The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, November 07, 1963, Image 6

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PAGE 6 r.F ORG1A BULLETIN THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7. 1963 ( ONVENTIOy TRIP Youth Group Plans Visit To New York Members of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth will attend a four-day convention in New York City, Father Alan Dlllman, moderator of the board, will accompany the group. Assisting him in his duties as chaperone will be Mr. Edward Troy. Beginning Nov. 14, the gat hering will last until Nov. 17. Those on the A.C.C.Y. who ex- 1HM Card Party The Immaculate Heart of Mary Altar i Rosary Society will sponsor a Card Party and Tea, on Tuesday afternoon, No .-ember 19, from 1:00 until 5 o'clock, at the Knights of Columbus Home, 2620 Buford Highway, There will be door prises, table prizes and fav ors, Admission: $1.00 per per son. Ticket* may be obtain ed from Mrs, Mary Hickey, 636-9827, or Mrs, Agnes Mul- vihUl, 938-5225. pect to be at the convention are Lucy Allen, Dianne Ashkoutl, Carol Craig, John Euart, Paul Falletti, Julienne Higgins, and Jane Peeler. All delegates will be present at a general assembly at the opening session of the Nation al Catholic Youth convention. The group will also take part in separate workshops. Teen age problems, spiritual mat ters, and CYO planning will be some of the subjects discussed at these seminars. Federal Bureau of Investiga tion chief , J, Edgar Hoover will be one of the principal speakers. Msgr, Stevenson, di rector of the national CYO , will also talk at the Initial meeting. Those attending the conven tion will leave Atlanta by train. A tour of Naw York will be in cluded, All students who wish to ac company the group are invited to do so, The total cost will be $52, Father Dlllman will give more information to those inte rested, roaches mice silverfifih Vt Gallon of SWEET CREAM In every pound of LAND O’ LAKES Swoot Cream Butter Visit the Shrines of Europe on Irish International Take the pilgrimage of your dreams on Irish Inter national. Irish offers convenient service to Europe’s major shrines and holy places. For that very reason we are called “The Line to the Shrines.” Right now you can visit Europe on an Irish 21- Day Economy Excursion. That means you can spend two or three weeks in Europe and still save up to $149, compared to the regular economy fares. What’s more, you’ll get the same superb service you’ve come to expect from Irish! With our Shamrock Thriftair Plan you can fly for just 10% down. Pay the rest at low interest over a two-year period. Is it any wonder, with all these services, Irish is also called “The Friendly Jet Airline.” See your Travel Agent for booking* and information. nmmnmi mm km mm Irish International Airlines A-H7 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N. W., Washington, D.C, Please send me full details on Irish International's 21 Day Economy Excursion Fares □ and on the low-cost Shamrock Thriftair Plan □ NAME- ADDRESS. CITY -ZONE STATE. Miss Simon, Mr. Lambert Wed At Nuptial Mass In Gadsden Miss Miry Ann Simon, daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. John Ni cholas Simon of Gadsden, Ala. became the bride of Victor A. Lambert, son of Mre, Elea nor Lambert of Atlanta, Geor gia, and the late Victor A, Lam bert, in a csrsmony solemniz ed on October 26 at St. James Church in Gadsden with the Reverend James B. Wsthen of ficiating at the Nuptial Mass. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, She wore a floor length gown of candle light satin petu da sole, styled with « fitted bodice, portrait neckline and long sleeves end ing in points over the hands, Her short veil of silk illusion was attached to a headpiece of Chantilly beaded lace, She car ried a cascading bouquet of a white orchid and itephanotia, Mill Kathie Simon attended her aiiter as maid of honor, Honor attendants ware Miss Mary Moyer, Gadsden, Alaba ma; Miss Judy Zink, Atlanta, Georgia; and Mrs. Lamar Boone , Huntsville, Alabama, They wore identically styled gowns as the maid of honor in prism turquoise end carried yellow Fuji mums and daisy pom poms. Serving as beet man for the groom wae Theron F. Carman of Atlanta, Georgia. Ushers- groomamen were Robert Azar, William C. Hartlgan, and James Carman, all of Atlanta. A reception was held at the Gadsden Woman's Club, fol- ICS Guild Holds Party Wednesday The Immaculate Conception Ladies Guild will sponsor a Card Party on Wednesday ev ening, November 13th, starting at 8 p.m. in the Social Hall. The Card Party will take the place of the customary Harvest Supper this year and it is hoped the same friends and former parishioners who look forward each Fall to a Shrine homecom ing social will add to the succ ess of this benefit by being pre sent. Mrs. J. F. Walsh, Guild President, announces there will be prizes and refreshments. Tickets for the card party will be $1.00 and may be obtained at the Rectory, from Mrs. Walsh at MA 7-4870, from any Guild officer, or at the door the night of the party, All proceeds will to towards the support of the Shrine. NEW ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. Chung Ming Lee (Rose Chum-Ying Lau) 101 Rockwood Dr,, Marietta St. Joseph's Boy 10/30 Dr. and Mrs. Dante Ralnero (Frances Docurro) 1996 Stanton Rd„ E. Point Sacred Heart Boy 10/22 Mr, and Mrs. Ryman Verner (Christine Stephens) 3082 Stratford Arms Dr„ Chamblee Our Lady of the Aaaumption Boy 10/28 Dr, and Mrs, Charles Fulghum (Joan Knoch) 615 E. Morningeide Dr, N. E. Sacred Heart Boy 11/1 Dr, and Mrs, Lawson Brosdrick (Kay Withers) 4237 Rlckenbacker Dr, N. E. Christ the King Girl 11/3 lowing the ceremony, Miss Martha Moyer kept the bride's book. Serving were Miss Jose phine Mann of Montgomery, Alabama, Miss Joann White and Mlaa Anne Petty of Birming ham, Alabama, Mlaa Charlotte Patton and Mias Barbara Park er of Atlanta, Georgia, and Mrs. Paulin* Knapp of Akron, Ohio, who is the bride'f aunt, Upon returning from their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs, Lambert will live in Atlanta, where the groom Is employed by Storer Broadcasting System as a photographer-reporter for WACA-TV end la attending Oglethorpe Unlveralty, The bride is employed ai a research bacteriologist by the Communicable Dlaeaae Center She received her degree from the University of Alabama where ihe waa active In the Newnan Club. In Atlanta, both the bride and groom have been officers in the Atlanta Area Council of Catholic Adult Clubi, Council of Catholic Adult Clubs, and the groom is serving as President of the Southeastern Conference of Catholic Adult Clubs. Professional Women’s Club In 44th Year The Atlanta Catholic Club of Business & Professional Wo men observed its 44th anni versary with a dinner meeting on October 9th. Throughout the years, this club has been active and many lasting friendships have been cultivat ed by attending the meetings. The nature of the club is social, with charity as a special in terest. Each year the mem bers sponsor a fund raising affair for charity. One of the features of the October meeting was election of officers, consisting of Mrs. John P. Kinkeila, President; Miss Anna Mae Buskee, Vice President; Miss Ethel Goodine, Treasurer; Miss Barbara Douglas, Recording Secretary; and Miss Ann Haisten Cor responding Secretary. Meetings of the Atlanta Ca tholic Club of Business & Pro fessional Women are held on the second Tuesday of each month, with dinner at 6:15 p,m. At present, the meeting place is the White Shutters Room, Cox Carlton Hotel, 683 Peach tree St. For information or reservations, call Miss Eliza beth Satzky, Tel. #523-1210, or Mlaa Christine Manning, Ce. 7-1101. PAVLA IN BRAZIL The Papal Volunteers for Latin Amer ica (PAVLA) will be repre* ■ented in Brazil by Cumy Harland (above;, of Cincln- nati, St Mary’s Parish Altar Group Meets St. Mary’s Altar Society held it's November Meeting Monday morning, November 4th. at the Rectory with Mrs. Robert Brierly, president, presiding. Miss Janie Fahy, chairman of the visiting committee, re ported that calls had been made on five new members of the parish, She also reported that 113 cancer pads were made during the past month by five members of the Altar Society. MRS. BRIERLY made a plea for as many members as possible to suscrlbe to "Word" magazine, the publication of the National Council of Catholic Women. PASTOR SPEAKS CHALLENGE OF CHANGE NELSON RI/ES REALTY NC. 3669 CLAIRMCJT ROAD FOLLOWING HIS TALK, Father McDonough called on the Altar Society to assist with refreshments during “Operat ion Understanding" next Sun day when the members of other churches have been invited to visit St. Mary's church and Rectory. Mrs, John Accomasso and Miss Janie Fahy were named chairman of this com mittee. Following the meeting a light lunch was served with Mrs, Don Damon and Mrs. Steve Bobowiec as hostesses. GAINESVILLE BOY SCOUTS (Troop 13) Are pictured abve fol lowing the presentation of awards by parents of the Scdts, The annual affair, sponsored by Saint Michael’s Church, givefecogni- tlon to outstanding Boy Scouts of the troop. Mrs, Lee Battle, Sacristan, appointed her committees to work on the altar during Novem ber, MRS. ROBERT WOODRUFF Southern Business Education Meeting CHAMBLEE, JEORGIA .REAL ESTATE,INSURANCE, sales, ratals, RESIDENTAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PHONK!t51-2323 gave a report on the workshop on Public Rslstions which she attended in Atlanta, sponsored by the Archdlocessn Committee on Public Relations. Father John McDonough, psator, made a talk on “the Principle of Subsidiary Act ion", a movement in the church designed to bring more lay people Into the work of the church to take over some job* formerly don* by the priest, Supper Arranged At Sacred Heart Sacred Heart, Atlanta, will hold its Pariah Supper on Nov, 19, Tickets, are available from Mn. Leo Maurer (TR - 2- 2403), or Mrs. P, C. Fabel (TR 4-8868), Ticket* on the $1,000 raffle can be had from Mrs, Georg* Gardner (TR 2- 1631), or Mr*. Grogan Beall (255-2114), Confirmation, originally scheduled for Nov. 14, has been cancelled because of the small number of candidates, It will take place next year. The Southern Unit of the Cat holic Business Education Asso ciation will hold its annual con vention at the Robert E. Lue Hotel In Jackson, Mississippi on November 22 end 23, 1963. The theme of the meeting will be Business Education Meats the Challenge of Change in Thought and Action. Highlighting the convention's opening day will be the Exe cutive Board meeting and Hos pitality Hour, THE SATURDAY general session will feature Most Rev erend R, O. Gerow. Bishop of Natchez-Jackson, Father Ber nard Law, Editor of the Miss issippi Register, Father John Scanlon, pastor of St. Joseph's Parish, Starkville, Howard L. Nowhouse, Professional Ser vice Specialist with Gregg Pub lishing Company, New York, end Brother LaSalle, C. S„ Chair man Business Education De partment, St. Edward’s Univer sity, Austin, Texas. The con vention will close with the draw ing of door prizes. The mas ter of ceremonies for this will be Albert Necaise. Local Chairman of the con vention li Sleter Mary Matthew, R. S, M„ St. Joseph’s High School, Jackson, Mississippi. OFFICERS OF THE Southern Unit are: Sister Mary Edmun ds, C. D. P., of Rowena, Te xas, president; Brother Dam ian, C. S. C., Alexandria, Lou isiana, Vice-President; Sistsr Kathleen, C. D. P„ Ennis, Te xts, secretary; Sister M. Emile, O. P„ Houston, Tex as, treasurer; Sister Mary Mat thew, R, S. M„ Jackson, Mis sissippi, Publicity Director. On Dean’s List Miss Sara Lee Mattingly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ed ward H. Mattingly, 360 Ar- gonne Drive, Atlanta has been named to the Dean's List at Marymount College, Tarry- town, New York. • rv * aim Conditioning • FAMOUS M.AM. SUFFST • Id A Ml . SNA Cl STATIONS • COFFEE MAHBN. EACH ROOM Funeral Home OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE 1916 Roswell St. Marietta, Ga. PHONE: 428-1*18 or 427-5000 OUR LADY PARISH, CARROLLTON, served as a pilot church for “Operation Under standing" by holding its Open House on Nov. 2nd and 3rd, Here Cadet Scout Troop #74 study the altar and Its accessories during their Saturday afternoon visit, OUR LADY Carrollton Pilots Where Insurance is a Profession. Mot a Sideline SUTTER & McLELLAN JA 5-2086 FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION RENT FORMAL WEAR from O'K.ll.y'i, Inc. yswr •ntir* F*/wol W*at w*rdr*b«. O'Ksllsy'l tin* At hondiom. M«n’i and Bsy'i Forms! sttlrt. Alts IrlSol Gowni, V«lli, IrlStimalEi drum an! Hssfti. C*cktail dr*lit, and farm•!• fsr oil athar esMlsns. O' t •y *> •Snc, 231 MITCHELL ST^S.W.,ATLANTA 3 r GA Established 1919 Ja 2-9960 JA 1-0421 i 4 U nderstanding’ O The Church of Our Lady In Carrollton held its Open House on Saturday and Sunday, Novem ber 2nd and 3rd, thereby be coming the “pilot church" for the program, 'Operation Un derstanding." By actual count, a total of 639 visitors toured the church during the two days and listen ed intently to the explanations given by the men and asked many questions. One senior citizen was heard to remark, as she stood st the head of the aisle looking toward the magnificent altar and crucifix, “Why this is the next thing to being In Heaven." Another stated, ‘This has cleared up « lot of misconceptions and minunder- standlngs I have had," One feature that caused much comment and study, was a duo of manikins standing at the foot of the altar, one fully dressed in altar boy’s robes, as his server. PRIMARY MARKETS IN APPROXIMAT-Y 100 UNLISTED STOCKS Needless to say, the entire parish Is elated over the success of this program. The chairmen were James Mc Namara, Thomas Shaheen and Sun Codner, and they had the cooperation of the men of the parish in their various assign ments. TAX-FREE MUNICIPAL BOND PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS J. C. Bradford* Co. At the end of the tour the visitors were escorted to Charles Carroll Hall, where refreshments end a social hour were provided by the young ladles and the women of the Parish. Members of the New York Stocixchange & American Exchange Thomas H. Stall'd, Rosidont Marflor The pastor, Rev. Richard B. Morrow, was available to meet the visitors. Individually, and to provide any further Informat ion they might need. SUITE 736, BANK OF GEC«A BUILDING PHONE JAckson 2-6834 iTLANT\ GA. a