Newspaper Page Text
Susan Schiller And Frank DeLisle
United In Double Ring Ceremony
Susan Roberta Schiller,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert EXmn Schiller, became the
bride of Frank Patrick DeLisle,
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. De
Lisle, September 21 at the Ca
thedral of Christ the King. Rev
erend Noel Bertenshawofficiat-
ed at the Nuptial Mass.
The bride was given in mar-
Sisters' Day At
Scout Camp
Twenty-nine Sisters from six
Convents attended the first Sis
ter's Day sponsored by the
Archdiocesan Committee for
Catholic Scouting, at the Bert
Adams Scout Reservation near
Although the rain caused can
cellation of outdoor events, the
Sisters enjoyed demonstrations
and talks presented in the mas
sive Woodruff dining hall at the
Reservation. A few Sisters even
ventured throu^t the rain to see
our rustically set Catholic Cha
pel at the Reservation. Others
had to be satisfied with the
model of the Chapel available
at the camp... ,••*#**»
A tasty ham dinner was pre
pared and served by
Staley, Weldon and Vidosic,
wives of Committee members.
The program arranged by the
Committee was conducted by
Father R. B. Morrow, Diocesan
Director, Dr. J. P. Vidosic,
Chairman and several other
Ed Curtin
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riage by her father. She wore a
gown of bridal taffeta with ap
pliques of Venetian lace with
seeded pearls . Her matching
pill box hat with veil was trim
med in seeded pearls. She car
ried a pearl Rosary which her
mother used when she was mar
ried. Her bouquet was of white
Mrs. Edward B. Baylin was
matron of honor and wore a gown
of emerald green brocade.
Mr. De Lisle was his son's
best man. Ushers were William
Schiller, brother of the bride,
and William Yates, brother-
in-law of the bridegroom.
The bride's mother wore a
turquoise lace dress with mat
ching accessories. The groom's
mother wore a toast brown
crepe dress with matching ac
cessories. Both mothers had
white orchids.
The reception followed in the
Cathedral Center. Miss Char
lotte Williams, kept the bride's
book. Misses Carol and Diane
De Lisle, sisters of the groom,
Miss Cynthia Wallace and Miss
Nancy Kennon assisted in ser
Upon returning from their
wedding trip the couple will
live in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Two St. Gerard's
Girls Join Order
Two Fort Oglethorpe girls,
Miss Judy Burke and Miss Carol
Sue Keck, took part recently in
a special ceremony marking
their entry into the novitiate of
the School Sisters of Notre
Dame, Baltimore. Fr. Laurence
Murphy, C. SS.R., pastor of St.
Gerard's , Fort Oglethorpe,
conducted the service.
Miss Burke, one of nine chil
dren, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Burke. Miss
Keck, one of six children, is
the daughter of Mrs. Ruby Keck.
This marks the first time
that two members of St. Ger
ard's have embraced the relig
ious life at the same time.
face Po»r*ot. - have bv mail
Fund* received h\ the loth nj any month UZ
am from the first
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DIVIDtND *+ 74 M rtK ANNUM \f,
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Metta Stephens, And
Richard Jackson Vows Said
Metta Dowe Stephens, daugh
ter o f Mr. and Mrs. James
Alexander Stephens, became the
bride of Lt. Richard Kent Jack-
son . son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Karl Jackson, Sept. 21
at the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael
Regan officiated.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. AnnLeiting
of Denver, Colo., was maid of
honor. Bridal attendants were
Mrs. Jeanne Preedom of Knox
ville, Tenn,; Mary Lee Morri
son of New Smyrna Beach, Fla;
Nicki Stephens of Albany, cous
in of the bride; and Mrs. Judy
Sprague of Dahlonega, sister of
the bridegroom.
Mr. Jackson was his son's
best man. Ushers were Lt.
Robert McCurdy, Lt. Kenneth
Grundborg, Lt. Gary Lord, Lt.
Clifford Cantrell, Lt. Fred Pry
or. Lt. David Duchemln, and
James Stephens Jr., brother of
the bride.
The reception was given in
the ballroom of the Ft. McPher
son Officers Club. Judy Thom
as of Nashville, Tenn., cousin
of the bride, kept the bride's
book. Those assisting in serv
ing were Beatrice Stephens of
Albany, and Mrs. B. R. Thom
as of Nashville.
Upon returning trom their
wedding trip to Nassau, Lt. and
Mrs. Jackson will live at Ft.
Bragg, N. C.
Parents Club To
Hold Bake Sale
The Parents Club of Immacu
late Heart of Mary Parish an
nounced final plans to hold a
Bake Sale at their 1st meeting
of the season held last Sunday.
The Bake Sale will be held
this Sunday, September 29 af
ter all the Masses in the school
building. Mrs. A. A. Caruso,
chairman announced that they
will have enough bake goods to
last until after the 6p.m. Mass.
All parents of the parish are
urged to help with this project
in order to make it a huge suc
cess. The money raised from
the event will be used for the
new Cafeteria and the new Phy
sical Education program which
is a closed TV circuit used by
the school this year for the first
Chapman And Deery
United In Double Ring Ceremony
Mary Seifried Chapman,
daughter of Mr. Charlie Chap
man, and the late Mrs. Phyllis
Thomas Chapman, became the
bride of Thomas Minor Deery,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland J.
Deery of Hapeville, September
14, at Sacred Heart Church.
Reverend William Sell S. M.
officiated at the double ring
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father, Mr. Char
lie Chapman. Her gown was of
Ivory peau de sole with a chapel
train, the bodice was of import
ed lace. Her veil fell from a pill
box covered in matching lace.
She carried a bouquet of gar
Miss Sue' Wright was maid of
honor while bridesmaids were
Sue Chapman, and Angle Chap
man, both sisters of the bride;
Judy Bell, of Smyrna, cousin
of the bride; and Doreen Deery,
sister of the groom. The atten
dants all wore champagne full
length sheath peau de sole gowns
with a deeper shade of cham
pagne colored Chantilly lace
boloreo jackets. They wore
matching pill box hats covered
in lace. Their bouquets were of
bronge mums.
Gene Christian of Hapeville
acted as best man. Theushers-
groomsmen were Lynn Murphy,
George W'atklns, David Walker
and Rollie Deery, Jr„ brother
of the groom.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the church
rectory. Mrs. Camelia Tollar
kept the bride's book.
The groom's mother wore a
gray blue lace dress with mat
ching accessories her corsage
was two white phaleopnosif or
Upon their return from a
trip to Callaway Gardens the
couple will live in Hapeville,
St. Thomas More Scene
Of Smith-Kirksey Wedding
Miss Judith Bennett Is Bride
Of James Howard
The wedding of Miss Judith
Bennett, daughter of Dr, and
Mrs. Robert L. Bennett, and Mr.
James Howard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Howard, of Chapel
Hill, N. C., was an event of Au
gust 25th.
Rev. Leonard Mayhew per
formed the ceremony at 5:30
p.m. in the Warm Springs Foun
dation Chapel, which was beau
tifully decorated in white and
green, with white tapers in tall
candelabra on each side of the
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a classical
ly simple gown of white peaude
sole, with a chapel train. Her
veil, especially made by hand
for her in Panama, was a floor-
length mantilla of imported il
lusion net appliqued with Chan
tilly lace. The in-set cap was
made of lace and hand-sewn
seed pearls. Her flowers were
white stephanotis, centered by
a white orchid corsage.
Miss Susan Bennett, maid of
honor, wore a floor length dress
of white mousseline de sole
and a wide hat of soft white
net. She carried yellow mums.
Mr. Edwin Brown of Norfolk,
Va. was best man. Ushers were
Mr. Gene Shuford and Mr. Ro
bert Miller of Chapel Hill,N.C,
The organist was Miss Vir
ginia Taylor of Manchester, and
the guest soloist was the bride's
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krich
(Janet Vinson’
218 Nelson Ferry Rd., Decatur
Boy born September 17, 1963
St. Thomas More Parish
Mr, and Mrs. William Freeman
(Mary Louise Park)
933 Euclid Ave., N.E. Apt. 32
Girl bom September 18, 1963
Immaculate Conception Pariah
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton
(Ellen Lenihan)
712 E, Paces Ferry Rd.
Boy born September 20, 1963
close friend, Miss Helen Price,
of Savannah, Ga.
Following the ceremony, Dr.
and Mrs. Bennett entertained
the wedding guests at a recep
tion at Huntington House on the
Miss Susan Howard, sister of
the groom kept the bride's book,
and the cake was served by
Miss Marjorie Howard and Miss
Susan Brock. Hostess aides
were Mrs. H. S. Raper, Mrs.
John Herring, Miss Ellen Wal
ker and Mrs. Gene Shuford.
Following a Florida honey
moon, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
will make their home in Cha
pel Hill, N. C.
The Altar and Rosary So
ciety of Our Lady of the As
sumption Parish will hold their
regular monthly meeting in the
School Cafetorium on October 1
at 8 p.m. The topic to be dis
cussed will be the “Undesir
able Reading Material Received
Through the Mail by our Teen-
Atlante’s Free Cancer Home,
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
760 Washington St., marked the
Silver Jubilee of religious pro
fession of its administrator,
Sister Mary Josephine Lynaugh,
0. P., and one of its staff,
Sister Mary Loretta Purcell,
0. P„ on September 14.
The Reverend Joseph E.Ly-
naugh, pastor of Queen of Peace
Church, Ardsley, Penna., bro
ther of Sister M. Josephine, of
fered a Mass of Thanksgiving
at 9 a.m. Benediction of the
Most Blessed Sacrament was
given by the Reverend Patrick
C. Connell, chaplain of the
Sister M. Josephine, a na
tive of Pottsvilid, Penn., and
Sister M. Loretta, of Flushing
Nancy Christine, Smith,
daughter of Prof, and Mrs.
Garland Garvey Smith, became
the bride of William Lassiter
Kirksey, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson Kirksey of Al
bany, Saturday afternoon, Sep
tember 7, at Saint Thomas More
Church, Decatur. Father Matt
hew Kemp officiated.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Mrs. Ken
neth William Johnson, sister of
the bride, was matron of honor.
Bridal attendants were Mary
Angler, Catherine Reed, Gayle
Stocks, and Cathryn Greslin of
Jacksonville, Florida.
Mr. Woodrow Wilson Kirk
sey, father of the bridegroom,
was bestman. Groomsmen were
Gerald Vaughn, Lawson Spence
of Dyersberg, Tennessee, Alvin
Wise and Robert Huie of Albany.
The parents of the bride en
tertained at a reception at Druid
agers" and what we can do
about it.
On October 6, a Mother and
Daughter Breakfast will beheld
following their monthly Com
munion Mass at 8:30 a.m. This
is held during October in honor
of the Blessed Mother which Is
the month of the Holy Rosary.
N. Y., arrived in Atlanta a few
months after their first profes-
fession of vows, part of the
first contingent to open the
Home. Thus they have spent
all their religious life in this
Their Community of Domini
can Sisters, whose Motherhouse
is in Hawthorne, New York, de
votes Itself exclusively to pro
viding free Homes for poor in
curable cancer patients, re
gardless of race, creed or co
lor. The local Home has taken
total care of about 5000 pa
tients, from Georgia and many
other southern States.
The Home Is open to members
of all faiths, and the only home
of its nature In the metropoli
tan area of Atlanta.
Hills Golf Club. Susan Starr kept
the bride's book. Assisting in
serving were Tish Marbut, and
Barbara Carr of Caracas, Ve-
Sl Thomas More
To Hold Party
The Altar and Rosary Society
of St. Thomas More Parish, De
catur, is holding a card party
in the Parish Hall on Saturday,
Oct. 5, at 8 pm, Parishioners
are asked to bring tables and
cards. Refreshments will be
available. The donation will be
50 cents and a door prize will
be given.
Deanery Meeting
At St. Jude's
The Northwest Deanery Cou
ncil will hold a meeting on Sun
day, October 13th, at 2:30 pm.
Host parish will be St. Jude's,
in Sandy Springs.
A program on “Spiritual De
velopment" will be presented
by Mrs. Thomas Bockman,
spiritual development chairman
in the archdiocesan council.
There will be a short business
Northeast Deanery
Meeting Held
The Northeast Deanery held
their quarterly meeting last
Wednesday, September 18 at
Immaculate Heart of Mary Pa
Monsignor Michael J. Regan,
pastor of Immaculate Heart of
Mary' was the guest speaker. He
spoke on the “Mass and Woman
hood" as defined in the Mass for
a Holy Woman.
A luncheon was held at the
Knights of Columbus followed by
a business meeting. Mrs. Her
bert Malon, pres idem discussed
the various workshops held at
the ACCW Convention this
Guest speaker was Mrs.
George Gunning, out going pre
sident of the ACCW. She spoke
on the Resolutions Adapted at
the convention.
The next meeting will beheld
in January.
Our Lady Of Assumption
Altar Society To Hold Meeting
Staff Cancer Home Silver Jubilees
Srs. Mary Josephine-Mary Loretta
Gwendolyn Goltz And Robert Hill
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
Goltz of Marietta announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Gwendolyn Ann Goltz, to Robert
Hill Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hill of Birmingham,
University of Alabama. The
future bridegroon^ is employed
in Huntsville.
The wedding will be held on
September 28 at St. Joseph's
Catholic Church in Marietta.
Elizabeth Welch,
Robert Valiando
Troth Announced
The bride-elect was gradua
ted from St. Vincent's School of
Nursing and is employed as a
staff nurse at the Kennestone
Hospital of Marietta.
Mr. Hill was graduated from
the University' of Florida and is
doing post-graduate work at the
Mother’s Club
To Hold Party
The Mother's Club of D*You-
ville Academy will hold a “Get
Acquainted Buffet" honoring all
new parents on Saturday, Sep
tember 28, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
at the home of the chairman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McPar-
land, 135 West Paces Ferry
Rd., N. W. Mrs. A. V. Gude
is acting as co-chairman.
All parents who have daugh
ters attending the academy are
urged to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Welch
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Elizabeth Mon-
tese Welch, to Robert R. Vali
ando, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo
rge H. Valiando, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Valiandc
of Woodland Hills, California,
Miss Welch attended the Co
vers ity of Georgia, where se
was pledged to Alpha Omicjm
Pi and was a Georgette.
The future bridegroom yas
graduated from Pierce College.
The wedding will be Ocpber
12 at St. John the Evaniellst
Mary Anne Ford And
Lt Stanley Patrie United
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ford
of Atlanta, announce the mar
riage of their daughter Mary
Anne Ford to Lt. Stanley A.
Patrie Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley A. Patrie Sr., of
Rochester, New York. The mar
riage was solemnized in a nup
tial Mass on Saturday, Septem
ber 14, at the Cathedral of
Christ the King. Monsignor
James E. King officiated at the
Groomsme were Lt. Michael
Rooney, Cttflotte, North Caro
lina; Lt. Charles Price; Lt.
Jeff Horeday; Lt. Tom Keaney
and Lt. Ray Baker all of Val
dosta, Jeorgia. The grooms
men f/rmed a Military Honor
Guard as the couple left the
i.\ \ •;
Fallowing the ceremony a re-
cejtion was held at the home of
th< bride's parents.
Th bride was given in mar
riage by her father James E.
Ford. Miss Margaret Ford was
her sister's maid of honor. Miss
Carol Patrie, of Rochester, New
York, sister of the groom, was
Lt. Robert D. Green of Mb-
ami. Florida acted as bestman)
The bride is a graduate of
it. Pius X High School and
Mercy Hospital Charlotte,
North Carolina. The groom is
a graduate of the Air Force r
Academy and is stationed in
California. Upon the return
from their wedding trip the
couple will make their home in
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