The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, February 28, 1963, Image 6

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I>AGi- 6 GEORGIA BULLETIN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1963 f.\ CHARLESTONS ‘Courage Of The Spirit’ Today’s Requisite For A Priest - Says Archbishop CHARLESTON, S.C. — "The Catholic priests of today must demonstrate not only physical and moral courage, but also *a courage of the spirit/’ Arch bishop Paul J. Hallirsan of At lanta told delegates to the Ca- Bjy Y ur S ax Fro® MM" Max Mf.TZEL Owrilf MAX S MEN'S SHOPS $t r >» P«4«hir#» Industrial Siva P let* snoppin* Csr.tsr Phont tAl-HU 975 Prachtrst N Z Hl»on» TR « »VI2 — At 10U St. Leroy's Auto Service Tune Up - Front End Alignment Automatic Transmission 4011 P'tree Rd. CE. 7-128* tholic Youth Organization Con vention of the Diocese of Char leston last Saturday. Archbishop Hallinan said that such bravery "is not dramatic nor well publicized. But it does work steadily, and one reason n our Catholic parishes are heal thy cells in the Mystical Body is because the priesthood is calling to its ranks "nothing but the best’. " CO-SPONSOR of the Conven tion was the Serra Club of Char leston marking Vocations Day. And Archbishop Hallinan ap pealed to young Catholics to elevate in their minds the image of the priest. He said: "The kind of courage the priest needs today is partly your making. You must place confidence in him. You must be honest with him. You must ex tend strong arms to share his work.” EXTRACT from Archbishop Hallinan’s talk follows: "Fifty years ago, a Pope who is little-remembered laid down the Charter for the Catholic Church in the 20th century. Pope Benedict XV stated clearly that Christians more than any others must be ’universal men*. The missionary's object in our times, the priest’s object, must be all men alive in the world today’. The priest for our times must be a man of our times, coming out of today’s homes to serve today’s broken world. He is not living in the middle ages, nor in the 19th century. He must live In 1963. We can learn from great priests of the past, but the finest lesson we can learn Is that they too lived as men of their times. In the South of the 1840’s, priests had to risk their lives crossing flooded rivers and tending malaria patients. In the South of the 1920’s, our priests had to rise above a com placent generation, and expose and answer bigotry. "TO EX) the first meant phy sical courage; to do the second meant moral courage. We are still called upon to demon strate both today. But the Catho lic laity, indeed our whole so ciety, in 1963 are looking to the American priest for an even greater courage - a courage of the spirit. Such bravery is not dramatic nor well-publicized. But it does its work steadily, and one reason our Catholic parishes are healthy cells In the Mystical Body is because the priesthood is calling to its ranks ‘nothing but the best’. "Catholic people of our times, you young men who will become not priests, but strong laymen, you young women whe ther you become wives and mo thers, or religious sisters rec ognize that this is no time for anyone to settle for mediocrity. No century ever is, but ours is especially vulnerable because there is so much of it in the world already. THIS talk is not an appeal for vocations to the priesthood. It is rather an appeal to our lai ty, - particularly laymen of the high purpose of Serra, - to brighten in your minds this image of the American priest. The kind of courage he needs today is partly of your making. You must place confidence In him. You must be honest with him. You must extend strong arms to share his work. You must keep a prayer on your lips that he will be a daily re flection of that picture of the priest given by the late Pope Pius XII in Menti Nostrae. ’We are priests of Christ. Therefore we must labor with all our strength that the fruits of His Redemption be effica ciously applied to every soul. to lead back those who have strayed. . . to enlighten all with the light of Christian doctrine. . . to form In them more Christian conscience.’ "In the first session of the Vatican Council, your bishop, Bishop Francis Reh, gave the assembled fathers of the Coun cil a detailed description of the role of the pastoral priest as distinct from the monastic priest. He appealed eloquently for a deeper appreciation of this role, the requirements, the needs. Under his guidance in Charleston, the priesthood will meet the challenges of the times. In times past, they have never faltered in courage, eith er physical or moral. They will not fall today when this higher courage, - the cour age of the spirit, of the whole man, is dally demanded of the clergy. In such a climate, where our young men can dally see the pastoral priesthood in ac tion, there Is little fear that sufficient numbers of them will come forward, offering their lives, their energies, their ta lents to Christ, * MINTING HYBERT Tlinity 5-4727 LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY Strvi*t Atlanta Siaet 1912 350 FORREST ROAD, N. E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Place Your Classified Ad Today In The Georgia Bulletin Phone: 231-1281 PAUSE FOR COKE BOruto uxor» *utmo»ity or inn cot* col* company at MARIETTA COCA COIA BOTTlING CO. For All Your Banking Needs COBB EXCHANGE BANK 1311 ROSWELL ST. MARIETTA, GEORGIA PHONE 428-3351 Where Insurance is a Profession, Not a Sideline SUTTER & McLELLAN Mortgage Guarantee Bldg. JA 5-2086 WE HAVE MOVED TO THE NEW , TITLE BUILDING r £ & *53 CQtwgR pryor 4 of ca ruft mfwin 'v 9 * < / *•' 'Vk .. *ntr Vi' We are no# in our new home ot the corner of Pryor and Decatur Streets Our offices in the nen Title Building are designed for comfort and efficiency. 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Phone 521-1021 YOUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT YOUR PAPER SUPPORT YOUR ADVERTISERS FOURTEEN D’Youville Academy juniors received their class rings at the annual Academy Ring Prom last week, Msgr. Joseph G. Cassidy, vicar general, representing Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, Archbishop of Atlanta, gave each student her ring, which had been blessed earlier in the day by the Rt. Rev. M. Augustine Moore, Abbot of the Trappist Monas tery at Conyers, at a special Mass in the Academy chapel, which was followed by a buffet breakfast. Front (1 to r) Mary Ann Lambert, Patricia Farrell, Cynthia Coleman. Rear - 1. to r. Lael Bairstow, Michaela Ruppert, Carol A. Aycock, Carol Marchman, Nina Stafford, Vivianne Jackson, Kathryn Kern, Patricia Weber, Carolyn Settoon, Pamela Parker Lizabeth Washburn. PROFESSOR ASSERTS: East Point Ford Co. Anglicans-Catholics Closer Result Of Vatican Council FORD TRUCKS FALCONS THUNDER BIRDS SALES SERVICE PARTS 2139 Main St. PL 3-2121 East Point, Ga. Look For Oscar CHICAGO, —An Anglican seminary professor said he welcomes "the thaw" which is bringing his communion closer to the Roman Catholic Church. Speaking at a Loyola Univer sity forum (Feb. 25), Reginald H. Fuller, professor of New Testament languages and liter ature at Seabury-Western The ological Seminary in Evanston, Ill., said the Second Vatican Council contributed greatly to the closer relations between Catholics and Anglicans. "We welcome the "thaw" in our relations resulting from the Vatican council’s invitation to send delegate-observers, from the fact that the council is to make reunion a subject of its deliberations and because of Archbishop Fisher’s visit to Pope John XXIII,” Fuller said. He referred to the visit in Dec ember 1960 of retired Anglican Shriver Honored PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 26 (NC)— Peace Corps director R. Sargent Shriver was honor ed here with the first annual Patriotic Award of the Bishop Griffin General Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Co lumbus. The award was accepted in behalf of Shriver by William P. Kelly, Jr., director of the Peace Corps division of contracts and logistics. Kelly was the main speaker at the K. of C. assem bly’s first annual patriotic ball and dinner. (Feb. 23). Archbishop Goeffrey F. Fisher, of Canterbury to the Pope. "It is significant that the council should be calledatall,” he continued. "It implies that one understanding of papal in fallibility is now officially ab andoned.” Anglicans have some reser vations about the council, Fuller said. He added: "We cannot ac cept it an ecumenical, but only as a domestic synod of the Ch urch, albeit a major part.’’ He said that several majordis- agreements between the two ch urches have been dissolved, but other continue. "But we have never lost sight of the goal of ultimate reunion with Rome,” the professor said. EXAMINING a long-lost altarpieo containing a portrait of President Kennedy as an angel (see inset) are Father Nicholas Maestrini, P.I.M.E., president of Maryglade College, major seminary of the P.I.M.E. Fathers in Memphis, Mich., and Brother Ronald Doneda, a college staff member who found the altarpiece. President Kennedy posed for the sculpture in 1939 while vacationing in Latvia. Skanrock Knittinp Mills Marietta, Georgia Phone: 428-9007 ST. JOSEPH’S INFIRMARY SODA FOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT LOCATED NEXT TO GIFT SHOP ON MAIN FLOOR IN NEW BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. TAX RETURNS TURNER AUDITING SERVICE 2355 MATHEWS ST, N.E. ATLANTA 19, GA. BROOKHAVEN CE 3-3584 By Appointment Only Nights and Weekends Dairii Queen plastic glass. Mon. Feb. 251 Thru Sunda March 3rd. LIMITED TIME ONLY Regularly 45< LIVE jT UP! enjoy a ROYAL TREAT % DAIRY QUEEN & BRAZI! of Chamblee 4879 Buford Hwy. Chamblee Phone: GL 7-3012 For Pick Up Orders