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PAGE 2 — The Georgia Bulletin, October 15, 1987
World Hunger Is Focus
Of Youth, School Efforts
Sacred Heart Church’s
youth group was one of
many groups who par
ticipated in the 4th Annual
Metro Atlanta Hunger
Walk, Sunday, Oct. 4.
Approximately 25 young
people from the parish
received $600 from spon
sors, according to Susan
Buckley, parish coor
“We placed ‘feet’ in the
pews and people could
write the amount they in
tended to donate on the
‘feet.’ We even got extra
support from visitors,” she
• ••••
In observance of World
Food Day, Marist School
designated Sept. 28 through
Oct. 2 as Hunger Week, a
week of consciousness rais
ing activities culminating
in over 100 students par
ticipating in the Metro
Atlanta Hunger Walk.
Pledges from Marist par
ticipants totaled over
$2,000, according to Sally
Dunn, Marist spokesper
gathers his family, wife Pat in the center with
daughters Maureen on the left and Michelle on
the right, as they prepare to “walk for hunger”
as part of Sacred Heart parish’s effort to help
the hungry.
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Sponsored by the campus
ministry department and
coordinated by Karen
Shanahan, community ser
vice coordinator, Hunger
Week activities offered
students various ways to
become involved in the ef
fort to end world hunger.
Included in the week’s
activities was a prayer ser
vice for the entire student
body and a slide presenta
tion reflecting on the plight
of migrants.
Father Michael O’
Keeffe, pastor of St. Pa
trick’s Church in Perry,
Ga., and host of a summer
migrant program in which
Marist students par
ticipated, told the students,
“Hunger and the poor will
always be with us, but we
can do something. Continue
your work! This means
Bruce Bishop, partici
pant in the Great Peace
March and the Soviet-
American Walk, discussed
the issue of hunger with
classes. Students brought
3,600 cans of food to help
feed the poor in north
Nothing but soup and
crackers was served in the
cafeteria on Friday as 550
students and faculty par
ticipated in a “soup fast” to
show solidarity with the
world’s hungry.
This is the third year
Marist School has become
involved in the issue of
SACRED HEART parish youth group members, Louann Cooper, Jim
Norris, Jackie Blythe and Maureen Smith join other Atlantans in the
4th Annual Hunger Walk.
Marian Year Programs
Set For Late October
The Legion of Mary of St.
Joseph’s Church, 87 Lacy
St., N.W., Marietta, will
commemorate the Marian
Year with a Mass and
homily to be given by
Father Edward Murray,
S.M., pastor of Our Lady of
the Assumption Church,
Atlanta, at 7 p.m., Wednes
day, Oct. 21. The rosary
and refreshments will
follow Mass.
“We’re remembering the
words our Holy Father
spoke last New Year’s Day,
1987, when he announced
that Catholics around the
world would observe, for
the first time in over 34
years, a Marian Year
devoted to honoring Our
Blessed Mother,” remark
ed Eileen Witt of the parish
group. “John Paul II said,
‘Oh Mary, we want you to
shine on the horizon of our
age as we prepare for the
third millennium of the
Christian age’,” Mrs. Witt
St. Joseph’s Legion of
Mary invites all to come
and share the joyous occa
sion. For more information
call Eileen Witt at 424-6458
during the evening.
The Marian Conference
scheduled for Saturday,
Oct. 31 at St. Pius X
Catholic High School, 2674
Johnson Road, N.E., will
be held from 9:30 a.m. until
4:15 p.m. in the Lee Center
at the school.
Speakers and their topics
will be: Father Phil Scott,
“Mary in Eastern Spi
rituality;” Father Peter
Rau, “Mary in Western
Spirituality;” Father
Albert Jowdy, ‘‘The
Mother of Jesus in Scrip
ture;” Father Louis
Naughton, “Mary and
Catholic Doctrine;” and
Paul Rymniak, who will
show a video on Medjugor-
je where apparitions of
Mary have been reported
and are under investigation
by church authorities.
Cost of the conference is
$15 and covers lunch and
materials. For more infor
mation call Father Dom
inic Young, who is planning
the conference for the
school, at 636-3023.
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