The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, December 26, 1963, Image 7
foro Brandi School of inuty Culture JA. 3*9051 Auburn At*. N. C. ATLANTA ALLEN COLLAV SEXTET 5:30 TO 7:30 BILL & ALLEN DUO Chatter • Humor • Mutic Let Oyr Lounge Be Your Aft ernoon ond Evening Retreat DANCE AT THE Sd*tG SoUCC 7*0 Weit P'trce TR. $-425) DE KALB ‘PtymtatA *)*&• "Serving Decatur for 33 Years" DR 7-3814 303 ATLANTA AVE DECATUR, GEORGIA Collins Manufacturing Co. TAILORED AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS 517 Spring St., N. W. Atlanta, Ga. HAPPY DAY NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN Mary Hunt, Director Established 1950 GL. 7-3456 — Chamhlee. Ga. — 1731 E. Nancy Creak Rd. Johnston’s Home Furnishings QUALITY FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES FREE DELIVERY - CONVENIENT TERMS 5441 BUFORD HWY GL 7-2011 DoravUlc, Ga. McCoy’s Furniture & Appliance A FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER Buford Highway Chamblee GL 7-4326 OWENS FLOWER SHOP 1180 ATLANTA ROAD MARIETTA, GEORGIA SKYLAND CLEANERS Dry Cleaning - One Day Service Sky I and Sunshine Center Com Operated Cleaner &, Laundry 3904 Buford Hwy. 636-6258 Atlanta, Ga. Best Wishes Complete Auto Transit 5S05 PEACHTREE DORAVILLE, GA. LUNSFORD WEST END PHARMACY 80S GORDON ST.. S. W. PL. 3-3161 — DELIVERY SERVICE — Atlanta. Ga. TR 6-5524 y n a BYBEHTW COMPANY • MINTING 1/ TKInity 550 FORREST ROAD. N. E. • LITHOGRAPHING 5-4727 ATLANTA. GEORGIA S train f At Unit Sintt 1912 SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN Hawk On A Rampage BY RONDEL Big Bob Pettit, pro-basketball's southern gentleman, is lead ing the St. Louis Hawks on a rampage that might eventually net them the National Basketball Association championship. Pettit, a graduate of Louisiana State College, and one of the most prolific scorers in the history of the NBA is constantly establish ing new records. The big (6’9) forward and center has had to do a lot of adjusting since the arrival of behemoth Wilt Chamberlin. BEFORE CHAMBERLIN Pet tit had the whole league to him self. He became the first man in history to eclipse the 2,000 point scoring plateux, when he scored 2,105 points in 1960. At present he is closing in on every career scoring and rebounding mark in the history of the NBA. Adjusting wasn’t an easy task for Pettit. But he made the trans ition so smoothly and quietly it was amazing. The Hawks, once the power of the league slowly began to disintegrate. From the 1959 title playoff game they went to dead last in 1961. THROUGH THE DESCENT Pettit continued to play consistent ball. The grind of playing everyday, 80 games a year is no easy task on Pettit at age 36, but dedicated Bob still manages to aver age around 28 points per game. Bot Pettit is a realist. He knows that he is the bread and butter man of the Hawks. He realizes that without him in the lineup the team is apt to lose more games than itwill win. He realizes that when he does not play he is letting his teammates down. This is why he pushes himself to the extreme. PETTIT OFTEN PLAYS with sprained or twisted ankles. Many times he dresses out and plays whenhe has a cold. He always gives his all. A tireless competitor, Pettit is always hustling, and gentle man that he is, you never hear him complain. He is perhaps the finest jump shot artist to ever appear in the National Basketball Association. He has the softest touch of any shooter in the league, and doubles as a fierce rebounder and stur dy defensive ace. ONE OF THE CHIEF things that many people overlook is the fact that Pettit always draws the other teams top scorer. Players like Chamberlin, Russell and Bellamy. Men who are considered tops in the league. These players handle the ball more than any one else on their respective team and as a result Pettit must be in action at all times. Obviously this serves to sap his strength, but still he goes on. He is neither a complainer nor a "bluchouse lawyer.'* He is a hard- fighting, righteous catholic ballplayer who stands upfor what he be lieves in. HE IS THE PLAYER representative on the Hawks and fights owners every step of the way. He doesn’t create a scene or make headlines. He argues diplomatically and he usually wins. Had he chosen to be a lawyer instead of a ballplayer, he would undoubtedly be the finest one in the nation. He is the type of man who has a quick smile, a winning personality, and a kind word for everyone. WITH THE EMERGENCE of Chamberlin and Russell, Pettitmay never again be the league’s top scorer, nor the league’s top re- bounder. But when it comes to balloting for the best five players in the league you can bet Pettit will be on the squad. Likable Bob has made the all-star squad every year he has been in the league. He is an all-around star and ranks among the finest hoopsters to ever don a pro-uniform. PETTIT NOT ONLY excels in the shooting department. He Is a fine rebounder, drives with the best in the business and is an excel lent playmaker. In fact, he often passes up shots to "feed” his teammates. This is something you won’t find any of the "new generation’’ of stars doing. He is not an individualist. BOB PETTIT HAS A warm personality, is quick with a smile and equally quick witted. His huge frame seems to drag or slouch when he walks, giving the impression that he is awkward. Nothing could be further from the truth. He has the grace of a gazelle on the court. BOB’S GENEROSITY is another point to expound on. He often spends an hour or two after a practice or game signing auto graphs for starry eyed youngsters. He is a tireless competitor and a consistent donar to worthy causes of every kind. In the clutch, be it basketball or life, you can count on Bob Pet tit, everybody’s all-star. MSGR. FENTON C.U. Theologian Is Named To Parish SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (NC) —Msgr, Joseph C. Fenton, edi tor of the American Ecclesias tical Review at the Catholic University of America, Wash ington, D. C., has been named pastor of of St. Patrick's par ish, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Msgr. Fenton, a central fig ure in U. S. Catholic theologi cal circles where he repre sents a "conservative” or tra ditional point of view, also has been named by Pope Paul VI as a Prothonotary Apostolic. MSGR. FENTON’S NEW as signment and his papal honor, which also was given to four other priests in the Springfield diocese, was announced (Dec. 13) by Bishop Christopher J. Weldon of Springfield. Prothonotary Apostolic is the highest honor, short of the epis copacy, given diocesan priests. Among its privileges is the S TRANGE BUT TRU I Little-Known Facts for Catholicf ■■ By M J. MURRAY c*ymM. jhj ncwc. n.*. •«nic THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 GEORGIA BULLETIN PAGE 7 1 1 '"RVC '' SUILT IN NAPLES, ITALY. IN THE QfV CENTlltiV.TWli W FiC.'U'AlM.Y Tttf MOST CUABOMAH aml> FAMOUS CKlO IN THE WOi«U\ IONO i-- *27 FT NiuH. IT INCLUDES TiNV OETAILS SHOW AS LOAVES ANP INDIVIDUAL Cwv* IN A DASKtT — EACW |AKVCO FlCOM tv’OKY / TWt* J*ll> IS ON \UiW IN KOMC. i rl ,*■ Ml wU TrlC BEAUTIFUL LEGEND or me Christmas rose \Relates mar it first APP€A*£D cH 1 .n answer to THE PRATER OF A POOR SHEPHERD GWl 'WHO HAD HO GIFT TO SUING HOLT INFANT. J CAJfcN- 'j Y.jc* r in w A f**, j can. THERE is AN AMO CRT TRADITION AMONG THE FARMING COMMUNITY IN NORTHERN EUROPE THAT A WlNDV CHRISTMAS IS A SURE SIGN OF A GOOD TEAR TO fqlLOvJ ■ CARDINAL BEA STATES right to use, at certain Masses, the symbolic vestments and or naments of a bishop. MSGR. FENTON, BORN in Springfield on Jan. 16, 1908, joined the faculty of the Ca tholic University in 1938. Six years later he was named edi tor of the Review, a monthly publication. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE Religious Liberty Man’s Basic Right ROME (NC)—The head of the Church’s Christian Unity office has called religious liberty an "inalienable and undeniable right of man.” Consequently, the fact that the Second Vatican Council is deal ing with religious liberty is of vital Importance for mankind now and forever, Augustin Car dinal Bea said. THE PRESIDENT of the Sec retariat for Promoting Chris tian Unity was addressing the convention of Italian Catholic Jurists (Dec. 13). He spoke at the Campidoglio—Rome’s city hall—in the presence of Mayor Glauco della Porta. His sub ject was "Religious Freedom and the Transformation of So ciety." » He said: "In a time when so many forms of materialism and of athiesm, both theoretical and practical, are seeking with every means to sweep all re ligion from the face of the earth, or even to root out the very need of it from the hearts of men, it is a basic duty to proclaim loudly the inalien able and undeniable right of man to the freedom to honor God privately and publicly, to proclaim and propagate his re ligion, according to the precept of one’s own upright con science.*’ CARDINAL BEA pointed out that the indispensable founda tion of such liberty is always that liberty from the rule of passions, which is known as self-mastery. This aspect of liberty was underlined by St. Paul, the Cardinal said. He called St. Paul "the herald and hero of liberty.” Freedom from his passions allows man to seek truth, Car dinal Bea said, and pointed out: "The very first grave duty of man is to seek to know the whole truth, liberating himself earnestly from Ignorance and from error. "Everyone must therefore seek possibility of moral and religious instruction.*’ SEIZED IN CHURCH Vietnam Priest Beaten By Band SAIGON, Vietnam(NC)—Fa ther John Baptist Nguyen cao Loc of My-A parish in the Hue archdiocese was seized by an anti-Catholic band on Nov. 27 and badly beaten, according to a statement issued by the vicar general and a committee of the archdiocese. Father Loc is vice director of Catholic Action and chaplain of the local Catholic youth or ganization as well as doing pas toral work in My-A parish. HE WAS KNEELING before the altar In his church at 5 a.m. on Nov. 27 preparing for Mass when a group of men, mostly young, broke in. They damaged some religious ob jects in the church, made a search and seized the priest. They tied him, blindfolded him and took him away. According to local authori ties, the captive priest was brought to Vinh-Loc district headquarters after having been dragged and pushed a distance of nearly five miles. Several times along the way his captors stopped to abuse and ill treat him publicly. WHEN RELEASED apparent ly the same day, he bore cuts and bruises on his head and shoulders. Later, Father Loc issued a statement in which he said: "I am happy to shed some drops of my blood on this be loved land. For God’s sake and following Christ’s example, I have suffered offenses against my honor and my person. I of fer those sufferings to God for the spread of the Faith in this a four-year liberal arts college FLORIDA’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE of DISTINCTION Co-Educational Write: Director of Admissions SAINT LEO COLLEGE SAINT LEO, FLORIDA CLASSIFIEDS USE THE CLASSIFIEDS HOLIDAY PARTIES Roneo Mimeograph, manual with automatic inking. $100.00 PL 3-4306 after 6:00 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS I APT FO R RENT FOR SALE English Sausage rolls, tea sandwiches, canapes, and ot her food specialities. N. E. Atlanta, Marietta. Nancy Garrard - Marietta, 428- 1738 Christ The King Parish. Un furnished apartment (duplex), 2 bedrooms, conditioned, terrace, stove, dishwasher, re frigerator. 1917 Dellwood Dr. N.W., 355-6806 SPECIAL NOTICE W onastery J3read Baked by the Monks of Our Lady of the Holy Ghost Trappist Monastery Is available at @oCa*iiai Sfoxed *7ttc. 1U Sty rfwle SUPERMARKETS *7^e Ttotxe 'Dame SoolUfoxe Eggs from the Monastery Farm are distributed by jVet *D<xixied BUSINESS SERVICES All types construction and re pair service; also roofing, sid ing, and remodeling estimates. FHA and conventional financing up to five years to pay. No pay ments for 60 days - no money down. Call 767-7000 for details. Eagle Construction Co., 628 S. Central Ave., Hapeville, Georgia. ACCORDION: Private Instruc tions, Sales, Rentals and music, Marchese Accordion and Gui tar Studios Inc, 344-6052, DRESSES BY ESTER Can copy originals of from magazines, Also wedding dresses, Or fine wearing apparel. 378-9579. LEAGUE OF OUR LADY OF CHARITY 34 Peachtree Avenue, N.E. 231-3631 Desires to receive all US ABLE Clothing, Shoes, Books, Household Furnish ings, Appliances and Fur niture. Clothing Store Hours - Every Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. district. I gladly shook hands with the man who had confes sed himself responsible. I re quested the authorities not to arrest the wrongdoers when the head of Thua Thien province kindly visited me two days af ter I came to Hue. His Intention was to punish severly those who by unlawful acts tried to create disorder and thereby oppose the goal of the revolution, among them the communist hirelings in particular. The vicar gene ral, Msgr. Dominic Tran van Phat and his committee re minded Catholics of the "tra ditional position of the Church: give love for hatred, pardon for injury, and concord for dissen sion.” They added: "The Chris tian who has been arrested and molested should not respond by vindictive actions. In the face of injustice and abuses,heshould state his position clearly to the responsible authorities and ask that his rights be respect ed, but he should do that through legal and peaceful ways. . . Against discriminations, slan ders and false accusations we should respond by a high sense of national solidarity and hu man brotherhood.” Named To Curia VATICAN CITY (NC) —Father Raymond Lessard of the Dio cese of Fargo, N.D., has been named a member of the secretariat of the Sacred Con- sistorial Congregation, the Roman Curia body which over sees the erection and govern ment of dioceses in nonmiss ion regions of the Latin Rite Church. He was formerly secretary to the late Alolslus Cardinal Muench, longtime Bishop of Fargo and Aposto lic Nuncio to Germany. MOVING? NEW ADDRESS:^ NAME PLEASE NOTIFY US SEND US THIS NOTICE TODAY: THE GEORGIA BULLETIN P.O. BOX 11667-NORTHSIDE STATION ATLANTA 5, GEORGIA ADDRESS_ CITY ZONE Send or Phone Your Clasgified Advertising To The Georgia Bulletin P.O. Box 11667-Northside Station Atlanta 5, Georgia Phone: 231-1281 Ads accepted by phone, mall and at the office up to Monday, 5 p.m 3 line MINIMUM CHARGE Count 5 Average Words to a line. , . RATES 1 Time, 25£ per line 4 consecutive times with no copy change . . . 23£ per line “DISPLAY CLASSIFIED (WITH BORDER $1,00 PER INCH Legal Notices 50£ Deaths 50£ In Memoriam 50(5 Acknowledgment 50 £ PUBLISHED WEEKLY Print your classified ad on this form. Slip it into an envelope along with remittance and sent it tor THE GEORGIA BULLETIN Classified Department Your Name. Address. City .State