The Campus mirror. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1924-19??, October 15, 1939, Image 7

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CAMPUS MIRROR 7 Spelman Faculty News Penelope Bullock. ’41 This year eight members of the Spel man College faculty and staff are begin ning their fir.-t year at the college, while other members are temporarily away for research and study. Because of the temporary absence of Mrs. Margaret N. Curry of the history department. Miss Elizabeth Jackson who holds a master’s degree from Atlanta University has been appointed to teach history at her alma mater. Mrs. Curry is studying at the University of Michi gan towards the Ph.D. degree. A member of the Atlanta University Summer School faculty has become a member of the Spelman faculty, Mr. Owen Dodson, A.B., from Bates College and A.M. from Yale University, who will serve in the drama department. Miss Anne M. Cooke of this department is studying another year at Yale Univer sity in the School of Fine Arts. Filling the vacancy left by Mr. Willis L. James in the music department is M iss Jean Coston. a graduate of Oberlin. Named to the department of philoso phy and religion is Dr. A. W. Loos, who has earned the Ph.D. degree from the University of Edinburgh. The acting head of the home econom ics department is Miss Stella Mather, a graduate of Kansas State College and Teachers’ College (Columbia Univer- sity), who has previously held positions in Kansas, Nebraska, Arizona, Maryland and Washington. D. C. Also new in the home economics department is Miss Eth el McVeety, who received her training from North Dakota State College and Teachers' College. Columbia. She, like wise. has had wide experience as a teach er in the field of home economics. To serve in a new position at the col lege. that of Dean of Freshmen, is Mrs. M. Rebekah Jeffries, who has a rich background for working with young women. New appointments to the staff are: Miss Doris Davis of Roslyn, New Vork. as secretary to the President; and Miss MODERN CLEANING CO. Cleaners of All Kinds of Wearing Apparel. Drapes and Furniture Covers HE. 0811 1083 Peachtree St., N.E. Free Parking Open All Night (). S. Hall Service Station \lcmitc. Washing, I ire Repairing Courteous Service |A. 8853 215 \ul»urn \vc.. N. F.. Atlanta Citizenship Dav Program — October 12, 1939 This year the Georgia Educational As sociation sponsored a Better Citizenship Day Program to recognize the young men and young women of this state who reached the age of twenty-one since last October 12, 1938. and by that date of this year. At Spelman instructive talks were made by Ellenor Chaires, who spoke on “Our American Heritage” and Dorothea Irby, who spoke on “The Viewpoint of a New Citizen.” After the oath of alle giance by all in the audience of voting age, twelve Spelman students were pre sented certificates of Citizenship by Pres ident Florence M. Read. Jennie Mae Barnes, of Minneapolis, Min nesota, as secretary to the Registrar. Those who have returned after a leave of absence are M rs. Marion Wilson Star ling, who studied at Columbia Univer sity; Mr. Frank Snowden, Jr. who stud ied at the University of Chicago and Miss Ernestine Anthony, who studied at the Library School of Columbia Uni versity. Those who have gone to other posi tions are Mr. John M. Ross who is now at Fisk University and Dr. Luella F. Norwood who studied at Yale last year and is now in the Department of Eng lish at Mt. Holyoke. Filling the vacancy left by Miss Ethel Wagg is Mrs. Myrta Gerrish from Maine. Mary had a little lamp, She filled it with benzine; She went to light her little lamp. And hasn’t since benzine. Sundays by Appointment Dr. Marque L. Jackson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Physicaltherany—Diathermy X-Ray Fluoroscopy Office: Herndon Bldg., 3rd Floor WAInut 9758 Residence: 595 Parson St.. S. W. 854 Hunter St., S.W Shoe Repairing and Dry Cleaning BEST WORKMANSHIP and MATERIAL Work Called For and Delivered RA. 9288 Compliments of May s Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company HEmlock 5300 Mrs. Helen Rodger \\ ilke Doretha Williams, ’42 On July 29. 1939. in a little town on the Minnesota-Canadian border Baud- ette, Minnesota, the culmination of a happy courtship was effected: the mar riage of Miss Helen Rodger, Secretary to the Dean of Spelman College, to Mr. Tarde Wilke, a University of Minnesota graduate. At Spring Valley in the southern part of the state the couple spent a month’s honeymoon, after which Miss Rodger re turned to Spelman. Mu sic Department (Continued from Page 6) man was such that she was graduated from the Institute of Musical Art of the Juilliard Foundation in one year—1934. She spent one year of graduate work at Juilliard and at the end of this year she had won a scholarship from the Drama League of America for study in the Mozarteum Academy in Salzburg. Austria. This admitted her also to the rehearsals of the Salzburg Music Fes tival. Also while there she went to Bul garia as a delegate to the World Student Christian Federation. The following year she attended Radeliffe College and re ceived the degree of Master of Arts in a course involving music composition and musicology. Compliments of Ivey Brothers Funeral Home 492 Larkin Street, S. W. Phone WAInut 8454 MOUNTAIN VIEW DAIRY Route 3—Box 688 Phone Main 9177 ATLANTA. GEORGIA A H FAR IA WELCOME! Spelman Students- Old and New ODORLESS CLEANERS 7s 1 Park St. Mis. Nell Dobbs. Mgr. 2 IM \l\ I PIF( I PRESSES 59c