The Georgia bulletin (Atlanta) 1963-current, June 19, 1980, Image 2

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PAGE 2—The Georgia Bulletin, June 19, 1980 Reflexiones de Una Cursillista El ultimo fin de semana de mayo se llevo a cabo el Cursillo No. 7 de mjueres aqui en Atlanta. Habian 32 eandidatas y algunas 25 senoras y senoritas de la comunidad hispana de Atlanta compartiendo esta experiencia. Yo tambien participe pero en una forma diferente a mi participacion en otros cursillos. Reflexiono sobre el trabajo de preparacion que hizo el equipo y recuerdo las palabras de Jesus ‘‘Ustedes me 11am an Maestro y Senor, y con razon, porque lo soy. Pues si yo les he lavado los pies, tambien ustedes seben lavarse los pies los unos a los otros ” En el cursillo vi tal servieio. Vi personas tan preocupadas por el bien de las demas que no les importaba su propio cansancio. Es la experiencia de cada fin de semana de Cursillo. Los que vamos a servir a los demas encontramos la g r a cia diyin a t an abundante que el servieio a los demas es el modo mas natural de expresar esta graeia tan grande. Reflexiono sobre el trabajo de los directores espirituales, Comprendo una vez mas lo que dijo Jesus a sus discipulos: “No me eligieron ustedes a mi. Fui yo quien los elegi a ustedes y los destine a que se pongan en camino y den fruto, y un fruto que dure.” Personas tan llenas de amor y de deseo de compartir ese amor que de verdad dejan que el Espiritu Santo los use. Es una experiencia de humildad - una experiencia que le ensene a uno otra vez que el Senor tiene sus GETTING MARRIED -- Jeffrey Lang and Mary Ellen Horn receive a banner from their prayer-couple sponsors Larry and Kathleen Boe inker Jeffrey and Mary Ellen attended the recent pre-Cana classes held at St. John the Evangelist Church in the South Metro Deanery. The classes were presented by: Er. Leo Holleran, Sr. Linda Maser (Blessed Sacrament) Fr. John Walsh, Sr. Kathy Moore (St. John’s) Joe and Jane Stretch and Gary and Jeanette DeFayette. After the closing session, lunch was provided by the Marriage Encounter prayer couples. JL JrJ'j}? c/a W A A <j>' Cb V /V VvV NX ww <//// _ A- 0 4 <y .A tF A ^ / ((CO) FATHER CHRIS STARR propositos y tenemos que estar alertos para saber su camino y su voluntad. Los sacerdotes y las hermanas que trabajamos en el fin de semana como guias espirituales venimos tan enriquecidos que se sabe quien es el DIRECTOR de verdad. Reflexiono sobre las personas que vienen a un cursillo. Solteros, casados, viudos, divorciados, y religiosos y sacerdotes. Como la red que el pescador tira que recoge cada clase de pez sin excluir a ninguna. Reflexiono sobre la graeia de Dios que es tan personal, tan individual - a cada persona segun su necesidad. Me Ileno de amor otra vez mas en pensar en un Dios tan amoroso que puede prestar atencion a las idiosin- crasias de cada uno de su pueblo. Cada persona que vienen a un fin de semana de Cursillo sale diferente en una forma v sale igual por otra parte. Salimos diferentes porque el Senor toca a nuestros corazones v nos renueva. Pero somos iguales porque El nos hizo y no nos quiere diferentes - solo ronovados. Y por ultimo, cuando pienso en la experiencia de un Cursillo pienso siempre en la experiencia de ser IGLESIA. En el fin de semana se ve la iglesia trabajando. Es el cuerpo total de Cristo, cada uno de sus miembros compenetrando, ayudando, creciendo, y amando. Es la experiencia de un cuerpo vital, fuerte, deseoso de superar los obstaculos y confiado en recibir el apoyo necesario para haeerlo. MARIST JOURNALISTS - (1-r) Hayes Clement, Editor; Mr. McGreaham, Faculty Advisor; Gordon Tuttle, Columnist. Marist Paper Honored “The Marist Blue and Gold,” Georgia’s oldest High School Newspaper was honored recently at the annual competition of the Ga. Scholastic Press Association held at the University of Ga. The Marist student newspaper received a first place rating in the competition and was also recognized as having the best editorial page of any Ga. High School paper. Senior Hayes Clement was voted the best columnist in all classifications and senior Gordon Tuttle placed third in the same category. The awards were presented at a workshop and conference conducted at the Henry W. Grady U.S. Indian Beatified BY NANCY FRAZIER VATICAN CITY (NC) - Nearly 20 years ago, in November 1960, Vatican officials predicted that the b eatification process for Kateri Tekakwitha would be completed within a year. It took quite a bit longer than that, but on June 22 at St. Peter’s Basilica Pope John Paul II will formally declare the “Lily of the Mohawks,” a 17th-century American Indian, “blessed.” The 9:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. EDI’) beatification ceremony promises to be a colorful affair, with the participation of at least 300 American Indians, many in traditional dress. Jesuit Father Paul Molinari, postulator of the Tekakwitha cause for beatification and eventual canonization, said the exact number of participants in the ceremony could not be predicted because Pope John Paul will also beatify four early missionaries to the Americas at the same time. But the interest of American Indians and of U.S. Catholics in general will be centered on Tekakwitha, who defied members of her tribe by living the life of a Christian virgin despite attempts to force her into marriage. Born in what is now Auriesville, N.Y., to a Mohawk father and a Christian Algonquin mother in 1656, she was orphaned at the age of four and went to live with a pagan uncle. She accepted Christianity when she was about 11, after three French missionaries spent several days at her uncle’s lodge. Following her baptism in 1674 by Jesuit Father Jacques de Lamberville, she was threatened with death unless she returned to the cult of the tribal gods. Tekakwitha died in 1680 at Caughnawaga, Quebec, at the age of 24. At the request of the councils of Quebec and Baltimore, her cause for canonization was introduced at the Vatican in May 1939. On Jan. 3, 1943, the young Indian woman became the first native of what is now the United TORE'S ITALIAN VILLA DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Sag* Hill Shopping Center 1799 Briarcliff Rd 873-3482 MONDAY — Chicken Parmigiana s 2.50 TUESDAY — Baked Lasagna 2.50 WEDNESDAY — Eggplant Parmigiana. .. 2.50 THURSDAY — Baked Manicotti 2.50 FRIDAY — Veal Parmigiana 2.50 Served with Italian or Roquefort Salad and Tore's Rolls New Priest Downtown John School of Journalism at the University of Ga. The paper also was named one of the top ten papers in the five county metro-Atlanta area by the Atlanta Press Club and the Ga. State Department of Journalism. Editor of the Blue and Gold is Hayes Clement and the faculty advisor is John McGreaham. GEORGIA BULLETIN Al)S BRING RESULTS! MAZDA is a winner... Take a look today. The more you look —the more you like! 4 R X 7 18 MPG ?8 Est Hgh & Charles Levy 23 yrs. experience GLC CUST0N TO MPG-40 Est Hgh 626 COUPE 24 MPG--34 Est Hgh GlC WAGON 28 MPG-39 Est Hgh 1-, 2-, & 5-year warranties available! Over 200 late model fine used can, to choose from ali makes and models. MOTOR CHARLES LEVY COMPANY Your complete Mazda dealer SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 1101 Fourth Avenue Columbus, GA. 31901 404/324-4171 2027 Box Road Columbus, Ga. 31907 404/563-8206 States to be declared a “venerable servant of God.” Two alleged miracles wrought through the intercession of Kateri Tekakwitha were submitted in the 1950s to the Sacred Congregation of Rites, the former Vatican agency charged with studying and judging cases of sanctity. One miracle was accepted but the other rejected, and there the Tekakwitha beatification process bogged down for many years. It was not until recently that the Vatican agreed to suspend the normal requirement of two certified miracles for the beatifications of Tekakwitha and the four others. The church’s declaration of the five as blessed will be based “not on the specific study of one or two spectacular events but only on the well established belief that miracles have been obtained through their intercession,” a Rome source said. In these cases, the source said, the church “is accepting their reputation among the people of God as a deciding factor in their being honored.” BY JAMES TARBOX “I really want to be a parish priest.” Chris Starr’s hopes became reality on June 7 when he was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Thomas Donnellan in the Cathedral of Christ the King and assigned to downtown Atlanta’s Sacred Heart parish. A native of Atlanta, Father Chris grew up in the Cathedral parish and graduated from Atlanta’s Dykes High School. After spending a couple of years at Georgia State University, he decided that he would enter the seminary. “I went to Saint Mary’s in Baltimore,” Father Starr said, “I spent six years at Saint Mary’s, though I received my degree from Saint Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach, Florida.” After years of seminary study the transition to parish life and pace is something of a change. “No, I haven’t come down yet (from the emotional high of ordination) not at all,” laughed Father Starr, “I’m still soaring from it.” Sacred Heart parish, where the new curate is stationed, is a parish like no other in the Archdiocese of Atlanta. In the words of Father Thomas Roshetko “We get all types, being at the crossroads of the city.” “One of the things that surprised me about Sacred Heart,” Father Starr said, “was the fact that it was an active parish. I thought that, being at a downtown location, Sacred Heart would be a downtown church, drawing people from all over the city. I was amazed to see that it Pope To Brazil VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II’s trip to Brazil this summer will be the longest and perhaps most arduous yet in his globe-trotting pontificate. An outline of the trip released by the Vatican Press Office June 14 confirmed that the trip will be the longest, 13 days from his departure from Rome June 30 until his return July 12. The Vatican itinerary has the pope traveling through the southern part of Brazil on the first half of the trip and then to the major cities in the north. The pope will visit 13 cities in the 12 days he remains in Brazil. CALL US FOR HOME INSULATION 20 YRS. OF AWARD-WINNING HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE SERVING THE ENTIRE METRO AREA SOUTHSIDE 361-6560 Atlanta Line Call 525-0687 NORTHSIDE | 321-0855 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CENTRAL SERVICE — 366-9620 SERVICE ON ALL BRANDS VISA is an active, vital parish that has a real cross section of people, with full neighborhoods.” Drawing from the Virginia-Highlands area, Midtown, Ansley Park and the downtown district comprise Sacred Heart’s parish community. A parish that has such a wide cross section of people and still serve the downtown area makes special demands on priests. entered ever made it to ordination,” Father Starr reflected. “It wasn’t a good time in seminaries. There was a lot of doubt, a lot of questioning going on about the proper role the seminary should play. In some ways I think it is easier for young men to enter the seminary and reach ordination today than it was when I first made a decision to go.” As Father Chris Starr Father Chris Starr “I am amazed at the number of confessions I have heard,” Father Starr said. “At Sacred Heart we hear confessions before every Mass; it’s a quick application of the moral theology that the seminary spent years going over.” When speaking of the seminary Father Starr can’t hide the optimism that he feels toward the seminary of today as opposed to seminaries of the last ten years. “So few of us that will tell you the decision to be a priest is never a totally smooth one. Doubt, indecision and worry all assail the seminarian as he moves toward ordination. Now that he has reached that mark Father Chris Starr is happily looking forward to service with the people of the Archdiocese. “Being a parish priest is what I really want to do. I am perfectly happy here, as a priest, in the Sacred Heart parish.” SISTER CLAIRE FITZGERALD, Provincial of the Wilton, Connecticut Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, recently addressed a meeting of the Atlanta Conference of Women Religious. The two day seminar was held at the Village of Saint Joseph and enabled participants to study such topics as the historical perspective of women religious. HAIR STY 1.I S I OR MI N 2716 Wcslfy Chapel Road <Ju>t 5 I 701 Decatur. Georgia Telephone 284-6679 Jewelry Appraisals While You Wait Call.. .231-1225 Hyman’s Diamonds - Fine Jewelry ] Tower Place Mall 3340 Peachtree Road J ★ ★ Christ said to His followers: Come with me to a quiet place and rest awhile Ignatius House A retreat is a time to withdraw from ordinary occupations, a break in routine, a stopping, a place and time for stillness, listening and learning. .. -r t** 7 •: — Regular week-end retreats - open to single women and men and couples - begin with supper on Friday evening and end after lunch on Sunday. Three day retreats can be arranged for special groups at other times. Private and directed retreats are provided for individuals who request them. Still open up-coming dates: 11-13 July; 25-27 July; 8-10 August; 22-24 August; 26-28 September; 24-26 October. Suggested dates open for directed retreats: 16 June to 23 June; 31 July to 7 August; 15 December to 22 December. 6700 Riverside Drive Atlanta - Ga. 30328 Retreats directed by Jesuit priests (404) 255-0503 * * I V