The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, May 04, 1967, Image 3

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GEORGIA BULLETIN, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1967 3 Faculty At Catholic University Asks For Meeting With Chancellor ^ WASHINGTON (NC)—The en tire full-time faculty of Catho lic University of America has voted to set up a committee to "insist*’ on a meeting with Ajrchbishop Patrick A, O’Boyle of Washington, university chan cellor, and representatives of the board of trustees. The faculty wants the meeting held before May 26 to discuss' * ‘structural change s’ * in the or ganization of the university. The vote came one day after classes were resumed here ending a four-day faculty and student boycott called to pro test the trustees* unexplained action in terminating the ap pointment of a theology teacher. The boycott ended when Arch bishop O'Boyle announced that the trustees had reversed their decision, and that Father Char les E. Curran would be pro moted to the rank of associate professor. The Father Curran incident was "symptomatic of a com plete deterioration of communi cation,*’ a faculty statement (April 26) declared. "A boycott is a disaster to a university, but the reasons for the disaster still remain.’* The faculty voted to have the Dr. H. Boaz & Dr. M. Jacobs OPTOMETRIST’S . EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED Briarcliff Shopping Center 2136 Henderson Mill Road 938-645.5 seven-man executive board of the Assembly of Ordinary Pro fessors—an organization open to all the university’s approxi mately 100 full professors—se lect the committee to meet with Archbishop O’Boyle and the trustees. It empowered the committee to work for the fol lowing "changes and re forms.*’: —The addition of faculty members to the board of trus tees, currently composed of 33 members of the hierarchy and 11 laymen. These persons would be elected by all full time faculty members, and serve three-year terms. One of their number would be a member of the executive com mittee of the board of trustees. —A voice in determining the university’s budget. The faculty proposed that a budget committ- Candidates For Degrees At St. Bernard Four students from the At lanta area have been named candidates for bachelor de grees at St. Bernard College, St. Bernard, Alabama. The students, their home towns and major subject of study at the Benedictine school are: Francis Elbridge Freeborn, Decatur, business administra tion; John Francis Jerow, Avon dale Estates, history; Lyman Henry Kempton Jr., Atlanta, business administration and Jo seph Francis Padula Jr.,'De catur, business administration. ee be elected by the Academic Senate, whose membership would be enlarged to include more faculty members along with administrators. The bud get committee would be given full access to the relevant data and empowered to determine, together with the administration officials who prepare the bud get, the final version submitted to the trustees. —The right to add four per sons "from academic life*’ to the new Survey and Objectives Committee recently appointed by the trustees to study Cath olic University. The faculty noted that this committee, he ad ed by Dr. Carroll A. Hochwalt of St. Louis, has no professional educators among its members. Amendments of University statutes to permit a layman to be rector. Now the rector must be a priest. The faculty postponed action on a resolution that would es tablish a committee to evolve regulations for Catholic Uni versity in line with the Ameri can Association of University Professors’ standards on aca demic freedom. The members of the executive board that will name the faculty committee seeking a meeting with Archbishop O’Boyle are Father Frederick R. McManus, Father Roland Murphy, Dr. Em erson Myers, Dr. Edward Jor dan, Dr. Roland Nardone, Sis ter Kathleen Black and Dr. Mal colm Henderson, chairman. Dr. Henderson said that the reforms were suggested by the faculty long before the inci dent involving Father Curran, but that it seemed a good time to bring them up again. 'Ck. The Man Who's Always There Husbands are an elusive breed: rarely around when you want them. Working late, out of town, or simply “out with the boys.” The only evidence that they’ve been there at all (or will be again) is often in the laundry hamper or on the kitchen stove. But the man in the portrait is always there: sharing, in spiring, loving, every moment he’s away. Wouldn’t you like your husband’s portrait? Have you told him so? “Always” portraits don’t just happen. They’re made by talented, trained, experienced professional photog raphers. Like us. Send your husband down to pose, and see! vl fHo>. Tho Studios and Ait Gallons 'l/a# TF1FPH0NE: Atlanta, Georgia. 30 Tenth St., N.W. 874-6321 Plenty of Free Parking; in rear of Studio VATICAN CITY (NC)—The visit of Norway’s King Olav V \to the Vatican was hailed (Ap ril 28) by Pope Paul VI as a "sign of the times" indicating a promise of better relations in the future. King Olav was the third Scan dinavian sovereign to visit the Vatican in recent years—the others were the kings of Den mark and Sweden. During the 15 minute state visit, the Pope recalled to King Olav that he is named for St. King Olav, who is honored in the Church’s calendar of saints, and that the Englishman, Nicholas Breakspear,. later Pope Adrian IV, was papal legate to Norway in 1152 and founded the arch diocese of Nidaros, now Trond heim, and 10 suffragan bishop rics. The pope told the king that "the Catholic Church has en tered for its part in these last years into dialogue with the other Christian confessions and it hopes thus to contribute effi caciously to the progress of the great cause of the union of Christians. One can think that this new climate will help to overcome the past historic sit uations and preconceived ideas on both sides and that it will favor the bringing of souls to gether and, as a happy conse quence, favor the cordiality of relations between the Holy See and the Nordic countries." Installation Is May 5 For Officers Of CFM Officers of the newly federated Christian Family Movement will be installed by Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Friday, May 5, at an 8 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church. The new CFM federation will join the various CFM groups in parishes throughout the arch diocese. Parishes having active CFM groups are the Cathedral of Christ the ‘ King, St. John the Evangelist in Hapeville, St. Thomas More in Decatur, Immaculate Heart of Mary and two Episcopal parishes, St. Bartholomew’s and St.John’s in College Park; There are about Barwick Pharmacy FREE PE LIVERY OR PICK-UP . 634-3361 DRUGS-COSMETICS SUNDRIES 2724 Clairmont Rd, NJE* Immaculate Heart Parish 100 couples in the movement. Through a coordinating council, the federation willseek to coordinate activities, to stimulate interest in the work of the family apostolate and to serve as liaison with other apostolic groups in the arch diocese. Officers to be installed are Paul and Mary Ann Traina of Immaculate Heart of Mary, president-couple; Jamie and Genie Goode of Christ the King, treasurer-couple; Vincent and Terri Sulgit of St. Thomas More, vice president-couple; Ed and Katie Herber of St. John’s, secretary-couple. Traina said the federation is a significant step in the growth of the movement in the archdiocese. After the in stallation there will be an informal discussion in the rectory meeting room. ATTRACTIVE lZ^xlS” Board ® d J0J)2 9 5 6 (I 13 |g ■3 4, 7 1 • IRISH RINGS j^ftrallajjes! Interesting game for everybody EDUCATIONAL- HEALTHFUL-COMPETITIVE Use rules that come with game or make your own. Take it with you on your outings, may be played indoors or out. Ideal gift. Send ck. or m.o. for $3.95 (total cost)’ or c.o.d. plus post age. To - W. Terry O'Brien, P« O. Box 18003, E. Atlanta, Ga., Stn,; 30316 or Ph. 284-1191 MAIL TO (print) ADDRESS , __ CITY ZIP CALENDAR Norwegian King Visits Pope Paul The Fifth Annual Blue and Gold Ball, sponsored by the Marist Parents’ Club will be held on Friday May 5, in the Dinkier Plaza Hotel's International Ballroom, from 9 p.m.-l a.m. Music by Francis Wallace and her orchestra. For tickets call, Mrs. C.W. Armstrong, 938-2559. 6- Church of the Holy Cross, Chamblee, will hold its second general parish meeting and election of officers at St. Pius X High School cafetorium, on Saturday, May 6, at 8 p.m. 7- The Catholic Hour-Radio will present a four- part series, "The Primacy, of the Spirit" on Sunday, May 7, 6:35 a.m.-7 a.m„ station WSB- radio-750. For information concerning program, write to The National Council of Catholic Men, Radio/TV Department, 405 Lexington Ave., New York, 17, N.Y. 7- The Sacred Heart TV Program will present Father Charles F.X. Dolan, speaking on "The Separated Churches’’ on Sunday, May 7, 7:30 a.m., station WAGA-TV, Channel 5. To receive a copy of this talk, write to the Program, 3900 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63108. Specify script no. 749. 8- The annual Spring Luncheon of the Cathedral Wo men’s Club will be held on Monday, May 8, fol lowing 12:10 p.m. Mass at Cathedral of Christ the King. Luncheon at Yohannan’s Restaurant, Le nox Square. Send check for $3.50 (per person) to Mrs. Loretta Huber, 181 Rumson Road, N.E., Atlanta, 30305. 8- The 'Christopher Toastmasters Club will meet on Monday, May 8, at Davis House cafeteria, Brookhaven. Cocktails at 6:15 p.m., Dinner—meet ing at 6:30 p.m. 8- The annual Spring Luncheon of the Cathedral Wo- . men’s Club will be held on Monday, May 8, beginning with the 11:15 a.m. meeting and 11:45 a.m. Mass in Cathedral of Christ the King Center. Luncheon to follow at Yohannan’s Restaurant, Le nox Square. 9- Father John Hein, S.J., will say Mass and give a brief discussion for persons who work in the downtown area on Tuesday, May 9, 12:05-12:45 p.m., in Room 820 Trust Company of Georgia, Edgewood Ave. and Prior Si. 9- The Sacrament of Confirmation will be adminis tered by Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin at St. Michael’s Church, Gainesville, on Tuesday, May 9, during 8 p.m. Mass. 9- Immaculate Heart of Mary Altar and Rosary So ciety will hold its annual "Spring Luncheon” and installation of new officers at Stone Mountain Re staurant, on Tuesday, May 9, 12 noon. Festivi ties will begin With 10 a.m. Mass. For reserva tions call, Mrs. Elizabeth Pavlidis, 633-1791, or Mrs. Jo Keirans, 636-2837, 9- Father James F.'Scherer.-dirctorr.of-Catholic - Social 'Service, will speak-on Tuesday, May 9 r - ■ at 8 p.m., to the Northside Chapter of Divorcees Anomymous at the Cathedral of St. Philip (Buck- head) on "Family Problems." 12- The St. Luke’s chapter of the Holy Family Hos pital Auxiliary will hold its "bake sale" on Friday, May 12, 10:30 a.m. on the Mall of the Greenbriar Shopping Center. 12- The Catholic Hour - TV Program, produced by the National Council of Catholic Men, will pre- • sent a four-part series entitled ‘The Struggle” beginning on Friday, May 12, 6:25 a.m,-6:55 a.m„ station WSB-TV, Channel 2. 12-14- A two-day retreat for women will be held on Friday, May 12, 7:30 p.m., through Sunday, May 14, 8 p.m., at Ignatius House, 6700 Riverside Drive, N.W. For information call, Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, 427-1685; Mrs. Pat Sims, 255-0962; Mrs. Mary Ann Traina, 636-7806 or Mrs. Joanne Zivalich, 766-7984. 12- Our Lady’s Association for Exceptional Children will meet at Immaculate Conception auditorium on Friday, May 12, at 8 p.m. Miss Lorraine Zak, , who attended the recent Conference on Exceptional Children at St. Louis, will give a report. COGGINS SHOE STORE SHOES FOR THE FAMILY 46 W. PARK SQ. MARIETTA, GEORGIA PHONE 428-6811 13- The Ladies* auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, Council 4358, will sponsor a "Card Party" at the DeKalb Federal Savings and Loan Association Club Room, 116 Clairmont Ave., Decatur, on Saturday, May 13, at 8 p.m. 17- The 4th quarterly meeting of the Northeast Dea nery of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Wo men (ACCW) will be . held at the new Holy Cross Parish Center, on Wednesday, May 17, beginning with Mass at 10:30 a.m. A nursery will be pro vided. Bring child’s lunch. For luncheon reser vations call Mrs. Romalee Moran, 451-1804. 18- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home Auxiliary will hold its meeting at the Home on Thursday, May 18, at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served. . 20- “Gay Nineties, Dance" sponsored by the Holy Cross parish, will be held on Saturday, May 20, 8:30 p.m.-l a.m„ at Knights of Columbus Hall, Buford Highway. $4 per couple. 20- St. John’s School, Hapeville, will hold its annual “Spring Carnival” on Saturday, May 20, noon to 6 p.m. on the school grounds. Many exciting booths and concessions will be featured including Officer Don and Orville the Green Dragon. Public invited. 21- The Theresians of Atlanta is sponsoring its first Jericho Breakfast meeting for upper elementary grades, high school girls and their mothers, on Sunday, May 21, at Cathedral of Christ the King Church following 8:30 a.m. Mass, St.Thomas More Church following 9 a.m. Mass and St. Anthony’s Church following 10 a.m. Mass. INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC TRAVEL DUFFY TRAVEL AIRLINE-STEAMSHIP- HOTEL-AUTO-RESERVATION QUALITY TRAVEL 37 WEST PACES FERRY RD„ N.W. ATLANTA, GA. CALL 237-5108 THE SfiMoL'C)- 7^/Unt' Ml M EO WAY Speed - O - Print Stencil Duplicators save time, too. Bulletins, letters, office forms, post cards, etc., are ready in minutes in stead of days, cost pennies instead of dollars. Manual and electric models, all using easily applied paste ink. Closed cylinder mo dels equipped with ’‘pull- in" feeding mechanism for positive feeding of single sheets. Full line of top- quality supplies available. Write for details. See how the Speed-O-Print Mimeo Way can save you time and money I Sales - Service Stencils - Inks - Paper Hynes Co. 172 WHITEHALL ST. 525-6417 Bulletin Ads Bring Results Roswell Antiques 51 NORTH PARK SQ.RoswellGa. 993-6206 < \Jci J1GV-//L an Concrete Manufacturing Company FOUIVDER’S IHlCK* * CONCRETE BRICK IS BEST! Plantation Stone 521-0077 Atlanta- Austell- Lithonia Wedding Receptions Buffets Dinners Cocktail Parties Business Dinners Boxed Lunches (Zlcutde TVkite TO: Homes, Offices, Private and Social Clubs For All Size and Type Parties We Invite Your Inquiry CALL: 361-6460 CALL: 478-5285