Newspaper Page Text
Chemist From Cuba
Speaks To Society
Gainesville. . , Dr. Margo
Romillo, a chemistry professor
at Brenau College in Gaines
ville was guest speaker at a me
eting of the Altar Society of St.
Michael’s Church this week.
Dr. Romillo was a teacher
at the University of Havanna at
* the time Fidel Castro took over
as Premier of the island. The
Has Open House
The Parents Club of Immacu
late Heart of Mary parish, At
lanta, will sponsor an open
house in the school this Sunday.
Our Ladies Association,
for Exceptional Children is sp
onsoring a movie, “Misty,” at
the Cherokee Theatre this Sat
urday at 10 a.m. Tickets are
50£ for children, $1.00 for par
ents and proceeds will go to the
Association Fund. Information
can be obtained from Mrs. John
Doran, ME 6-6587.
youthful teacher received per
mission to leave the country and
for the past two years has been
teaching at this northeast Geor
gia college.
THE HISTORY, resour-
ses and people were the subject
of Dr. Romillo’s talk which,
with a question and answer per
iod, lasted over an hour. Dr.
Romillo’s parents are still in
Mrs. Charles Buechlein,
president of the group, pre
sided at the meeting which he
ard reports on the recent bri»
dge party, cake sale, Thanks
giving clothing collection and
the part the society played in
the recent archdiocesan pro
ject, “Operation Understand
Father Kiernan St. Michael's
pastor, announced that the ch
urch would be redecorated the
first part of the year.
Mrs. Barger, Mr. Newell, Are Wed
At St. Gerard’s, Ft. Oglethorpe
Mrs. Frances Stolpman Bar
ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph B. Stolpmann, became
the bride of Mr. Alan Newell,
son of Mrs. M, B, Newell and
the late Mr. Newell, in a cere
mony solemnized on Nov. 28
in St. Gerard’s Church, Fort
Oglethorpe. Father Lawrence
Murphy, C.SS.R., offered the
Nuptial Mass.
The bride wore a street-
length rose sheath Of re-em
broidered lace and taffeta, with
a fitted bodice and short slee
ves. Her accessories were of a
matching color. She wore a
white orchid corsage and car
ried a wedding missal and ro
sary - a gift of the groom.
Miss Diane Barger attended
her mother as maid of honor.
Her dress was lilac, with a
matching hat. She also wore a
white corsage and carried a
lavender rosary.
Serving as best man for the
groom was his nephew, Mr.
George Richard Nicholson III
of Fayetteville. Ushers were
Mr. James Dennison Taylor
and Mr. Joseph Vanderslice,
a nephew of the bride.
A reception was held at St.
Gerard’s School following the
Mass. Miss Diane Barger kept
the bride’s book and Mrs. Mar
tin Harris, Mrs. Bob Barger,
Mrs. Roy Newell and Mrs. Bill
Bowman assisted in serving.
After a southern wedding trip
the couple are making their
home on Clair St., inRossville.
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Miss Carol Ann Nagel Weds Bishop
McKendry Bell At Saint Anthony’s
Miss Carol Annn Nagel, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
A. Nagel, Jr., of Sewell Rd.,
Atlanta, has been married
to Mr. Bishop McKendry Bell,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop
McKendry Bell, also of Atlanta
Fr. Jarlath Burke offered the
Nuptial Mass at St. Anthony’s
The bride, who was given in
marriage by her father, wore a
white nylon and lace wedding
gown, with a fitted bodice of
white silk, trimmed with lace
motifs and rhinestones and pe
arls. The full skirt was draped
into a back panel of white satin,
falling into a long train. The br
ide’s veil was a crownline ef
fect of lace and net, trimmed
with pearls. She carried a bou
quet of white roses and steph-
Miss Lynn McNulty was maid
of honor and Miss Kay Bach se
rved as bridesmaid. They wore
emerald green sheath dresses
of satin with side drapes and
head pieces of matching green
net with pearl trim. Bonnie Jean
Nagel, sister of the bride, was
flower girl.
John Joseph Bell served as
his brother’s best man. Albert
J. Nagel of San Angelo, Texas
brother of the bride, was usher-
groomsman. Serving were Miss
Beth Nagel of San Angelo, Te
xas; Mrs. Helen Regas, Atlan
ta; Mrs. Ruby Maurbergne, Au
gusta; Mrs. Rae Nagel, South
Holland, ILL., kept the bride's
Mrs. Bell is employed by the
Orkin Company. Her husband is
a pharmacy student at Uburn,
Ala., and is employed by the
Reed Drug Company. Following
a wedding trip to Charleston,
the couple are residing in At
Mrs. L.B. Bowen
Requiem Held
Mrs. L. B. Bowen died Sun
day. She lived at 1167 St. Louis
Place NE, Atlanta. The funeral
was held Wednesday at Sacred
Heart Church, with Fr. Robert
Brennan offering the Mass
Burial was in Westview Ceme
A long-time resident of At
lanta, Mrs. Bowen was born in
New York City. She had been
employed by Rich's for the past
nine years. She is survived by
her son, Louis B. Bowen, At
lanta; a sister, Mrs. T. J,
Posner, Englewood, N. J.; and
brothers Charles J, Savarese,
Charlotte, N. C„ and Peter Sa
varese of Long Island.
St. Pius Girl Winner
Of Oratory Contest
Veterans of Foreign Wars
honor Christine Murphy as first
winner in their school-level
oratorical contest. Raymond
Smith achieved second place.
Charlene Cherry received
third. All are senions at St.
Pius X High School.
The challenge of American
citizenship was the general
topic of the oratorical compe
tition. The Veterans of Foreign
Wars organization sponsored
the contest. The first place win
ner now tapes the prize speech
at radio station WSB.
Thks 17th annual competition
was opened to all sophomores,
juniors, and seniors. Written
in news commentary style, the
speeches varied from three to
five minutes in length.
English instructors judging
were Sister Sarita Clare, CSJ;
Sister Louis Martin, CSJ; and
Miss Ann Guscio. Sister Mary
Parents Meeting
At St. Gerard’s
The Home and School Asso
ciation of St. Gerard’s School,
Ft. Oglethorpe, held their regu
lar monthly meeting, combined
with a Christmas Special, on
Tuesday. Fr. Lawrence Mur
phy, C.SS.R., pastor, opened
the meeting with a prayer. Mrs.
Kermit Smith, president, pre
sided. Minutes were read by
Mrs. John Hulbert and Mrs.
Robert Bearden gave the trea
surer's report.
Fr. Murphy reported on the
athletic program, while Sister
Mary Anita noted th. the
school's library facilities had
received high recommendation
A Christmas program will be
held in the school auditorium
on Dec. 19 at 7;30 p.m.
Elaine, GNSH, was the social
studies instructor judging.
Sixteen contestants compet
ed in the meet. They gave their
work over the p.a. system,
Catj^lic Social
Services Group
Elects Officers
At a board meeting of Cath-
lic Social Services on Decenv-
ber 5, 1963 the following of
ficers were elected by the board
of directors; President, Mr.
James L. Upchurch, Most Bles
sed Sacrament Parish, First
Vice-President, Mr. Robert B.
Troutman, Sacred Heart Par
ish; Treasurer, Mr. H. J. Don
ohue, Sacred Heart Parish. Ne
wly elected members to the
board of directors were Mr.
John Ferguson, Saint John’s
Parish, and Mr. Benjamin Pet
ty, Saint Paul of the Cross Pa
Re-elected to three year ter
ms were the following: Mr. My
les S. Boothe, Saint Joseph’s
Parish; Dr. Reese C. Coleman,
Cathedral of Christ the
King parish; Dr. Richard P.
French Saint John’s Parish; Mr.
Martin Handrick, Our Lady of
the Assumption Parish; Mr.
Walker Hamilton, Saints Pe
ter and Paul Parish; Mrs. Ba-
ttey Schwab, Cathedral of
Christ the King Parish; and Mr.
Robert B. Troutman, Sacred
Heart Parish.
Mrs. Battey Schwab and Mr.
James L. Upchurch were ap
pointed the official 1964 dele-
ages to The Delegate Assembly
of the Metropolitan Atlanta
Community Services, Inc.
Parish Societies
Need Vital Issues
Don’t waste time on programs
that ignore vital current is
sues, a bishop has counseled
parish men’s societies.
Auxiliary Bishop Paul F. Lie-
bold of Cincinnati told the 1963
Presidents’ Meeting oftheCln-
Hear Talk
The December meeting of the
Altar Society of the Church of
Our Lady in Carrollton was held
in Charles Carroll Hall on
Thursday morning, with the
pres lent
president, Mrs. Raymond Har
rell, presiding. Before the
meeting, th e Sacrifice of the
Mass was offered by the pas
tor, Rev. Richard B. Morrow,
and breakfast was served.
The main topic on the agen
da was the Christmas Supper
which is held annually for the
families of the parish. It was
voted to hold it on December
15th at 5;00 p.m. and Mrs.
'Rayburn Stallings was appoint
ed chairman of the event, to be
assisted by the young adults.
Food for two Christmas bas
kets for needy families in the
community will be brought to
the party by the parishioners.
Father Morrow gave a talk
on the proposed changes in the
liturgy of the Mass that have
been unckr discussion at the
Second Va lean Council. He
pointed out that these expected
changes are not new but rather
a return to the liturgy of the
Church in its earliest days and
the purpose is to increase the.
participation of the faithful in
the offering of the Mass.
cinnatl Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Men here that “the
practical purpose of your pa
rish society is to form other*
as apostles,”
mics will not do it,” he de-
calred, * Effective leadership
demands a plan or program, **
Some of the ’Vitalquestions”
whose theory and application
should be discussed in parish
societies, according to Bishop
Liebold, are;
—The race question, includ
ing its application "right here
in our own area and parish,”
—Business ethics, including
the practices and ethics of the
businesses in which the mem
bers themselves are engaged,
—Education, “What are your
rights in this field?” the Bis
hop asked. “What are you plan
ning to do to get bus trans
portation legalized as a public
service measure?”
HE ALSO cited the public
school system, the ecumenical
council, population growth,
steady dating, birth control
pills, public entertainment, ob
scenity, and other social and
moral pressures on society and
the family,
“Evidently there are other
subjects to discuss besides the
next bazaar and party politics,”
he said.
Saint Gerard’s
Mrs. Michael Sam llohas been
elected president of the Altar
Society at St. Gerard's Church,
Ft. Oglethorpe. Other newly
elected officers are; Mrs. Ralph
Brown, vice-president; Mrs.
Grant Wall, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Roy L. Sampson,
corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Edward Sheridan, treasurer.
Mr, & Mrs. Brendan Horrlgan
(Elena English)
2336 Spring Creek Rd,
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Girl 12/8
Mr. & Mrs, Gaylord Hancher
(Mary Ann Murphy)
99 No, Cheryl Dr„ Morrow
Boy 12/8
Mr, & Mrs, Paul Dearing
(Marcella Young)
2188 Drew Valley N. E,
Girl 11/22
Mr. & Mrs, Marvin Fargason
(Irene Monsour)
839 Ponce de Leon PI. N, E.
St, Joseph
Boy 11/26
Mr, & Mrs, Salvador Castorina
(Mary Dale Loncon)
1733 La Vista Rd„ N. E.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Girl 12/5
Mr, & Mrs, Frederick Carley
(Dolores Machin)
3171 Peachtree Dr„
Christ the King
11/27 Girl
Mr, & Mrs, Jerome Dwyer
(Jane Mor Ran)
2380 A. E. Undmont Ct, N.E.
Christ the King
Girl 12/4
Mr, & Mrs, Rafael Gonzalez
(DtHee Maria Goreia)
1444 De Soto Ave., S. W.
Immaculate Conception
Boy 11/26
Saint Anthony
Altar, Rosary
St, Anthony’s Atlanta, Altar
and Rosary Society met last
week with Mrs, S. W, Anding,
presiding over the business
meeting, which included inters
ting reports given by several
Committee and Circle chair
The highlight of the meeting
was the talk by Sister Mary
David, of Our Lady of perpe
tual Help Cancer Heme, who
was introduced by the pastor,
Msgr, James E. King,
The theme of Sister David’s
talk was co-operation between
groups in the Chuch, reminding
us of the increasing lay work we
will be called on to do in the
future. Upon adjournment re-
freshements were served by
Mrs. Katherine Shannon, Cha
irman of St. Anne’s Circle, and
her Committee,
Mr.- & Mrs, Raymond Stuermer
(Janet Hoeppner)
2008 Plaza Lane S.W. Apt. 25
St, Anthony’s
Boy 11/29
Mr, & Mrs, Daniel Owens
(Elida Tamara)
2227 Bolton Dr. N. W. Apt. 2
Girl 12/7
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caudle
(Amy Nichols)
1264 North Ave„ N. E.
Sacred Heart
Girl 12/7
Mr. & Mrs, Lazurus Markuly
(Dorothy Landwehr)
1277 Vistaleaf Dr.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Boy 12/1
Mr, & Mrs, John O’Donnell
(Hazel Barrett)
95 Landsdowne Dr,, N. W.
St. Jude
Boy 11/25
Mr, & Mrs. John Moakler
(Joan Quinn)
2558 Asbury Ct„ Decatur
St, Thomas More
11/30 Boy
Mr, 8t Mrs, George Kudro
(Katherine Lokey)
116 Glenroy Place, Smyrna
St. Joseph, Marietta
Girl 12/5
Mr. & Mrs, George Mosley
(Margaret Mae Collins)
706 Cedar Ave„ N. W.
Boy 11/30 „ > •*
Mr, & Mrs, Archie Purdy
(Dorothy Goebel)
1095 Alta Ave,, N. E.
St. Joseph’s Maronite Church
Girl 11/29
Mr, & Mrs, Henry Cummins
(Dorothy Rigney)
3213 Woodiynne Way
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Boy 12/1
Mr, & Mrs. Haskell Smith
(Peggy Aucoin)
504 Greenhill Way, Forest Park
St. John
Girl 11/29
Marianist Award
DAYTON, Ohio (RNS)— Abbe
Rene Laurentin, professor of
theology at the Catholic Univer
sity of Angers, France, and a
leading Mariologist, was named
by the University of Dayton
to receive its 1963 Marianist
Miss Nancy Winters Weds Atlantan
Albert J. Nagel In Texas Service
Sacred Heart Cathedral in
San Angelo, Texas, was the sc
ene of the recent wedding of
Miss Nancy Elizabeth Winters
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Frank Winters, San
Angelo, to A/lc Albert John Na
gel, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Nagel. Jr., Sewell Rd.,
The bride wore a blue, street
-length silk sheath dress which
featured a large, handmade flo
ral lace motif covering the
silk. The bodice was sleeveless
and the skirt had an overskirt
of scalloped lace. Her blue cr
own had a matching face veil
and she carried white carnatio
ns mounted on a white pray
er book.
Miss Kathylene Winters, sis
ter of the bride, was maid of
honor. She wore a beige knit
sheath and a beige crown with
a brief beil. Her shoulder cor
sage was of russet carnations.
A/lc William G. Jones served
as best man and A/lc David Sosa
and A/lc Brian Nichols were
The couple will live in San
Angelo, where the bridegroom
is attending technician school
at Goodfellow Air Force Base.
He is also employed by Mont
gomery Ward. He perviously
attended Greenleaf Business
College in Atlanta. Mrs. Win
ters attended San Angelo Jun
ior College and is employed by
the Metropolitan Life Insurance
Carol Clarke Is
In ‘Who’s Who’
Carol Clarke Murray, daug
hter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Murray, has been named to the
collegiate Who's Who at the
University of Georgia.
Miss Murray was voted the
most outstanding pledge of Al
pha Omicron Pi in 1963. She is
vice 'president of the Newman
Club, president of Gamma
Sigma service sorority and his
torian of Kappa Delta Epsilon,
Honorary Education sorority.
She is also a member of the
Student Council.
She attended Trinity College
in Washington, D. C. for two
years and is now a senior and
mathematics major at the Col
lege of Education.
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