Newspaper Page Text
diocese of Atlanta
VOL. 1 NO, 29
9Tfye ^ctfool
Under the Patronage oi
The Most Rev.
Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan
Director of School
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. O'Connor
Director of Vocations
Two Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Mr. Glenn Davis
August 1 - August 23 inclusive
Class Hours Each Day
9:00 AM - 9:50 PM
10:00 AM - 10:50 PM
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
The Latin School Program
Thursday, August 1, 9:00 AM Opening Mass,
His Excellency the Most Reverend Arch
Registration of Students
Division of Groups: 1 and H Beginners,
III Upperclassmen
Friday, August 2, 9:00 AM Regular Classes
10:00 AM Regular Classes
11:00 AM Confessions for those who wish
to receive Communion
11:15 AM First Friday Mass
First Week. August 5 through August 9,
Class Schedule: 9:00-9:50, 10-00-10-50,
The 11;00 Class on Friday will be a
Special Program
Second Week. August. 12 through August
16, Class Schedule: Same as above *
Third Week, Auaust 19 through August 23,
Class Schedule: Same as above
♦Thursday, August 15 is a Holy Day of
Obligation. There will be no school.
There will be school on August 16.
Bus Schedule: Bus departs daily 8:20 AM
from St. Joseph High School, 320 Court-
land Street, N.E., Atlanta. Arrives St.
Pius X at 8:50 AM.
Leaves St, Pius X at 12:00 Noon, reaches
St. Joseph’s at 12:30 PM.
No Charge for attendance at THE LATIN
Latin Assignment books will be made avail
able and are to be purchased by the students.
These books for the most part will be used
by the students in their courses during the
regular school year.
English 40 Hours
Said In Ohio
Pastors in the Roman Catho
lic Diocese of Cleveland were
given permission to conduct
Forty Hours devotion in Eng-
Archbishop Edward F. Ho-
ban, in a letter to all priests,
said the use of English was
permissive and not obligatory.
The Diocesan Liturgical
Commission has prepared Eng
lish translations of the tradi
tional Pange Lingua pro
cessional hymn, the litany of
saints, and several psalms or
dinarily said in Latin,
ONLY the hymn, Tantum Er
go, and several sung prayers
will remain in Latin if the
priests decide to use their Eng
lish permission.
Archbishop Hoban, in grant
ing the privilege, said that five
parishes in the Cleveland dio
cese had used the English in
experiments this past spring
and the congregation and priests
were happy with the results.
FORTY HOURS devotion
dates back at least 400 years.
It consists of 40 hours of ex
position of the Blessed Sacra
ment. Usually a parish has
the devotion once a year, open
ing it on Friday and closing on
Sunday, or opening it on Sun
day and closing it on Tuesday.
$5.00 PER YEAR
PONTIFICAL REQUIEM MASS was offered on Monday, July 15th, at the Cathedral of Christ
the King by Archbishop Hallinan for the late Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara, Apostolic Delegate
to Great Britain. Archbishop O'Hara had served as Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta from 1936 to
1956. The sermon was delivered by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph E. Moylan P. A., V.G. Pastor of
Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Atlanta.
St. Joseph’s Infirmary
Graduates 44 Nurses
His Excellency, the Most Re
verend Paul J. Hallinan, Arch
bishop of Atlanta, will preside
at the sixty-first graduation ex
ercises of St. Joseph’s Infir
mary School of Nursing today,
at 5 p.m. at Sacred Heart
Church. Archbishop Hallinan
will also address the gradua
ting class.
In 1900 a formal training
school was established as an
integral part of the hospital.
The program at that time was
a two year school of nursing.
The first class of 1902 gra
duated only five nurses; today,
sixty-one years later, forty-
four nurses will receive their
graduate pins and diplomas af
ter successfully completing a
thirty-six months course of stu
Among the forty-four to gra
duate on July 25 will be Mr.
Denson C. McKoy, of Barnes-
ville, Georgia. Mr. McKoy is
the fifth male nurse to gra
duate from St. Joseph's.
Diplomas will be conferred
upon the following: Mary Lulse
Ackerman, Atlanta; Mary Fran
ces Anderson, August; Pat
ricia Nan Banister, Atlanta;
Joan Ellen Biddulph, Atlanta;
Sandra Elaine Brown, Atlanta;
Mary Frances Campbell, Atlan
ta; Dolores Marie Carmichael,
Atlanta; Carole Chappell, Cor-
dele; Sandra Marie Clarke, De
catur; Mary Elizabeth Colquitt,
Thomaston; Diane Marie Davey,
Atlanta; Beverly Bruce De-
Loach, Atlanta; Frances Gene
vieve Felter, Cuyahoga Falls,
Ohio; Anita Harrison Gegan,
Atlanta; Ylonda Mary Harbin,
Decatur; Mary Johnson Hard
ing, Foley, Alabama; Tabitha
Christine Hart, Decatur; Caro-
lee Ann Joseph, Nokomis, Flo
rida; Carolyn Annettee Kidd,
Atlanta; Diane Marie LaBudde,
Atlanta; Maxine Lowe, Colum
bia, South Carolina; Nancy Lou
ise McCray, Atlanta; Elizabeth
Marie McDonald, East Point;
Denson Colquitt McKoy, Bar-
nesville; Virginia Elinor Micou,
Jacksonville, Florida; Barbara
Louise Moore, Atlanta; Ruth
Alice Morris, Chamblee; Mary
Louise Nerney, Atlanta; Joanne
Pacific!, Savannah; Patricia
Helen Reardon, Chamblee; Pat-
Roman Catholic priests and a
Protestant clergyman will give
their impressions of the Second
Vatican Council on four con
secutive Sundays over The Ca
tholic Hour series on the NBC-
TV network in August.
James O’Gara, managing edi
tor of Commoweal, a weekly
magazine edited by Catholic
laymen, will be host on the
taped series, entitled "Conver
sations on the Council". Ineach
program, he will interview one
of the churchmen.
LEADING off the series, Aug.
4, will be Dr. Frederick Grant,
one of three Anglican delegate-
observers at the Council’s first
session. A noted Bible scholar,
Dr. Grant is former dean of
Seabury - Western Theological
Seminary (Protestant Episco
pal) in Evanston, Ill., and a
former professor at Union The
ological Seminary here.
ricia Lee Robinson, Marietta;
Barbara Joyce Schiesl, East
Point; Lynda Marie Schladen-
huffen, Atlanta; Ann Marie
Schroer, Atlanta; Laura Mary
Shemweil, Albany; Mary Cath-
rlne Simpson, Valdosta; Jane
Elizabeth Spencer, Atlanta;
Jacqueline Ann Stiller, Decatur;
Judy Kay Sulfridge, Harrogate,
Tennessee; Mary Colette
Thompson, Amisvllle, Vir
ginia; Mary Anne Wilder, Ce-
dartown; Carolyn Marie Yates,
Jonesboro, Arkansas.
The Catholic priests to be
interviewed on the following
Sundays—Aug. 11, 18, and 25
— are: Father Gregory Baum,
O.S.A., of Toronto, editor of
the Paulist Fathers’ publica
tion, The Ecumenist; Father
Frederick McManus, a leader
of the Catholic liturgical move
ment and consultant to the
Council’s Commission on litur
gy; and Father Edward J. Duff,
S.J., professor of sociology and
ecclesiology at the Jesuit House
of Studies, Weston, Mass.
A noted scholar and expert
on ecumenical matters, Father
Duff will serve as special cor
respondent for Religious News
Service when the Council re
convenes Sept. 29
The Catholic Hour, an NBC
Public Affairs presentation, is
produced in cooperation with
the National Council of Catho
lic Men.
Priests, Minister
To Discuss Council
Three Faiths Back
Rights Legislation
Spokesmen for three major Cat
holic, Protestant and Orthodox,
and Jewish agencies backed the
administration’s civil rights
program in a joint statement
to a House Judiciary subcom
They called for racial justice
"now" and said that "what is
right, both in terms of basic
morality and in terms of our
democratic ideals, must be
granted without delay,”
THEIR SUPPORT extended to
the administration’s controver
sial proposal to bar discrimin
ation in privately-owned public
accommodations, such as hotels
and restaurants. They said the
property right is not an abso
lute right but must yield to hig
her considerations.
The statement was submitted
to a Judiciary subcommittee,
which is weighing the adminis
tration’s requestfor civil rights
legislation, by the social action
departments of the National
Council of Churches, the Nati
onal Catholic Welfare Con
ference, and the Synagogue
Council of America.
IT WAS presented by Dr. Eu
gene Carson Blake, Stated Clerk
(chief executive officer) of the
United Presbyterian Church;
(Father John F. Cronin, S. S„
assistant director of theNCWC
Social Action Department; and
Rabbi Irwin M. Blank of the
Synagogue Council. The actual
presentation was made by Dr.
The religious leaders’ state
ment stressed the "Urgency of
legislative action now” to re
medy racial Injustices.
"We are in the midst of a so
cial revolution,” they said,
"Please God it will remain a
social revolution and not de
generate into civil chaos. But
let us not understimate the de
mand for justice regardless of
color, race or national origin.
"What is right, both in terms
of basic moralityand in terms of
our democratic Ideals, must be
granted without delay. The time
is past for tokenism or demands
for endless patience.
"We must move firmly,
rapidly and courageously
toward goals which our cons
ciences assure us are right and
‘necessary. We can do no less
for God and country.”
THE religious leaders re
viewed the Kennedy administra
tion’s proposals for civil rights
legislation point by point and
endorsed each one.
The administration program
contains provisions to protect
voting rights, bar discriminat
ion in public accommodations,
authorize the Attorney General
to institute school desegregat
ion suits, establish a commu
nity relations service, ex
tend for four years the Civil
Rights Commission, prevent
discrimination in public accom
modations, authorize the Attor
ney General to institute sc
hool desegregation suits, estab
lish a community relations ser
vice, extend for four years
the Civil Rights Commission,
prevent discrimination in fede
rally opportunity.
On the controversial public
accommodations proposal, the
religious leaders noted that dis
crimination in such facilities
is barred by local laws in many
places. Enactment of a Federal
law for the same purpose "is
not a drastic step," they said.
"Nor is it an invasion of pro
perty rights as some have clai
med,” they added. "Neither law
nor morality sanction the con
cept of the absolute right of
property. Both insist that the
property owner must use his
property in a socially respon
sible fashion.
"We have zoning laws, traffic
ordinances, license and in
spection requirements as well
as scores of other rules and
regulations that currently en
force the concept of socially
responsible ownership. If we
can protect citizens against the
injury caused by blaring tele
vision sets, surely we can give
equal protection against the
deep affront and humila-
tion caused by racial discrim
ination in public accommod
THE RELIGIOUS leaders also
declared that "'many church
bodies” would support even
broader civil rights measures
than those contained in the ad
ministration program.
Specifically, they said, many
religious groups would back a
tough fair employment pract
ices bill, as well as training,
•counselingsand placement ser
vices for "economically depri
ved" persons.
The religious leaders gave
major emphasis to the need for
immediate action on civil
rights, echoing the call for jus
tice "now” that has become a
rallying slogan in current civil
rights campaigns.
US-Vatican Ties
Asked In House
An appeal for the "widest pos
sible discussion" of a proposal
that the United States extend
diplomatic recognition to the
Vatican by sending an ambassa
dor to the papal court has been
made here by Rep. Roman C.
Pucinski (D.-Ill,),
Mr. Pucinski placed in the
Congressional Record the full
text of the recent article by C.
L. Sulzberger of the New York
Times urging that the United
States join other nations which
maintain diplomatic missions
at the Vatican.
"THERE is considerable
merit to his observation that
the United States exchange en
voys with tiny states through
out the world of considerably
less importance that Vatican
City," Mr. Pucinski told the
"SURELY, the Vatican today
stands as one of the world's
impressive forums for the ex
change of views and ideas in
man's unyielding search for
peace and understanding," he
ARCHBISHOP PAUL J. HALLINAN of Atlanta is pictured as he walked in procession to the
Cathedral for the Pontifical Requiem Mass offered for the late Archbishop Gerald P. O’Hara.
Pictured left to right are the Very Rev. John J. O'Shea V.F., Archbishop Hallinan, and the Rev.
Michael McKeever.