The Campus mirror. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1924-19??, November 15, 1932, Image 2

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The Campus Mirror ©heu CAMPUS MIRROR Students Own Publication “Service in Unity’’ Mamie A. Bynes Jewell R. Crawford Alpha Talley .. Lucille Pearson Ercell Powell.__ ... Alena Erby Laura Deaderick .. . Carrie Adams Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor-in-Chief Editor of News Associate Editor of News Editor of Special Features Associate Editor of Special Features Editor of Jokes and Sports Social Editor BUSINESS STAFF Lottie Lyons Ernestine G. May Annie Stephens.... Evelyn Pittman Rachel Davis Inez Gay M. Mae Neptune . Business Manager Secretary of Staff ...Treasurer of Staff -Circulation Manager Exchange Editor Advertising Manager Faculty Adviser SUBSCRIPTION RATES 75 Cents a Year, 10 Cents a Copy, 40 Cents a Semester Postage 3 Cents a Copy Vol. IX. November 15, 1932 Number 2. In this Issue Page THANKSGIVING .... 1 LECTURE BY WILL DURANT 1 JULIA PETERKIN AT SPELMAN 1 DR. HOPE SEES RUSSIA 1 COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2 CAMPUS SPEAKERS AND VISITORS 3 SPECIAL FEATURE ARTICLES 4 SISTERS CHAPEL 5 CLUB NEWS 5 SOCIAL AND COMIC PAGE 6 Y. W. C. A. NEWS..... 7 ATHLETICS AND SPORTS PAGE 8 Community Council Among' the outstanding Spelman addi tions this year is the recently selected Community Council which promises to be one of the most profitable contributions to the promotion of the welfare of the col lege. With faculty and students working together in so harmonious a spirit, there can be nothing less than a set of original ideas which will guide each one and lead to the betterment of all, in the maintenance of the college ideals. The following students and members of the faculty constitute the Council. Fix-Officio: Frankie Butler, President of Senior Class; Birdie Scott, Vice-Presi dent of Senior Class; Frances Lawson, President of Y. W. C. A.-. Curtis Miller, Vice-President of Y. W. C. A.; Mamie A. Bynes, Editor-in-Chief of Campus Mir ror; Lottie Lyons, President of Junior Class; Marguerite Simon, President of Sophomore Class; Annie Motley, President of Freshman Class. At Large: Faculty; President Read, Dean Lyons, Miss Albro, Miss Cooke, Mrs. Curry. Students; Evelyn Pittman, Clara Stanton, Carrie Adams. Evelyn Pittman has been elected student chairman of the group. Thanksgiving (Continued from page 1) an inventory of ourselves and decide whether or not our lives have been fullest during the year in respect to returning thanks to God. We ask ourselves these questions: Have I advanced this year or have I merely been marking time? Or worse still, did I take a step backward? This is a chance for answering the ques tions for oneself. The degree of happiness does not lie in the proportion of goods in one’s storehouse, but in the proportion of good in his heart. Often he who has most is the least thank ful. He takes these things as a matter of course, because he has worked hard and holds no one responsible for them except himself. Why is this? He h as not been taught to thank God. Maybe this year, for the first time, he will join in a real Thanks giving because you or someone has helped him to see that these are blessings which he possesses and that the favor was be stowed upon him by a Power beyond man. Thanksgiving, then, is an outward mani festation of continuous inner activities and a chance for the non-thankful man to catch a spark of the hallowed fire from his thankful neighbor and to praise God. ‘‘Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise; be thank ful unto him and bless his name, for the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” The Campus Mirror staff express their sympathy to one of their members, Lottie Lyons, in the recent passing of her mother.