The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, December 05, 1963, Image 7

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t t ONE HOUR “MODERNIZING” CLEANERS 3995 PEACHTREE ROAD IN BROOKHAVEN MARIST UNIFORMS A SPECIALTY 1 Hour Service Every Day Til 3:00 P.M. Funeral Jta 9 Home OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE 1918 Roswell St. Marietta, Ga. PHONE: 428-1918 or 427-5000 Now Featuring ALLEN COLLAY SEXTET -Pla»- 5:30 TO 7:30 BILL & ALLEN DUO Ch.itter • Humor • Music Let Our Lourvgc Be Your Aft ernoon o nd Evening Retreat DANCE AT THE Sa*td Scud 760 West p'trce TR. $-4251 Vi Gallon of SWEET CREAM in every pound of LAND O’ LAKES Sweet Cream Butler FRED A. YORK PEST CONTROL SERVICE Our Slogan - Nearly Right Won't Do Our Service - Always Guaranteed Our Products On Sale At Office CALL FOR FREE INSPECTION OR INFORMATION 766 State St. # N.W. Phone TR 5-8378 Atlanta, Ga. Margaret Rutherford Murder At The Gallop AMPLE FltEE PARKING flip Peachtree at 13th TR 5-3022 Office Equipment Business Machines Sales-Service-Supplies PHONE 525-6417 PHONE 525-6417 172 WHITEHALL STREET, S.W. ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA FLORIDA’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE of DISTINCTION For Young Men And Women WRITE Director of Admissions SAINT LEO COLLEGE SAINT LEO, FLORIDA Presently Offering First Two Years Where Insurance is a Profession. Wot a Sideline m SUTTER & McLELLAN JA 5.2086 BEATIFICATION SUNDAY Blessed Nunzio Suffered Much In Short Life Of Holiness VATICAN CITY (NC) -- Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio lived 19 years and five days. In that brief span he had en ough suffering for a life for times as long. But within that same brief span Blessed Nunzio iachievedl a height of holiness his elders envied. The Ch urch is to beatify him Dec. 8. Born into poverty, he was or phaned before the age of six. He fell into the hands of a hear tless uncle who underfed him and overworked him, even when an injury made him a cripple in constant pain. From this in jury, which grew worse with the years. Blessed Nunzio was to die. AGAINST the mean figure of Ble.sed Nunzio’s uncle stands the Christian figure of a pro fessional soldier, an absolute stranger, who took the boy into ISTANBUL, Turkey (RNS)— Apostolos Andreas, the official weekly news organ hereof Ecu menical Patriarch Athenagor- as, supreme leader of Eastern Orthodoxy, published a letter from Pope Paul VI to the pa triarch. Dated Sept. 20, 1963, the pontiff’s communication was in reply to a letter from Patri arch Athenagoras, which con- VAT1CAN CITY (RNS)—The • prelate-rector of a Roman Ca tholic institute in France, In making a call for ecumenism before the Second Vatican Coun cil, stressed many practices within the Church, which, he said, barred die way to Christian unity. Archbishop Emil A. Blanchet, rector of the Catholic Institute of Paris, cited *'experiences of recent years" at the Abbey of Duran, where ecumenical ex changes "have provided an op portunity to see what outsiders like and dislike about the Church." SIX OF THE priests at the monastery, the French prelate said, are converts to Catholl- his home and treated him as his son. It was this man, Col. Felice Wochinger of the First Grena diers of the Royal Guard in Naples, who brought the holi ness of his young protege to the attention of Church authorities. He later had the happiness of seeing the cause of beatification introduced in Rome. Blessed Nunzio was born on April 30, 1817, at the village of Pesco Sansonesco, northwest of Rome. His father was a shoe maker, and his mother was a wool spinner. BLESSED Nunzio was con firmed when he was three years old, but he was not to receive his first Communion until he was more than 15. Blessed Nunzio’s father died gratulated him upon his elec don as Pope. Pope Paul urg ed that the past be left "to the mercy of God" and stressed the unity of Christians. OBSERVERS OF the Ortho dox Church said that it mark ed the first time that an organ of the Patriarch had published, with a picture of the Pope, the text of a communlcadon from the Holy See, clsm. He noted that theologians from the Protestant faculty of the University of Tuebingen fre- quendy visit the abbey to par ticipate in retreats, 'X)ne of their major com plaints," said Archbishop Blanchet, "Is what we might call contorted and acrobadc theology — such as the vol ume, printed with ecclesiasti cal approbation, arguing for the Immaculate conception of St, Joseph and his assumption Into Heaven," 4 SUCH THEOLOGY," the 77- year-old prelate told the Fa thers of the Council, "does not reflect the doctrine of Sacred Scripture and Tradition. in 1820 at the age of 26. In 1822 Blessed Nunzio's mother remarried. Her second husband was from the town of Corvara, where the family went to live. Blessed Nunizo, now five, be gan going to a school taught- by the parish priest. But his mother died within a year of her second marriage. Blessed Nunizo's stepfather, who treated the child harshly and even gave him too little food, sent him back to Pesco Sansonesco where he lived with his mother's mother. For three years the child lived happily with his loving grandmother, but on her death he was sent to his maternal uncle, Domenico Luciano. THIS UNCLE, a blacksmith, is described as quick-tempe red, though not given to badha- Pope Paul's letter was writ ten in French. The full text follows: 'To His Holines s Patriarch Athenagoras 1, Archbishop of Constantinople and "Ecumenical Patriarch: "We have received with Joy the good wishes and congratu lations which you have sent us through His Excellency Metro politan Maxlmos of Sardia In reply to the letter written in our name by Augustin Cardinal Bea at the time of our elec tion, "We would like to tell you that the sentiments expressed in your letter have found in our heart a profound resonance. The charge which the Lord has con fided to us as chief of the Apos tles makes us concerned about everything which touches the union of Christians and about everything which can contribute to reestablishing a perfect har mony among them. "LEAVING THE past to the mercy of God, let us listen to the counsel of the Apostle: 'For getting all which is behind, 1 bend myself wholly to that which is before, endeavoring to grasp it as I have been possessed by it,' by the gift of the Gospel of salvation, by the gift of the same baptism, of the same priesthood, celebrating the same Eucharist, the single sac rifice of the single Lord of the Church. bits or irreligion. But the way he mistreated the boy speaks for itself: He fed him ill and clothed him ill. He took him from school and put him to work in the smithy. He swore at Blessed Nunzio and so terrori zed him that the child would tr emble and blanch at seeing him. He forced him, barefoot and po orly clothed to carry great lo ads of iron to farms high in the mountains through snow and rain, i He punished him by depri ving him of his meals, and put him to work in the smithy while weak from hunger. Blessed Nunzio never repro ached his uncle nor even spoke 111 of him to others. To please his uncle, he made his visits to church less frequent. But nothing tempered his uncle's harsh treatment. ONE DAY at the forge a hot coal fell on the boy's foot. Decay of the bone set it in, but the boy was forced to treat the injury himself. His uncle told him that oil and bandages were all die medical treatment he needed. Since the child could not work the bellows with his injured left foot, he was forced to put all his weight upon it while he wor ked die bellows with his right. In 1830, when it became evi dent that the injury was growing worse, the uncle sent the 13- year-old boy to a public hospi tal at Aqulla. But the In jury was too far gone, and af ter a few months the doctors sent him home as incurable. THE UNCLE treated him ev en worse than before, striking him to the ground and forcing him to beg for his food. The boy's plight did not go un noticed. A man named Galante went to Naples and Informed Blessed Nunzio's paternal un cle, Francesco Sulprizio. Francesco, and army corpo ral, sought outCol.JVochinger to help the boy. The Colonel, a bachelor who was then 60, was well known for his Christian life: He told his subordinates that no beggar was to be turned away from hs door. He visited prisoners In Naples jails and the sick in the city's hospitals, especially the Hospital for Incurables. COL. WOCHINGER took Blessed Nunzio to the home of a sister, but by dlls time the boy was suffering convulsions. Shortly after, the cononel took him to the Hospital for Incur ables and promised to visit him often. POPE URGES ‘Past To Mercy Of God’ FRENCH PRELATE Catholic Unity Bars Are Cited THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1963 GEORGIA BULLETIN PAGE 7 RYBERT jP MINTING £/ TRInlty • LITHOGRAPHING 1 *-<727 COMPANY Strvint Alltuta Sine* 1911 550 FORREST ROAD. N. E. ATLANTA. GEORGIA DRUGS. ROSWELL ROAD. NI.W ~ Xflt T- ^ 2^§°44§2. CLASSIFIEDS APT. FOR RENT Christ The King Parish. Un furnished apartment (duplex), 2 bedrooms, air conditioned, terrace, stove, dishwasher, re frigerator. 1917 Dellwood Dr. N.W., 355-6806 MISC. FOR SALE Two girls bicycles - 26 inch. $10 each. Two pair white shoe roller skates and cases, sizes 4 and 6. $10 each. Call CE 7- 7616 USE YOUR CLASSIFIEDS HOUSE FOR SALE ST, JUDE PARISH — Mt. Ver non Woods . Charming 3 bedroom ranch. Two baths, neighborhood pool $23,000. 255-1439 SPECIAL NOTICE m onastery Baked by the Monks of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Trappist Monastery is available at Cciedd Stonee *)kc. lie % rftfU SUPERMARKETS 7& 'Hctne 'Dame ‘Seefatene Eggs from the Monastery Farm are distributed by Pei Vdniee BUSINESS SERVICES WRITERS N. Y. pullliher want* beaks an all subjects, fiction, nonfiction. Na fee far professional opinion. FREE: Brochures that shew how your boob can ba published, publicized, laid; ftps and article reprints an writing, publishing, contracts. Writs Dept. 446-L EXPOSITIOM 316 Park kit Jo.. N.Y. IS All types construction and re pair service; also roofing, sid ing, and remodeling estimates. FHA and conventional financing up to five years to pay. No pay ments for 60 days - no money down. Call 767-7000 for details Eagle Construction Co., 628 S. Central Ave., Hapeville, Georgia. DRESSES BY ESTER Can copy originals of from magazines, Also wedding dresses, Or fine wearing apparel. 378-9579. For The Best Bet In Real Estate Buys Shop These Columns Each Week ACCORDION: Private Instruc tions, Sales, Rentals and music, Marchese Accordion and Gui tar Studios Inc, 344-6052. LEAGUE OF OUR LADY OF CHARITY 34 Peachtree Avenue, N.E. 231-3631 Desires to receive all US ABLE Clothing, Shoes, Books, Household Furnish ings, Appliances and Fur niture. Clothing Store Hours - Every Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MOVING? PLEASE NOTIFY US SEND US THIS NOTICE TODAY: Square Dance The square dance that was to be held on Saturday, No vember 23rd has been re scheduled for Saturday, De cember 7th at 9:00 p.m. The door prize of a turkey will be given to some lucky person. The dance will be in the Council Home at Tell and Butner Road in Ben Hill. Do nation of $2.00 a couple. Tic kets may be obtained at the door. Shrine Host To Squads For the third consecutive year, the football squads of the three Atlanta Catholic High Schools will be guests, of the Holy Name Society at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The coaches and players will attend the 9:15 Mass with the Society, Sunday, December 8th and will later be honored at the breakfast meeting to be held immediately after Mass in the Social Hall. Last year over 265 people attended a like occasion and a record crowd is expected this year. Coach Don Shea, Marist; Coach George Maloof, St. Pius X and Coach Bill Daprano from St. Joseph will give a short re port of their respective teams’ 1963 results and Introduce the football players from their schools. An Invitation is extended to all Catholic men to be present, especially those In the Shrine parish. * 'Similarly, they (non-Catho- lics) dislike excessive scho lasticism In our theology, which Is often lacking in the Biblical touch. They dislike undue Juri- diclsm which exhorts the legal element In the Church to a point where It becomes difficult to understand Its relationship to human liberty," "May this celebration ever provide us more deeply with 'the sentiments which are in Christ Jesus' and enable us to penetrate profoundly into the meaning and demands of Christ's prayer to His Father, That they be one, I in them and You in Me, so that they may be perfected in unity.' "LASTL Y," Archbishop Blanchet said, "they object to certain forms of piety which obscure true piety. This is particularly true In the field of Marian devotions, such as the Rosary of the Tears of Mary, 'Our presentation of the theology of Indulgences often seems to lose sight of the pru dent warning of the Council of Trent, ‘ON THE OTHER hand, they (non-Catholics) admire our lit urgy, the marvelous unity of the Church, the monastic life, the celibacy of the clergy, the sac ramental confession." ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S' PUZZLE QQQ tanaon ansa "MAY THE LORD open our hearts to the inspiration of His Holy Spirit and guide us to the full achievement of His will, "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you, "From the Vatican, Septem ber 20, 1963, Paul VL" Gainesville Girl Heads, C.C.D. Miss Cathy Merrit of Gaines ville was reelected President of the Confraternity of Chris- tan Doctrine high school group at a dinner meeting held last Wednesday evening at the Elks Lodge. Miss Merrit was also chosen Sunday School Superintendent for Saint Michael's Church, Other officers elected were Louwana Wiezoreck as Vice President; Vicky Thompson, Secretary; and Paulette Law rence, Treasurer, The Congraternity group di rects the nursery during the time of church services and as sists the Sisters in Sunday School Instructions. Blessed Nunzio stayed in the hospital 22 months. While there, he attracted tha atten tion of the chaplains and phys icians for his selflessness, re signation and spirit-of prayer. It was in die hospital that he received his first Communion. The doctors finally told Col. Wochinger they could do no more for the boy. TWO DAYS before Blessed Nunzio's 17th birthday, CoL Wolchinger brought him to his own apartment. The boy slept in the Colonel's own room, where the colonel could give him immediate help when he ne eded it. The colonel also put a servant at Blessed Nunzio's disposal, with orders to look after him, He stayed in the col onel's home until his death— except for some time on the Isle of Ischia near the northwest entrance to the Bay of Naples. Inexorably, the illness took firmer hold on the youth. In November, 1835, he developed dropsy. The fame of his holi ness spread, and priests, Re ligious and lay people came to hia bedside to ask his prayers. ON MAY 5, 1836, Blessed Nunzio asked for the Last Sa craments. The chaplain of the palace, Don Vincenzo Gallo, was brought. After receiv ing the Sacraments, Blessed Nunzio asked for a crucifix. He clutched the crucifix and ga zed at a statue of the Blessed Virgin. His last words were: "See how beautiful she is." THE GEORGIA BULLETIN P.O. BOX 11667-NORTHS IDE STATION ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA NEW ADDRESS: NAME ADDRESS CITY ZONE Send or Phone Your Classified Advertising To The Georgia Bulletin P.O. Box 11667-Northside SlSnbli Atlanta 5, Georgia Phone: 231-1281 Ads accepted by phone, mail and at the office up to Monday, 5 p.m. 3 line MINIMUM CHARGE Count 5 Average Words to a line. RATES i Time 4 consecutive times with no copy change 25£ per line 23£ per line DISPLAY CLASSIFIED (WITH BORDER $1.00 PER INCH Legal Notices 50£ Deaths 50£ In Memoriam 50£ Acknowledgment 50 £ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Print your classified ad on this form. Slip it into an envelope along with remittance and sent it to;- THE GEORGIA BULLETIN Classified Department Your Name, Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio was declared Venerable by Pope Leo XIII In 1891. Address City,. State