Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 14 — The Georgia Bulletin, November 21, 1985
S. Africa
Address Cause Of Violence
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (NC) — Using force to
repress the violence sweeping South Africa without
redressing the cause is like trying to hold back a river — it
will flood later, said Archbishop Stephen Naidoo of Cape
In a pastoral letter read in archdiocesan churches Nov.
10, Archbishop Naidoo said God-given personal rights did
not depend on the whim of any human authority.
“What we are experiencing in South Africa is a powerful
reaction against the denial of several of these rights,” said
the archbishop, who is of Indian background.
Civil rights include the right to protest peacefully and the
right to police protection, not police violence, he said.
“What looms large in this struggle is the frustration of
many people at not being heard in their legitimate
grievances, of seeing peaceful means of protest violently
disrupted and then forbidden, of having their leaders de
tained or imprisoned,” he said.
South Africa’s white minority governs the country under
a system of strict racial segregation, known as apartheid.
Asians and coloreds — people of mixed race — have limited
political input, but blacks, who make up more than 70 per
cent of the population, cannot vote on national issues or in
national elections.
“Apartheid is totally unacceptable,” said Archbishop
Naidoo. “It is sinful, because it is a denial of the God-given
value of a human being. Far from accepting it, a Christian
true to his name must condemn it (and) the present state of
He said a series of documents was being prepared for all
parishes and groups to encourage the exchange of informa
tion, reflection and action.
All efforts at finding a peaceful solution to strife “should
begin with prayer and end with prayer,” he said. “The Lord
is faithful and will not abandon us in this hour of our need.”
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Pope Expresses Deep Pain For Victims
Pope John Paul II has expressed his “deep pain” over the
heavy loss of life caused by eruption of a volcano Nov. 13 in
west-central Colombia.
He also asked the international community to provide
“necessary aid in a spirit of generosity and Christian
The pope made the appeal in a telegram, released at the
Vatican Nov. 15, to Archbishop Angelo Acerbi, papal nuncio
to Colombia.
The telegram asked the archbishop to convey the pope’s
sorrow to the victims of the eruption and to the relatives of
those who died.
Colombian government and relief officials said more
than 25,000 people died as a result of the eruption of the
Nevado del Ruiz volcano about 85 miles northwest of
Bogota, Colombia’s capital.
It was the volcano’s first major eruption in almost 400
The town of Armero, about 30 miles from the volcano,
was reported to be 90 percent destroyed by rivers of mud
caused by melting of the volcano’s snow cap. The town is 80
miles north of Bogota.
A group of priests who had clebrated Mass the evening of
the eruption escaped death because they had left Armero’s
San Lorenzo Cathedral before the floods.
Father Aristelio Monroig, director of communications for
the Colombian bishops conference in Bogota, said the
priests left the cathedral for a home near the local
The cathedral was almost destroyed in the mud-laden
floods, but the cemetery, which rests on top of a hill,
escaped destruction, said Father Monroig.
He said Bishop Dario Castrillon, who heads the Colom
bian bishops’ conference, had asked the country’s bishops
to take collections for the volcano victims in their local
The priest said Bishop Castrillon had been in contact with
international Catholic relief agencies to coordinate
distribution of aid to the stricken areas.
He said the Jewish community had also been helpful in
donating materials and assisting in its distribution.
The New York-based Catholic Relief Services committed
$100,000 in emergency relief Nov. 14 for victims of the
disaster. The agency’s Latin American regional director,
Terry Martin, traveled to Colombia to assess further needs.
Additionally, the Archdiocese of Chicago donated $25,000.
In Guadalajara, Mexico, the Mexican bishops’ con
ference expressed its sorrow and solidarity for the Colom
bian victims in a closing message at its 37th plenary
Volcano Erupts Burying Town of Armero
River swelled by melting ice and snow levels town with 50.000
inhabitants. Several thousand confirmed dead.
VOLCANO ERUPTS — A volcano in the
Andes Mountains of Colombia has erupted
burying the entire town of Armero under flood
waters, mud and ash. The eruption has claimed
an estimated 20,000 lives making it the world’s
deadliest volcanic eruption since 1902 when
30,000 were killed in Martinique. (NC sketch
from UPI)
Colombian Disaster
How To Help Victims
Parishioners in the arch
diocese of Atlanta are being
asked to respond generous
ly to the emergency needs
in Colombia following last
week’s disaster which kill
ed thousands of people and
devastated entire com
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A letter to pastors from
the archdiocese asked
Catholics to help by con
tributing either directly
through their parishes to
Colombian relief or to
Catholic Relief Services,
Colombia Emergency
Fund, P.O. Box 2045,
Church Street Station, New
York, New York, 10008.
In addition, the Colom
bian Consulate in Atlanta,
through A1 Cardoso, hon
orary consul, has appealed
for medicines and medical
supplies that are especially
needed. Anyone able to help
in this regard is asked to
contact Shelby Cardoso at
634-7748 or Linda Gonzalez
at 299-2054.
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