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About The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1963)
* i l 1 GEORGIA BULLETIN THURSDAY APRIL 11, 1963 PAGE 11 NCWC OFFICIAL Priest Sees Consensus Need For Contraception Laws Gregorio Pietro Cardinal Agagianian, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, gets an as sist from a Rome mason in putting relics into the altar at the chapel of the Divine Word missionaries at Nemi, south of Rome. Cardinal Agagianian was consecrating the chapel, part of a new retreat where SVD missionaries will spend six months of intellectual and spiritual renewal after years in the missions. BISHOP SAYS: Newman Apostolate Providential Bridge CORVALLIS, Ore (NC) — A bishop described the New man apostolate as a "provi dential bridge for spanning the gap between secular and reli gious knowledge." Bishop Francis P. Leipzing of Baker, Ore., spoke to de legates and chaplains from ten colleges and universities in Or egon and Washington at the Northwest province convention of Newman Clubs here. "THIS IS the time in your life when you must be search ing for the reasons underlying the doctrines of Faith which you have accepted on the autho rity of the Church alone," Bis hop Leipzing told Newmanites in a sermon during a Solemn Mass at which Portland’s Arch bishop Edward D. Howard pre sided. "Since we live in a plu ralistic society, the state tax- supported university and col lege cannot enter into the con troversy of revealed religion. The only available instrument (to make the history and logic and erudition of Catholicism av ailable on the secular campus) is the Newman apostolate," Bishop Leipzig said. HE POINTED to problems of Newman groups in having too little time for discussion and social action groups for stu dents carrying 16 to 18 class hours a semester. He said "perhaps, someday, our students will be able to take accredited courses through a Newman center to allevate this strain." SOUTH BEND, Ind. (RNS) — The Roman Catholic Church has no right' to impose its teachings on contraception on the nation’s citizenry unless there is public consensus against the practice, a Catholic family expert has declared. Father Henry V. Sattler, C. S.S.R., assistant director of the National Catholic Welfare Con ference’s Family Life Bureau, discussed “The Church, Con traception and the Law" in the April 6 issue of Ave Maria, a national Catholic weekly magazine published here. "A CONVINCED group of citizens may not impose a moral position upon the community unless it meets community con sent," Father Sattler stated in his article. He added, however: "The same convinced group of citizens may. . .propose their moral convictions for con sideration. But, that same con vinced group may and should oppose, by every legitimate means of persuasion, the use of public or private funds to spread a practice it deems immoral." Father Sattler went on to say that the democratic process permits every group of oppose what it feels will harm the common good. "CATHOLIC citizens, there fore, oppose, the use of public funds for the promotion of con traception," he said. "They oppose making world relief or government aid to dependent children conditioned upon the use of contraception." The Redemptorist also noted that Catholics are against the use of public funds for promot ion of birth control practices in highly populated areas. "They are convinced that, in the long run, contraception will prove more harmful to the free world than the present pressure of population expan sion," he said. Father Sattler remarked that the liquor prohibition in the U.S, in the *20’s failed because it did not actually represent the opinion of the majority. THE LAWMAKERS, he said, thought they were enacting a law backed by public opinion. After prohibition repeal, he said, those who believed that CARNEGIE FUND consumption of alcoholic bev erages is immoral "still re tained the right and duty to propose their ideal to as many as they could reach." In democracies, Father Sat tler said, problems about law arise when there is no general consensus of moral opinion. "In the United States today," he declared, "there is no public consensus on the morality or immorality of artificial con traception." Legislation on the subject can only be achieved* he observed, when there is a general consensus on its moral ity. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif (NC) The nationwide Carnegie study of Catholic education will seek information on attitudes of parents and students both in an out of Catholic schools. The opinion will be sought in the second part of the survey, according to Reginald A. Neu- wien, codirector of the study financed by the Carnegie Cor poration of New York and con ducted by Notre Dame Univer sity. NEUWEIN was here to talk with principals of local schools. San Francisco is one of 13 archdioceses and dioceses se lected for "in depth" studies. Neuwein said that the first part of the study, currently be gin tabulated, will be a broad picture of Catholic education’s size and quality. The intensive studies sche duled for the second part, he said will include interviews with parents of first, sixth and eigh th grade pupils on the goals they have in mind by provid ing their children a Catholic education. IN addition, parents of Catholic children enrolled in public schools will be asked why they did not choose a Cat holic school education for their children. Student thinking also will be part of the study. Eighth grade pupils and high school seniors will be asked to take a three- part test on their attitudes to ward school, he said. Latin America WANTS YOU There are now 150 men and women Papal Volunteers serving in twelve Latin American countries. Requests on hand at the beginning of 1963 call for 183 more as follows: Business Administrator- i man CdtechlStS— 1 woman, 2 men or women Catechetical and Social Welfare Workers- 2 men, 5 women Credit Union and Cooperative Organizers 2 men or women Community Development Organizers— 3 men, 6 women Communications Media Personnel: RADIO STATION ADMINISTRATORS- 6 men PUBLIC RELATIONS- 1 man Engineers and Technicians: RADIO TRANSMITTER MAINTENANCE- 2 men RADIO RECEIVER MAINTENANCE- 1 man CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECT— 1 man CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER- 1 man LINOTYPISTS— 2 men or women NEWSPAPER LAYOUT— 1 man PRESS OPERATION and MAINTENANCE-1 man Mechanics/Handymen- 2 men Medical Personnel: DOCTORS— 1 woman, 3 men or women DENTIST- 1 man NURSES— 16 women MEDICAL TECHNICIANS— 3 men or women PHARMACIST- 1 man Sailors (Coastal mission boat)— 2 men Secretary (English language)— 1 woman Social Workers (Juvenile program)— 3 men Teachers: ENGLISH LANGUAGE- 4 men, 11 women, 6 men or women VOCATIONAL and AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL- 16 man GRADE SCHOOL- 2 women HIGH SCHOOL (College Graduates)— 7 men, 11 women, 34 men or women UNIVERSITY (Sociology; Engineering; Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Social Work; Physics; Chemistry.)— 8 men, 9 men or women Youth Workers- 4 men (3 with counselling experience) Requests for persons in many other categories are being received continually. The above requests have been received from the following countries: Argentina, 5; Boliva, 13; Brazil, 61; British Honduras, 34; Chile, 14; Colombia, 11; Costa Rica, 2; Ecuador, 10; Guatemala, 2; Honduras, 2; Panama, 4; Peru, 25. Papal Volunteers sent by the Church of the United States serve for a three year period. Persons joining the program are trained in the language and culture of the country in which they serve. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Papal Volunteers for Latin America National Office 1300 South Wabash Avenue Chicago 5. Illinois Rev. Leonard F. X. Mayhew 204 Battle Street La Grange, Georgia CLASSIFIED APARTMENTS FOR RENT WHITE lady - widow will care for children in.vour home, any time. References. Phone: Tr 2-3766. SITUATION WANTED MALE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BOOKKEEPER desires im mediate employment. Experi enced all phases of general office routine. Type 45 Words per minute. Bouroughs Mach ine & Speed Posting. Compose own correspondence. Diversi fied duties welcomed. Phone: 874-6780. Education Study Will Ask Parents Views REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $450.00 Down, $108.75 FHA in cluding taxes & insurance. Old brick. 3 bedrooms, den, 11/2 baths. BU-4-2155 * * * 75 Acre farm. Henry county. 284-4532 ♦ * * Choice, lot. Stone Mountain. Acres Subdivison. 160 Foot frontage. 443-4186 *** Beautiful wooded lot near lake. Kenilworth Estates, 100x88x170 xl32. Owner will sacrifice for $2950.00 636-7336 NEED listings of Homes-Acre- age and Apartments. DR-7- 2101. Cunningham Realty Co., 2143 North Decatur Road. * * * NORTHEAST SECTION ASSUMPTION PARISH 4 Bedroom, 11/2 baths, den plus colored T. V., large kit chen, patio with fireplace. $21, 000. Owner 457-8528. BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERT ALTERATIONS OF ALL TYPES Men, Women & children. Reasonable Also dressmaking. Phone: Me 4- 8280. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Piano - Spinet style mirror. Small size. Nice finish. Pret ty white keys. Just been tuned, $100 DR 8-4473 * * * New Norelo 3-Speed shaver, Sa crifice. $15. Evenings - DR- 8- 6374 * * * Air Compressor - $125; Must selL 378-0050 * * * 3 Formals, Sizes 7, 9, 10, $10. ME-4-4370 * * * 9- Piece mahogany dining room suite, $125; 9x12 carpet with pad, $50; Drum table, $15; cof fee table, $10; coil springs, $10. BU-9-9164 * * * 3 Cushioned sofa, good con dition, reasonable. CE-7-6269 * * * China cabinets, desks, Hutch top, Harvest tables, telephones. HI-3-7888 * * * Claimet, trombone and stand. Good condition. All for $75.00 Pair Girls' shoe skates, Size 5, Like new, $10. 284-3614 **• $1 per day rental for electric carpet shampooer with pur chase of Blue Lustre. Belk- Gallant Company. *** Boys white coat, Size 14. Per fect condition, $5 373-6158 *** Large office desk, oak. $12. 443-7596 * * * Ladies Amelia Earhart train case, Like new, $5. DR-8-6374 Evenings • * * Formica top bar & 2 barstools. Window fan, Best offer. 289- 7958 • * * Dining room table & 6 chairs, Italian Provincial by Drexel. Reasonable. Also Kenmore electric range, $50. BU-9-2195 * * * Playhouse-Unfurnished. 6 ft. x 8 ft. Well built, $85. See at 445 Ashburton Avenue. BU-4- 6727 * * * Large mahogany Empire side board. Call Mrs. Clark after 7 P.M. DR-3-6833 • * * Regency style sofa in good con dition, $50. 284-5914 * * * Table - with extension, for mica top, 4 chairs, $10. DR- 7-6723 * * * Three Quarter roll-a-way bed, $15; Leather top mahogany coffee table, $10. 284-2446 * * • Chairs, chest of drawers, $10; mattress springs, metal frame, headboard, spreads, $25. DR- 7-6030 • * * Love seat & 2 chairs, $125,00; Chrome table & 4 chairs, $40. DR 8-4755 *** Bedspread, Kodak, $3. Rose ville Pottery, 16" Urns. ME 4- 3958 **• Trailer Hitch for 62’ Chevrolet, $5. ME 6-4284 *** One set of Golf clubs, bag and cart, $50. DR 7-4352 *** Full length pink peau-de-soie formal. Size 9, Worn once. BU 9-7061 *** Unused Village Square fruit- wood frame mirror. 32x40. $22. 377-8871 *** Mattresses, two twin bed, firm, Practically new. Reasonable. ME 4-0712 *** Couch for sale, good condition, DR 8-5066 after 6 p.m. NORTHEAST SECTION 4 BEDROOM, 2/ 2 BATHS Den with fireplace, screened porch, basement. Walk to As su mption School. Near Marist and D’Youville. Shade trees on lot HO x400. $31.500. Phone: CE3- 2748. HELP WANTED MALE LIFE INSURANCE CAREER 105 year old company has established debits in Atlanta area. High school graduate 25- 40. Will train. Position permanent. Guaranteed salary plus commission. All interviews confidential. MONUMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1371 Peachtree N. E. Phone: 876-7074. Atlanta, Georgia. SALESMAN Mr. Salesman are you tired of your present job ? Wanting to make a change ? If you are aggressive, and willing to work. I want to talk to you. Immediate opening for experienced salesman to service establish ed accounts. Must have own car. Send resume to P.O.Box 11667, Northside Station, Atlanta 5, Georgia. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE FEMALE Clerk Typist - Age 21-45 $225 Up Secretary - Shorthand, Age 25-40 $335 Legal Secretary - Age 25-35 Open Clerical-No typing, Age 18-25 $225 Dictaphone Typist $240 Senior Typist $265 MALE Design Engineer (4) Open Sales-Relocate, Potential $10,000 Industrial Public Relations $7,500 Up industrial Sales-Local Open Mathematician-Age 25 to 35 Open Sale - Age 25 to 33, $650 Plus College Graduate Acct. Executive, Age 35 to 45 $ 8,500 Up Asst. Sales Manager - Food Experience $10,000 Artist (Layout and Paste Up) $ 500 Art Director - Strong in Home Open Furnishings MARKETING SERVICES Inc. Executive Search Dept. Decatur Federal Build ing Decatur, Georgia Phone: DR 8-7528 Send or Phone Your Classified Advertising To The Georgia Bulletin P.O. Box 11667-Northside Station Atlanta 5, Georgia Phone: 231-1281 Ads accepted by phone, mail and at the office up to Monday, 5 p.m 3 line MINIMUM CHARGE Count 5 Average Words to a Line RATES 25 p per line 4 Consecutive times with no copy change DISPLAY CLASSIFIED (WITH BOADER) $1.00 PER INCH Legal Notices 50 p Deaths In Memoriam 50p Acknowledgment 50p PUBLISHED WEEKLY Print your classified ad on this form. Slip it into an envelope along with remittance and sent it to: THE GEORGIA BULLETIN Classified Department Your Name. Address. City. . .State.