The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, August 01, 1963, Image 3

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 GEORGIA BULLETIN PAGE 3 This Ad Worth SOt ON ALL/fYPES Of gLECTR IC AL EP MRS AT Home & Hobby Shop BELMONT HILLS SHOPPING CENTER PHONE: 435.-5122 R. S. SEELEY, MGR. PRIEST OBSERVER REPORTS Faith And Order Conference Hailed As Important Unity Contribution Ed Curtin Now Featuring For 22nd DYNAMIC WEEK BOBBY LONERO QUINTET —- PLUS — ALLEN COLLAY DUO FROM 5:00 TO 7:00 P.M DANCE AT THE SANS SOUCI 750 WEST P’TREE TR. 5-4251 The author of this analysis of the fourth international meeting of the World Council of Chur ches’ Faith and Order Com mission was received into the Catholic Church in 1955 after serving for 16 years in the Anglican ministry in England. Since 1959 he has worked at the Catholic Inquiry Forum in Montreal. He is a frequent lec turer on ecumenical subjects. Otiantait motor hotel • TV A Al CONDITIONING • PAMOUi AMI BUFFET • 1C* A BE emaOE STATION* • COFFEI AKER, EACH ROOM LUCK Hi />i coni , i A Gootl AdOcss in All mi.i HYBERT • PAINTING • lithographing COMPANY TRinity 5-4727 550 FORREST ROAD, N. E. Srvieg Atlanta Sintt 1912 ATLANTA, GEORGIA W^tfish Kins FAMOUS ALL-PURPOSE DRESSING DELICIOUS ON { SalaMeate^eaM "SOLD AT LEADING STORES" FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION- RENT FORMAL WEAR from O'Kelley's, Inc. Icnl your cnfirt Formal Wear Wordrobt. b'KclIcy'l feature* o complete line of hand- ime Men s and Boy'i Formal attire. '$0 Bridal Gowns, Veil*, Bridesmaids drones d Hoopi. Cocktail dresses and Formal! I all other occasions. O’Kelley’s, Inc. 23 Mitchell St., S.W., Atlanta 3, Go. Established 1919 JA. 2-9960—JA. 1-0421 Notice W<ve Moved To Our New Location At 142 RHODES HAVERTY BLDG. Where Instance is a Profession, Not a Sidene SITTER & McLELLAN JA 5-20S6 SI RANGE BUT TRU -i ttle -Known By M. J. MURRAY E Facts For Catholics CopyHfht, 1963, N.C.W.C. Ntwi Btrvkt OU statue OF 9T FRANCE ISV r OF A RUINED tVfST OF IRELAND. By Father Walton Hannah MONTREAL, (NC) — Ther mometers in Montreal rose to the 90s and there was a near total eclipse of the sun during the Faith and Order conference which finished July 26, after two weeks of intensive ecumeni cal study, but these were not the factors which caused both delegates and visitors to take a slow and cautious view of the ac tual progress made toward Christian unity at this great gathering. Speech after speech empha sized the near-miracle of such conferences taking place at all. That Pentecostals and Greek Orthodox and the Salvation Army and Malabar Mar Tho- -mans could all meet together in the lecture halls of McGill Uni versity and eat together in the common cafeteria of the stu dents’ residences where they were housed, discussing with frankness and charity' and great good humor their agreements and differences, is indeed a re markable achievement. AS PAUL EMILE Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, has said, "such congresses are more than mere international meetings: the Holy Spirit is certainly at work in these as semblies.” The Vernier scale attached 7b Sextants and other graduated instruments was named after, the Catholic Pierre vernier, who Published a treatise describing the device in RDiiooci c» iVni 7! Soon after. Converting Tvif N ANGLO-SAXON ' king ethelbert AT -mr END OF THE 6? CCN-nJRV, STVUJGUS71NE- OF CANTERBURY OFFICIATED at the MASS BAPTISM OF 10,000 OF His Subjects in -mr R/VER. SWALE. our. ladvs Psalter is an OLD NAME FOR THE ROSARY DEVOTION. THIS ELABORATE HOOD-CUT DECORATED A MEDIEVAL Book of rosary meditations. The ecumenical movement marks the break-down of old Reformation and Counter Re formation attitudes, and a new epoch in Christian history. This in itself is a truly remarkable achievement. However, the three previous Faith and Order conferences of this century were characteriz ed by similar sentiments and speeches, and by the same spi rit of charity and good will. HOWEVER FAR off the goal of Christian unity appears to be, these four, conferences have certainly a great educational value, not only for the delegates and visitors but for the general public in the member-churches. The will for unity', without which no unity is possible, is clearly strengthening. The va rious Christian bodies are at least learning to do together in the World Council of Churches all those things which they are not compelled by conscience to do separately. But to what extent have the deliberations at Montreal fur thered the cause? Has any real advance been made? Yes, to some extent. Dr. Paul S. Minear of Yale University, director of the Faith and Order staff, claimed that "we have achieved a remarkable suc cess.’’ But he modified his op timism by admitting that there had also been many failures, "because we have dealt with the deepest divisions and attempted too much too quickly.” THE CONFERENCE, he said, represents a "colossal combi nation of collisions in the theo logical field.” There were two factors, not present at Lund, Sweden, in 1952 or any of the previous conferences, which I think have tended to slow things down. One is thoroughly healthy and ultimately all to the good—the wider representation of differ ing traditions at Montreal. It is well known that the World Council of Churches increased its membership significantly at New Delhi in 1961 by the admis sion of certain Pentecostal groups. It also greatly streng thened the Orthodox represen tation by admitting the churches of Russia and the Balkans hi therto excluded by the Iron Curtain. Their representatives were very much in evidence and were warmly welcomed at Montreal, but it was noticeable that they were less in touch with ecu menical theology and western theological trends in general than the Orthodox delegates of Western Europe and America. THE OTHER new factor was the increased influence at Mon treal of German theologian Ru dolf Bultmann’s "de-mytholo- gizing* *’ school among the Ger man theologians, which appears to be spreading among the An glicans too. There is nothing new about the little book, "Hon est to God,” by Anglican Bis hop John Robinson of Woolwich, England, that has not long been available to scholars in the Eng lish language, but this very popular pastiche of Heidegger's existentialism, B o n ho ef- fer, Bultmann, and Tillich is en joying an enormous circulation and was well stocked at the con ference bookshop. The Orthodox seemed frank ly bewildered by this trend. "We thought we understood Protestantism," one of their theologians said to me, "but this Bultmann influence has us frankly bewildered and we don’t know where we are." It is too early as yet to as sess fully the reports from the five sections which met sepa- ragely during the conference to consider the church, Tradition, the ministry, worship, and lo cal unity. I divided my time among all five sections, and was therefore able to get a certain overall picture, but could not of course follow any one section through. SOME PROGRESS toward unity was certainly evident in the section on worship, for many of the Protestant traditions are rediscovering the value and beauty of liturgy. But there were sharp divisions on the sacra ments, particularly Baptism and the Holy Eucharist. The most significant pro gress was recorded in the sec tion devoted to Tradition. A dis- tiention was drawn between Tradition with a capital "T" and traditions with asmall"t”L a considerable convergence was achieved, as Protestant bodies seemed more willing to take a self-critical look at their own denominational histories and to see them less In isolation. A new respect for Tradition was very evident, which pro mises to lessen the gap be tween Catholic and Protestant positions. Orthodox influence was very strong in this sec tion; the report acknowledges that "for the first time in the Faith and Order dialogue, the Eastern Orthodox and the other Eastern churches have been strongly represented in our meetings. A new dimension of Faith and Order has opened up, and we only begin to see its future possibilities." THE NEW look at the rela tionship between Scripture and Tradition, which had been de bated at the Vatican council in Rome, was also seen as a sig nificant influence. The Catholic impact was very much stronger than at any pre vious conference. In addition to the five Vatican observers, some 30 or 40 priests came as visitors or representing various organs of the Catholic press. Msgr. Jan Willebrands, sec retary to Augustin Cardinal Bea's Secretariat for Promot ing Christian Unity, was him self In Montreal for a few days of the conference, and said Mass for God’s guidance of the con ference. As non-members, Ca tholics did not speak in section meetings unless asked for their viewpoint,, but they were asked frequently. Father Bernard Lambert, P. P., of Quebec, in particular made a very valuable contribu tion in Section 5 on local unity, which received the unusual tri bute of spontaneous applause. He made the point that "even if the Roman Catholic Church does not belong to the World Council, it does belong to the ecumenical movement." THIS WAS felt by most dele gates to be a new and very wel come departure, and many tri butes were paid to the ecumeni cal initiatives of Pope John XX- IIL Father Gregory Baum, O.S. A., of Toronto conducted a live ly press conference on Rome’s attitude to ecumenism in gene ral and the World Council of Churches in particular, and Fa ther Raymond Brown, S.S., pro fessor of Sacred Scriptures at St. Mary’s Seminary,Baltimore, made history by being the first Roman Catholic ever to address a plenary session of Faith and Order. His paper on the Church in the New Testament made an excellent impression, and showed that Catholic Biblical scholarship has now caught up with the best that Protestants have to offer in this field. CARDINAL Leger scored a magnificent personal triumph at an ecumenical gathering at the University of Montreal July 21. "It is in truth and charity that we must carry our task," he said to a packed auditorium, "for as Cardinal Bea has said, truth without charity becomes intolerable and repels; charity without truth is blind and does not endure." Here and there a critical note was struck, but perhaps that was only to be expected. Roger Mehl of the French Re formed Church in Strasbourg reechoed a sharp criticism made at New Delhi of the Ro man Catholic legislation on mixed marriages. Dr. Hans Harms, a German Lutheran, read a rather unhelp ful paper on the dialogue with Rome, which recalled some earlier statements of Benedict XV and Pius XI condemning MEDICARE DEBATE Catholic participation in ecu menism. HE SEEMED to wonder if Rome had really changed her attitude, or whether the "thaw" was on the surface only, espe cially in view of her ceaseless proselytism. It did not seem to occur to Dr. Harms that perhaps it was the ecumenical movement which had changed since those early days, when others besides Pius XI had reason to fear that it might de velop into pan-Protestant in- differentism. Father Sarkassian, a Leba nese Armenian, commented on Dr. Harms’ paper as a "rea listic document," and added his own criticisms of the "uniate churches” as a historic error which had set up an ecclesias tical iron curtain between any East and West rapproachement. Most of the delegates, how ever, seemed rather uncomfor table about these sallies, and in general the significance of Ca tholic participation in Faith and Order was keenly appreciated. The reports from the various sections will be transmitted to the member-churches for study and to the Faith and Order Com mission, a body of 120 people meeting next year in Cyprus, for appropriate action. SO FAR the only official do cument of the whole conference is a "Word to the Churches" which askes some searching questions and makes fair ap praisal of the Montreal venture. "Our task in Faith and Order today," it reads, "is more com plex than it ever was. More churches now take part in the conversation, so that new and costly efforts of understanding and imagination are necessary ...More contact with Roman Ca tholicism enables us to share in its own self-appraisal, which puts questions to the rest of Christendom. More interests have had to be included in our agenda, so that we could only touch the fringes of our task..; Theological debates have an in sidious tendency to be self-en- closed. But we all pray that our work may indeed be of service to God in His love for all His world, so that the unity of the church may not be for our sakes but for the sake of Him and His children." Press Executive Asks AMA Apology NEW YORK, (NC)—The exe cutive secretary of the Catho lic Press Association has de scribed recent criticism of the Catholic press by the president of the American Medical Asso ciation as "unfair and inacu- curate". and has asked for an apology. In a letter to Dr. Edward Annis of Miami, AMA presi dent, James A. Doyle, head of the CPA’s national office here, refers to remarks by Dr. An nis which characterized an edi torial in a Catholic newspaper as "typical of the distortion of Nun Asks ’Best’ Church Colleges PORTSMOUTH, L L, (NC) — Sister M. Madeleva, a for mer college president,said here she favors the elimination of primary and secondary paroch- ian schools if this would make Catholic colleges the best in the country. The former president of St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Ind., said that a basic goal of Catholic education is to Christ ianize and humanize the world, and tills end is best achieved by high quality college education. Sister Madeleva spoke at a seminar on Christian hum anism sponsored by the Spiri tual Life Institute of America at Elmhurst Academy here. the Catholic press." DOYLE WROTE in his let ter: "It is simply not a fac that distortion characterize the Catholic press. What is ty pical of Catholic publication is a never-ending search fo truth — a regular and constat effort to apply the fundament* truths of the Catholic Faith t all those aspects of social lif today which are the legitimat concern of all people and ai publications." Dr. Annis made his remark recently in commenting on a editorial In the Catholic Sta Herald, newspaper of the Cam den, N.J., diocese. The news paper was critical of the AMA’ opposition to Medicare, Presi dent Kennedy’s proposal fo hospital care of the aged unde the Social Security program DOYLE SAID: "If Catholi publications happen to disagre with your feelings and say sc that’s not distortion— that’ democracy — and it’s typical c the freedom of expression an the freedom of the press we al want to guard most jealously.' "I think you owe our Catholi press an apology," Doyle wrote "and we would be happy to givi you the opportunity — in ou: association publication — to se the record straight, so that our Editors and publishers will knov that you know then well enougl to characterize them properl; — as honest, fair, inquirinj journalists, seeking after trutl in a variety of important areai of American life today." Archbishop’s Note Book For the past two weeks, there has been one "top event" of the day, to be given special priority- in the midst of correspondence, phone calls, informal confer ence and those "drop-in" vi sits that brighten an archbis hop’s life every time. For ex ample, one afternoon lastweek, as I was going over some fi nancial reports, a young lady aged 5 1/2, red haired and freckled, stopped in—just to see if I was "doing O.K.”. After her pleasant visit even the financial report seemed cheerful. The "top events" went some thing like this: SUN. JULY21: open-air Mass at Ignatius House, facing a con gregation of people who have learned the meaning of the phrase, "the life of the Spi rit". Father Hein, in a brief report, appraised the past, pre sent and future of the Retreat House—and, to me, all three looked very good. MON. JULY 22: appointment with a group of mothers, apos tles all, who want to expand the scope of Our Lady’s Day School work. This, of course, is for children unable to do regular school work. Some call them "retarded", some "exception al”. Another fine term for such a child— "a genius of the heart". Sister M. Venard, R.S. M., has done wonderful work for a class of about fifteen. Can we help more? TTJES. JULY 23; conference and lunch with members of the Atlanta Housing Authority. These helpful men know the city and its future, and their advice is indispensable. We are blessed in Atlanta with courte ous, well-informed officials. WED. JULY 24: to Philadel phia to attend the funeral of our own beloved Archbishop O’Ha ra. In a beautiful sermon, Bis hop Hyland carefully and elo quently outlined the farflung la bors of this great prelate. His heart was always in Georgia, and it was good to have our archdiocese represented by Ab bot Augustine Moore, Msgr. Moylan, Msgr. O’Connor, and Fr. Stapleton. May the Archbis hop have eternal rest; may perpetual light shine upon him. THURS JULY 25: lunch with our three deacons, the Reverend Messrs. Scherer, Dannekerand Morris as their seven-week "apprentice-ship" came to a close. They compared bap tisms, sermons, pastoral vi sits and so on, and agreed that it gave them many an insight into parish work. FRL JULY 26: meeting with the Protestant and Jewish cler gymen of the Greater Atlanta area. "Religion and Race" is the objective of our council. The hope is to bring a greater reli gious impact to bear on our community so that the basic ele ment in racial settlements will be the moral one. SAT JULY 27: the ordination of a subdeacon, (Fr. Hilary), at the Trappist Monastery. Holy Orders is a bishop’s favorite Sacrament because he sees the hands of Mother Church being multiplied. In between were a hundred other details of local Catholic life: a convent being built at Our Lady of Lourdes’ parish; ap pointments with our Catholic Hospital administration; look ing over property for various parochial and archdiocesan projects; an occasional "mar riage case", and getting a lec ture ready for die World Con ference of Methodists Aug. 5 at Lake Janaluska, N. C. Oh-oh, here comes another visitor I Freckled and red-hair ed too, only this one Is a boy. "How’s everything, Archbis hop 1" "Fine, just fine." (^CuuS^* %{*£&** Paul J. Hallinan Archbishop of Atlanta MOVING? PLEASE NOTIFY US SEND US THIS NOTICE TODAY: THE GEORGIA BULLETIN ' P.O. BOX 11667- NORTHSIDE STATION ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA NEW ADDRESS: name ADDRESS ■ CITY ZONE OLD ADDRESS: NAME ' ADDRESS CITY' ZONE ST. JOSEPH’S INFIRMARY SODA FOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP AND RESTAURANT LOCATED NEXT TO GIFT SHOP ON MAIN FLOOR IN NEW BUILDING ATLANTA, GA. St. Jude Solemn Novena Aagust 10 thr* 18,1963 Al* Sr Jude, “the S, nf of the Impouible" lot help. Send yout peM'Ont to the National Shrme of Sr. Jude todey. A GIFT WILL BE SENT TO THOSE TAKING PART IN THE SOLEMN NOVENA MARK PtTITIONS, FILL IN, CLIP AND MAIL D£A» FATHER ROBERT: PLEASE PLACE MY PETITIONS BEFORE THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF ST. JUDE IN THE COMING NOVENA: □ HAPPY MARRIAGE □ THANKSGIVING B CONVERSION OF RUSSIA Q _________ WORLD PEACE Q RETURN TO SACRAMENTS . FOR THE CLARETIAN SEMINARY BUILDING FUND. □ EMPLOYMENT □ PEACE OF Ml NO □ financial help I ENCLOSE $ Name _ Address City Zone State MAIL TO: NATIONAL SHRINK OF ST. JUDE 221 Wect Madison Street, Sec. Chicago 6, Illinois