber churches in the state. The letter urged the pastors to rally their congregations to telephone and petition campaigns directed at the General Assembly, call ing for defeat of legislation for state aid to private schools. THE LETTER was read (Feb. 10) in a number of the chur ches. It has been estimated there are some 25,000 mem bers of the 96 Baptist chur ches in the state. The letter did not mention Catholic schools directly, but the campaign was aimed prin cipally against Catholic school students. Legislation has been proposed which would provide students in Catholic and other private schools with certain textbooks and with guidance counseling services at state expense. The letter said it is propos ed "to spend state and local tax money for the support of private schools of which the overwhelming majority are of one religious faith, thereby con stituting state support of that religion." the Hill-Burton Hospital Con struction Act. This program grants qualified hospitals— public and private—Federal assistance for construction C08tS. Mr. Kennedy asked that Hill- Burton be modified to include a program to help modernize ex isting hospitals. He also called for an increase in the amount available for grants to nursing homes. He wants it to go from $20 million to $50 million a year. The President said the nation is dangerously short of physici ans, dentists and nurses. Med ical and dental schools do not graduate enough students to keep pace with population growth and the 550,000 pro fessional nurses and 225,000 practical nurses are too few in number for high quality care, he stated. MR. KENNEDY again urged congressional adoption of his recommendation to put Federal funds into the construction and expansion of medical and dental schools, public ans private. He also urged Federal financial assistance for needy students in these schools. Neither was suc cessful in the past Congress. The President recommended financial assistance to expand teaching facilities for nurses’ training, including graduate ed ucation. He also asked Federal financial help for nursing stud ents. Other recommendations in volving public and private eff orts Included his request for planning grants to support studies of hospital facilities in local communities. The President's message carried no figures on the total cost of his program. Legis lation to carry out his recom mendations will soon be trans mitted to Congress, the mes sage said. Safety Official In Cedertown Mrs. Lionel Jarvis, National Safety Chairman of Homemak ers of America and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Safety Council, spoke on "Home Safety" at the Feb ruary meeting of the Altar So ciety of the Church of Our Lady, Carrollton, on February 7th. Mrs. Jarvis is from Provi dence, Rhode Island, and she and her husband moved to Ce- dartown and became members of St. Bernadette’s Parish, about five months ago. Mrs. Jarvis was introduced to the members of the Altar Society by Rev. Richard B. Mor row, pastor and spiritual direc tor. Special guest was Mrs. Mary Murphy of Cedartown. The meeting, which was preceded by breakfast, was conducted by the president, Mrs. PeterCappelli, Pilgrims To Attend Seton Beatification A SMILING Pope John XXIII promised to relay many of the candles presented to him by the Roman clergy to Catholic faithful behind the Iron Curtain. It is an old tradition that candles — symbolizing the light of faith — are presented to the Holy Father on Candlemas Day. During the ceremony, the Pontiff said he was sending the candles to "the four corners of the earth", but he laid special emphasis on those going to the "Church of Silence" in the Slavic countries. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS Non-Profit Groups Benifit ♦ In New Health Program WASHINGTON (NC)— It was announced here by the Most Reverend Patrick A. O* Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, that the official pilgrimage to Rome for the Beatification of Vener able Elizabeth Seton will leave March 10, under the Spiritual Direction and Personal Lead ership of Right Reverend Mon signor Joseph B. Coyne. The Beatification erf Vener able Mother Seton will take place in St. Peter’s Basilica in the presence of the Supreme Pontiff, Pope John XXIII, on Sunday, March 17, when the first native-born United States citizen will be named "Bles sed." The official pilgrimage will fly from New York on March 10 for Paris, and Mass will be celebrated at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal, the Mother House of the Daughters of Cha rity. Visits in Paris will include Mass at the Basilica in Mont martre and Lisieux; the Shrine of St. Therese, Rome, the Eter nal City and participation in the Beatification of Venerable Mo ther Elizabeth Seton, March 17. Closing the 17-day pilgrim age will be visits to Madrid, El Escorial, Toledo, Lisbon, with Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, and at the Birthplace of St. Anthony be fore returning by Jet to New York. Reservations may be made by contacting Catholic Travel Of fice, Dupont Circle Building, Washington, D. C. "LAY UP TREASURES FOR YOURSELVES" THRU WHIT* TOOAY GRAYMOOR’S ANNUITY PLAN We p#y you interest on an investment of $10000 or more, as long as you live. After your death your Inveat* m#nt i used for the education of our future Prleati and to aid the poor of Christ throughout the world. VHY REVEREND FATHIK BONAVENTURE FRANCIS, S A. CRAYMOOR, Gorriton 12 New York Without Obligation, please sand me further information about your Qraymoor Annuity Plan, NAME address. . AQE. CITY. .ZONE. .STATE. LEBANON: CRUMBLING WALLS ONE HUNDR1D YEARS ago to* villagers of AINBAL, in the Lebanese diocese of Sidon, built a small church. As time J (h. paMed the congreiation of Melkltt Catholic* frew larfer, but the church - w - remained the tame . . . That Is, until an earthquake a few year* ajro gave ^ It a savage shaking. Then, like the 5" | (A Wonderful One-Hoas Shay, It seemed to fall apart all at once ... A Com mittee was appointed to see to re pairs. Impossible! was their verdict ... A new church, much bigger, must be built. “We'll give all the money we can,” agreed the people, "and we’ll build it with our own hands!” * * tx?t> * t j * * • But It wasn’t enough. The small rarmers of AINBAL do not earn much. They turn to us $2,000 will buy strong building materials. Your gift may mean a church that will stand another hundred years! Tie Holy Father) Mission Aid for the Oriental Church LENT: SEASON FOR GIVING On the first Friday following ASH WEDNESDAY, we rea in the Mass: “Is not this rather the fast that I have chosen? "Deal your bread to the hungry, and bring the harbor less and needy into your house; when you shall see the naked, cover him . . . “Then shall your light break forth as the morning . . . and the glory’ of the Lord shall gather you up.” -—Isa. 58:1-9 So at this time may we remind you urgently of the HUNGR HARBORLESS and NEEDY of our NEAR EAST lands. Yoi sacrifice Is their livelihood! What better way to keep the spit of Lent than by one of these gifts: 1. PALESTINE REFUGEES: A $10 food package helps them for one month. 2. A $2 BLANKET FOR A BEDOUIN. A small but warm winter gift. 3. MASS STIPENDS. Often the missionary’s only support. 4. STRINGLESS GIFTS. We have so many requests to fill, 5. A MEMORIAL GIFT. A chapel or school. Cost: $2,000. 6. MEMBERSHIP IN OUR SOCIETY: Single: $1 a year; Family: $5 a year. 7. Join one of our DOLLAR-A-MONTH clubs: DAMIEN CLUB (aids lepers); ORPHAN’S BREAD (children); PALACE OF GOLD (helps aged); MARY'S BANK (trains sisters); CHRYSOSTOM CLUB (trains seminarians); BASILIANS (supports schools); MONICA GUILD (supplies altars, chal ices, etc., for chapels). 8. Any of the above may be a MEMORIAL GIFT FOR FRIEND OR RELATIVE. If you wish we send gift card in your name. Kindly remember us in your will. Our official title: THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Enclosed please find for Name Street City . Zone .... state. 12ear £ast (Hissionsi^j PIANOS CAIWNAt SPiUMAN, Preside*! " Ma«r. T. ftyea, Man See’y StiMNl iR M4INVIMImH4HI| ff j CATHOUC NfAR (ACT WIIFAM ASSOCIATION 410 Uxlnfton Av*. at 44th St. N«w Yortt 17, N.Y,