The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, June 13, 1968, Image 14

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14 GEORGIA BULLETIN, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1968 Sen. Robert Kennedy -Man Of Compassion THIS PHOTO, taken Oct. 4, 196S, shows Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and two of his young sons as they attended the Mass offered by Pope Paul VI at Yankee Stadium, New York City, following the pontiffs address before the United Nations. (RNS Photo). BLAKE ON WCC: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy has joined the immortals of the nation and his death caused grief, disquietude, uneasiness, unhappiness and dissatisfaction, Father John McDonough said at an ecumenical memorial service Sunday at Sacred Heart Church. Father McDonough, pastor of Holy Spirit, said grief over the Senator’s death was “evidenced on our television screens during the past few days. President Johnson’s own sense of personal dismay, shock and horror was shared by hundreds of thousands of Americans who stood long and weary hours to walk silently by his bier. “We do not propose to eulogize too effusively Senator Robert Kennedy. History, in due time, will assess his position in American life far better and much more effectively than we can. Assembly Will Cover ‘Ultimates Of Life’ LONDON (RNS) - The Fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches at Uppsala, Sweden, in July will not be “just another church meeting” but will be concerned with the “ultimates of human life,” according to the WCC general secretary, Dr. Eugene Carson Blake. The American churchman made the statement in an exclusive interview published in the Methodist Recorder, leading independent Methodist newspaper. Three main dangers facing the world would be discussed at Uppsala, he declared, and programs for study and education in their fields would be outlined. He named the three dangers as distribution of the world’s wealth among the nations; ideological problems of communism and nationalism; and, “most College Priest Not Suspended M OR AG A, Calif. (NC) - Bishop Floyd L. Begin of Oakland, Calif., has not suspended the chaplain of St. Mary’s College here for his part in a controversy over the reading of papal documents on peace by a student at a church service on campus. The San Francisco Chronicle, daily newspaper, reported that Bishop Begin had suspended the chaplain, Father Roderick Garvey, C.SS.R., from all his priestly functions, including celebrating Mass and dispensing the sacraments. Bishop Begin, in an official statement (June 4), denied that he had suspended Father Garvey, “even temporarily.” Father Garvey also denied that he was suspended. threatening of all,” race. On race, he said: “You can change the world markets, the relationship of rich and poor, even your ideologies, but you can’t change the color of a man’s skin, or his physiognomy, or quickly eradicate the bitterness of the past.” In the context of communism and nationalism, he also said it was essential that Communist China should be accepted into the family of nations. Dr. Blake stressed the need for new thinking in church life. All local churches and all church members are affected by world events, whether political, ethical or theological, he said. More and more the churches must relate the gathering of their congregations for Sunday worship with the world and all its problems and its new thinking. “We have to bear in mind,” he declared, “that most of the church’s rules were drawn up at a time when people lived their entire lives in the place where they were born. “Now we have this tremendous mobility and this technological independence. People are now living more and more in cities. And religion has never been so successful in larger groups. Church life has, in the past, been more or less rural-orientated. Now the struggle in terms of mission is in the cities and this requires new thinking, new emphases, a new approach.” Uppsala, he said, would not be pushing for a Utopia, but its central aim will be directed to the serving of man’s need in a world which tends increasingly towards Nihilism. Dr. Blake said he did not anticipate any major conflicts at Uppsala. But criticisms were expected and he thought the main ones would be directed from some sections against the WCC’s closer relationship with the Roman Catholic Church, the rapid growth of the Council, and whether the “center” has not been changed on the question of “what Christianity is all about.” “Have we not moved out too much into the world?” he asked. His own answer was that the Church had a seven-day week to operate and must meet the claims of Christianity, wherever these could be fulfilled. “But it is impossible for us not to recognize that the man felled by an assassin’s bullet was an extraordinary person. As President Johnson said, ‘During his personal life, he knew far more than his share of personal tragedy, yet he never abandoned his faith in America, he never lost his confidence in the spiritual strength of ordinary men and women. He believed in the capacity of the young for excellence and in the right of the old and poor to a life of dignity.” Father McDonough said Senator Kennedy, bom into affluence, had a feeling for people that few others have had. “He had sympathy for and an empathy with those who were oppressed and discriminated against. He was above all a compassionate seeker of justice. He spoke out again and again for impoverished Negroes, the striking grape pickers, the neglected American Indians and all the other lost ahd defeated people.” However, the priest said, it was foolish only to talk. “Something must be done to alleviate the poverty, to curb all violence, to put an end to discrimination. A controversy rages in our country today-Is America a sick country? I don’t know. “It seems to me that on the national day of mourning there are good people in our country. For the past few days some 1,500 people have searched the rugged terrain of North Carolina for 4-year-old Cenda Schweers. One man has given his life, many have been injured. There is love and dedication here. “We all know what one man has done in our own city, Mayor Ivan Allen. We know what many of our businessmen are doing ... devoting time, energy and talent in the pursuit of the well-being of others. “But in the last analysis, it is we who have to examine ourselves, find out what we can do, search and keep searching until we have in our own individual lives the goals of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.” Five hundred persons attended the service, one of several memorial services held in Atlanta Sunday on the day of mourning. CHALET COIFFEURS Featuring Exdusive All Protein Permanents Free Donuts & Coffee 1749 Columbia Drive Decatur, Ga. Columbia Plaza 289-5626 Basement waterproofed, made dry. 10 year’s guaranteed un der ground drain pipes in stalled all kinds of cement work. R. G. TROTTER 3122 HoweU Mill Road (at Paces Ferry Shopping Center) 355-0997. 'Delightfully' Different II (Mon.-Fri.) Lunch: 11:30-4:00 (Mon.-Sat.) Dinner: 5:00-11:30 Sunday Dinners 12:00-9:00 Banquet Facilities For 20—250 Entertainment Nitely Major Credit Cards Honored tquirrel ZZage CHARCOAL STEAKS AND LOUNGE 1999 Peachtree Road, N. E. / Atlanta, Georgia / 351-6747 < 3ruly as different as its name—delightfully different! For those who like the unusual... delicious open-hearth steaks, candle-lit intimacy, a "caged-in” piano bar and atmosphere that just won't quit —at unbelievably modest prices... the Squirrel Cage is the place! % ) T /CH EVROLET / «r