The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, October 18, 1979, Image 2

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% ? PAGE 2—The Georgia Bulletin, October 18,1979 Taller Sobre La Evan gelizacion “Somos Iglesia, miembros de una comunidad viva y Uena de amor.” Estos fueron los sentimientos de las personas que asistieron al taller sobre Comunidades de Base y su Mision Evangelizadora auspiciado por el Comite arquidiocesano ara el Apostolado Hispano. El viernes por la noehe, y luego, sabado y domingo, 21,22, y 23 de septiembre, el Padre Mario Vizcaino, y un equipo del Centro Pastoral del Sureste, dirigieron dicho taller en e) Centro Catolico. Participaron mas de treinta latinos de la Arquidiocesis de Atlanta, procedentes de diferentes paixoquias, y diferentes movimientos de la Iglesia. El proposito del taller fue doble: presentar un modelo de comunidad cristiana que pueda servir de orientacion en la formacion de comunidades en Atlanta, e indicar los pasos a tomar en cuanto a la evangelizacion. Fueron dias de trabajo, siguiendo e) verdadero sentido de la palabra “taller.” Los participantes trabajaron en grupos pequenos, llevando a cabo varias tareas, y luego comparando ideas con los demas grupos. Tambien escucharon charlas sobre topicos importantes: Santisima Trinidad - Comunidad; la Encarnacion, en su sentido mas prof undo; la Iglesia primitive; los elementos de una verdadera comunidad cristiana; como fue cambiando la Iglesia a lo largo de los siglos; y finalmente, como se ha efectuado cambios otra vez en la Iglesia del dia de hoy. Los trabajos fueron creativas, sacando fruto de las experiencias previas de los participantes. El espiritu del grupo se fuemanimandose cada hora, y llego a desbordarse en alegria durante las ultimas horas cuando el Arzobispo Donnellan celebro la Misa de Clausura el domingo en la tarde. En su homilia, en espanol, el Arzobispo felicito a los participantes por su dedicacion y esfuerzo durante el taller, y les reto a seguir trabajando para formar comunidades autenticas en la comunidad latina de Atlanta Entre los participantes del taller habia mucho entusiasmo, y deseo de implementar las ideas presentadas. La Senora Annie Trujillo c.omento: “Habia representacion de todos los movimientos de la Iglesia Se puede trabajar juntos! Lo que mas me llego, fue el entendimiento de que primero tengo que conocer mejor a Jesus, siempre con la intencion de salir a llevar a cabo una evangelizacion integral.” Manuel Anton, estudiante universitario, dijo: “Excelente! Nos presentaron no solo el ‘por que’ - sino el ‘como.’ Yo personalmente saque mucho de este taller. Pienso que seria muy provechoso utilizer los elementos de una verdadera comunidad como un examen de conciencia para nuestra propia comunidad.” Mirta y Adolfo Casals opinaron: “Muy benificioso! Era la primera vez que vimos en la practica las bases para la formacion de comunidades cristianas. Era una presentacion magnifica!” La Senora Vicky Gonzalez dijo: “Para mi, me fue muy practico, Y me inspiro. Me lleno de fuerza para salir a trabajar por el Senor. Lo que mas me impresiono fue como el equipo nos ayudo a ver los cambios que han habido en la Iglesia, de la Iglesia tradicional a la Iglesia de hoy. Fueron cambios provechosos.” El Taller ha hecho impacto; ha indicado unas bases firmes sobre las cuales laborar en la tarea de la evangelizacion. Lo importante es responder. “Hay que partir de lo que somos y lo que tenemos”, dijo el Padre Vizcaino. Los participantes lo han tornado en serio. Padre Mario Vizcaino y Arzobispo Donnellan ATTENTION BYZANTINE CATHOUCS Epithany Catholic Chapel 555 Cross Ville Road Roswell, Georgia 50076 Father Robert Kvaudio Telephone: 903-0075 STAFF*FOOD• EQl IPMENT*F.XPKRIFNCT 4 date 1£ ’ll FOR ALL OCCASIONS’ In 7own...Out Of Town AI any location of your choice Indoors and/or Outdoors Call For Free Estimate RONNIE SPETALNICK 255-7824 GEORGIA BULLETIN Ads Bring Results! Beads « Italian 14K Chain for ien and women « 14K Charms and Charm holders * Diamond Earrings and Pendants Custom work and repairs done on the premises. Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. fi Sat. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. k Robin Gordon 0(404) 233-5056 233-5057 k Peachtree-Piedmont $ Shopping Center 3330 Piedmont Rd. N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30305 RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS We do any kind of remodeling, additions, repairs. We help design your own ideas. Free estimates. Call George 449 0007 after 5. IlLttlUMUUUUUllftitli JOHN LAWHORN'S Give Y° ur children a morning they will never forget. IV? hours with John Lawhorn at the Music Works. A free 1 V? hour lesson for children 8-11 • Number limited Sept 29 1 0 -.30 A ,M. 1 2 Noon. For more information and free brochure phone or write: 892-3194 18th & Spring St. (Old Spring St School) WORK/ WERE EASY TO FINDl Come try us! Atlanta’s most complete delicatessen, in 2 easy-to-find locations. Sandwiches & salads for take-out, over 150 cheeses, j a complete alcoholic beverage and superior wine selection. Discover the South's most outstanding selection of specialty & gourmet foods, with some great prices like these: $ 2 99 French Brie T3s LB Value $4.49 LB AA,. Romanoff Caviar. CI5f v 2 oz. Jar. Value $1.29 49 Imported Swiss Cheese dCmLB Value$3.69 LB 7A(> Cailler Swiss Chocolate 3 oz. Bar. Value $1.29. Pennsylvania Dutch Pretzels ' v 8 oz. Box. Value 890. OPEN SUNC \YS CHESHIRE BRIDGE AT LA '1ST> 321-3012 SANDY SPRINGS CIRCLE AT JOH, TO,; FERRY • 256-DELI HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Mrs. Richard Raleigh Fields (left), Sister Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU, Mrs. Paul Verpillot and Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan are shown celebrating the 75th birthday of the College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York. On Saturday, October 27, members of the Georgia Club of the College of New Rochelle Alumnae Association will gather at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fields, 6075 Heard’s Creek Drive, NW, (telephone 252-6964) for further festivities in connection with the college’s anniversary celebration. Honorees at the party will include Dr. Anna Raia, Director of the Honors Program at the college, and Elizabeth Donnolo, Honors Program student. Pope Not Criticizing Sister Kane ROME ( N C) -- Although many journalists interpreted Pope John Paul II’s Oct. 10 comments to Italian women superiors general as a direct criticism of Mercy Sister Theresa Kane, other Vatican observers saw it simply as a sign of the pope’s continual interest in women’s role in the church. No Vatican official would discuss the connection between the pope’s words and Sister Kane’s Oct. 7 appeal on the record, but officials and observers privately rejected the idea that Pope John Paul was using his regular weekly general audience as an occasion to chastise the president of the U.S. Leadership Conference of Women Religious. During the pope’s visit to Washington, at a prayer service for 7,000 nuns at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Sister Kane urged the pope to be open to and respond to the voices of the women of the United States who want to serve as fully participating members of the church. “The words were very similar to those he used in his Holy Thursday message Arts And Crafts Workshop Saint John’s School in Hapeville will be the setting for the Creative Arts and Crafts Workshop sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education on Saturday, October 27, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Catechists and religion teachers of children ranging from pre-school through eighth grade are invited to attend. Workshop themes will include “Faith Development and Moral Life,” “Church And Family,” “Sacraments,” “God’s Gift: Family and Friends,” “Art in the Preschool” and “Celebrations/Seasonal Holidays.” Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch. A nursery will be provided. To register, call the Office of Religious Education, 881-6131. /Is MEMORIAL WINDOWS Antique or Opalescent IRONZf NAMI ^LATU STEEL SASH [Specializing in Repair &] Storm Sheathing— LLOVICNS Stained Glass Studios 373-7374 1 75 Laredo Dr. - Decatur, Ga. .See ; The Sole Saver and ; • The Key Man • ALBERT M. MASLIA I BRIARVISTA SHOEi : and Key Shop l 2181 Briarcliff Rd. ! (at La Vista Rd.) : 633-0478 ALFORD’S Framing & Gallery Creative Framing Original Art Works and Reproductions 7513 Roswell Rd. 393-9758 Cedar Ridge Center W illiam P. O’ Quin, M.D. announces the opening of Peachtree Corners Medical Clinic, P.C. and the association of Bert J. Johnson, Jr., M.D. in the practice of General and Industrial Medicine at 448-3836 3320 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 116 Norcross, Ga. 30092 GEORGIA BULLETIN Ads Bring Results! ^jVVVVVWWVVWVVVVWVVVW Boi) Todd Gulf Service Gulf Tires - Batteries Accessories AC Tune Up & Diagnostic Center Mechanic on Duty All Minor Repairs Lubrication — Road Service - Wheel Alignment Brake Work Tires Balanced Cars Washed kvwww 160 Ponce De Leon Ave. N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30308 to bishops in telling them how they should deal with their priests,” said one. “Now I would like to suggest to you superiors the firmness and delicacy necessary in this moment,” the pope said in his Oct. 10 talk to Italian nuns. “You must show yourselves to be mothers above all, sensible and illuminated, never irritated or embittered for nothing, but blessedly brave in following the voice of the vicar of Christ, in a way that no sister feels depressed or on the fringes, even if she may have erred in something,” he added. In his letter to bishops last Holy Thursday, Pope John Paul told them, “And may there be a renewal of your love for the priests whom the Holy Spirit has given and entrusted to you as the closest collaborators in your pastoral office. Take care of them like beloved sons, brothers and friends. Be mindful of all their needs. Have particular solicitude for their spiritual advancement, for their perseverance in the grace of the sacrament of the priesthood.” Earlier on the day of Oct. 10, in a talk to participants in the general assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Pope John Paul made a point of mentioning the role of women in the church. “Women in particular must find exactly the roles that are their due in the church and make use of all their resources of faith and of charity,” he said. The two references led to speculation that the pope - although firm in his stand against the ordination of women to the priesthood - wants to make increasingly clear his support for the contributions of women to the church. OUTREACH ‘79 - ‘80 News Update The Ill And Aged A workshop on outreach to the ill and aged will be held at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Classrooms 1 and 2, on Saturday, October 20, from 9 a.m. until noon. Sponsored by the Spiritual Life Development Committee of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, the workshop is open to anyone either currently involved in this ministry or having an interest in serving the very real needs of the sick and elderly of our community. The program is intended to assist the volunteer by helping to uncover attitudes and feelings toward illness and the aging process. The volunteer will also receive practical ideas to make outreach to the sick and the elderly a fruitful and mutually rewarding experience. Sister Rosalie Mallard RSM, Pastoral Minister at St. Joseph’s Hospital will speak on “Reflections on Visiting the Sick As Outreach.” Mrs. Bert Dodson from Holy Cross Parish will share her insights and experiences gained from her active involvement in the ministry of visitation of the sick and elderly. Sister Kristen Lancaster, RSM, Consultant on Service for the Aged for the Atlanta Archdiocese and former Administrator of St. Joseph’s Hospital, will speak on “Aging, A Growth Experience.” Dolly Azar, a member of the Sunshine Committee of Our Lady’s Guild at OLA, will share her experiences of visiting the residents of Ashton Woods Convalescent Home. A question and answer session will follow the talks so that each participant may receive as much personally relevant assistance as is needed. The workshop will conclude with Mass celebrated by Father Ralph Oleg, SM. Mike McDonald Dr. Harold Harrison Saint Joseph’s Hospital Names Board Members Saint Joseph’s Hospital announces the appointment of two prominent Atlantans to the Board of Trustees. Mike McDonald, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald and Little advertising agency, is one of the recent Board appointments. He heads FREENEASP CALL OR STOP BY TODAY 892-5100 494 Plaster Avenue / I-85 at Monroe Selector* Atlanta’s largest and highly successful ad agency, a firm founded in 1969 now handling such accounts as Coca-Cola, Sabena Airlines, McDonald’s, Purina, Busch Gardens and Simmons. Dr. Harold Harrison, noted Atlanta vascular surgeon, also joined the Board. He is a native of Kite, Ga. and a graduate of the University of Georgia and University of Georgia Medical School. He is a member of the Saint Joseph’s Joint Conference Committee and the Medical Staff Executive Committee. Board Chairman Rawson Haverty announced the appointments. Apartments of all prices • size • locations APARTMENT OWNERS PAY OUR FEE Wake Up Service We woke you up when the dock can't for S7 00 per month. 697-1396 or 676-2265 Ignatius House 6700 Riverside Dr. N.W. Atlanta, Ga. 30328 Retreats Directed by Jesuit priests (404) 255-0503 From everyday pressures a retreat offers time to advance in more tranquil living. Week-end Friday evening to Sunday noon -- retreats are “open” -- single women, men, and couples are welcomed for prayerful thinking and consultation. By reservation, please. Still open up-coming dates: 2-4 November, Charismatic; 16-18 November - H; 30 November - 2 December - S; 7-9 December - H; 4-6 January - S. Symbols S and H denote director: Fr. John Schroder, S. J.; Fr. Harry Heiter, S.J. Christ said: Come with me to a quiet place and rest awhile.